Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
I don't think it was an overbroad generalization. I'd say that 90% of Trump supporters are deplorable and 10% misguided.
Kind of a dumb thing for her to say, isn't it? She needs to attack trump...not those who are still deciding whom to vote for.
Meanwhile, 90% of Hillary supporters are deplorable and 10% misguided.
See how that works?
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
I don't think it was an overbroad generalization. I'd say that 90% of Trump supporters are deplorable and 10% misguided.
Cool....I think 100% of you fascist democrats are

Get out of our basket....
I find THIS deplorable. How about you?

frank luntz runs the focus groups after the debates

8h8 hours ago
Frank Luntz ‏@FrankLuntz
Attacking your opponent is common sense. Attacking voters is campaign suicide. #BasketOfDeplorables

Frank Luntz ‏@FrankLuntz
The latter is only “truth” to people already voting for Hillary. It will turn off crucial undecideds. #Deplorables …

Frank Luntz ‏@FrankLuntz
@SethDavisHoops What percentage of Trump voters won't think she's talking about them? (Even if they're not "alt. right.")

21h21 hours ago
Frank Luntz ‏@FrankLuntz
If Trump continues his upward climb in polls and wins on November 8th, tonight will be seen as the turning point of the race. #Deplorables

Frank Luntz ‏@FrankLuntz
Hillary Clinton just insulted millions of hard-working Americans simply because they don't want to vote for her.
Hillary was 100% right to call these racist jackasses deplorable. Don't say racist and sexist shit if you don't want to be called out for it!

You then are the deplorable that Clinton talked about you racist piece of shit. I remember all sorts of racist spew from you. Now you act like you aren't. You are a hypocritical piece of crap.
It's going to be interesting now to see if Hillary's words have turned her into the Titanic. A once sure thing turned into nothing more than a footnote in the long list of also ran's of presidential campaign history.
That wasn't what you said .

"Of the 13 million who voted for Trump in the primary, uh, yeah, a lot of them ARE racists."

Prove your assertion bigot.

That proves my assertion. Most of the hardcore Trump supporters here have said some pretty racist shit....

Wow, you make this too easy....

You're the one exploiting racism. Only douche bags accuse Trump and his supporters of being racists.

Let's see now, Trump is the one who wants to build a wall to Keep Mexicans out, wants to ban Muslims based on their faith, said a Mexican judge was against him, (when this judge has been pretty favorable to him in his rulings.) Talks about "my Black guy"...

Trump is a racist. Deal with it.
Tomorrow she's giving speech at 9/11 memorial.

We'll see how she'll recover from "deplorable".

I say she'll double down and say that Trump will create 100s of 9/11s if elected. She's going nuclear. :D
Tomorrow she's giving speech at 9/11 memorial.

We'll see how she'll recover from "deplorable".

I say she'll double down and say that Trump will create 100s of 9/11s if elected. She's going nuclear. :D
She has nothing left.....she is deplorable,.,,,
Tomorrow she's giving speech at 9/11 memorial.

We'll see how she'll recover from "deplorable".

I say she'll double down and say that Trump will create 100s of 9/11s if elected. She's going nuclear. :D

I dunno about "nuclear".

Fer damn sure she has crossed the line that divides "brain damaged" from "batshit nuts".
Homophobia is an irrational fear of homosexuals. It results in such things as conservative opposition to same sex marriage, opposition to anti-discrimination laws protecting gays in employment and housing.

Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Muslims. It results in efforts to treat innocent Muslims as second class citizens, such as trying to deny them the right to have places of worship.

All society has gotten from homos is bad disco and AIDS. As far as muslims go, if they believe in Sharia they must leave....we'll use their abandoned mosques as shelters for beaten women (appropriate wouldn't you agree?)
Really, what a bitch



Several days ago, the WSJ reported that in a change of strategy, Hillary would tone down her personal attacks on Trump to distance herself from an increasingly uglier mudslinging campaign on both sides. It didn't last long: perhaps after she saw the latest polls which continue to slip away from her favor, and confirm the two candidates are again neck and neck, on Friday night during an LGBT fundraiser for her campaign in New York hosted by Barbara Streisand, Hillary unleashed an unprecedented ad hominem attack on what amounts a quarter of America, calling half of Trump's supporters a "basket of deplorables."

Cited by BuzzFeed, Hillary made a statement which 4 years ago effectively lost Mitt Romney the election: "you know, just to be grossly generalist, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables."

“Right?” she said as the crowd laughed and applauded. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it,” Clinton continued. “And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people -- now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric.”

Hillary Calls Trump Supporters A "Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Basket Of Deplorables" | Zero Hedge
Not really sure what all the fuss about, if you are a Trump supporter you ARE deplorable. You ARE a scumbag, moron, idiot, imbecile, dirtbag, fuckwit, etc.

You're just as accurately describing Hillary supporters as well. It's pathetic watching the two camps go back and forth when supporters of both have lined up behind the lowest common denominator.

People that are pro middle class vs you?

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