Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

Awwwww. Did Hillary huwt youw widdle feewings?

Poor babies. I guess there's no chance you could ever support her now. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

As if you haven't been insulting her supporters since, like, FOREVER.


Yeah, and it's that kind of elitist attitude that led Hillary to refer to people as deplorable. If it's wrong for us, it's wrong for her.

so basically your saying trump can dish it out but he can't take it?
Awwwww. Did Hillary huwt youw widdle feewings?

Poor babies. I guess there's no chance you could ever support her now. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

As if you haven't been insulting her supporters since, like, FOREVER.


Yeah, and it's that kind of elitist attitude that led Hillary to refer to people as deplorable. If it's wrong for us, it's wrong for her.

so basically your saying trump can dish it out but he can't take it?

Uh, so when is it okay to call anyone deplorable, hmm? It's not a matter of anyone dishing it out or taking it.

Hillary belongs in the 3rd grade, not the White House.
Her apology was about as sincere as her "I don't know nothing about no classified emails" bs story.
But infinitely more sincere than your saying you would leave the board permanently after I proved with a video that there was no earpiece.
You didn't prove anything with your doctored videos, she wore a fucking earpiece.

End of story.

Stop making up bets that I supposedly made, it makes you sound like Hillary
You mindless drones are seeing things!!!

^ Photoshopped to darken the piece in her ear.

I'll bet you a lifetime off USMB
Who's the one who's deplorable?



This post is the very DEFINITION of deplorable and EXACTLY what Hillary was talking about.

The picture is from the 80's, Stevens died from smoke inhalation and wasn't subjected to any violence and assholes like you that spread this blatant bullshit are in fact deplorable.
Hillary was 100% right to call these racist jackasses deplorable. Don't say racist and sexist shit if you don't want to be called out for it!

Who has said anything racist or sexist?
you probably

prove it, asshole.

He won't. He's one of those trash talkers. He dishes it out but he can't take it.

All the left wing douche bags are the same.
She said only half. See? we don't agree on everything. My feeling it's way, way more than half.
Who's the one who's deplorable?



This post is the very DEFINITION of deplorable and EXACTLY what Hillary was talking about.

The picture is from the 80's, Stevens died from smoke inhalation and wasn't subjected to any violence and assholes like you that spread this blatant bullshit are in fact deplorable.

Well then, since he died of smoke inhalation then it's OK that he was killed. Or was it voluntary smoke inhalation?
Well then, since he died of smoke inhalation then it's OK that he was killed. Or was it voluntary smoke inhalation?

Why don't you ask that question to the deplorables that spread this bullshit, clearly just smoke inhalation wasn't dramatic enough for them.
Hillary was 100% right to call these racist jackasses deplorable. Don't say racist and sexist shit if you don't want to be called out for it!

Who has said anything racist or sexist?
you probably

prove it, asshole.
demanding proof that you yourself are racist already huh? yeah your probably the leader of the Klan

More accusations with no visible means of support. One thing is certain: you're a douche bag.
prove it asshole
You're the one claiming hes death is no big deal, right?

You are a fucking moron.


Then what are you claiming?
This post is the very DEFINITION of deplorable and EXACTLY what Hillary was talking about.

The picture is from the 80's, Stevens died from smoke inhalation and wasn't subjected to any violence and assholes like you that spread this blatant bullshit are in fact deplorable.

Read it a few more times and try to figure it out
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
I don't think it was an overbroad generalization. I'd say that 90% of Trump supporters are deplorable and 10% misguided.
I say 100% of you pathetic pieces of shit deserve to have your fucking teeth kicked out of your fucking face.

You fucking brainwashed piece of ignorant shit.
See? You're definitely deplorable.
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
I don't think it was an overbroad generalization. I'd say that 90% of Trump supporters are deplorable and 10% misguided.

I'd say that 100% of Hillary supporters are douche bags or mentally challenged.
That's only because you're deplorable.
I say 100% of you pathetic pieces of shit deserve to have your fucking teeth kicked out of your fucking face.

You fucking brainwashed piece of ignorant shit

Unhinged much????

Here, right wingers, HERE above IS one of your ilk's intelligentsia ...Be real proud.....LOL
ooh hillary stirred old wounds with the bernie people. they discuss how hillary n minions called them racists. why? cause they wouldnt support her either. these are the bernie supporters who left the democratic underground because they were silenced-no bad talking hillary. wife if DU founder is on hillary payroll.

Clinton expresses regret for saying 'half' of Trump supporters are 'deplorables' – Jackpine Radicals

9. It shows how callous and dismissive she is of her opponents in general.
Like those times we were called “overpriviledged, Internet-poll-clicking, complacent and easily duped, sore-loser, badly-informed, Millennial Hellbound sluts lusting for sexist and racist Bernie-bros.

Strange how she apologises to the Republicans within days, while we are still waiting for apologies months after the fact. I think her Goldwater loyalties are painfully obvious at this point.

Yeah. She regrets saying half of Trump supporters. What she really wanted to say is all of Trump supporters.
Open mouth insert foot. At this rate even the graveyard vote will have trouble putting her over the top.

This is true. Don't get me wrong, Americans have a very short memory. She doesn't even realize it, but what she actually did is give Trump ammunition for the debates. He won't let her forget she made such a comment.

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