Exposed: Ferguson Protesters Were Paid ‘Rent-A-Mobs’

Only a fool would trust what they read on these rabid websites but I read similar charges elsewhere and posted some at the time of the Baltimore riots. The people who live there had been demonstrating peacefully for several days before the riot and looting. Why didn't law enforcement respond when the community begged for help?

Also note that white supremacists were also there.

When did the community beg for help you lying ass?
I say pull back & let the animals reside in the filth they create. It boggles my mind that CVS would rebuild in that shit hole

Tax Incentives. CVS knows Big Brother has its back. It will likely rebuild. But with even better incentives this time.
Democrat Communist Organizers have been caught in the past posing as Republicans painting Swastikas on buildings and stuff like that. One even got caught and arrested recently for posing as a Republican throwing a brick through a Democrat headquarters window. He's wearing an orange jumpsuit now.

It's all about Saul Alinsky's Communist Organizing. Once you research it a bit, you'll find that this stuff isn't surprising at all.

You're thinking of the RW nutters who lied about ACORN.
Because getting private abortions for under age sex slave illegals is a vital service huh?

You are a piece of work buddy, absolute stain on this planet
Only a fool would trust what they read on these rabid websites but I read similar charges elsewhere and posted some at the time of the Baltimore riots. The people who live there had been demonstrating peacefully for several days before the riot and looting. Why didn't law enforcement respond when the community begged for help?

Also note that white supremacists were also there.

When did the community beg for help you lying ass?
I say pull back & let the animals reside in the filth they create. It boggles my mind that CVS would rebuild in that shit hole

Tax Breaks.
Publicity stunt most likely. I mean with insurance they lose nothing so why not
Only a fool would trust what they read on these rabid websites but I read similar charges elsewhere and posted some at the time of the Baltimore riots. The people who live there had been demonstrating peacefully for several days before the riot and looting. Why didn't law enforcement respond when the community begged for help?

Also note that white supremacists were also there.

When did the community beg for help you lying ass?
I say pull back & let the animals reside in the filth they create. It boggles my mind that CVS would rebuild in that shit hole

Tax Breaks.
Publicity stunt most likely. I mean with insurance they lose nothing so why not

Good point. Yeah, a little 'See how Not-Racist we are. We'll even rebuild in this bloody shithole' stuff. But it will also receive sweetheart tax incentives.
Does it really matter whether they were being paid or not? Either way they're a bunch of hood rat jungle bunnies. The only thing you could do is arrest the people paying out the money for this type of thing but under the Obama administration that will NEVER happen. All the protesters or his beloved children.

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