Exposed: The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏
The CON$ will ignore this like the plague.
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏
The CON$ will ignore this like the plague.
Yes, I posted this using The Last Word website and got ignored.
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏
The CON$ will ignore this like the plague.

I ignore EVERYTHING that Crazy Larry, the admitted Socialist says.
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏

The borders pre-1967 left Isreal undefensible. Nixon suggested that the 1967 borders be used and that the full power and support of the USA would support Israel if an attack occurred. Golda Mier noted that the problem with that plan was that by the time that the USA arrived to save them, the Jews would no longer be there.

It should be obvious to anyone with any critical intelligence that the Arabs throughout the region do not want Israel to be there, period.

The 1967 borders make Israel an indefensible target and both side know it. This is the only point upon which both sides agree. If the Big 0 doesn't realize this, he's an idiot. If he does realize it, he's a liar. Either way, what he says and what he does and what he believes seems to be in conflict with each other. Again.

That is why Bebe resists and the Arabs cheer.
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏

Im laughing my balls off.................... might as well be standing buck naked in the middle of Siberia yelling "FIRE" with this thread!!!!!

Lawrence O'Donnell?:up::boobies::funnyface:

Nobody watches that show except the same few thousand hardcore lefty k00ks.........every single night.

Reality is 95% perception in life s0n...................and this is a POLITICS forum.


In other words..................
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏

The borders pre-1967 left Isreal undefensible. Nixon suggested that the 1967 borders be used and that the full power and support of the USA would support Israel if an attack occurred. Golda Mier noted that the problem with that plan was that by the time that the USA arrived to save them, the Jews would no longer be there.

It should be obvious to anyone with any critical intelligence that the Arabs throughout the region do not want Israel to be there, period.

The 1967 borders make Israel an indefensible target and both side know it. This is the only point upon which both sides agree. If the Big 0 doesn't realize this, he's an idiot. If he does realize it, he's a liar. Either way, what he says and what he does and what he believes seems to be in conflict with each other. Again.

That is why Bebe resists and the Arabs cheer.
First of all, you obviously didn't watch the video, NuttyYahoo said the same thing as Obama so he must be an idiot or liar by your moronic "logic."

And secondly, the pre 1967 borders were not so indefensible as Israel both defended and expanded them in 1967!!!!!
Krauthammer obliterates O'Donnells spin in an article, Krauthammer influences scores more people than Lawrence O'Donnell by a factor of scores.

What Obama did to Israel - The Washington Post

Nobody cares about O'Donnell.............his show is tantamount to people tuning in the Christian Network but for the far left.
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Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏

The borders pre-1967 left Isreal undefensible. Nixon suggested that the 1967 borders be used and that the full power and support of the USA would support Israel if an attack occurred. Golda Mier noted that the problem with that plan was that by the time that the USA arrived to save them, the Jews would no longer be there.

It should be obvious to anyone with any critical intelligence that the Arabs throughout the region do not want Israel to be there, period.

The 1967 borders make Israel an indefensible target and both side know it. This is the only point upon which both sides agree. If the Big 0 doesn't realize this, he's an idiot. If he does realize it, he's a liar. Either way, what he says and what he does and what he believes seems to be in conflict with each other. Again.

That is why Bebe resists and the Arabs cheer.
First of all, you obviously didn't watch the video, NuttyYahoo said the same thing as Obama so he must be an idiot or liar by your moronic "logic."

And secondly, the pre 1967 borders were not so indefensible as Israel both defended and expanded them in 1967!!!!!

No I didnt watch the the video because I saw the O'Donnel take live the other night............and laughed my ass off.

Polticially.............this was a fcukking disaster for Obama and not reversible.
Krauthammer obliterates O'Donnells spin in an article, Krauthammer influences scores more people than Lawrence O'Donnell by a factor of scores.

What Obama did to Israel - The Washington Post

Nobody cares about O'Donnell.............his show is tantamount to people tuning in the Christian Network but for the far left.
All KrautHammer&Sickle did was parrot the GOP lies annihilated by O'Donnell. His lies are merely an attempt to strip off some Jewish votes from the Dems.
I stopped reading after "Lawrence O'Donnell's very smart..."

The guy is a liar and a shameless self-admitted socialist stooge.
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏

The reason Obama screwed up isn't just because of what he said, it's because of his failure to take everything into account when he said it.

The problem is Obama was very unclear, as usual, about what he meant. He tries to sound intelligent by talking in an indirect manner, and the result is total confusion.

Saying 1967 borders as a starting point is BS from the start. Then he attempts to hedge this SNAFU by saying "mutually agreed swaps". The fact is Israel won't even acknowledge the 1967 borders as a starting point because they are indefensible.

I don't care how some media talking-head tries to spin and re-explain what Obama "REALLY MEANT" after the fact. He should have been more clear from the beginning. Add to that the knowledge that Obama has people in his administration that are friends with Hamas.....I'm sorry, Israel must assume the worst out of a need for survival. They can't trust a President that hates them and continually sides with their enemies.

The stare-down and the rolling eyes act Obama pulled when the Israeli President was talking to the press was an insult . I saw it and I couldn't believe it. It was despicable.
He tried to hide it by placing his hand on his cheek, but the cameras caught it. You should have seen the video. Obama was rolling his eyes like he was gonna be sick or something. Maybe taking a crap in his pants.....and it obviously irked Netanyahu. It's very obvious why the Brits used the codename "Smart-Alec" for Obama while he was in the UK.

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From the Kruthammer article....
Every Arab-Israeli negotiation contains a fundamental asymmetry: Israel gives up land, which is tangible; the Arabs make promises, which are ephemeral. The long-standing American solution has been to nonetheless urge Israel to take risks for peace while America balances things by giving assurances of U.S. support for Israel’s security and diplomatic needs.

And what makes this asymmetry dangerous, is the arab promises are worth nothing.

And what Obama has done to the process is moves things one step worse. Bush gave an American promise to the Israelis about their security which Obama refuses to endorse. So we can't make promises that will help insure the peace. The promises have been shown valueless.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Netanyahu's Trip to Washington D.C. - STRATFOR Insights‬‏[/ame]
In my opinion it is unethical for a journalist or a media to carry anyone's water for them. This is what this guy Lawrence O'Donnell is attempting to do.

His job is to report, not make excuses for Obama's fuckups.
The stare-down and the rolling eyes act Obama pulled when the Israeli President was talking to the press was an insult . I saw it and I couldn't believe it. It was despicable.
And to America haters, there was nothing insulting about NuttyYahoo's lying to the American Press, the American People and the American President. To CON$ it was commendable.
I stopped reading after "Lawrence O'Donnell's very smart..."

The guy is a liar and a shameless self-admitted socialist stooge.
The bliss of ignorance.
Thank you.

Your own????

Oddball is 100% correct when it comes to O'Donnell.

There are so many of them out there it's hard to keep track of them.

I think they're all fighting for a better gig, trying to see who can suck Obama's root the hardest.

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