This definitely needed its own thread, thanks again T.:clap2:

THIS NEEDS TO BE KNOWN, SPREAD, to anyone who still gives a damn bout this great nation.

Not too awful long ago I wrote about the Communist Party USA and their support for many of the identical principles endorsed by the Democrat Party here in the US. I listed the various similarities but now I have some even more honest words from the Communists themselves. Joe Sims, co-editor of the Communist Party USA online magazine Peoples World states among other things "the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely." Read that slowly and carefully..."the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely."

Communist Party USA Reveals: We're Using the Democrat Party - Associated Content from Yahoo! -


A communist speculates that one day the communists could take over the Democrat party.

And you guys believe him.


You know that Nigerian prince whom you wired $20,000 so he could get his $10 million out of that Swiss bank account that he is going to share with you? Well, I've got some bad news ...
This definitely needed its own thread, thanks again T.:clap2:

THIS NEEDS TO BE KNOWN, SPREAD, to anyone who still gives a damn bout this great nation.

Not too awful long ago I wrote about the Communist Party USA and their support for many of the identical principles endorsed by the Democrat Party here in the US. I listed the various similarities but now I have some even more honest words from the Communists themselves. Joe Sims, co-editor of the Communist Party USA online magazine Peoples World states among other things "the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely." Read that slowly and carefully..."the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely."

Communist Party USA Reveals: We're Using the Democrat Party - Associated Content from Yahoo! -


A communist speculates that one day the communists could take over the Democrat party.

And you guys believe him.


You know that Nigerian prince whom you wired $20,000 so he could get his $10 million out of that Swiss bank account that he is going to share with you? Well, I've got some bad news ...

Denial aint just a river in Egypt.:lol:
This definitely needed its own thread, thanks again T.:clap2:

THIS NEEDS TO BE KNOWN, SPREAD, to anyone who still gives a damn bout this great nation.

Not too awful long ago I wrote about the Communist Party USA and their support for many of the identical principles endorsed by the Democrat Party here in the US. I listed the various similarities but now I have some even more honest words from the Communists themselves. Joe Sims, co-editor of the Communist Party USA online magazine Peoples World states among other things "the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely." Read that slowly and carefully..."the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely."

Communist Party USA Reveals: We're Using the Democrat Party - Associated Content from Yahoo! -


A communist speculates that one day the communists could take over the Democrat party.

And you guys believe him.


You know that Nigerian prince whom you wired $20,000 so he could get his $10 million out of that Swiss bank account that he is going to share with you? Well, I've got some bad news ...

Denial aint just a river in Egypt.:lol:

Stupid ain't a river in Egypt either...
Everybody uses the Democrats, China uses the Democrats, the Euro is using Democrats to bail out their socialism and green energy failures. I can not think of one greedy special interest group not using Democrats.
Everybody uses the Democrats, China uses the Democrats, the Euro is using Democrats to bail out their socialism and green energy failures. I can not think of one greedy special interest group not using Democrats.

How is a currency using the Democrats?
If you paid any attention at all to my McCarthy threads, the idea that the Communists and the Dems are BFF's should not come as news. Since the 30's the Communists and Dems have been friends with benefits, with the Communists getting all the benefits.

The Communists got the Dems to hand Yugoslavia to Tito (a Communist) hand China to history's greatest mass murderer Mao (Dem Communist spies at State praised Mao as a "Progressive"), set Japan on a collision course to strike the USA in WWII when Russia was their former and natural enemy, directed FDR through the New Deal hence why the Depression was so "Great" and handed Eastern Europe to the USSR at the end of WWII, whole nations and tens of millions of people enslaved until Reagan freed them all because Dems and Communists are a distinction without a difference.

I love the way you guys "rewrite" history. It's like what you do with "science" and "magical creation". You just make stuff up and call it "facts". In the area of psychology, it's often referred to as "delusion". No single American political group has been more on the side of communists than Republicans building up the Chinese Nation and that's a "fact".

Goggle: Sol Adler, John Stewart Service
Everybody uses the Democrats, China uses the Democrats, the Euro is using Democrats to bail out their socialism and green energy failures. I can not think of one greedy special interest group not using Democrats.

And fuckin' 'em hard...puttin' 'em away wet.

But The Commucrats love the abuse...they turn it around and impliment on the rest of the country.
Everybody uses the Democrats, China uses the Democrats, the Euro is using Democrats to bail out their socialism and green energy failures. I can not think of one greedy special interest group not using Democrats.

How is a currency using the Democrats?

Obama gave a trillion dollars to the European banks to save the collapse of the Euro. I thought that was clear to everyone.
This article contains zero evidence.

Even worse. The claims are so vague as to be meaningless. This looks like it was written by a high school kid.

The article basically says this:

A) The Soviets committed all these atrocities.

B) Because the American Left believes in a class system (where, say, the interests of capitalists and workers are often at odds), and because some high school blogger says the Left is complicit with Communists, than

C) The American Left = Communism.

Not a shred of evidence for any claim.

What happened to the Right? They went from being a vibrant party of ideas, to moronic partisans who get all their information from talk radio and the blogosphere. I'm not saying the Left is any better because we know they are not, but this is a joke.

The OP doesn't understand the difference between managed capitalism (like the Keynesean variety we had during the postwar years, during our greatest economic growth), and Communism, which is a silly theory that nobody in the mainstream Left takes seriously. Keynes was emphatically not a communist. His system depended heavily on a private sector, but one which was regulated so that it didn't expose the economy to an over-abundance of speculation and risk (see Lehman, Goldman, and AIG if you want to understand why Keynes thought the economy needed to be regulated). Lastly, Keynes wanted the government to sustain middle class demand during economic downturns, so that the economy didn't go through massive contraction and deflation.

The difference between regulated capitalism and communism has been lost on the Right, who is raising a generation of morons. The fact that the right cannot navigate intellectually between two completely different theoretical structures is not only sad, but it explains why America has fallen into the abyss. China is creating scientists, while America has replaced education with talk radio.

(wow, just wow)

Hopefully after OP goes to college he will make posts with more nuance.
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(psst: the Glass-Stegall Act is not "communism", it is regulated capitalism -- there is a difference. Glass-Stegall protected financial markets for 30 years until the Reagan/Bush/Clinton cabal acquiesced to lobbying pressure and decided that the economy didn't need to be regulated. Glass-Stegall was removed because a group of morons thought any regulation (no matter how useful) equalled communism. The OP doesn't understand any of this. Read his posts. Study how much actual economic theory he presents)

(and his numbers are growing)

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Did anyone ever have any doubt?

Oh, the Left will try and deny it; but that is to be expected.

Part of the reason you see the "no label" crowd trying to make a push

When the labels you have suck to the majority of Americans , then try to get rid of them

Same crowd that when they lose all of a sudden CRY, Bitch, Moan, and Complain for Bipartisanship.

GAWD! I hate that's so phoney-baloney.
It was Bush/Cheney who sold tax cuts that would create jobs for all Americans. The result was that we borrowed $2 trillion which the wealthy kept and sent the jobs to China
Obama has done alot worse in a shorter period of time. Stop blaming Bush.

Quite true. Barry Hussein has done more damage to America in bout a year than GWB did his whole Presidency, which wasn't much anyway.

He handed Obama an America that still knew what honor, duty, and courage were, he had begun fixing the economy (even tho I disagree with the means) from a recession that was HARDLY his fault, I could go on.

But :clap2:
Oh go on, people forget that clinton handed Bush a recession, they were calling it the clinton recession. Then we were attacked and then the economy came back under Bush untill the dimwits got control of the congress in 2006. Oh wait, that is when it went downhill, but they still blame Bush, idiots.
Obama has done alot worse in a shorter period of time. Stop blaming Bush.

Quite true. Barry Hussein has done more damage to America in bout a year than GWB did his whole Presidency, which wasn't much anyway.

He handed Obama an America that still knew what honor, duty, and courage were, he had begun fixing the economy (even tho I disagree with the means) from a recession that was HARDLY his fault, I could go on.

But :clap2:
Oh go on, people forget that clinton handed Bush a recession, they were calling it the clinton recession. Then we were attacked and then the economy came back under Bush untill the dimwits got control of the congress in 2006. Oh wait, that is when it went downhill, but they still blame Bush, idiots.

Wow...its great when you can write your own history...isn't it?
Everybody uses the Democrats, China uses the Democrats, the Euro is using Democrats to bail out their socialism and green energy failures. I can not think of one greedy special interest group not using Democrats.

How is a currency using the Democrats?

Obama gave a trillion dollars to the European banks to save the collapse of the Euro. I thought that was clear to everyone.

Really? Can you back it up that Obama gave trillions of dollars to foreign banks?

I know that TARP funds were used to backstop agreements between banks, but TARP was signed by President Bush. And I know that swap lines were extended to European central banks to meet demand for dollars, but that was done by the Fed and not the White House. TARP has cost the US taxpayer something like $50 billion and the swap lines have all been paid back to my knowledge. But none of that had to do with Obama, at least as far as I know.
Oh go on, people forget that clinton handed Bush a recession, they were calling it the clinton recession. Then we were attacked and then the economy came back under Bush untill the dimwits got control of the congress in 2006. Oh wait, that is when it went downhill, but they still blame Bush, idiots.

Clinton gave Bush the largest surplus in modern presidential history.

Bush had the worst job creation of any president in the last half century.

Rather than take his medicine, Bush decided to use the housing market to stimulate the economy. The result was the complete destruction of Housing and Banking. Bush didn't just hand Obama a recession, he melted our vital organs and destroyed the country long term.

This definitely needed its own thread, thanks again T.:clap2:

THIS NEEDS TO BE KNOWN, SPREAD, to anyone who still gives a damn bout this great nation.

Not too awful long ago I wrote about the Communist Party USA and their support for many of the identical principles endorsed by the Democrat Party here in the US. I listed the various similarities but now I have some even more honest words from the Communists themselves. Joe Sims, co-editor of the Communist Party USA online magazine Peoples World states among other things "the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely." Read that slowly and carefully..."the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely."

Communist Party USA Reveals: We're Using the Democrat Party - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

commentary piece by Snidely Whiplash???


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