It's not the left who sent millions of American jobs to China from 2001 to 2008.

Yet it IS the left who's HASN'T stopped that, has given us the worst debt/deficit EVER, trillions and trillions in spending since '08.

I could go on.....................

It was Bush/Cheney who sold tax cuts that would create jobs for all Americans. The result was that we borrowed $2 trillion which the wealthy kept and sent the jobs to China
Obama has done alot worse in a shorter period of time. Stop blaming Bush.
Where were you all when I posted the video of the neonazi leader talking about using the Tea Party rallies as recruiting centers?
Did anyone ever have any doubt?

Oh, the Left will try and deny it; but that is to be expected.

Part of the reason you see the "no label" crowd trying to make a push

When the labels you have suck to the majority of Americans , then try to get rid of them

they will continue to deny it because that allows them an element of doubt.

Some people just can't believe it's possible that other Americans could sell their own country out.
The job market was losing 700,000 jobs a month when Obama took office. That trend reversed as soon as the stimulus bill was passed. Acording to the non-partisan CBO, Stimulus spending resulted in 3 million American jobs (Bush managed only 1.1 million in 8 years)

Ah but Revere wants to blame the Democrats who took charge in 2007, although Bush remained President for the following fiscal year. Revere wants the suckers out there to believe that in less than a year, tens of thousands of jobs were lost all due to the Democrats controlling both houses but with a Republican prez. Uh huh...

Never mind the purse strings...

Which spending bills that Democrats proposed got signed by Bush?
This definitely needed its own thread, thanks again T.:clap2:

THIS NEEDS TO BE KNOWN, SPREAD, to anyone who still gives a damn bout this great nation.

Not too awful long ago I wrote about the Communist Party USA and their support for many of the identical principles endorsed by the Democrat Party here in the US. I listed the various similarities but now I have some even more honest words from the Communists themselves. Joe Sims, co-editor of the Communist Party USA online magazine Peoples World states among other things "the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely." Read that slowly and carefully..."the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely."

Communist Party USA Reveals: We're Using the Democrat Party - Associated Content from Yahoo! -
If there was any shed of doubt left that the DNC was controlled by commies, the fact that the DNC plastered the Pepsi Center with GIGANTIC red army stars during their 2008 convention should have erased that last bit of doubt.

Link and photograph, please.
God-damn-it so are they fucking Socialist or fucking Communist???????

Satlinist? Marxist? Maoist? Pol Pot-ist?

Whatever-ist. They're just evil huh?

Next up, how liberals all really support authoritain dictators hell bent on world domination.

Instead of ditto-heads your names should be parrot-heads.
They are socialist wantabe communist dirtbags who are idiots who do not love America, any more questions idiot?

The closest I've ever come to hating America was seeing the enormous number of fucking idiots making moronic claims like yours. Howzat...
I have it on good authority that zombie like Aliens are pulling the strings of the Republicans.

There was even a movie made about it...called "They Live".

It's not fiction! It was a documentary!

And "To Serve Man" is a cook book!!!

And Soylent Green is people!!!!
Get intelligent or get out. The communists have been backing the dimwits for years, fact.

That hardly means they have any clout. The Communist Party is left of the Socialist Party, dummy. Who else would they back, the Tea Party?
This definitely needed its own thread, thanks again T.:clap2:

THIS NEEDS TO BE KNOWN, SPREAD, to anyone who still gives a damn bout this great nation.

Not too awful long ago I wrote about the Communist Party USA and their support for many of the identical principles endorsed by the Democrat Party here in the US. I listed the various similarities but now I have some even more honest words from the Communists themselves. Joe Sims, co-editor of the Communist Party USA online magazine Peoples World states among other things "the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely." Read that slowly and carefully..."the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely."

Communist Party USA Reveals: We're Using the Democrat Party - Associated Content from Yahoo! -
If there was any shed of doubt left that the DNC was controlled by commies, the fact that the DNC plastered the Pepsi Center with GIGANTIC red army stars during their 2008 convention should have erased that last bit of doubt.

Link and photograph, please.

I would like to see the photo as well.
Did anyone ever have any doubt?

Oh, the Left will try and deny it; but that is to be expected.

Part of the reason you see the "no label" crowd trying to make a push

When the labels you have suck to the majority of Americans , then try to get rid of them

they will continue to deny it because that allows them an element of doubt.

Some people just can't believe it's possible that other Americans could sell their own country out.

Yeah, the right has been involved in selling America out since reagan, so I doubt we will see any change. Sad really, but they will deny it and pretend it doesn't happen.

Yet it IS the left who's HASN'T stopped that, has given us the worst debt/deficit EVER, trillions and trillions in spending since '08.

I could go on.....................

It was Bush/Cheney who sold tax cuts that would create jobs for all Americans. The result was that we borrowed $2 trillion which the wealthy kept and sent the jobs to China
Obama has done alot worse in a shorter period of time. Stop blaming Bush.

Nah, that ain't so. Bush handed Obama a destroyed America dude. You are just in denial like the rest of the rightys.
Did anyone ever have any doubt?

Oh, the Left will try and deny it; but that is to be expected.

Part of the reason you see the "no label" crowd trying to make a push

When the labels you have suck to the majority of Americans , then try to get rid of them

they will continue to deny it because that allows them an element of doubt.

Some people just can't believe it's possible that other Americans could sell their own country out.

Yeah, the right has been involved in selling America out since reagan, so I doubt we will see any change. Sad really, but they will deny it and pretend it doesn't happen.

You mean like Clinton selling our nuke secrets to the Chi-coms, and turning down many attempts to have OBL killed?

Or Obama further increasing our economic debt and dependence on China?

You wacko lefties have NO credibility to speak on this issue. Get a Prez. who actually, truly loves and cares for this nation (aint had one since LBJ) and then come back.:lol:

Till then:

Yet it IS the left who's HASN'T stopped that, has given us the worst debt/deficit EVER, trillions and trillions in spending since '08.

I could go on.....................

It was Bush/Cheney who sold tax cuts that would create jobs for all Americans. The result was that we borrowed $2 trillion which the wealthy kept and sent the jobs to China
Obama has done alot worse in a shorter period of time. Stop blaming Bush.

Quite true. Barry Hussein has done more damage to America in bout a year than GWB did his whole Presidency, which wasn't much anyway.

He handed Obama an America that still knew what honor, duty, and courage were, he had begun fixing the economy (even tho I disagree with the means) from a recession that was HARDLY his fault, I could go on.

But :clap2:

Yet it IS the left who's HASN'T stopped that, has given us the worst debt/deficit EVER, trillions and trillions in spending since '08.

I could go on.....................

It was Bush/Cheney who sold tax cuts that would create jobs for all Americans. The result was that we borrowed $2 trillion which the wealthy kept and sent the jobs to China
Obama has done alot worse in a shorter period of time. Stop blaming Bush.

Obama deficit went to public works, healthcare, saving the financial sector and auto companies

Bush deficits went to two unfunded wars and tax cuts for his wealthy friends
"Read that slowly and carefully..."the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely.""

Is probably very small.

Seriously, this sounds to me like those Commies are just trying to convince themselves that they really are relevant.

What's the evidence we're given that they will or that they have? Nothing. Just a commie discussing the possibility.

Now if you'll excuse I'm going to discuss the possibility that Republicans may be aliens in disguise, it's a scary thought isn't it.
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God-damn-it so are they fucking Socialist or fucking Communist???????

Satlinist? Marxist? Maoist? Pol Pot-ist?

Whatever-ist. They're just evil huh?

Next up, how liberals all really support authoritain dictators hell bent on world domination.

Instead of ditto-heads your names should be parrot-heads.
Let's get specific here. Name one plank of the communist manifesto that Democrats flat out oppose.

Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
Abolition of all right of inheritance.
Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

Do show me where the Dems support all that.
It was Bush/Cheney who sold tax cuts that would create jobs for all Americans. The result was that we borrowed $2 trillion which the wealthy kept and sent the jobs to China
Obama has done alot worse in a shorter period of time. Stop blaming Bush.

Obama deficit went to public works, healthcare, saving the financial sector and auto companies

Bush deficits went to two unfunded wars and tax cuts for his wealthy friends

Unfunded huh? Then why does the Statist Congress still FUND IT?

You guys can get away with that whopper of a LIE only so often. Your charm is wearing quite thin actually.

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