editec wrote:
I have. One tried to recurit me right after I got out of the Military.
Ewww! What dod you say to that pig?

FYI there are various competing "communist" parties in America.

Typically they hate each other even more than they hate capitalism.
Infighting, splendid.
It's not the left who sent millions of American jobs to China from 2001 to 2008.

Yet it IS the left who's HASN'T stopped that, has given us the worst debt/deficit EVER, trillions and trillions in spending since '08.

I could go on.....................

Oh bloody hell

A plague on both their houses. Arguing over which is worse is like arguing over which leg you want to be shot in before you're left in the middle of the desert.
It's not the left who sent millions of American jobs to China from 2001 to 2008.

Yet it IS the left who's HASN'T stopped that, has given us the worst debt/deficit EVER, trillions and trillions in spending since '08.

I could go on.....................

Oh bloody hell

A plague on both their houses. Arguing over which is worse is like arguing over which leg you want to be shot in before you're left in the middle of the desert.

Fair enough....
If you paid any attention at all to my McCarthy threads, the idea that the Communists and the Dems are BFF's should not come as news. Since the 30's the Communists and Dems have been friends with benefits, with the Communists getting all the benefits.

The Communists got the Dems to hand Yugoslavia to Tito (a Communist) hand China to history's greatest mass murderer Mao (Dem Communist spies at State praised Mao as a "Progressive"), set Japan on a collision course to strike the USA in WWII when Russia was their former and natural enemy, directed FDR through the New Deal hence why the Depression was so "Great" and handed Eastern Europe to the USSR at the end of WWII, whole nations and tens of millions of people enslaved until Reagan freed them all because Dems and Communists are a distinction without a difference.

I love the way you guys "rewrite" history. It's like what you do with "science" and "magical creation". You just make stuff up and call it "facts". In the area of psychology, it's often referred to as "delusion". No single American political group has been more on the side of communists than Republicans building up the Chinese Nation and that's a "fact".

So McCarthy was wrong...and Republicans are responsible for China?


The job market was losing 700,000 jobs a month when Obama took office. That trend reversed as soon as the stimulus bill was passed. Acording to the non-partisan CBO, Stimulus spending resulted in 3 million American jobs (Bush managed only 1.1 million in 8 years)

Ah but Revere wants to blame the Democrats who took charge in 2007, although Bush remained President for the following fiscal year. Revere wants the suckers out there to believe that in less than a year, tens of thousands of jobs were lost all due to the Democrats controlling both houses but with a Republican prez. Uh huh...
The job market was losing 700,000 jobs a month when Obama took office. That trend reversed as soon as the stimulus bill was passed. Acording to the non-partisan CBO, Stimulus spending resulted in 3 million American jobs (Bush managed only 1.1 million in 8 years)

Ah but Revere wants to blame the Democrats who took charge in 2007, although Bush remained President for the following fiscal year. Revere wants the suckers out there to believe that in less than a year, tens of thousands of jobs were lost all due to the Democrats controlling both houses but with a Republican prez. Uh huh...

Never mind the purse strings...
It's not the left who sent millions of American jobs to China from 2001 to 2008.

Ever here of Bill Clinton and Chinagate, it is the left that sent millions of jobs and most important, they sent technology to build missiles.

The Democrats sent millions of jobs all through the last two decades.

How about Diane Fienstein and her husband, they specifically make a living sending jobs overseas.
Did anyone ever have any doubt?

Oh, the Left will try and deny it; but that is to be expected.

Part of the reason you see the "no label" crowd trying to make a push

When the labels you have suck to the majority of Americans , then try to get rid of them
I occurs to me that those who object the most to being "labeled" are those who get correctly identified for who they are and what they truly believe.
Except, of course, when YOU object when I call you a CON$ervative!
Dupe, you are my favorite CON$ervative hypocrite. :rofl:
This definitely needed its own thread, thanks again T.:clap2:

THIS NEEDS TO BE KNOWN, SPREAD, to anyone who still gives a damn bout this great nation.

Not too awful long ago I wrote about the Communist Party USA and their support for many of the identical principles endorsed by the Democrat Party here in the US. I listed the various similarities but now I have some even more honest words from the Communists themselves. Joe Sims, co-editor of the Communist Party USA online magazine Peoples World states among other things "the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely." Read that slowly and carefully..."the possibility that the communists may be able to "capture' the Democratic Party entirely."

Communist Party USA Reveals: We're Using the Democrat Party - Associated Content from Yahoo! -
If there was any shed of doubt left that the DNC was controlled by commies, the fact that the DNC plastered the Pepsi Center with GIGANTIC red army stars during their 2008 convention should have erased that last bit of doubt.
The job market was losing 700,000 jobs a month when Obama took office. That trend reversed as soon as the stimulus bill was passed. Acording to the non-partisan CBO, Stimulus spending resulted in 3 million American jobs (Bush managed only 1.1 million in 8 years)

Ah but Revere wants to blame the Democrats who took charge in 2007, although Bush remained President for the following fiscal year. Revere wants the suckers out there to believe that in less than a year, tens of thousands of jobs were lost all due to the Democrats controlling both houses but with a Republican prez. Uh huh...

Never mind the purse strings...

Since you Conservatives never have, why are you stating that someone else should? And when we do, look at the shit you throw. 7.2 Billion for the first responders, paid for with a tax on foreign corperations that are taking profits out of the nation without paying any tax at all on them. But you are more concerned about these foriegn corprerations than the Americans that answered duties call after 9-11. Then you turn around and give the very wealthy 800 billion that we have to borrow from the Chinese to cover. What a bunch of fucking hardhearted hypocrites you Conservatives are.
God-damn-it so are they fucking Socialist or fucking Communist???????

Satlinist? Marxist? Maoist? Pol Pot-ist?

Whatever-ist. They're just evil huh?

Next up, how liberals all really support authoritain dictators hell bent on world domination.

Instead of ditto-heads your names should be parrot-heads.
They are socialist wantabe communist dirtbags who are idiots who do not love America, any more questions idiot?
I have it on good authority that zombie like Aliens are pulling the strings of the Republicans.

There was even a movie made about it...called "They Live".

It's not fiction! It was a documentary!

And "To Serve Man" is a cook book!!!

And Soylent Green is people!!!!
Get intelligent or get out. The communists have been backing the dimwits for years, fact.
I have sent this thread over to several friends who teach poly science (government) and history at the local college here. They will have fun with this in their classes.

Thank you for exposing the weakness of your arguments.

I will now unsubscribe.
Good, goodbye. There is no weakness to it. But dimwits and socialist always deny it even when they know it is true. If your friend is a prof. at a university he is probably a socialist. Merry CHRISTmas:)
I have sent this thread over to several friends who teach poly science (government) and history at the local college here. They will have fun with this in their classes.

Thank you for exposing the weakness of your arguments.

I will now unsubscribe.
Good, goodbye. There is no weakness to it. But dimwits and socialist always deny it even when they know it is true. If your friend is a prof. at a university he is probably a socialist. Merry CHRISTmas:)

Ahhhhh the typical "fuck I'm beat" sugar code.:lol::lol::lol:

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