Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

That's like saying none of the nations under colonization "existed" before they declared independence. That's just, absurd.

That's like saying the woke leftist entity understands nothing of history. It's just a fact that the territory held sovereign by the Turks was not independent from the Turkish emirate. The area occupied by the Arabs-Moslems as not your imagined "Magical Kingdom of Pal'istan".
Nope, the fact the European Squatters are treating Arabs like second class citizens in their own country is all the proof one needs.
What ''country'' would that be?

It's really comical that the woke leftist entity invents a version of woke history that invents ''countries'' that never existed.

Behold, the ''Magical Kingdom of Pal'istan'' Where Dreams Come True
What ''country'' would that be?

It's really comical that the woke leftist entity invents a version of woke history that invents ''countries'' that never existed.

Behold, the ''Magical Kingdom of Pal'istan'' Where Dreams Come True
The irony about that antisemite you replied to is that he goes on and on about how racist whites are to “oppressed“ black people, calling anyone who disagrees with him a bigot - and then he says the most disgusting things against Jews.
The irony about that antisemite you replied to is that he goes on and on about how racist whites are to “oppressed“ black people, calling anyone who disagrees with him a bigot - and then he says the most disgusting things against Jews.

No one made you be a Jew. That's a daily choice to believe stupid shit.

What ''country'' would that be?

It's really comical that the woke leftist entity invents a version of woke history that invents ''countries'' that never existed.

Europe is full of countries that didn't exist 50 years ago, including Kosovo, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Ukraine, etc.

Just because you don't have a "country" doesn't mean you aren't a nation.
No one made you be a Jew. That's a daily choice to believe stupid shit.

Europe is full of countries that didn't exist 50 years ago, including Kosovo, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Ukraine, etc.

Just because you don't have a "country" doesn't mean you aren't a nation.
Just because you chose to invent a ''country of Pal'istan'', that never existed, is no reason for anyone else to accept such a nonsense claim.

Here's a map. Pencil in where you want your ''Magical Kingdom of Pal'istan'' to have been located and we'll see what we can do to rewrite history.... just for you.

Just because you chose to invent a ''country of Pal'istan'', that never existed, is no reason for anyone else to accept such a nonsense claim.

Here's a map. Pencil in where you want your ''Magical Kingdom of Pal'istan'' to have been located and we'll see what we can do to rewrite history.... just for you.

There will be a Palestinian nation at some point, and the Zionists will eventually be driven out, and the world will be a better place for it.

No one made you be a woke, leftist entity.... although, maybe there is a recessive gene, or something.
Actually, up until 2008, I was pretty conservative.

Then I realized that I don't make enough money to vote Republican, and neither do you.

I was also raised Catholic, but I realized they were full of shit (like all religions are) at an early age.

Here's the thing. If the Zionist Entity were wiped off the map tomorrow, it would have no effect on the life of Most Americans. Yet our leaders are willing to throw away thousands of young American lives to support their fantasies that the Magic Pixie in the Sky loves them the very best.
If that creature is not proving that Israel is an Apartheid country in this thread simply ignore him.
Let the creature stew in his venom and the fantasyland he wants to live in. Being uneducated and wrong and lying about Israel is his prerogative.

Am Israel Chai
There will be a Palestinian nation at some point, and the Zionists will eventually be driven out, and the world will be a better place for it.

Actually, up until 2008, I was pretty conservative.

Then I realized that I don't make enough money to vote Republican, and neither do you.

I was also raised Catholic, but I realized they were full of shit (like all religions are) at an early age.

Here's the thing. If the Zionist Entity were wiped off the map tomorrow, it would have no effect on the life of Most Americans. Yet our leaders are willing to throw away thousands of young American lives to support their fantasies that the Magic Pixie in the Sky loves them the very best.
If you click the heels on your ruby red slippers three times....

Otherwise, I'm interested to know when your imagined ''country of Pal'istan'' ever existed. It seems you quickly abandoned that argument when tasked with providing support for it.

The woke, leftist entity seems willing to make a lot of nonsense claims that sink like boat anchors.
I am taking a very interesting class on the kings of Israel. For those who don’t know, the Kingdom of Israel split into two - Israel to the north and Judah to the south. This occurred during the reign of Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, around 975 BCE.

There was no Palestine then, or before then, or after then. There never was such a country.

I am taking a very interesting class on the kings of Israel. For those who don’t know, the Kingdom of Israel split into two - Israel to the north and Judah to the south. This occurred during the reign of Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, around 975 BCE.

There was no Palestine then, or before then, or after then. There never was such a country.

He could not care less about history.
He keeps changing the discussion of the thread to attacks on Israel without showing any proof.

Let us make him show proof that Israel is an Apartheid state, or ignore him. Little Joe is just like little Adolf. Abandoned Catholicism but could not abandon the hatred for Jews.
If you click the heels on your ruby red slippers three times....

Otherwise, I'm interested to know when your imagined ''country of Pal'istan'' ever existed. It seems you quickly abandoned that argument when tasked with providing support for it.

The woke, leftist entity seems willing to make a lot of nonsense claims that sink like boat anchors.

It exists because the people existed. They lived their for centuries and had their own language.

Unlike the European Squatters, who came from Europe and all had to learn Hebrew because they had stopped speaking it as a functional language centuries earlier.

Hey, hey, wait. I'm going to learn Latin and then claim to be the rightful ruler of Rome because I worship Jupiter Optimas!

I am taking a very interesting class on the kings of Israel. For those who don’t know, the Kingdom of Israel split into two - Israel to the north and Judah to the south. This occurred during the reign of Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, around 975 BCE.

That would be in the book that has the Talking Snakes and the Giants in it?

There's very little evidence that the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel existed as the Bible portrayed them.

Nor do the European Squatters have any more claim to Palestine because of Bronze Age Fairy Tales. After all, the Christians and Muslims would have equally good claims, by that logic.
He could not care less about history.
He keeps changing the discussion of the thread to attacks on Israel without showing any proof.

Let us make him show proof that Israel is an Apartheid state, or ignore him. Little Joe is just like little Adolf. Abandoned Catholicism but could not abandon the hatred for Jews.

Wow, how much mileage do you think you are going to get out of the Hitler Excuse, give the Zionist Squatters are acting just like the Nazis today.
It exists because the people existed. They lived their for centuries and had their own language.

Unlike the European Squatters, who came from Europe and all had to learn Hebrew because they had stopped speaking it as a functional language centuries earlier.

Hey, hey, wait. I'm going to learn Latin and then claim to be the rightful ruler of Rome because I worship Jupiter Optimas!

That would be in the book that has the Talking Snakes and the Giants in it?

There's very little evidence that the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel existed as the Bible portrayed them.

Nor do the European Squatters have any more claim to Palestine because of Bronze Age Fairy Tales. After all, the Christians and Muslims would have equally good claims, by that logic.
Nonsense. Your invented history replete with an invented “country of Pal’istan” is nothing more than an extension of insensate Jew hatred and a heapin’ helpin’ of self hate.
Nonsense. Your invented history replete with an invented “country of Pal’istan” is nothing more than an extension of insensate Jew hatred and a heapin’ helpin’ of self hate.

Invented history? Um, you guys are the ones using the book of fairy tales to justify your dubious claims to Palestine.

Or do you think Talking Snakes and Talking Donkeys were real?
Invented history? Um, you guys are the ones using the book of fairy tales to justify your dubious claims to Palestine.

Or do you think Talking Snakes and Talking Donkeys were real?
That’s quite a sidestep. I’m just reacting to your rewriting of history where you have invented a “country of Pal’istan” (which never existed), and you have invented a national identify (which never existed), for Arabs-Moslems who occupied lands of the Turkish caliphate.

Why would you expect anyone else to accept such nonsense?
That’s quite a sidestep. I’m just reacting to your rewriting of history where you have invented a “country of Pal’istan” (which never existed), and you have invented a national identify (which never existed), for Arabs-Moslems who occupied lands of the Turkish caliphate.

Why would you expect anyone else to accept such nonsense?

The Palestinians lived there for hundreds of years.

The European Squatters only started moving there after Hitler turned their relatives into lampshades and bars of soap.
Maybe a bit of gentle honesty might help.

Yes, Israel is a nation set up for Jewish people.

It is a tiny piece of land.

It is understandable that they wish to live with other people who look like them, who speak the same language, and who have the same cultural background when it comes to religion.

IMHO, Israel has nothing to apologize for.
Maybe a bit of gentle honesty might help.

Yes, Israel is a nation set up for Jewish people.

It is a tiny piece of land.

It is understandable that they wish to live with other people who look like them, who speak the same language, and who have the same cultural background when it comes to religion.

IMHO, Israel has nothing to apologize for.
….and may I add, live among people who aren’t antisemitic.
….and may I add, live among people who aren’t antisemitic.

So they did this by invading the land of another Semitic people, stealing their land, bombing their children?

ARABS ARE SEMITES, dummy. They are more "Semites" than a bunch of European Squatters who have been interbreeding with white people for the last 2000 years.

Maybe a bit of gentle honesty might help.

Yes, Israel is a nation set up for Jewish people.

It is a tiny piece of land.

It is understandable that they wish to live with other people who look like them, who speak the same language, and who have the same cultural background when it comes to religion.

IMHO, Israel has nothing to apologize for.

The problem here is the underlying LIE of Zionism.

"A Land without a people for a people without a land".

Except Palestine had people on it. People who supported the British in removing the Ottomans, only to have their land stolen and given to the European Squatters.

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