Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

So they did this by invading the land of another Semitic people, stealing their land, bombing their children?

ARABS ARE SEMITES, dummy. They are more "Semites" than a bunch of European Squatters who have been interbreeding with white people for the last 2000 years.

By successfully appealing their national case to the ruling powers,
to recognize their title as the sole sovereign vested through international law.
The only nation in the region, so far, to withstand the yoke of Muslim domination over the M.East.

And well, N. Africa and M.East didn't come under Arab hegemony by peaceful means,
so whom do they have to blame for getting paid a debt back?

But since it's all about race and skin color for you,
it's unlikely to expect an honest debate.

The problem here is the underlying LIE of Zionism.

"A Land without a people for a people without a land".

Except Palestine had people on it. People who supported the British in removing the Ottomans, only to have their land stolen and given to the European Squatters.

Of course there were people, it's not what it says,
but when you need to exxagerate and use equivocation,
this actually proves you agree, or can't otherwise disagree with the statement.

So maybe the problem is, you lying to yourself, to appear among the anti-Zionist herd?
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If anyone doubts that hate for Israel is related to antisemitism, he should read some of Joe’s posts on his thoughts about Jews. That someone who comes out fighting against racism (and accusing people of it constantly) is so happy to declare his antisemitism is beyond ironic - it’s sick.

Religion isn't a race, and a lot of decent Jewish people are embarrassed by the Zionist Entity.

I'm not just anti-Judeaism, I'm anti ALL religion... If you bothered to read my posts, and comprehend them, you'd get that.

Israel offends me because it's religious stupidity and evil at it's very worst. I'm going to do something truly horrible because my imaginary friend in the sky said so. Yes, Jews have often been the victims of this kind of thinking (but again, they gave the Muslims and Christians the idea, so how bad can you feel for them),
By successfully appealing their national case to the ruling powers,
to recognize their title as the sole sovereign vested through international law.
The only nation in the region, so far, to withstand the yoke of Muslim domination over the M.East.

More like, the British, just being evil, racist bastards who inflicted nothing but misery on the world with their empire, decided to use the Jews of Europe as proxies for colonization.

International law meant White Europeans inflicting their will on the rest of the world.

And well, N. Africa and M.East didn't come under Arab hegemony by peaceful means,
so whom do they have to blame for getting paid a debt back?

Actually, quite the opposite. The Islamic movement swept the middle east and north Africa because the Byzantines (Christians) and Sassanids (Zoroastrians) fought for hundreds of years weakening each other and making the peoples of these lands pretty miserable. So when they Arabs swept out of the region they had largely neglected, a lot of people welcomed them.

For instance, Egypt had suffered centuries of Roman/Byzantine oppression, not only of native religions, but of the Orthodoxy crushing local sects of Christianity as "heretical".

But since it's all about race and skin color for you,
it's unlikely to expect an honest debate.

Actually, that's the only thing it's about. A bunch of white people from Europe go into a place and screw over the indigenous, non-white people. It's the sad story of the last 500 years of human history.

Of course there were people, it's not what it says,
but when you need to exxagerate and use equivocation,
this actually proves you agree, or can't otherwise disagree with the statement.

So maybe the problem is, you lying to yourself, to appear among the anti-Zionist herd?

Actually, I don't exaggerate anything. The phrase (LIE) "A land without a people for a people without a land" comes from the Zionist movement itself.

Israel Zangwill, who was initially Zionist but soon became a prominent Anti-Zionist and advocate of assimilationism, was one of the most prolific users of the phrase. In 1901 in the New Liberal Review, Zangwill wrote that "Palestine is a country without a people; the Jews are a people without a country".[7][15] In a debate at the Article Club in November of that year, Zangwill said "Palestine has but a small population of Arabs and fellahin and wandering, lawless, blackmailing Bedouin tribes."[16] "Restore the country without a people to the people without a country. (Hear, hear.) For we have something to give as well as to get. We can sweep away the blackmailer—be he Pasha or Bedouin—we can make the wilderness blossom as the rose, and build up in the heart of the world a civilisation that may be a mediator and interpreter between the East and the West."[16] In 1902, Zangwill wrote that Palestine "remains at this moment an almost uninhabited, forsaken and ruined Turkish territory".[17]
Religion isn't a race, and a lot of decent Jewish people are embarrassed by the Zionist Entity.

I'm not just anti-Judeaism, I'm anti ALL religion... If you bothered to read my posts, and comprehend them, you'd get that.

Israel offends me because it's religious stupidity and evil at it's very worst. I'm going to do something truly horrible because my imaginary friend in the sky said so. Yes, Jews have often been the victims of this kind of thinking (but again, they gave the Muslims and Christians the idea, so how bad can you feel for them),
Endlessly you are bothered with the Jewish imaginary friend in the sky, but NOT with the Muslim Arab imaginary friend in the sky, aka Allah, who resides in the Arabs's indigenous land, Arabian Peninsula.

Jews did not give Christians any ideas.

You have no idea how Christianity and Islam came to be and why. Who is the one really responsible for the existence of both by creating Christianity.

Be against All religions. Who cares. It is not religions which cause angst in the world, it is people who lie to get power and never mind who suffers while they do it.
That is how Christianity was born.
And many under Christian and Islamic ideas are following his model.

LIE. It will accomplish everything you ever dreamed of.

Never mind. You are totally incapable of understanding the above as you negate history and facts in general.

Israel is the rightful place of the Jewish people, and history has proven it again and again. You wish to believe that they are "not Jewish" that is a problem you are going to have to resolve.

Your Catholic upbringing continues to show.

You abandoned Catholicism, so you say. But are not capable of leaving behind the hatred for Jews and anything they do or stand for.

You have a lot of homework to do.
More like, the British, just being evil, racist bastards who inflicted nothing but misery on the world with their empire, decided to use the Jews of Europe as proxies for colonization.

International law meant White Europeans inflicting their will on the rest of the world.

Actually, quite the opposite. The Islamic movement swept the middle east and north Africa because the Byzantines (Christians) and Sassanids (Zoroastrians) fought for hundreds of years weakening each other and making the peoples of these lands pretty miserable. So when they Arabs swept out of the region they had largely neglected, a lot of people welcomed them.

For instance, Egypt had suffered centuries of Roman/Byzantine oppression, not only of native religions, but of the Orthodoxy crushing local sects of Christianity as "heretical".

Actually, that's the only thing it's about. A bunch of white people from Europe go into a place and screw over the indigenous, non-white people. It's the sad story of the last 500 years of human history.

Actually, I don't exaggerate anything. The phrase (LIE) "A land without a people for a people without a land" comes from the Zionist movement itself.

Israel Zangwill, who was initially Zionist but soon became a prominent Anti-Zionist and advocate of assimilationism, was one of the most prolific users of the phrase. In 1901 in the New Liberal Review, Zangwill wrote that "Palestine is a country without a people; the Jews are a people without a country".[7][15] In a debate at the Article Club in November of that year, Zangwill said "Palestine has but a small population of Arabs and fellahin and wandering, lawless, blackmailing Bedouin tribes."[16] "Restore the country without a people to the people without a country. (Hear, hear.) For we have something to give as well as to get. We can sweep away the blackmailer—be he Pasha or Bedouin—we can make the wilderness blossom as the rose, and build up in the heart of the world a civilisation that may be a mediator and interpreter between the East and the West."[16] In 1902, Zangwill wrote that Palestine "remains at this moment an almost uninhabited, forsaken and ruined Turkish territory".[17]
People as in The Jewish People, and not meaning the number of persons, population living on the land.
Endlessly you are bothered with the Jewish imaginary friend in the sky, but NOT with the Muslim Arab imaginary friend in the sky, aka Allah, who resides in the Arabs's indigenous land, Arabian Peninsula.

Because our problem with the middle east isn't their religion, it's our policies.

Let's go back to the start of this thread. - Moscow's role in the supposed hatred of the Zionist Entity. This is what the Zionist Entity did back in the 1960's, got stupid Americans to think that Arab Nationalism was a function of Communism, not that they just wanted Europeans out of their countries. And for years, we were told that Arab Nationalists like Nasir or Arafat were evil commies.

Then the Islamic Fundementalist became the boogeyman in Washington's closet, and the Zionists played on those fears.

Jews did not give Christians any ideas.

Really? So the whole "Old Testament" was a prank, then. The book that says that racism, slavery, and genocide are just fine with God. I always find it amusing the Jews injected that into Christianity and then wonder when they end up on the receiving end of it.

Be against All religions. Who cares. It is not religions which cause angst in the world, it is people who lie to get power and never mind who suffers while they do it.
That is how Christianity was born.
And many under Christian and Islamic ideas are following his model.

Yup, all the Abrahamic Religions are kind of fucked up.

The world would be so much better off if we kept worshiping Zeus.

Israel is the rightful place of the Jewish people, and history has proven it again and again. You wish to believe that they are "not Jewish" that is a problem you are going to have to resolve.

Again, why do a bunch of Europeans deserve that land because their distorted version of the Abrahamic Religion is "closer" than the Muslims or the Christians?

A real solution to the Palestine conflict would be to declare it a UN Mandate administered by the UN, as a world cultural site. At least until the point where we outgrow the need for Sky Pixies.
Under the guidance of the KGB, the idea of the Arab refugees as a distinct people took hold.

The KGB generated a storyline that nowadays is often taken as factual. These are its basic points, none of them true:

1. The PLO, from its start, expressed the will of the Arabs living the geographic region Palestine, rather than the will of Moscow to create divisions and overthrow democracy.

2. Palestine is not just the name for a geographic region, but the home for a distinct and indigenous people, the Palestinian Arabs. Its Jewish citizens are colonizers from some unidentified foreign country..

3. Israel practices apartheid in which the Arab citizens of Israel are prevented from advancing.

4. Arab poverty in the territories controlled by Arabs is due to Israel, rather than to the Arab rulers Hamas and the PLO

See here (pp. 163-164)

Since February 24, 2022, the day when the Russian attack on the Ukraine commenced, the top brass of PLO counter intelligence has been sitting in the Kremlin, egging on Moscow. By no coincidence, the League of Arab Nations, which spawned the Palestine Liberation Organization with Russian support back in in 1964, has supported the war launched by Russia.

In that context, the time has come to pay attention to the overlooked Russian role in Middle East]

On September 13 1993, when the Oslo Accords were inked on the White House lawn, RUSSIA sat with the US, as guarantors of these accords, even though they were never ratified by the PLO.

While the US has consistently aspired to play the role of an honest broker between the warring parties, Russia has acted under no such pretensions.

Instead, Russia consistently supports the PLO understanding of the Oslo Accords, that Israel must withdraw to the 1949 armistice lines, cancel annexation of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Golan, and recognize the "right of return"

Russia will now seek to ameliorate its image

What better way to assume a heroic posture than to assert itself of the guarantor of peace in the Middle East. and to support demands of the PLO,

(full article online)

Of course they are a distinct people
The only thing that you ever post about is persecution of the Jews.
Liberals such as yourself have made the major campaign issue “oppression against blacks,” and yet Jews are not allowed to point out, accurately, that they are the most persecuted minority throughout history?

Why so compassionate for bigotry toward blacks, and yet so demeaning toward Jews who point out bigotry toward Jews? As much as you don’t want to admit it, a Jew is much more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than is a black.
Liberals such as yourself have made the major campaign issue “oppression against blacks,” and yet Jews are not allowed to point out, accurately, that they are the most persecuted minority throughout history?

Why so compassionate for bigotry toward blacks, and yet so demeaning toward Jews who point out bigotry toward Jews? As much as you don’t want to admit it, a Jew is much more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than is a black.
Are you competing for victim status? Are you being oppressed?
Liberals such as yourself have made the major campaign issue “oppression against blacks,” and yet Jews are not allowed to point out, accurately, that they are the most persecuted minority throughout history?

For pretty much the same reason I don't give much credence to John Gacy when he complained his father abused him as a child. Something awful happened to you is not an excuse to do something awful to someone else.

In the US, we have had 250 years of slavery followed by 100 years of Jim Crow. The Jews never encountered anything like that in this country. Instead, they've worn out their welcome in other countries, but that's kind of on them.

Why so compassionate for bigotry toward blacks, and yet so demeaning toward Jews who point out bigotry toward Jews? As much as you don’t want to admit it, a Jew is much more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than is a black.

If blacks acted like the Zionists, I'd be the first one to denounce them.
Are you competing for victim status? Are you being oppressed?
I’m pointing out your hypocrisy. Do you ask a black poster if he’s being oppressed when he speaks about racism?

You antisemitic liberals hate that the minority that has experienced the MOST victimization and oppression still manages to be more successful than average. Kills your whole “blame racism for failure” talking point.

P.S. I‘m not being oppressed right this minute. But I have been the victim of hate crimes (plural).
I’m pointing out your hypocrisy. Do you ask a black poster if he’s being oppressed when he speaks about racism?

You antisemitic liberals hate that the minority that has experienced the MOST victimization and oppression still manages to be more successful than average. Kills your whole “blame racism for failure” talking point.

Except if I saw you on the street, I would have no idea you were Jewish. So how can you be "oppressed"?

You really don't get credit for what happened to people in OTHER COUNTRIES a long time ago.

When we talk about racism, we are talking about what is happening in THIS COUNTRY. RIGHT NOW>



I’m pointing out your hypocrisy. Do you ask a black poster if he’s being oppressed when he speaks about racism?

You antisemitic liberals hate that the minority that has experienced the MOST victimization and oppression still manages to be more successful than average. Kills your whole “blame racism for failure” talking point.

P.S. I‘m not being oppressed right this minute. But I have been the victim of hate crimes (plural).
Oh I'm not antisemitic at all. I don't think much of Zionism. Of course some like you think it's the same thing. I just notice that it's a constant theme in your life.
Oh I'm not antisemitic at all. I don't think much of Zionism. Of course some like you think it's the same thing. I just notice that it's a constant theme in your life.
Of course you’re antisemitic. You’ve made broad brush, negative comments about Jews many times.

All I’m doing is pointing out more of the liberal hypocrisy. Liberals race in to defend the “oppressed blacks” - actually trying to teach lies to children about how racist the country is - and yet they downplay or outright deny antisemitism, and try to put any Jew “in her place” for speaking about it.
No I h
Of course you’re antisemitic. You’ve made broad brush, negative comments about Jews many times.

All I’m doing is pointing out more of the liberal hypocrisy. Liberals race in to defend the “oppressed blacks” - actually trying to teach lies to children about how racist the country is - and yet they downplay or outright deny antisemitism, and try to put any Jew “in her place” for speaking about it.
No I have not. You have a huge chip on your shoulder. " In her place?".. you're nuts.
No I h
No I have not. You have a huge chip on your shoulder. " In her place?".. you're nuts.
Yes you most certainly have. When you’re dumping on Israel, eventually you slip up and start comparing about “how Jews are.”
( As long as anyone demands to see Jews as a "race", and part of the "European Race", lies about Israel's "Apartheid" of the "Indigenous people" will continue.
Educate yourself )

“He claimed his ‘gut’ tells him ‘what Jewish people in this country want’ is that Israel ‘shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state.’”

“As Jewish Members of the House of Representatives, we represent diverse views on a number of issues relating to Israel,” the letter said. “However, we are in full agreement that Mr. O’Brien’s patronizing attempt to speak on behalf of the American Jewish community is alarming and deeply offensive.”

“He has added his name to the list of those who, across centuries, have tried to deny and usurp the Jewish people’s independent agency,” it continued. “We stand united in condemning this and any antisemitic attempt to deny the Jewish people control of their own destiny.”

O’Brien’s comments last week drew a outrage from Jewish leaders, Israeli officials and US lawmakers, who saw them as further evidence that Amnesty’s work on Israel has sought to reject the very notion of a Jewish state.

Dismissing a survey showing that most Jewish Americans identify as pro-Israel, O’Brien contended that US Jews “can be convinced over time that the key to sustainability is to adhere to what I see as core Jewish values, which are to be principled and fair and just in creating that space,” Jewish Insider reported.

Israel “shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state,” he said, even as he maintained that Amnesty “takes no political views on any question, including the right of the State of Israel to survive.”

Following criticism, O’Brien claimed on Twitter that the event had been “misreported,” and characterized his position as, “No I don’t believe that Israel should be preserved as a state in which one race is legally entitled to oppress another’ but yes I understand that the Jewish people have a legitimate concern about their existence being threatened and that needs to be part of the conversation.”

“I made clear repeatedly in the meeting that Amnesty supports the right of the Jewish people, and Palestinian people to self-determination,” he claimed.

(full article online )


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