Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

Uh, as someone who went to Catholic Schools in the 70's, that was never said once.

Again- Post Vatican 2. Vatican 2, where the Pope proudly announced that the Jews really didn't kill Jesus, even though the Gospels clearly said they did.

[The founder of Christianity put the blame of Jesus' death on the Jews. Clearly he was not going to upset the Romans. All other books, written long after it happened are mere copies and fantasies of what might have been with John being the one fully blaming the Jews 100 years after it happened. The guy was not even born to know what happened. ]
- For the record, I don't believe Jesus ever existed to be killed... I think he was made up out of whole cloth by gnostics in the 2nd Century.

As for getting a beating at the hand of HS Boys... why is it every where you people go, you seem to piss people off?
[You do not believe that Jesus existed?????
What have you been doing being upset that the Vatican, twice, has told Christians that the Jews did not kill Jesus?

What in the world are you doing believing what the gospels say about the Jews?

What in the world have you been doing hating Jews and accusing them of everything under the sun, including that they are not really Jews?

Why do you keep repeating every vile lie against the Jews if you say you abandoned Catholicism and do not even believe that Jesus did exist?
[Enough with the racist innuendos. The Arabs, Druze, Bahai, etc who are citizens of Israel and love the country as their own, disagree with you 10,000% ]

Uh, you know what, I don't put people who love me behind barbed wire and check points, not even my idiot relatives who support Trump. If the Brown folks loved the ZES so much, tear down the walls and let them vote.

[You dream about Arabs fighting for the British. Some did. Most did not. Just ask Grand Mufti Al Husseini ]

The "Grand Mufti" was one guy. 22,000 Palestinians joined the British Army. In fact, the British Empire was saved by Muslims from Pakistan to Egypt.
Uh, you know what, I don't put people who love me behind barbed wire and check points, not even my idiot relatives who support Trump. If the Brown folks loved the ZES so much, tear down the walls and let them vote.

[ You are sick. There are walls and barbed wires on any country's borders. Every country has checkpoints. Show me ONE country which does not. Keep repeating Anti Jewish toxic garbage. What's next? ]

The "Grand Mufti" was one guy. 22,000 Palestinians joined the British Army. In fact, the British Empire was saved by Muslims from Pakistan to Egypt.
Show me a link. And BTW, they did not call themselves Palestinians before the Mandate for Palestine. Arabs.
Check the British records for WWI and WWII. Arabs.
Uh, you know what, I don't put people who love me behind barbed wire and check points, not even my idiot relatives who support Trump. If the Brown folks loved the ZES so much, tear down the walls and let them vote.

The "Grand Mufti" was one guy. 22,000 Palestinians joined the British Army. In fact, the British Empire was saved by Muslims from Pakistan to Egypt.
Who did the Arabs help in WW I?

Image result for How many Arabs helped the British  during WWI

  • ^ although his sons 'Ali and Faisal had already initiated operations at Medina starting on 5 June.
  • ^ During the First World War, between 100,000 and 300,000 Arabs served in the Ottoman Army.
During WWII about 12,000 Palestinian Arabs volunteered to serve in the British army. These volunteers participated actively in battles in North Africa and Europe. Many of them lost their lives, others were wounded, and many are still missing.

Your numbers are wrong
Show me a link. And BTW, they did not call themselves Palestinians before the Mandate for Palestine. Arabs.
Check the British records for WWI and WWII. Arabs.


Muslim Bosnian soldiers from division Waffen-SS 13 praying circa 1942

The Waffen-SS 13 division was formed of Muslim Bosnian soldiers, their motivation was the fight against the communist partisans who wanted to form a communist Yugoslavia. This was the first Waffen-SS division made up of non-Germans and consisted mostly of Bosnian Muslim soldiers and a few Catholic Croats, while all officers were German or Yugoslav German-speakers. A second Muslim Waffen-SS division, the 21st Skanderbeg division, contained mostly Muslim Albanians, convinced of the Nazi ideology for the same reason: the fight against communism. In total, about 70,000 Muslims fought alongside the German Fuhrer in World War II.

[The founder of Christianity put the blame of Jesus' death on the Jews. Clearly he was not going to upset the Romans. All other books, written long after it happened are mere copies and fantasies of what might have been with John being the one fully blaming the Jews 100 years after it happened. The guy was not even born to know what happened. ]

Actually, it's a tad more complicated than that... The Gospel of John was clearly written when Jews and Christians were two separate sects... On the other hand, the Gospel of Matthew was written with Jews as a specific audience, trying to convince them of Jesus' bona fides as the messiah. Luke and Matthew both engaged in convoluted attempts to link Jesus to King David and put his birthplace in Bethlehem.

What have you been doing upset that the Vatican, twice, has told Christians that the Jews did not kill Jesus?
Um, I stopped listening to anything the Catholic Church had to say after my mother's funeral in 1983.

What in the world are you doing believing what the gospels say about the Jews?

I don't. I'm not really upset about what they did 2000 years ago. I'm upset what they are doing now on MY dime as an American taxpayer. But since you don't seem capable of discussing the points I bring up, you go for that strawman.

What in the world have you been doing hating Jews and accusing them of everything under the sun, including that they are not really Jews?
Because the Zionists European Squatters aren't "Jews"... they are people who just practice a bastardized version of their religion. So do the Muslims, so do the Christians.

Why do you keep repeating every vile lie against the Jews if you say you abandoned Catholicism and do not even believe that Jesus did exist?

Because ANYONE who uses the God Bullshit to justify their actions is worthy of my contempt.

Bullshit is all the reasons we give for living. And if we can't think up any reasons of our own, we always have the God bullshit. We don't know why we're going through all this pointless pain, humiliation, decays, so there better be someone somewhere who does know. That's the God bullshit. - Howard Beale
Oh, look, you are going through the "Palestinians are a figment of your imagination" Lie... that's special.
That is not what I wrote, and you know it. You keep changing what someone else said to look right when you are not.
“In Mandate Palestine, parts of the Arab population sided with Nazi Germany – the enemy of their imperial oppressor,” he clarified. “We should not underestimate, as in other parts of the imperial world, anti-British resentments. Yet, on the other side… there was also much criticism of Europe’s authoritarian regimes and sympathy for the Allied cause.”

One of the main divisions that emerged at the time was between the influential Husseini family, which supported the Axis efforts, and its rivals, the Nashashibi clan, which supported the Allied powers.

For Abbasi, one of the goals of his research is to shed light on a lesser-known chapter of 20th century history and expose how Palestinian Arabs and Jews once worked together.

“In the history of two peoples in this land, there are positive periods filled with cooperation,” Abbasi said. “If we did this in the past, it’s possible that we can do the same in the future. It all depends on us.”

Arabs have always recognized the Jews as being Jews.
Mizrahi, Sephardic or Ashkenazi.
Only after they lost the 1973 war they started saying that Herzel and others were not Jewish. You most certainly are one of the many who have been fooled and insist in remaining so.
Uh, as someone who went to Catholic Schools in the 70's, that was never said once.

Again- Post Vatican 2. Vatican 2, where the Pope proudly announced that the Jews really didn't kill Jesus, even though the Gospels clearly said they did.

- For the record, I don't believe Jesus ever existed to be killed... I think he was made up out of whole cloth by gnostics in the 2nd Century.

As for getting a beating at the hand of HS Boys... why is it every where you people go, you seem to piss people off?
^^^ I just above pointed out that the antisemitic hate crimes my family suffered were all at the hands of Catholic School boys, and along comes another one to demonstrate his antisemitism.
I did a link, you ignored it.

Well, that's bullshit. That's like saying I have a claim to land in Germany because that's where my Grandfather came from. Forget we haven't lived there for a century, and no one speaks any German in my family.

Well, my mom was 1/4 Cherokee, but that's neither here nor there. I am an AMERICAN, and indigenous to America.

The problem is, most people who immigrate respect the places the immigrate to. For instance, my grandfather changed the way he pronounced the family name and started calling himself "Louis" instead of "Ludwig". My father fought for the US Army in WWII.

The Zionist European Squatters (I will simply call them ZES for short) did no such thing. They came in and acted like they owned the place.

You kind of did that yourself by oppressing brown people just like the rest of the white people do.

Again, as I said, I was brought up Post-Vatican 2, where the Church was apologizing like shit for all their inquisitions and fascist collaborations.

The British shouldn't have given away any of the Mandate. What the Arabs SHOULD have done is shot TS Lawrence the minute he showed up and then declared a JIHAD and took the Suez Canal.

Except, as stated, the Arabs fought for the Allies, not the Axis. And got screwed again by the British.
Is this the link you are referring to ?

The one which is as meaningless as the populations post colonizers in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii as to who the indigenous of each place are and always have been?

Arabs have always recognized the Jews as being Jews.
Mizrahi, Sephardic or Ashkenazi.
Only after they lost the 1973 war they started saying that Herzel and others were not Jewish. You most certainly are one of the many who have been fooled and insist in remaining so.

Not at all... I don't confuse a religion with an ethnicity. A bunch of white people colonizing a land is still wrong. It actually becomes MORE wrong when it's done for religious reasons.

^^^ I just above pointed out that the antisemitic hate crimes my family suffered were all at the hands of Catholic School boys, and along comes another one to demonstrate his antisemitism.

Yawn, I'm always amazed that when you get that well-deserved bitchslap, you guys whine about "hate".

Is this the link you are referring to ?

The one which is as meaningless as the populations post colonizers in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii as to who the indigenous of each place are and always have been?

Well, at least you admit the Zionist Entity IS a Colonial entity and the European Squatters aren't native to the area.
Not at all... I don't confuse a religion with an ethnicity. A bunch of white people colonizing a land is still wrong. It actually becomes MORE wrong when it's done for religious reasons.

Yawn, I'm always amazed that when you get that well-deserved bitchslap, you guys whine about "hate".

Well, at least you admit the Zionist Entity IS a Colonial entity and the European Squatters aren't native to the area.
Did not admit anything about Jews being colonizers to their OWN HOMELAND.

Look at yourself in the mirror and see the poster child for hatred. You do not have the guts to own up that it is all you learned from your Catholic Church as a child. Hatred for Jews. And ONLY for Jews.

From now one, unless you show proof, evidence that Israel IS an Apartheid country,
which is what this thread is about (really ? ). you will be ignored.

Ignore the Dummy with the Handbook on Hating Jews, Folks !!!!

Nothing to see here !!!!!
Did not admit anything about Jews being colonizers to their OWN HOMELAND.

Because it isn't 'their" homeland any more than it is to any other follower of an Abrahamic Religion. Christians and Muslims have equally good claims.

Look at yourself in the mirror and see the poster child for hatred. You do not have the guts to own up that it is all you learned from your Catholic Church as a child. Hatred for Jews. And ONLY for Jews.

Again, I would direct you to read any of my posts on Mormonism. you think I am tough on the Zionists, you should see my posts on the Evil Cult of Joseph Smith. Or you could look up any of my criticism of Catholicism... or Fundamentalist Christians.

From now one, unless you show proof, evidence that Israel IS an Apartheid country,
which is what this thread is about (really ? ). you will be ignored.

I've done that a dozen times. European Jews have more rights and privileges than Indigenous Arabs do.
Look, man, I know it's hard that after 80 years of whining about the Nazis, realizing you've become the Nazis... but you have.
The report was submitted to the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel by International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School and Addameer, a Palestinian NGO that Israel outlawed in October for alleged links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Designated as a terrorist group by the US and European Union, the PFLP has carried out high-profile hijackings, suicide bombings, and other attacks targeting civilians.


Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan denounced the report on Saturday, pointing to Addameer’s connection to the PFLP.

“Harvard University published an antisemitic report together with the terrorists of the PFLP, a designated terror organization in Israel, the US, the EU & more,” he said.

“Those who wrote the report on behalf of Harvard don’t care about the oppression of women, minorities, and members of the LGBTQ community in the areas run by the Palestinian Authority,” Erdan charged. “They decided to delegitimize the Jewish state because of their antisemitic views.”

“I expect Harvard to unequivocally denounce this repugnant report and hold accountable those who wrote these lies against the only democracy in the Middle East where all its citizens enjoy full, equal rights,” he wrote.

(full article online )

Both these cases quote the Genocide Convention. Harvard's Clinic is saying that one can apply the definitions of racial group in the Genocide Convention to define what "racial group" means in the context of apartheid. They further say that since the ICTR and ICTY noted that the definition of all of these groups are fuzzy, a subjective definition of racial group - twisted against Israel - is justified.

This argument falls apart, though, because the Genocide Convention says, "In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." The Genocide Convention is saying very clearly that national and religious groups are distinct from racial groups! Harvard is hand-waving to say that since the definitions of those groups can be somewhat subjective in the ICTR and ICTY, then all definitions can go out the window and anyone can define Palestinian Arab non-citizens of Israel as a racial group with zero evidence. Yet the Genocide Convention treats those groups as different from each other; if those four categories were all the same there would be some sort of textual indication.

In footnote 32, the Harvard team adds another fallacious argument:
ICERD, art. 1. General Recommendation VIII (1990) of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination further clarifies that the identification of individuals as members of a particular social or ethnic group or groups shall be based upon self-identification.
This would mean that as long as Palestinians identify as members of a social or ethnic group, and that social/ethnic groups can be considered racial groups, then discrimination against them would be racism.

But the actual text quoted includes an important clause that the Harvard team doesn't want readers to know:
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,
Having considered reports from States parties concerning information about the ways in which individuals are identified as being members of a particular racial or ethnic group or groups,
Is of the opinion that such identification shall, if no justification exists to the contrary, be based upon self-identification by the individual concerned.

Why would they leave that bolded part out? Because every single example of discrimination that they list in their submission by Israel is more easily explained by the fact that Palestinians aren't citizens of Israel than by them being part of a racial group! Of course justification exists to the contrary of the "self-identification" criterion!

And of course Palestinians will define themselves by whatever criteria is needed to damn and ultimately destroy Israel, which is the entire point of Palestinian nationalism. After all, Palestinians were never distinct from other Arabs, nationally or ethnically, until (at the very earliest) the mid-20th century. This is another justification to the contrary of allowing self-identification to determine what would normally be objective criteria. Are Palestinians named "al-Masry" or "al-Kurd" not ethnically Egyptian or Kurdish?

In this case, as with Amnesty and Human Rights Watch, legal teams deliberately twist and ignore the parts of the proof texts (as well as historical fact and all other counter-evidence) that disprove their case. Which proves yet again that these are not serious legal analyses of apartheid, but attempts to use legal obfuscation to make tendentious and ultimately false legal arguments.

All to try to prove "Jewish supremacism."

This is antisemitism dressed up in legalese. And this is what Harvard Law School is teaching.

(full article online)


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