Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

Here's the problem. I don't "Apologize" for Muslims. I question why we have anything to do with them at all.
Whatever expansionism they were engaged in pretty much ended with the Ottomans.
If we (the US and the west at large) have any problem in the Middle East, it is because of our attempts to colonize their lands, either through what the Europeans did when carving up the Ottoman Lands, or through the support of the Zionist Entity, or our constantly meddling in their internal politics which blows up in our faces.

Fun Fact. Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden were both guys that the CIA thought we could work with.

So imagine this. We stop supporting Israel. We stop meddling in the Middle East. We take a strict stance of neutrality towards the region. We then take some of that nearly Trillion dollars a year we spend on defense and foreign aid, and we spend it becoming energy independent. Hopefully, with an energy source that won't render the planet uninhabitable in a few centuries.
I am only going to post this article which is a bit out of the topic of the thread so that you will have the opportunity to read it and find out why, as an ex Catholic, you are so involved in wanting Israel to stop existing.

This is the history of Christianity and its war against Jews, and why you have ended up believing that Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine:

Seriously read the whole article. A few times if necessary. Think about your upbringing as a Catholic Christian and be truthful as to whether any of your thinking is based on what this article shows how Christianity has formed people's minds about the Jews for the past 2000 years.
With what would O’Brien replace a Jewish state?

“Jewish people want to know that there’s a sanctuary that is a safe and sustainable place that the Jewish people can call home,” he told a Women’s National Democratic Club audience. “The key to sustainability is to adhere to what I see as core Jewish values, which are to be principled and fair and just in creating that space.”

It could be argued that Jews enjoy a place of safety in the United States. Although, if you are an ultra-Orthodox Jew in New Jersey, for example, your sense of safety might be fraying at the edges. But to project the values of a pluralistic democracy on to the Middle East, as O’Brien does, smacks of mind-blowing naiveté.

In O’Brien’s dystopian scenario for a de-Judaized Israel, the Law of Return that grants all diaspora Jews Israeli citizenship would be abrogated, giving them nowhere to flee if necessary. “Hatikvah” would cease to be the national anthem. And, very quickly, Israel would become a majority-Arab state.

The Arab world is full of failed and authoritarian states. Its record on democracy and pluralism is disastrous. And tellingly, with the exception of tiny communities in the Gulf and Morocco, the Arab world is now judenrein. In the wake of the Jewish exodus from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in the 1940s, ‘50s and ‘60s, Yazidis, Maronites, Baha’is, Copts, Assyrians and Chaldeans have streamed out as well. The Arab world’s failure to establish a society respectful of dissent, of minority and women’s rights, promises a bleak future of subjugation and intolerance.

Ironically, the million Jews who fled the MENA region they had inhabited since 1,000 years before the rise of Islam were victims of “apartheid” by Amnesty International’s own definition: “deprivation, segregation, fragmentation and dispossession.” Amnesty’s silence on this massive injustice is deafening. And, needless to say, the 650,000 Jews who sought a haven in Israel from Arab and Muslim countries and now form a majority of Israeli Jews did not escape in order to find themselves once more under Arab-Muslim domination.

Until the colonial era granted them greater security, Jews occupied a space in the Muslim polity—“the Jewish quarter in an Arab town.” They lived as inferior “dhimmis” at the mercy of the ruler of the day and paid him the jizya tax, i.e. protection money. Under a benevolent ruler, the Jews could thrive.

At other times, they could not escape violence and oppression. They might have exercised influence as courtiers or advisers, but they never exercised power. To them, the “core Jewish values” evoked by O’Brien meant powerlessness—knowing your place, keeping your head down and accepting “dhimmitude,” which was, again, apartheid according to Amnesty itself. For all intents and purposes, O’Brien is advocating that Jews revert to their former status as a vulnerable minority.

(full article online)

This is a common argument in Islamist apologetics,
trying to overcompensate a flawed doctrine,
by absolving one side of any responsibility
entirely projected on everyone else.

Indeed a problem, it fails.

As much as equating "neutrality",
to demands for exclusive Arab domination,
at the expense of all involved in the Middle East.

If it weren't for their unifying hatred of the Zionist Entity, the Arabs would go back to tribalism and wouldn't be a problem for anyone.
I am only going to post this article which is a bit out of the topic of the thread so that you will have the opportunity to read it and find out why, as an ex Catholic, you are so involved in wanting Israel to stop existing.

This is the history of Christianity and its war against Jews, and why you have ended up believing that Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine:

No, I'm not going to read your propaganda.

Given how much I utterly despise the Catholic Church, if they were anti-Zionist, I'd probably be pro-Zionist. Just like I'm pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion and pro- anything that pisses those fuckers off.

But the reality is, I was brought up in post-Vatican 2 Catholicism, where the Catholic Church was so trying to paper over their collaboration with Hitler they actually tried to retcon the Bible. "Oh, the Jews didn't kill Jesus!" ... "Um, it clearly says here in the bible they did!"

What I am is anti-Religion. I'm against some idiot who wants to make a woman have her rapist's baby because God said so. I'm against some idiot who wants to oppress gays because God said so. And I'm against some idiots who think they have a right to steal someone else's land because God said so.

No, I'm not going to read your propaganda.

Given how much I utterly despise the Catholic Church, if they were anti-Zionist, I'd probably be pro-Zionist. Just like I'm pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion and pro- anything that pisses those fuckers off.

But the reality is, I was brought up in post-Vatican 2 Catholicism, where the Catholic Church was so trying to paper over their collaboration with Hitler they actually tried to retcon the Bible. "Oh, the Jews didn't kill Jesus!" ... "Um, it clearly says here in the bible they did!"

What I am is anti-Religion. I'm against some idiot who wants to make a woman have her rapist's baby because God said so. I'm against some idiot who wants to oppress gays because God said so. And I'm against some idiots who think they have a right to steal someone else's land because God said so.


Funny answer,

to despise the church,
but refuse to read anything
that contradicts whatever the church accepts.
That way, you might as well return back to Flat Earth...

I once used to work with a manager of a company,
who said "no" to anything, but did exactly as told.
We had an interesting conversation about
what it meant to have a spine.
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If it weren't for their unifying hatred of the Zionist Entity, the Arabs would go back to tribalism and wouldn't be a problem for anyone.
Wait, so now Zionists to blame
for 1,400 years of Arab imperialism?

Or we just absolve responsibility from anyone
according to the latest dictate of Western race ethics?
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The "Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967," Michael Lynk, is issuing a report that declares that Israel is guilty of apartheid, using the same circular logic that we have seen from other reports.

He writes that since "Distinguished voices in recent years have concluded that these inexorable facts
amount to, or closely resemble, apartheid...it is incumbent upon the rest of us to test, through the tools of international law and human rights, whether these observations accurately reflect what is happening in the Palestinian territory. " Even though nothing has changed in Israeli law towards the territories in the nearly 30 years since Oslo besides giving Palestinian Arabs more independence, it is "incumbent" to find a new accusation to hurl against Israel whose conclusion is reached before the "test."

Predictably, the legal analysis that follows is a sham, ignoring the very proof texts when they disagree with the foregone conclusion that Israel is guilty of apartheid.

Also, at least one "settlement" outside Jerusalem's municipal borders, Ariel, has 200 Arab residents, according to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics. I'm unsure if they are counting the Arab university students there or permanent residents.

If Israel is enforcing apartheid-like laws in favor of Jews against Arabs, then why does it allow Arabs to move to "Jewish-only" settlements?

If you assume that the reason is because Israel has different laws for citizens, Jerusalem residents and non-citizens, regardless of whether they are Jews or Arabs or non-Arab gentiles, all of this makes sense and is consistent.

If you assume, as the UN does, that these distinctions are based on membership in a "racial group," then how can you explain the laws that mandate Israeli Arabs to have equal rights with Jews, and the laws that give Jerusalem Arab residents the full freedom of movement between all of the territories and Israel that even Israeli Jews do not have?

If Israel is an apartheid state and distinguishes people based on national origin and not legal residency/citizenship status, then it should treat all members of the racial group the same. Which means that, according to the UN, Israeli Arabs and Arab residents of Jerusalem must be a completely different racial group than Palestinian Arabs!

This is why the paragraph excised from the ICERD by the UN and Harvard and HRW is such a big deal. Israeli laws do not distinguish between ethnic groups or races: they distinguish between citizens, legal residents and non-citizens, just as every other nation on the planet does. In order to accuse Israel of apartheid - clearly the intent of these analyses - facts and laws and portions of international conventions must be removed from the record. These groups must take a series of prisms (definition of apartheid, definition of racial group, the legal status of Israeli Arabs and Jerusalem residents, Israeli laws, and facts on the ground) and orient them in very specific and deliberate ways to perceive their foregone conclusion.

The legal distinction between citizens, residents and non-citizens is a much simpler and more consistent explanation for every example of discrimination given than pretending that this has anything to do with race. The UN (and HRW and Amnesty) must jump through some really high hoops to avoid getting shredded by Occam's razor.

(full article online)

Of course you’re antisemitic. You’ve made broad brush, negative comments about Jews many times.

All I’m doing is pointing out more of the liberal hypocrisy. Liberals race in to defend the “oppressed blacks” - actually trying to teach lies to children about how racist the country is - and yet they downplay or outright deny antisemitism, and try to put any Jew “in her place” for speaking about it.
Semite is a language group not a race. Arabic, Amharic, Syriac and Hebrew are all semitic languages. Non Jews lived in the Levant long before Judaism existed. You can't morally expell them and take their land. Jews of all people should know better. You made a mess of this and justify it with attacks on your victims. You all found sanctuary in Palestine and deserve sanctuary, but there's no justification for your treatment of Arabs. Never mind that you are half brothers.
Semite is a language group not a race. Arabic, Amharic, Syriac and Hebrew are all semitic languages. Non Jews lived in the Levant long before Judaism existed. You can't morally expell them and take their land. Jews of all people should know better. You made a mess of this and justify it with attacks on your victims. You all found sanctuary in Palestine and deserve sanctuary, but there's no justification for your treatment of Arabs. Never mind that you are half brothers.
We do know that a German Christian Jew hater coined the terminology antisemitism in the 19th Century which substituted the terminology Judeophobia.

Semitic is about languages, but we are all stuck with it now As Hatred for Jews, because of that German.

There was never any intent of expelling the Arabs, Druze, or any other people from the land. The fact that Al Husseini started a war against the migrating Jews in 1920 changed things. Jews were not going to NOT defend themselves from the attacks.

Now, do be specific as to which Arabs and what treatment of them you are referring to IN Israel Alone. Do not include Gaza or the PA, as those are governed by Arabs themselves.

Half brothers my foot.

There is no mention At All in Arab society or literature before Islam of Jews and Arabs being related. That is 2400 years since Abraham. But you are continuing to choose to believe the fable started after Islam about Jews and Arabs having the same Patriarch. Way too suspicious that Arabs have treated their "half brothers" as they have for the past 1700 years, and continue to want them to go back to being their servants only.

Gratefully many other Arabs do know the facts of history, and the facts as to who is indigenous to the land of Israel, and the facts about who tried to expel or totally kill who between 1920 and 1948.
Semite is a language group not a race. Arabic, Amharic, Syriac and Hebrew are all semitic languages. Non Jews lived in the Levant long before Judaism existed. You can't morally expell them and take their land. Jews of all people should know better. You made a mess of this and justify it with attacks on your victims. You all found sanctuary in Palestine and deserve sanctuary, but there's no justification for your treatment of Arabs. Never mind that you are half brothers.
The Arabs kicked out nearly 1 million Jews from THEIR homes, and there’s no justification for that. But shhhhh…….
Semite is a language group not a race. Arabic, Amharic, Syriac and Hebrew are all semitic languages. Non Jews lived in the Levant long before Judaism existed. You can't morally expell them and take their land. Jews of all people should know better. You made a mess of this and justify it with attacks on your victims. You all found sanctuary in Palestine and deserve sanctuary, but there's no justification for your treatment of Arabs. Never mind that you are half brothers.
Also, half brothers do not kill and enslave one Jewish tribe and kick the other 2 Jewish tribes out of Arabia 1700 years ago for not converting to Islam.

And half brothers do not expel their half brothers out of Gaza in 1920, TranJordan in 1925, Hebron in 1929 and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria in 1948.

Do notice that when the Jewish half brothers got the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria back, Hebron and all of Gaza in 1967, that they did not expel their "half brother" Arabs from any of those areas but welcomed them to live there and aim for peace.
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Oh I'm not antisemitic at all. I don't think much of Zionism. Of course some like you think it's the same thing. I just notice that it's a constant theme in your life.

Of course, it's only that 95%
of your posts are about Jews and Israel,
in any thread regardless of the discussion.

So even according to your logic..." not at all"...
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  • The breakdown in Israel-Soviet relations was later compounded by Israel's defensive victories against the Arabs in 1967 and again in 1973. Over this period all hope of Israel becoming a Soviet client had steadily evaporated. Arab armies sponsored, trained and equipped by the USSR had been humiliated, and so had Moscow. Thus the Soviets progressively developed a policy of undermining Israel. Their primary objective was to use the country as a weapon in their Cold War struggle against the US and the West.
  • "We needed to instil a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States." — Yuri Andropov, Chairman of the Soviet KGB, later General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, as reported by General Ion Pacepa, former chief of Romania's intelligence services.
  • As well as mobilising the Arabs to the Soviet cause, Andropov and his KGB colleagues needed to appeal to the democratic world. To do so, the Kremlin decided to turn the conflict from one that sought simply to destroy Israel into a struggle for human rights and national liberation from an illegitimate American-sponsored imperialist occupier. They set about transforming the narrative of the conflict from religious jihad — in which Islamic doctrine demands that any land that has ever been under Muslim control must be regained for Islam — to secular nationalism and political self-determination, something far more palatable to Western democracies. This would provide cover for a vicious terrorist war, even garnering widespread support for it.
  • To achieve their goal, the Soviets had to create a Palestinian national identity that did not hitherto exist and a narrative that Jews had no rights to the land and were naked aggressors. According to Pacepa, the KGB created the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the early 1960s, as they had also orchestrated so-called national liberation armies in several other parts of the world. He says the 1964 Palestinian National Charter was drafted in Moscow. This document was fundamental to the invention and establishment of an artificial Palestinian nationhood.
  • The details of Moscow-sponsored terrorist operations in the Middle East and elsewhere are set out in 25,000 pages of KGB documents copied and then smuggled out of Russia in the early 1990s by senior KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin and now lodged in the UK, at Churchill College, Cambridge.
  • The initial charter did not claim the West Bank or the Gaza Strip for "Palestine". In fact, it explicitly repudiated any rights to these lands, falsely recognising them respectively as Jordanian and Egyptian sovereign territories. Instead, the PLO claim was to the rest of Israel. This was amended after the 1967 war when Israel ejected the illegal Jordanian and Egyptian occupiers, and the West Bank and Gaza for the first time were re-branded as Palestinian territory.
  • Moscow first took its campaign to brand Israeli Jews as the oppressors of their invented "Palestinian people" to the UN in 1965. Their attempts to categorise Zionism as racism failed at that attempt but succeeded nearly a decade later in the infamous UN General Assembly Resolution 3379.
  • Zuheir Mohsen, a senior PLO leader, admitted in 1977: "The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity... Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons."
  • The Mitrokhin documents show that both Yasser Arafat, and his successor as PLO chief, Mahmoud Abbas, now President of the Palestinian Authority, were KGB agents. Both were instrumental in the KGB's disinformation operations as well as its terrorist campaigns.
  • For his dealings with Washington, Ceaușescu told Arafat in 1978: "You simply have to keep on pretending that you'll break with terrorism and that you'll recognize Israel — over, and over, and over."
  • Ceaușescu's advice was reinforced by North Vietnamese communist General Vo Nguyen Giap, whom Arafat met several times: "Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand".
  • Like his predecessor Arafat, Abbas's consistent rejection of every offer of peace with Israel, while concurrently talking the talk about peace and while sponsoring terrorism, shows the continuing influence of his Soviet masters.
  • Meanwhile the Palestinian movement created by Moscow, in the words of American historian David Meir-Levi, is "the only national movement for political self-determination in the entire world, and across all of world history, to have the destruction of a sovereign state and the genocide of a people as its only raison d'être."
  • Moscow's campaign was significantly undermined by the 2020 rapprochement between Israel and Arab states. The lesson here is the importance of American political will against authoritarian propaganda, which led to the game-changing Abraham Accords.
The lie of "Israeli apartheid" was dreamt up in Moscow during the Cold War and driven home by a relentless Soviet propaganda campaign until it took hold in the UN and across the Middle East and the West. This included the repeated comparison of Israel with South Africa in the Soviet media and in books such as "Zionism and Apartheid", an official state publication of Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union.

The sometimes naive, sometimes malign students who will again be holding their poisonous "Israel apartheid week" at universities across the globe this year will be parroting the same Soviet propaganda as their predecessors have done for decades. They, and many other Israel-haters use the apartheid slogan regardless of the reality that under no rational measure can Israel be considered an apartheid state. They do so because its meaning is easily understood, it disgusts people and rallies them to the anti-Israel cause. That is why it was invented by Moscow.

We do know that a German Christian Jew hater coined the terminology antisemitism in the 19th Century which substituted the terminology Judeophobia.

Semitic is about languages, but we are all stuck with it now As Hatred for Jews, because of that German.

There was never any intent of expelling the Arabs, Druze, or any other people from the land. The fact that Al Husseini started a war against the migrating Jews in 1920 changed things. Jews were not going to NOT defend themselves from the attacks.

Now, do be specific as to which Arabs and what treatment of them you are referring to IN Israel Alone. Do not include Gaza or the PA, as those are governed by Arabs themselves.

Half brothers my foot.

There is no mention At All in Arab society or literature before Islam of Jews and Arabs being related. That is 2400 years since Abraham. But you are continuing to choose to believe the fable started after Islam about Jews and Arabs having the same Patriarch. Way too suspicious that Arabs have treated their "half brothers" as they have for the past 1700 years, and continue to want them to go back to being their servants only.

Gratefully many other Arabs do know the facts of history, and the facts as to who is indigenous to the land of Israel, and the facts about who tried to expel or totally kill who between 1920 and 1948.
There were 67 Druze villages in the Golan heights before 1967. Ibn Saud famously said that the Jews and Arabs are brothers and so have many other Arab leaders. When were you servants? You might read Zionist Aspirations in Palestine. It was written in 1920. Makes you very ignorant.
The Arabs kicked out nearly 1 million Jews from THEIR homes, and there’s no justification for that. But shhhhh…….
Nope. It was closer to 600,000. They left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They can thank the European Zionists for that. They would other wise still be living all over the Arab world.

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