Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

Lots of Palestinians were employed by ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia in the 1950s. You're just ignorant and trying to erase these people you have treated so abominably.

So Arab supremacists will troll
about anything but discuss the subject? ...interesting...


It all started with the creation of a fictitious "Palestinian People" who allegedly demand political self-determination. This collective noun was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when
they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the "PLO".

The term "Palestinian People" as a descriptive of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The facts in the preamble to the Charter were affirmed only by the first 422 members of the PNC, handpicked by the KGB.

Why in Moscow?

Read further -

Funny answer,

to despise the church,
but refuse to read anything
that contradicts whatever the church accepts.
That way, you might as well return back to Flat Earth...

I once used to work with a manager of a company,
who said "no" to anything, but did exactly as told.
We had an interesting conversation about
what it meant to have a spine.

Um, no. I don't need to listen to her garbage, because I lived the Catholic Education experience. The nuns, nasty pieces of work that they were, didn't teach kids anti_Jewish stuff. In fact, quite the contrary, I remember when a nun brought a kid up in front of the class and humiliated him because he drew a swastika. (She left out the part where Hitler and Pius XII were BFF's)

Wait, so now Zionists to blame
for 1,400 years of Arab imperialism?

Nope. Just for the abuse of the Palestinians united the Arab World against the west.

When were Jews not attacked or expelled in Christianity or Islam, instead of being allowed to keep what they earned, not wear the clothes they were made to wear to distinguish themselves from the others? There is a 1700 year history of it, if only you ever bother to check. Pogroms, Inquisition, Ghettos, more pogroms.

So if you piss people off no matter where you go, you don't seem to think you might be part of the problem?
Um, no. I don't need to listen to her garbage, because I lived the Catholic Education experience. The nuns, nasty pieces of work that they were, didn't teach kids anti_Jewish stuff. In fact, quite the contrary, I remember when a nun brought a kid up in front of the class and humiliated him because he drew a swastika. (She left out the part where Hitler and Pius XII were BFF's)

Nope. Just for the abuse of the Palestinians united the Arab World against the west.

So if you piss people off no matter where you go, you don't seem to think you might be part of the problem?

That's because it contradicts your argument.
As applying the rapist logic towards a minority
doesn't absolve anyone of their own responsibility.

We could as well use that argument for the necessity of another Jihadi state...
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Where were you when they bombed the USS liberty? You should read Moshe Dayan.
You should ask Moshe Dayan why after the 1967 Arab started war, he decided not to expel all the Arabs from the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, from ALL of Judea and Samaria, from Hebron and from Gaza.

Geesh, what was he thinking????

That seeing an extended peace offer, the Jew hating sociopathic and psychopathic Arabs and others amongst the Arab leaders and population would pause and destroy their 1700 years of Jew hatred education and put down arms and live in peace next to and in a sovereign Jewish State on the Jewish Homeland?

Opportunity lost to free the Jewish homeland of the Jew haters.

And Israel continues to not learn the lesson, not to let terrorist Jew haters free.

Had all the Arab Jew haters been let go from Jewish land, generation after generation would not now be submitted to prove their "bravery" by killing as many Jews as they can.

Neither they, nor you , are capable of doing the right thing.

Egypt, Jordan and many other Arab countries are doing it.

When are the lies from Christian and Muslim sources going to end to put an end to all the Arabs in Gaza and the PA suffering the endless education about needing to put an end to all Jews in order to get a land once conquered by Muslims.

CONQUERED. after the 7th century. And where not all Arabs claiming Palestinian descent were actually living there before they were attracted to move to Palestine for jobs created by Jews at the end of the 19th century and early 29th century.

Only the Mandate for Palestine turned everyone into Palestinians.

And where was this pride at being Palestinians from all the other clans who lived on the land since the 7th century when the Crusaders and Ottomans invaded and conquered the land?

There is simply an amazing lack of history on the Arab part when it comes to them attempting to rid "their land" from the invaders when they were Christians, and even when they were the Turkish Muslims.

And you insist in not wanting to look at the why.
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You should ask Moshe Dayan why after the 1967 Arab started war, he decided not to expel all the Arabs from the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, from ALL of Judea and Samaria, from Hebron and from Gaza.

Geesh, what was he thinking????

That seeing an extended peace offer, the Jew hating sociopathic and psychopathic Arabs and others amongst the Arab leaders and population would pause and destroy their 1700 years of Jew hatred education and put down arms and live in peace next to and in a sovereign Jewish State on the Jewish Homeland?

Opportunity lost to free the Jewish homeland of the Jew haters.

And Israel continues to not learn the lesson, not to let terrorist Jew haters free.

Had all the Arab Jew haters been let go from Jewish land, generation after generation would not now be submitted to prove their "bravery" by killing as many Jews as they can.

Neither they, nor you , are capable of doing the right thing.

Egypt, Jordan and many other Arab countries are doing it.

When are the lies from Christian and Muslim sources going to end to put an end to all the Arabs in Gaza and the PA suffering the endless education about needing to put an end to all Jews in order to get a land once conquered by Muslims.

CONQUERED. after the 7th century. And where not all Arabs claiming Palestinian descent were actually living there before they were attracted to move to Palestine for jobs created by Jews at the end of the 19th century and early 29th century.

Only the Mandate for Palestine turned everyone into Palestinians.

And where was this pride at being Palestinians from all the other clans who lived on the land since the 7th century when the Crusaders and Ottomans invaded and conquered the land?

There is simply an amazing lack of history on the Arab part when it comes to them attempting to rid "their land" from the invaders when they were Christians, and even when they were the Turkish Muslims.

And you insist in not wanting to look at the why.

The Arabs didn't start it. The Israelis planned it since 1953. They wanted more land and water. Dayan details their constant provocations. Egypt's military was deployed in Yemen from 1962-1970. Nasser had called for a summit to resolve the issue of the strait of Titan. Israeli lies about the 67 war are shameful.
Where were you when they bombed the USS liberty? You should read Moshe Dayan.
And I still want to know
The Arabs didn't start it. The Israelis planned it since 1953. They wanted more land and water. Dayan details their constant provocations. Egypt's military was deployed in Yemen from 1962-1970. Nasser had called for a summit to resolve the issue of the strait of Titan. Israeli lies about the 67 war are shameful.
Your Arab, anti Jews, sources are lying or twisting what happened.

What is this book where he details wanting more land, and not simply defending what they had considering how the Jordanians kept practice shooting on those who lived in Jerusalem?

Let us have the link, and exact sentence or paragraph where you got this from and possibly distorted it to not be recognizable anymore.
And I still want to know

Your Arab, anti Jews, sources are lying or twisting what happened.

What is this book where he details wanting more land, and not simply defending what they had considering how the Jordanians kept practice shooting on those who lived in Jerusalem?

Let us have the link, and exact sentence or paragraph where you got this from and possibly distorted it to not be recognizable anymore.
Read Moshe Dayan.
Read Moshe Dayan.
Which page?

We have gone through this before.
You have not read the book.
You have been given piece meal bits of it from your sources where it makes it look like Israel planned the whole 1967 war, the same way that your sources are apt to say that Israel started the 1948 war.

You .....need to read the book and get some English comprehension classes while you are at it.
One seeking any more proof of the antisemitism behind much of the obscene accusations of Israel being an “apartheid” state need look no further than the new United Nations (“UN”) report that will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council (“UNHRC”) on March 24.

The report is authored by the UN’s Special Rapporteur “on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967,” Michael Lynk. In his report, an advance unedited version of which was made public on March 22, Lynk accuses the Jewish state of being a “covetous alien” entity.

Having thus started off with the tired antisemitic trope of the “covetous” Jew, Lynk goes on to spread numerous false claims using the megaphone handed to him by the United Nations.

In alleging Israel is now an “apartheid” state, Lynk begins his report with the statement that “When the facts change, so must our minds.” Yet an honest and critical reading of the content of his report elucidates that the facts haven’t changed, notwithstanding Lynk’s repeated lies. Instead, the special rapporteur is trying to change the law to fit the falsified “facts” he presents.

(full article online)

“Our report is for legal professionals, academics, practitioners and government officials, but it is also for those who are looking for answers to the false and often malicious charges by NGO and U.N. Rapporteurs who grossly misrepresent the Arab-Israeli conflict, the legal basis for Israel as a Jewish state, and the nature of [its] democracy and legal system,” said Anne Herzberg of NGO Monitor.

A new report by NGO Monitor debunks the accusation of apartheid against Israel and assesses whether apartheid, as previously defined, is applicable to Israel and territories under its military administration.

This new report, titled “Neo-Orientalism: Deconstructing Claims of Apartheid in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict” and written by legal expert Joshua Kern, and legal adviser and U.N. representative for NGO Monitor Anne Herzberg, expands on a previous report published in December that sought to rectify the lack of a coherent and legally substantiated definition of the crime of apartheid.

NGO Monitor’s analysis found the definitions of apartheid’s elements commonly used by the NGOs to be “unreasoned by reference to principles and instruments of international law; consequently, we found the legal basis upon which accusations of apartheid against Israel rest to be invalid.”

The main findings of NGO Monitor’s report are disturbing.

Among others, it found that “apartheid discourse is not merely criticism of or an attempt to improve Israeli policy. Rather, it is used by NGOs and U.N. officials to construct a narrative that presents Israel’s very existence as a Jewish state as illegitimate.”

It also found that reports by NGOs and the United Nations “present an ahistorical and decontextualized narrative to press the case of apartheid. The publications erase the international community’s endorsement of the creation of a Jewish state, alongside Arab states; Arab military aggression and the ongoing Palestinian rejection of any final settlement to date; Palestinian political divisions and the root causes of fragmentation; and how the ongoing armed conflict has shaped policy in the region.”

Additionally, it found that NGO and U.N. publications “overwhelmingly adopt a neo-Orientalist approach towards Zionism and Judaism. Their claims rest on anti-Semitic caricatures and stereotypes, which trivialize how Jews have, for thousands of years, defined their peoplehood and their religion.”

NGO Monitor insisted in its own report that “any reasonable assessment of Israel’s policies must be viewed through the lens of its security dilemma and the context of armed conflict within which they are implemented. NGO and U.N. reporting consistently fail to address these issues.”

According to NGO Monitor, its analysis “has demonstrated that there is no reasonable basis to support the charges of apartheid against Israel and its officials. Every country across the globe struggles to protect the principle of equality and rooting out racial and other forms of discrimination. Israel is no exception.”

It recommended in its report that the Israeli government establish a “National Human Rights Institution” to tackle the issue of discrimination affecting the population, including the Palestinians.

According to the organization, such measures, if implemented, could “blunt attacks made by those NGOs and U.N. rapporteurs” who might use the discourse of apartheid to attack the legitimacy of Israel’s existence as a Jewish state.

“Israel is never going to prevail in U.N. spaces any time in the near future,” said Herzberg . “The U.N. is institutionally anti-Semitic and due to politics, the deck is completely stacked against the country. Officials who could do something about this dynamic, like European officials, refuse. In addition, the NGOs and U.N. Rapporteurs responsible for inventing and disseminating the apartheid charge wield tremendous influence at the U.N.”

“Nevertheless,” she said, “it is imperative that we do not cede the legal and factual space to these actors. We have to take the fight directly to the places where the political war against Israel is being waged. They cannot be allowed to monopolize the debate, even though it is difficult and we may not be successful. It is also important to expose the motives of those promoting the apartheid slander, and name and shame their funders—which, in this case, is the European Union, Ireland, Scandinavian governments and U.N. agencies.”

With so many powerful actors actively seeking to delegitimize Israel, it’s easy to lose hope that Israel could ever win this battle.

(full article online)

[ The BDS movement, started by Arab Palestinians, applauds one of the Palestine groups for the destruction of Israel for passing a BDS resolution )

Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan dismissed claims that Israel is practicing “apartheid,” a charge frequently levied by anti-Zionist activists, while visiting South Africa this week.

Speaking with South African radio personality Bafana Modise, the human rights activist and former beauty queen spoke about her personal experience witnessing coexistence between Arabs and Jews in Israel.

(full article online)


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