Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

Because our problem with the middle east isn't their religion, it's our policies.

Let's go back to the start of this thread. - Moscow's role in the supposed hatred of the Zionist Entity. This is what the Zionist Entity did back in the 1960's, got stupid Americans to think that Arab Nationalism was a function of Communism, not that they just wanted Europeans out of their countries. And for years, we were told that Arab Nationalists like Nasir or Arafat were evil commies.

Then the Islamic Fundementalist became the boogeyman in Washington's closet, and the Zionists played on those fears.

Really? So the whole "Old Testament" was a prank, then. The book that says that racism, slavery, and genocide are just fine with God. I always find it amusing the Jews injected that into Christianity and then wonder when they end up on the receiving end of it.

Yup, all the Abrahamic Religions are kind of fucked up.

The world would be so much better off if we kept worshiping Zeus.

Again, why do a bunch of Europeans deserve that land because their distorted version of the Abrahamic Religion is "closer" than the Muslims or the Christians?

A real solution to the Palestine conflict would be to declare it a UN Mandate administered by the UN, as a world cultural site. At least until the point where we outgrow the need for Sky Pixies.
It is odd that you were raised by one of the 3 religions and cannot figure out that all of your thoughts and beliefs against Jews do come from the second one which wrote and acted endlessly against the Jews, a cult created not by Jesus as you believe :

  • Feb 27, 2022

    Jesus started a 2000 year cult that has slaughtered millions of people.


But was started by another human being who turned Jesus, a human, in the Pagan like demigod the Pagans were used to in order to attract them to his ideas.

Thousands of cults have "Skye pixies" and most turned the lives of others not in their tribes and other tribes into hell. Just read some history of the people in all the continents and you will see the same pattern.

One cannot make you see that the Jews coming from Europe, or Americas or any other part of Asia are indeed descendants of the indigenous Jews. You do not want to see it, so be it. You do not make a dent in what most people believe about it, which is the Jewish people have regained part of their ancient homeland and they have the right to fight for it and keep it, just as the Kurds are fighting for their homeland, and many other indigenous people on the planet are doing the same.

Do not get over your learned hatred for Jews. Keep making it about the Jews in the US, or what you have chosen to believe about Russia ( you are very friendly with Russia, I see ).

Keep your 100% ignorance of history and continue to turn it, at every chance, against Israel and the Jews.

Nice Catholic boy. :)
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It is odd that you were raised by one of the 3 religions and cannot figure out that all of your thoughts and beliefs against Jews do come from the second one which wrote and acted endlessly against the Jews, a cult created not by Jesus as you believe :

  • Feb 27, 2022

    Jesus started a 2000 year cult that has slaughtered millions of people.


But was started by another human being who turned Jesus, a human, in the Pagan like demigod the Pagans were used to in order to attract them to his ideas.

Thousands of cults have "Skye pixies" and most turned the lives of others not in their tribes and other tribes into hell. Just read some history of the people in all the continents and you will see the same pattern.

One cannot make you see that the Jews coming from Europe, or Americas or any other part of Asia are indeed descendants of the indigenous Jews. You do not want to see it, so be it. You do not make a dent in what most people believe about it, which is the Jewish people have regained part of their ancient homeland and they have the right to fight for it and keep it, just as the Kurds are fighting for their homeland, and many other indigenous people on the planet are doing the same.

Do not get over your learned hatred for Jews. Keep making it about the Jews in the US, or what you have chosen to believe about Russia ( you are very friendly with Russia, I see ).

Keep your 100% ignorance of history and continue to turn it, at every chance, against Israel and the Jews.

Nice Catholic boy. :)
It is odd that you were raised by one of the 3 religions and cannot figure out that all of your thoughts and beliefs against Jews do come from the second one which wrote and acted endlessly against the Jews, a cult created not by Jesus as you believe :

The thing is, all religions are bad. But frankly, I was brought up as a post-Vatican 2 Catholic. Which means the Church was falling all over itself to distance itself from anti-Semitism. I didn't find out until College just how much in bed the Catholic Church was with the Nazis. Of course, I did have my suspicions.. When I asked the Nuns why the Vatican didn't denounce Nazi Germany during the war, I got a nice whack over the knuckles. I got whacked over the knuckles a lot for questioning the bullshit.
Why did God drown all the babies? Whack!
Why do we have so many statue if the Bible says no graven images? WHACK!
If homosexuality is bad, why is Fr. O'Brien such a fruit? Whack! .


So you are quite right... 12 years of Catholic Education did teach me that ANY asshole who comes to you with a fishy story about how "God" justifies their bad behavior, is to be treated with scorn.

But was started by another human being who turned Jesus, a human, in the Pagan like demigod the Pagans were used to in order to attract them to his ideas.

Thousands of cults have "Skye pixies" and most turned the lives of others not in their tribes and other tribes into hell. Just read some history of the people in all the continents and you will see the same pattern.

You might be on to something, but not as much as you think. All religions kind of influence each other. Christianity was a mixture of Judean Moralism, Persian mysticism and Greek humanism. Judaism itself has been highly influenced by Zoroaster's. Our visions of hell have more to do with Milton and Dante than anything in the Bible. If you picked up Bronze Age Hebrew in your Blue Box and dropped his ass into a modern synagogue, he would have no idea what he was looking at.


And of course, all religions today try to distance themselves from the really awful stuff in the bible that advocates slavery, genocide, child abuse, racism. In a couple of decades, all the religions will be distancing themselves from homophobia.

One cannot make you see that the Jews coming from Europe, or Americas or any other part of Asia are indeed descendants of the indigenous Jews. You do not want to see it, so be it. You do not make a dent in what most people believe about it, which is the Jewish people have regained part of their ancient homeland and they have the right to fight for it and keep it, just as the Kurds are fighting for their homeland, and many other indigenous people on the planet are doing the same.

You are right, I can't see that because after 2000 years of interbreeding with Europeans.... you guys are Europeans. You aren't an indigenous people, you are a colonizing invader.

Do not get over your learned hatred for Jews. Keep making it about the Jews in the US, or what you have chosen to believe about Russia ( you are very friendly with Russia, I see ).

Keep your 100% ignorance of history and continue to turn it, at every chance, against Israel and the Jews.

Ah, yes, so the Zionists have moved away from "There's a scary Islamist under your bed" to "There's a scary Russian in your closet!"

The problem isn't that Christianity is anti-Semetic, it's that there are a lot of really stupid fundi-tarded Christians who think that we need Jews in Palestine for Jesus to come back and end the world. (I'm always fascinated by the desire of Christians for this to happen, like they are looking forward to all the misery the apocolypse will cause people. That's almost as fucked up as living next to people who want to murder you because a sky pixie said so.)

The problem here is that we have spent the last 50 years stuck to the Middle East Tar Baby. Instead, we should have been trying to get away from it. We keep trying to balance the lock the Zionist Lobby has on our politicians in Washington (both parties) with the desperate need we have for oil.
The thing is, all religions are bad. But frankly, I was brought up as a post-Vatican 2 Catholic. Which means the Church was falling all over itself to distance itself from anti-Semitism. I didn't find out until College just how much in bed the Catholic Church was with the Nazis. Of course, I did have my suspicions.. When I asked the Nuns why the Vatican didn't denounce Nazi Germany during the war, I got a nice whack over the knuckles. I got whacked over the knuckles a lot for questioning the bullshit.
Why did God drown all the babies? Whack!
Why do we have so many statue if the Bible says no graven images? WHACK!
If homosexuality is bad, why is Fr. O'Brien such a fruit? Whack! .

View attachment 616609

So you are quite right... 12 years of Catholic Education did teach me that ANY asshole who comes to you with a fishy story about how "God" justifies their bad behavior, is to be treated with scorn.

You might be on to something, but not as much as you think. All religions kind of influence each other. Christianity was a mixture of Judean Moralism, Persian mysticism and Greek humanism. Judaism itself has been highly influenced by Zoroaster's. Our visions of hell have more to do with Milton and Dante than anything in the Bible. If you picked up Bronze Age Hebrew in your Blue Box and dropped his ass into a modern synagogue, he would have no idea what he was looking at.

View attachment 616608
And of course, all religions today try to distance themselves from the really awful stuff in the bible that advocates slavery, genocide, child abuse, racism. In a couple of decades, all the religions will be distancing themselves from homophobia.

You are right, I can't see that because after 2000 years of interbreeding with Europeans.... you guys are Europeans. You aren't an indigenous people, you are a colonizing invader.

Ah, yes, so the Zionists have moved away from "There's a scary Islamist under your bed" to "There's a scary Russian in your closet!"

The problem isn't that Christianity is anti-Semetic, it's that there are a lot of really stupid fundi-tarded Christians who think that we need Jews in Palestine for Jesus to come back and end the world. (I'm always fascinated by the desire of Christians for this to happen, like they are looking forward to all the misery the apocolypse will cause people. That's almost as fucked up as living next to people who want to murder you because a sky pixie said so.)

The problem here is that we have spent the last 50 years stuck to the Middle East Tar Baby. Instead, we should have been trying to get away from it. We keep trying to balance the lock the Zionist Lobby has on our politicians in Washington (both parties) with the desperate need we have for oil.
[You are right, I can't see that because after 2000 years of interbreeding with Europeans.... you guys are Europeans. You aren't an indigenous people, you are a colonizing invader.]

Jews remained mostly isolated from other peoples in Europe, etc, in order to survive. The few intermarriages do not make the Jews who lived in Europe into Europeans. They retain their original genes, as proven by several studies of DNA.
They continue to be the indigenous people of the area.

And the same goes to all the Jews who remained in Asia, the Mizrahi, who continued to remain isolated and continued to follow Judaism and preserve it all of these centuries. Be it in Mesopotamia, Iran, Arabian Peninsula, or anywhere else.
They did not become Arabs, or Persians, or any other ethnic people. They retained their indigenous part of Ancient Canaan.

Now, more than half of Israelis are descendants of the people who remained in Asia.

But via all the sources you have read, because Israel was finally reconstructed by Jews who came from Europe, then they "must" be Europeans, when the Jews from anywhere else are not denied their indigenous status of being from Ancient Israel.

The idea that Jews from Europe "are Europeans" only started after the Arabs could not destroy Israel in 1948. You will not find a reference anywhere from Christian or Muslim sources denying that the Jews are indigenous of the area. The purpose is to delegitimize the Jewish rights to any part of the land and eventually destroy the country. Any part of it.

Zionists have not moved away from anything. The point of Zionism is for Jews, the indigenous people of the land who have been persecuted for centuries by Christians and Muslims, to have their homeland/Nation back, legally, so that Jews have where to flee to and not be denied refugee or turned into prisoners of those countries as it happened in Portugal and Spain during the Inquisition. Every other generation there is a Christian or Muslim pogrom on Jews, because the Jews had nowhere to go and where prohibited of defending themselves or they would be killed.

And ZIonism has existed since the first Jewish exile with the Babylonians. All it means is liberating one's homeland and living in it as free people.

Nothing else you have written is worth mentioning, as it is all based on anti Israel sources dedicated on destroying Israel.
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[You are right, I can't see that because after 2000 years of interbreeding with Europeans.... you guys are Europeans. You aren't an indigenous people, you are a colonizing invader.]

Jews remained mostly isolated from other peoples in Europe, etc, in order to survive. The few intermarriages do not make the Jews who lived in Europe into Europeans. They retain their original genes, as proven by several studies of DNA.
They continue to be the indigenous people of the area.

Zionists have not moved away from anything. The point of Zionism is for Jews, the indigenous people of the land who have been persecuted for centuries by Christians and Muslims, to have their homeland/Nation back, legally, so that Jews have where to flee to and not be denied refugee or turned into prisoners of those countries as it happened in Portugal and Spain during the Inquisition. Every other generation there is a Christian or Muslim pogrom on Jews, because the Jews had nowhere to go and where prohibited of defending themselves or they would be killed.

And ZIonism has existed since the first Jewish exile with the Babylonians. All it means is liberating one's homeland and living in it as free people.

Nothing else you have written is worth mentioning, as it is all based on anti Israel sources dedicated on destroying Israel.
You are very well informed. Do you happen to know when it was when the (relatively) new Muslims conquered Jerusalem, where Jews had been living for over 1,000 years?
You are very well informed. Do you happen to know when it was when the (relatively) new Muslims conquered Jerusalem, where Jews had been living for over 1,000 years?
Muslim Kurds first invaded the area in the early 7th century. The second wave was of Arabs. The Arabs, the Caliph, allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem which had been closed to them by the Romans since one of the Jewish revolts.
The Christian Byzantine kept it closed to Jews.

Judaism had been there for 2400 years before the Muslim invasion.
The Muslims like the Philistines, Assyrians, Greek, Romans and Byzantine were conquerors of the area over the indigenous people. Many Arabs moved all over Asia, including North Africa after that.
Arabs cannot be considered indigenous to Ancient Canaan, anymore than they are considered indigenous to Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Lybia, Morocco, where they are now a majority. Indigenous peoples are still the indigenous peoples like the Berbers, the Yazidis, the Kurds, the Copts and many others.

Muslim Kurds first invaded the area in the early 7th century. The second wave was of Arabs. The Arabs, the Caliph, allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem which had been closed to them by the Romans since one of the Jewish revolts.
The Christian Byzantine kept it closed to Jews.

Judaism had been there for 2400 years before the Muslim invasion.
The Muslims like the Philistines, Assyrians, Greek, Romans and Byzantine were conquerors of the area over the indigenous people. Many Arabs moved all over Asia, including North Africa after that.
Arabs cannot be considered indigenous to Ancient Canaan, anymore than they are considered indigenous to Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Lybia, Morocco, where they are now a majority. Indigenous peoples are still the indigenous peoples like the Berbers, the Yazidis, the Kurds, the Copts and many others.

Thank you. I have been taking an ongoing class on Jewish history, and we are just now (after three years of studying) approaching the destruction of the first temple.

One thing is clear - Jews were in Israel long before Mohammed‘s great-grandfather x 10 was even born. It’s quite telling how some people are enraged when Jews enter a land, but they never mention the many times throughout history when other religions entered a land and expelled Jews. The only reason for that double standard is antisemitism, as we have seen on this thread.
More like, the British, just being evil, racist bastards who inflicted nothing but misery on the world with their empire, decided to use the Jews of Europe as proxies for colonization.

International law meant White Europeans inflicting their will on the rest of the world.

Actually, quite the opposite. The Islamic movement swept the middle east and north Africa because the Byzantines (Christians) and Sassanids (Zoroastrians) fought for hundreds of years weakening each other and making the peoples of these lands pretty miserable. So when they Arabs swept out of the region they had largely neglected, a lot of people welcomed them.

For instance, Egypt had suffered centuries of Roman/Byzantine oppression, not only of native religions, but of the Orthodoxy crushing local sects of Christianity as "heretical".

Actually, that's the only thing it's about. A bunch of white people from Europe go into a place and screw over the indigenous, non-white people. It's the sad story of the last 500 years of human history.

Actually, I don't exaggerate anything. The phrase (LIE) "A land without a people for a people without a land" comes from the Zionist movement itself.

Israel Zangwill, who was initially Zionist but soon became a prominent Anti-Zionist and advocate of assimilationism, was one of the most prolific users of the phrase. In 1901 in the New Liberal Review, Zangwill wrote that "Palestine is a country without a people; the Jews are a people without a country".[7][15] In a debate at the Article Club in November of that year, Zangwill said "Palestine has but a small population of Arabs and fellahin and wandering, lawless, blackmailing Bedouin tribes."[16] "Restore the country without a people to the people without a country. (Hear, hear.) For we have something to give as well as to get. We can sweep away the blackmailer—be he Pasha or Bedouin—we can make the wilderness blossom as the rose, and build up in the heart of the world a civilisation that may be a mediator and interpreter between the East and the West."[16] In 1902, Zangwill wrote that Palestine "remains at this moment an almost uninhabited, forsaken and ruined Turkish territory".[17]

Of course, the British Empire had its share of evil and racism, using and inflicting their will on others,
but we're not discussing the moral judgment of their historic role, and we cannot do that based only
on their flaws. For one, they're still around - i.e. it's up to their choice.
So with international law, each human endeavor has flaws,
in reference to the ideals, it sets to reach.

But for some reason, you conclude,
that instead of working with what is correct,
the solution should be more of the same wrong.

Therefore trying to justify more of colonialism and racism - on a grand scale,
with anecdotes about 1400 of Arab imperialism that wiped out enslaving
indigenous civilizations on several continents, simply doesn't add up.

Neither framing the conflict in terms of skin color or race,
results in your suggested outcome, for simple numbers,
that fail the entire argument once examined.

Nor did the phrase originate from the Zionist movement, and I think you already knew.
Moreover, the usual deflection to the "no population" strawman argument,
further demonstrates what was essentially correct about it.
Jews remained mostly isolated from other peoples in Europe, etc, in order to survive. The few intermarriages do not make the Jews who lived in Europe into Europeans. They retain their original genes, as proven by several studies of DNA.
They continue to be the indigenous people of the area.

Uh, no. The indigenous people of the area (which included MANY religions, not just Judaism) most converted to Islam before or after the Crusades.

Jews stopped being the majority in Palestine in the 5th century, when most of them converted to Christianity. After the Crusades, Muslims becamse the Majority because they were a little tired of putting up with Christian bullshit after 200 years of war.

By 1800, there were only 7,000 Jews living in Palestine. By 1890, it was only 43,000. Even after the Balfour Declaration, by 1931, only 175K European Squatters had taken the British up on their offer. It was only after Hitler that they all decided that stealing someone else's land was a good idea.

Now, more than half of Israelis are descendants of the people who remained in Asia.
Yet they aren't the ones running the Zionist Entity. nearly all of the politicians running the ZE are European Jews, either being born in Europe or their parents were.

The idea that Jews from Europe "are Europeans" only started after the Arabs could not destroy Israel in 1948. You will not find a reference anywhere from Christian or Muslim sources denying that the Jews are indigenous of the area. The purpose is to delegitimize the Jewish rights to any part of the land and eventually destroy the country. Any part of it.

See above. The European Squatters didn't start flooding in until after WWII.

And the same goes to all the Jews who remained in Asia, the Mizrahi, who continued to remain isolated and continued to follow Judaism and preserve it all of these centuries. Be it in Mesopotamia, Iran, Arabian Peninsula, or anywhere else.
They did not become Arabs, or Persians, or any other ethnic people. They retained their indigenous part of Ancient Canaan.

Yet these people are STILL not very prominent in the Zionist Entity, which tells me that the European Squatters do what Europeans do best- oppress people of color.
Judaism had been there for 2400 years before the Muslim invasion.
The Muslims like the Philistines, Assyrians, Greek, Romans and Byzantine were conquerors of the area over the indigenous people. Many Arabs moved all over Asia, including North Africa after that.

So were the worshippers of Baal, Moloch, Dagon, Ishtar, etc. Except most of them didn't act like sticks in the mud when an empire decided to play through.

Arabs cannot be considered indigenous to Ancient Canaan, anymore than they are considered indigenous to Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Lybia, Morocco, where they are now a majority. Indigenous peoples are still the indigenous peoples like the Berbers, the Yazidis, the Kurds, the Copts and many others.

No, but here's the difference. The Arabs didn't replace these people, they assimilated them. So they stopped worshipping their own sky pixies and started worshipping Allah and speaking Arabic.

Therefore trying to justify more of colonialism and racism - on a grand scale,
with anecdotes about 1400 of Arab imperialism that wiped out enslaving
indigenous civilizations on several continents, simply doesn't add up.

You are right. Because the Muslims only really conquerd parts of TWO continents, and were pretty tolerant of other religions. Which is why you can still see Yazidis, Zoroastrians, Coptic Christians, Mandians, Bahai and other religions today. Heck, even the Jews fared better in the Islamic world than they did in the Christian World until they stabbed the Arabs in the back and stole Palestine.

MEANWHILE, the Christians conquered the Americas, Australia, much of Oceania, and Sub-Sahara Africa, oppressed native religions, genocided the shit out of indigenous people, because JESUS LOVES YOU, man!

Now I'm old enough to remember when the Vietnam War was going on, and they demonized the Vietnamese. They are sending their kids out to stab GI's in the balls with punji sticks!!! And then this funny thing happened. After we stopped trying to take over their country, they were kind of fine with us. They even welcomed American investment.
Uh, no. The indigenous people of the area (which included MANY religions, not just Judaism) most converted to Islam before or after the Crusades.

Jews stopped being the majority in Palestine in the 5th century, when most of them converted to Christianity. After the Crusades, Muslims becamse the Majority because they were a little tired of putting up with Christian bullshit after 200 years of war.

By 1800, there were only 7,000 Jews living in Palestine. By 1890, it was only 43,000. Even after the Balfour Declaration, by 1931, only 175K European Squatters had taken the British up on their offer. It was only after Hitler that they all decided that stealing someone else's land was a good idea.

Yet they aren't the ones running the Zionist Entity. nearly all of the politicians running the ZE are European Jews, either being born in Europe or their parents were.

See above. The European Squatters didn't start flooding in until after WWII.

Yet these people are STILL not very prominent in the Zionist Entity, which tells me that the European Squatters do what Europeans do best- oppress people of color.
[ The indigenous people of the area (which included MANY religions, not just Judaism) most converted to Islam before or after the Crusades.]

Link to this "fact of history". You do have it, right?

And to this one as well:

[Jews stopped being the majority in Palestine in the 5th century, when most of them converted to Christianity.]

Jews have had a constant, as in continuous inhabitance on their homeland.
How many there were at any time is irrelevant.

Being born in a place does not make one indigenous of that place.

Your ancestors came from other place than the US. You are still indigenous to those places, if different ones, and not from the American continent.

Other people migrate to a place but Jews ........"flooded" into their homeland.
Never mind why, utterly unimportant.

How nice of you to turn Jews into a race which oppresses other races.

Again, there is nothing in what you posted which. does not come from your Christian Catholic upbringing in rejecting any truths about the Jews.

You swallowed the " Jew Hatred Handbook For Dummies" whole and continue to turn and twist anything which is genuine and true about the Jews in order to delegitimize the Jewish rights to the land.

Nothing new, Joe. Nothing.

And still........no proof, none, that the Jewish People do not have the rights to even a sliver, which is all that was left of the whole Mandate for Palestine (aka, Israel) which the British gave away.......because they had the power to do it.

No, what the British did to the Jews in taking away 78% of the Mandate, the only Mandate they did it to, and giving it away to the Hashemite Clan from Arabia (poor Clan was run out around WWI from their rightful homeland in Arabia by the Saudis ) simply because they were not Jews. And could be used by the British.

Christians hating Jews.
Muslims hating Jews.

Muslims get 78%
Jews get nothing. That was the British intention. Before, during and after WWII, where the British had no problems letting Jews drown, sent back to concentration camps in Europe. The British intention was to keep the other 22% to themselves.

Jews deserve nothing. They get nothing.

Which is why Israel had to come to be reconstructed on the Jewish People's Ancient Homeland and nowhere else. And Jews will continue to defend their country and their lives, because the Christian and Muslim intent after WWII is to get rid of them all, just as it was done by the Nazis with a huge help by the Arab leaders.

Which page in your Handbook for Dummies are you going to turn to now?

And by the way, you continue to not show one evidence of Israel being an Apartheid country.

Hard to find something which does not exist.
So were the worshippers of Baal, Moloch, Dagon, Ishtar, etc. Except most of them didn't act like sticks in the mud when an empire decided to play through.

No, but here's the difference. The Arabs didn't replace these people, they assimilated them. So they stopped worshipping their own sky pixies and started worshipping Allah and speaking Arabic.

You are right. Because the Muslims only really conquerd parts of TWO continents, and were pretty tolerant of other religions. Which is why you can still see Yazidis, Zoroastrians, Coptic Christians, Mandians, Bahai and other religions today. Heck, even the Jews fared better in the Islamic world than they did in the Christian World until they stabbed the Arabs in the back and stole Palestine.

MEANWHILE, the Christians conquered the Americas, Australia, much of Oceania, and Sub-Sahara Africa, oppressed native religions, genocided the shit out of indigenous people, because JESUS LOVES YOU, man!

Now I'm old enough to remember when the Vietnam War was going on, and they demonized the Vietnamese. They are sending their kids out to stab GI's in the balls with punji sticks!!! And then this funny thing happened. After we stopped trying to take over their country, they were kind of fine with us. They even welcomed American investment.
Like I said in the post above, I would just L O V E to see your evidence that Jews converted to Christianity and Islam after the Romans, or the Byzantine, or even after the Muslims came.

Anything?????? One link will do.

[ even the Jews fared better in the Islamic world]

And that idea would be on what page from your Handbook for Dummies?

Read the article below and show me how well the Jews fared under Islam:


Why should Jews have been treated the way they were, since Christianity and Islam ?

They were clearly treated worse than any other peoples by both ideologies.

But you have no idea how both treated the Jews differently and what the constant consequences were to the Jews.

It is odd that Arabs, who are not indigenous to Palestine, get "stabbed in the back" by the Jews, but the indigenous Jews were not.

You have no idea about the existence of other Jews except for the Ashkenazi, whom you dismiss as being non Jewish. Therefore it is fine for you to say that the land was stolen by your favorite people, the Arabs, who have caused as much genocide against the indigenous people's outside of Arabia, as Europeans have done in Europe, the Americas, Australia, etc, etc.

Leaf though your Handbook for Dummies and let me know what else you find, which I am sure I have heard before, as it is the same Handbook quite a few other dummies have been quoting around the forums.

PS : Jews cannot steal a land which never belonged to the Arabs. Just ask the Crusaders, the Ottoman Empire and the British. And then, ask all decent Arabs around the world. They know where they came from and where the Palestinians come from as well.
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In my experience, the most antisemitic people are those with a Catholic School education back in the 60s and early 70s when they were still calling Jews “Christ-killers.”

My own family’s experience with being on the receiving end of hate crimes were ALL - there were a few - at the hands of Catholic School boys.
Link to this "fact of history". You do have it, right?
I did a link, you ignored it.

Jews have had a constant, as in continuous inhabitance on their homeland.
How many there were at any time is irrelevant.

Well, that's bullshit. That's like saying I have a claim to land in Germany because that's where my Grandfather came from. Forget we haven't lived there for a century, and no one speaks any German in my family.

Being born in a place does not make one indigenous of that place.

Your ancestors came from other place than the US. You are still indigenous to those places, if different ones, and not from the American continent.

Well, my mom was 1/4 Cherokee, but that's neither here nor there. I am an AMERICAN, and indigenous to America.

Other people migrate to a place but Jews ........"flooded" into their homeland.
Never mind why, utterly unimportant.

The problem is, most people who immigrate respect the places the immigrate to. For instance, my grandfather changed the way he pronounced the family name and started calling himself "Louis" instead of "Ludwig". My father fought for the US Army in WWII.

The Zionist European Squatters (I will simply call them ZES for short) did no such thing. They came in and acted like they owned the place.

How nice of you to turn Jews into a race which oppresses other races.
You kind of did that yourself by oppressing brown people just like the rest of the white people do.

Again, there is nothing in what you posted which. does not come from your Christian Catholic upbringing in rejecting any truths about the Jews.

You swallowed the " Jew Hatred Handbook For Dummies" whole and continue to turn and twist anything which is genuine and true about the Jews in order to delegitimize the Jewish rights to the land.

Again, as I said, I was brought up Post-Vatican 2, where the Church was apologizing like shit for all their inquisitions and fascist collaborations.

And still........no proof, none, that the Jewish People do not have the rights to even a sliver, which is all that was left of the whole Mandate for Palestine (aka, Israel) which the British gave away.......because they had the power to do it.

No, what the British did to the Jews in taking away 78% of the Mandate, the only Mandate they did it to, and giving it away to the Hashemite Clan from Arabia (poor Clan was run out around WWI from their rightful homeland in Arabia by the Saudis ) simply because they were not Jews. And could be used by the British.

The British shouldn't have given away any of the Mandate. What the Arabs SHOULD have done is shot TS Lawrence the minute he showed up and then declared a JIHAD and took the Suez Canal.

Which is why Israel had to come to be reconstructed on the Jewish People's Ancient Homeland and nowhere else. And Jews will continue to defend their country and their lives, because the Christian and Muslim intent after WWII is to get rid of them all, just as it was done by the Nazis with a huge help by the Arab leaders.

Except, as stated, the Arabs fought for the Allies, not the Axis. And got screwed again by the British.
In my experience, the most antisemitic people are those with a Catholic School education back in the 60s and early 70s when they were still calling Jews “Christ-killers.”

My own family’s experience with being on the receiving end of hate crimes were ALL - there were a few - at the hands of Catholic School boys.

Uh, as someone who went to Catholic Schools in the 70's, that was never said once.

Again- Post Vatican 2. Vatican 2, where the Pope proudly announced that the Jews really didn't kill Jesus, even though the Gospels clearly said they did.

- For the record, I don't believe Jesus ever existed to be killed... I think he was made up out of whole cloth by gnostics in the 2nd Century.

As for getting a beating at the hand of HS Boys... why is it every where you people go, you seem to piss people off?
I did a link, you ignored it.

[ Do post it again. I cannot find it right now. I will take a look at it, if not again ]

Well, that's bullshit. That's like saying I have a claim to land in Germany because that's where my Grandfather came from. Forget we haven't lived there for a century, and no one speaks any German in my family.

[No FOOL. It only means that anyone who is descendant from Germans have the right to return to Germany if they so wish. It has nothing to do with a certain piece of land, or a home in any city, etc. ]

Well, my mom was 1/4 Cherokee, but that's neither here nor there. I am an AMERICAN, and indigenous to America.

[You are 1/4 Indigenous to America. 3/4 of you are not. ]
The problem is, most people who immigrate respect the places the immigrate to. For instance, my grandfather changed the way he pronounced the family name and started calling himself "Louis" instead of "Ludwig". My father fought for the US Army in WWII.

The Zionist European Squatters (I will simply call them ZES for short) did no such thing. They came in and acted like they owned the place.

[They did no such thing. You read too much revised history ]
You kind of did that yourself by oppressing brown people just like the rest of the white people do.
[Enough with the racist innuendos. The Arabs, Druze, Bahai, etc who are citizens of Israel and love the country as their own, disagree with you 10,000% ]

Again, as I said, I was brought up Post-Vatican 2, where the Church was apologizing like shit for all their inquisitions and fascist collaborations.

[Which was the right thing to do after so many forced conversions, oppression, torture and murder ]

The British shouldn't have given away any of the Mandate. What the Arabs SHOULD have done is shot TS Lawrence the minute he showed up and then declared a JIHAD and took the Suez Canal.

[In other words, there should not have been any Mandates after WWI. No Iraq, Lebanon or Syria, either . What exactly was supposed to happened to all the land the Ottomans lost ?]

Except, as stated, the Arabs fought for the Allies, not the Axis. And got screwed again by the British.
[You dream about Arabs fighting for the British. Some did. Most did not. Just ask Grand Mufti Al Husseini ]

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