Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

The Palestinians lived there for hundreds of years.

The European Squatters only started moving there after Hitler turned their relatives into lampshades and bars of soap.
The ''Bible Belters'' lived in the loosely defined geographic region called the Bible belt for hundreds of years. There is no ''country of the Bible Belt''. Similarly, those living for hundreds of years in the geographic region called ''Appalachia'' are not living in the ''country of Appalachia''.

The Arab-Moslem squatters who occupied Turkish controlled land occupied a land area not known as "Pal'istan'' by the Turks.

Inventing people and assigning them an invented national identity by inventing a ''country of Pal'istan'' suggests the woke, leftist entity is reality challenged.
The ''Bible Belters'' lived in the loosely defined geographic region called the Bible belt for hundreds of years. There is no ''country of the Bible Belt''. Similarly, those living for hundreds of years in the geographic region called ''Appalachia'' are not living in the ''country of Appalachia''.

The Arab-Moslem squatters who occupied Turkish controlled land occupied a land area not known as "Pal'istan'' by the Turks.

Inventing people and assigning them an invented national identity by inventing a ''country of Pal'istan'' suggests the woke, leftist entity is reality challenged.

Kind of a bad analogy. the people of the Bible Belt not only run their part of the country, they have an outsized influence on how the country as a whole is run. It's kind of why America can't make any progress, these backwards, inbred bible thumping morons have way too much influence compared to their percentage of the population.

Now, if a bunch of Chinese People moved into their land, bombed them, stole their property, and herded them into settlements and set up a country of "new China", they'd have a legitimate complaint.

As would the Palestinian people about the European Squatters, who only moved there because their fellow Europeans got fed up with their shit and tried to exterminate them.
Kind of a bad analogy. the people of the Bible Belt not only run their part of the country, they have an outsized influence on how the country as a whole is run. It's kind of why America can't make any progress, these backwards, inbred bible thumping morons have way too much influence compared to their percentage of the population.

Now, if a bunch of Chinese People moved into their land, bombed them, stole their property, and herded them into settlements and set up a country of "new China", they'd have a legitimate complaint.

As would the Palestinian people about the European Squatters, who only moved there because their fellow Europeans got fed up with their shit and tried to exterminate them.
I'm afraid I hurt your feelings by offering an analogy that was a parallel to yours. Your invention of a ''country'' inhabited by an invented people was just embarrassing.

You do realize that Arabs-Moslems occupying Turkish controlled land doesn't magically become a ''country'' because you want it to be true, right? Who made you the Emir of retroactively creating new countries?
I'm afraid I hurt your feelings by offering an analogy that was a parallel to yours. Your invention of a ''country'' inhabited by an invented people was just embarrassing.

You do realize that Arabs-Moslems occupying Turkish controlled land doesn't magically become a ''country'' because you want it to be true, right? Who made you the Emir of retroactively creating new countries?

The argument you are making here is that the Palestinians don't have a unique national identity as the Syrians or the Jordanians... which is just silly.

The Ottoman's themselves designated Palestine as it's own province.

The argument you are making here is that the Palestinians don't have a unique national identity as the Syrians or the Jordanians... which is just silly.

The Ottoman's themselves designated Palestine as it's own province.

View attachment 614975
That's odd. There is no ''Pal'istan'' listed from the source of your unattributed copy and paste.

s between 1878 & 1900
= Under austrian occupation
= Khedivate under british occupat. HUNGARY



instaming pole





So, aside you from you unilaterally inventing the imagined ''country of Pal'istsan'' inhabited by Arab-Moslem occupiers to whom you unilaterally assigned the invented nationality of "Pal'istanians', are there any other invented countries with invented nationals you invented you can share?
That's odd. There is no ''Pal'istan'' listed from the source of your unattributed copy and paste.

Wow... so if a Palestinian blows you up tomorrow, you can totally deny his existence! that'll work.
Wow... so if a Palestinian blows you up tomorrow, you can totally deny his existence! that'll work.
You tried to commit a fraud and it failed.

''... If a Palestinian blows you up tomorrow...''

Would that confirm your authority as the inventor of the ''country of Pal'istan'' occupied by Arabs-Moslems you have invented as ''Pal'istanians''?

BTW, stereotyping your invented ''Pal'istanians'' as suicide bombers tends to discredit your authority as inventor of countries.
You tried to commit a fraud and it failed.

''... If a Palestinian blows you up tomorrow...''

Would that confirm your authority as the inventor of the ''country of Pal'istan'' occupied by Arabs-Moslems you have invented as ''Pal'istanians''?

BTW, stereotyping the ''Pal'istanians'' you invented as suicide bombers tends to discredit your authority as inventor of countries.

I think you should definitely try this "Disbelief" strategy.



The problem here is the underlying LIE of Zionism.

"A Land without a people for a people without a land".

Except Palestine had people on it. People who supported the British in removing the Ottomans, only to have their land stolen and given to the European Squatters.
I admit that -- like most people -- I do not know the history of that area.

But I have gotten the impression that a lot of Jewish people lived there until the Romans chased them out.

And a lot of Arab people willingly sold their land to Jewish settlers way before World War II.

On the other hand, I have also read that some Jewish leaders thought the idea of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine was a very BAD idea. The horror of the Holocaust caused many of them to change their minds, however.

And the idea of taking a part of Uganda as a Jewish homeland was not too appealing.

Here we are in 2022. We all know that Israel simply will not allow a truly independent Palestinian state to border Israel (and certainly not with its own armed forces!).

In my opinion, as the United States of America becomes a majority non-Caucasian nation by the next century, American support for Israel will decline. So Israel, I assume, is looking for a new best friend.
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So... It seems you have acknowledged and now abandoned your attempts at fraud and dishonesty and are reduced to cutting and pasting nonsense.

Naw, I'm just not taking you seriously... I mean, I doubt your disbelief in Palestinians is real... I think it's just a convenient lie you tell yourself. Just like you don't think about the poor cow when you have a steak.

I admit that -- like most people -- I do not know the history of that area.

But I have gotten the impression that a lot of Jewish people lived there until the Romans chased them out.

But the question is, do the Jews of today have a direct lineage to the Judeans of old? Racially, they do not, as they have long since crossbred with Europeans to no longer really be a "Semitic" people. Religiously, Islam and Christianity have equally good claims to be the theological heirs to King David.

And a lot of Arab people willingly sold their land to Jewish settlers way before World War II.

Not that many, and there's a big gap between land ownership and nationhood.

On the other hand, I have also read that some Jewish leaders thought the idea of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine was a very BAD idea. The horror of the Holocaust caused many of them to change their minds, however.

Yes, the Zionists are like abused children who have become big enough to beat up on someone else. THAT'S the problem.

And the idea of taking a part of Uganda as a Jewish homeland was not too appealing.
Several sites were suggested, and they were all bad ideas, including Palestine. Setting up a Jewish state anywhere would mean displacing the people who are already there. I frankly would have no problem having the US give up one of the Empty Rectangles in the West to be the new Jewish State, but I don't think others would be too keen on it.

Here we are in 2022. We all know that Israel simply will not allow a truly independent Palestinian state to border Israel (and certainly not with its own armed forces!).

But they MAY not have a choice. Getting back to the topic of this thread, many people thought that the Botha Regime would never allow majority rule in South Africa, until the world pressured them to end apartheid.

A two state solution might seem on paper to be a good idea, until you realize it validates the original theft of Palestinian land by the Zionists. It would like if I took over your house, and then generously allowed you to live in your unheated garage.

In my opinion, as the United States of America becomes a majority non-Caucasian nation by the next century, American support for Israel will decline. So Israel, I assume, is looking for a new best friend.

They can look, I doubt they will find. Europe despises them. Asia Despises them. Latin America despises them. And of course, the Middle East does.
They can look, I doubt they will find. Europe despises them. Asia Despises them. Latin America despises them. And of course, the Middle East does.

A very pessimistic outlook of yours.

I really wish the Middle East would let the tiny Jewish state live in peace.

Israel would be thrilled to help them develop economically. (Just between you and me, maybe democracy is something that the Middle East simply cannot emulate.)

Yes, I know that the Israelis have blockaded Gaza, and that Jewish settlers have some choice parts of the West Bank. But I have no doubt that there are some wonderful people in Israel who want those two Palestinian areas to develop economically and -- within limits -- politically.
A very pessimistic outlook of yours.

I really wish the Middle East would let the tiny Jewish state live in peace.

Israel would be thrilled to help them develop economically. (Just between you and me, maybe democracy is something that the Middle East simply cannot emulate.)

Yes, I know that the Israelis have blockaded Gaza, and that Jewish settlers have some choice parts of the West Bank. But I have no doubt that there are some wonderful people in Israel who want those two Palestinian areas to develop economically and -- within limits -- politically.
You sound like one of the more reasonable people on this forum.

First, you should know that the poster you replied to is a raging antisemite who has said the most despicable things about my religion, and Jews in general. The irony is that he is first to accuse others of racism.

Second, I’m not sure how familiar you are with Israel’s history, but it has offered a two-state solution to the Arabs on more than one occasion. The only condition was that they acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, and each time, the Arabs refused.

Third, the double standards are blinding. There are many Muslim-majority countries, several with it being the official state religion, and of course there are many Christian-majority countries. Only Jews, the most persecuted minority in history, are denied even ONE tiny sliver of land for a Jewish-majority country.

Fourth, while antisemites decry Israel as some evil empire, the small nation has contributed an abundance of medical, technological, and scientific advances that have benefitted the entire world.

Anyway, you sound like a reasonable person. Thanks for your posts.
Naw, I'm just not taking you seriously... I mean, I doubt your disbelief in Palestinians is real... I think it's just a convenient lie you tell yourself. Just like you don't think about the poor cow when you have a steak.

But the question is, do the Jews of today have a direct lineage to the Judeans of old? Racially, they do not, as they have long since crossbred with Europeans to no longer really be a "Semitic" people. Religiously, Islam and Christianity have equally good claims to be the theological heirs to King David.

Not that many, and there's a big gap between land ownership and nationhood.

Yes, the Zionists are like abused children who have become big enough to beat up on someone else. THAT'S the problem.

Several sites were suggested, and they were all bad ideas, including Palestine. Setting up a Jewish state anywhere would mean displacing the people who are already there. I frankly would have no problem having the US give up one of the Empty Rectangles in the West to be the new Jewish State, but I don't think others would be too keen on it.

But they MAY not have a choice. Getting back to the topic of this thread, many people thought that the Botha Regime would never allow majority rule in South Africa, until the world pressured them to end apartheid.

A two state solution might seem on paper to be a good idea, until you realize it validates the original theft of Palestinian land by the Zionists. It would like if I took over your house, and then generously allowed you to live in your unheated garage.

They can look, I doubt they will find. Europe despises them. Asia Despises them. Latin America despises them. And of course, the Middle East does.
You're not taking me seriously because I hurt your feelings? Learn to cope.

You made nonsense claims about something called a ''country of Pal'istan'' you had invented. You provided nothing to support your claim and were reduced to cutting and pasting images of "Bigfoot" when pressed. You cut and pasted an image of what you thought were lands of the former Ottoman Caliphate and insisted Pal'istan was a unique territory when your cut and paste indicated no such thing.

Your claims have been fraudulent and you hoped to perpetuate that fraud with falsehoods and misinformation.
I admit that -- like most people -- I do not know the history of that area.

But I have gotten the impression that a lot of Jewish people lived there until the Romans chased them out.

And a lot of Arab people willingly sold their land to Jewish settlers way before World War II.

On the other hand, I have also read that some Jewish leaders thought the idea of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine was a very BAD idea. The horror of the Holocaust caused many of them to change their minds, however.

And the idea of taking a part of Uganda as a Jewish homeland was not too appealing.

Here we are in 2022. We all know that Israel simply will not allow a truly independent Palestinian state to border Israel (and certainly not with its own armed forces!).

In my opinion, as the United States of America becomes a majority non-Caucasian nation by the next century, American support for Israel will decline. So Israel, I assume, is looking for a new best friend.

''And a lot of Arab people willingly sold their land to Jewish settlers way before World War II.''

Yes. That's true. The article is now behind a paywall but wasn't earlier.

The Turkish government on Sunday gave the Palestinian Authority a copy of the Ottoman archive containing all documents pertaining to land ownership in pre-state Israel through 1916.

The PA requested the records to support Palestinian land claims. The Palestinians say that these documents reflect the "true" ownership of the land. One year later, in 1917, Britain drove the Ottomans out of the country and issued the Balfour Declaration, expressing support for the establishment of a Jewish state in what was then called Palestine. The Palestinians say these evens represented the start of "a Zionist takeover of their land, under the auspices of British imperialism."

Even before 1917, Jewish and Zionist institutions had purchased large tracts of land in Palestine from absentee landlords, who lived mainly in Syria and Lebanon. These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers, but were happy to sell it for the right price, without giving a thought to their tenant farmers. Nevertheless, Palestinians view these sales as more legitimate than those that took place during the British occupation that began in 1917

Under Ottoman rule, a substantial portion of the land in Palestine was registered as state land. Some of this land was later sold or transferred to pre-state Jewish institutions. Other portions belonged to the Muslim waqf (religious trust), and these, according to Islamic law, cannot be sold. However, there was no orderly registration process; ownership was determined primarily using records such as tax payments.

Ever since 1948, Palestinian institutions dealing with the refugee issue have been trying to obtain accurate records on the land and property that were lost when Israel was established. This effort has gained steam in recent years, but no Palestinian institution has come close to collecting all the relevant data. One reason for the lackadaisical effort may be the Palestinians' understanding that the data has little practical value other than for public relations. At most, it will be used in the bargaining over compensation for refugees, if and when such negotiations take place
A very pessimistic outlook of yours.

I really wish the Middle East would let the tiny Jewish state live in peace.

Israel would be thrilled to help them develop economically. (Just between you and me, maybe democracy is something that the Middle East simply cannot emulate.)

Yes, I know that the Israelis have blockaded Gaza, and that Jewish settlers have some choice parts of the West Bank. But I have no doubt that there are some wonderful people in Israel who want those two Palestinian areas to develop economically and -- within limits -- politically.

Why should they? Again, imagine that a street gang drove you out of your house, and then for some reason, the courts decided they had "Squatters rights" to keep living there. Then they generously offered to let you live in "their" (actually your) unheated garage.

Second, I’m not sure how familiar you are with Israel’s history, but it has offered a two-state solution to the Arabs on more than one occasion. The only condition was that they acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, and each time, the Arabs refused.

As well they should. Why should they validate the theft of their land.

Third, the double standards are blinding. There are many Muslim-majority countries, several with it being the official state religion, and of course there are many Christian-majority countries. Only Jews, the most persecuted minority in history, are denied even ONE tiny sliver of land for a Jewish-majority country.

except most Christian majority countries have freedom of religion clauses. Its why my state has a fat bloated Jewish governor. (And I actually voted for that guy, because the alternatives were so awful). As for the Muslim majority countries, the point is, you can look at the Islamic world, and find communities of Druze, Ba'hai, Zoroastrians, Mandian, Yazidi and other sects who have co-existed with Muslims for centuries. The Islamic world even welcomed the Sephardic Jews of Spain when they were driven out after the Inquisition. Until the Jews double-crossed them and stole Palestine.

Whenever I hear Jews whine about being "persecuted", you always have to ask, what did they do to piss the people off. It seems to be a running theme... Spain, Russia, Germany and now Palestine. you guys seem to wear out your welcome.

You're not taking me seriously because I hurt your feelings? Learn to cope.

You made nonsense claims about something called a ''country of Pal'istan'' you had invented.

Yes, yes, just tell those Palestinians they don't exist when they try to murder you. That'll work.

The PA requested the records to support Palestinian land claims. The Palestinians say that these documents reflect the "true" ownership of the land. One year later, in 1917, Britain drove the Ottomans out of the country and issued the Balfour Declaration, expressing support for the establishment of a Jewish state in what was then called Palestine. The Palestinians say these evens represented the start of "a Zionist takeover of their land, under the auspices of British imperialism."

You left out the part where the Arabs fought the Ottomans on the promise the British would liberate them, only for the British and French to divy up their land and start settling the Jewish Refuse of Europe in Palestine as Colonists by Proxy.

Despite that, when another World War rolled around, Muslims around the world signed up to fight for the allies, only to find themselves getting screwed by the Western Powers one more time.
Why should they? Again, imagine that a street gang drove you out of your house, and then for some reason, the courts decided they had "Squatters rights" to keep living there. Then they generously offered to let you live in "their" (actually your) unheated garage.

As well they should. Why should they validate the theft of their land.

except most Christian majority countries have freedom of religion clauses. Its why my state has a fat bloated Jewish governor. (And I actually voted for that guy, because the alternatives were so awful). As for the Muslim majority countries, the point is, you can look at the Islamic world, and find communities of Druze, Ba'hai, Zoroastrians, Mandian, Yazidi and other sects who have co-existed with Muslims for centuries. The Islamic world even welcomed the Sephardic Jews of Spain when they were driven out after the Inquisition. Until the Jews double-crossed them and stole Palestine.

Whenever I hear Jews whine about being "persecuted", you always have to ask, what did they do to piss the people off. It seems to be a running theme... Spain, Russia, Germany and now Palestine. you guys seem to wear out your welcome.

Yes, yes, just tell those Palestinians they don't exist when they try to murder you. That'll work.

You left out the part where the Arabs fought the Ottomans on the promise the British would liberate them, only for the British and French to divy up their land and start settling the Jewish Refuse of Europe in Palestine as Colonists by Proxy.

Despite that, when another World War rolled around, Muslims around the world signed up to fight for the allies, only to find themselves getting screwed by the Western Powers one more time.

You left out the part where your fraudulent attempts to invent a “country of Pal’istan” supported by a cut and paste map that you fraudulently attempted to represent as something it was not was just another desperate attempt to spam the thread with your ideology of hate, self-hate.,
You left out the part where your fraudulent attempts to invent a “country of Pal’istan”

Again, I think you need to go up to some Palestinians and tell them they don't exist. Let me know how that works out for you.
Again, I think you need to go up to some Palestinians and tell them they don't exist. Let me know how that works out for you.
Again, cut and paste another phony map where you try to fraudulently represent your invented “country of Pal’istan”.
Again, cut and paste another phony map where you try to fraudulently represent your invented “country of Pal’istan”.
If anyone doubts that hate for Israel is related to antisemitism, he should read some of Joe’s posts on his thoughts about Jews. That someone who comes out fighting against racism (and accusing people of it constantly) is so happy to declare his antisemitism is beyond ironic - it’s sick.

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