Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

Obviously, you don't understand the definition of imperialism. The Turks didn't live in Palestine, the Palestinians did.

The British said, "Hey, revolt against the Turks and we'll give you your own country!" And then they turned around and gave that land to the Jewish Squatters of Europe. I mean, kind of understandable, Most of Christian Europe would have been happy if their Jews went away. But taking someone else's land, um, that's kind of wrong. Wrong when Hitler did it to them, wrong when they did it to the Arabs.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
Arabs lived in the region of Palestine. And Jews and Druze and others. No Palestinians. That is what any Turkish or British record of the population does tell, and that is what any traveler, trader, writer, journalist, etc does also tell. All of this is hard for Jew haters to acknowledge.

Don't worry. The Arabs have a whole subcontinent all to themselves. Always did, and continue to have it.
The Arabian Peninsula is safe and sound from any invaders, except for the wars of one Arab clan against the other.

Just like the Saudis clan kicking out the Hashemites in the early 1900s. Let us start a campaign for the Hashemites, descendants of Mohammad, to get back their land. Then things will start going back to normal in the world.

You are still drowning in that quicksand you have created.

Since you have no historical facts and nothing to prove about the allegations of Israel being an Apartheid State........
Obviously, you don't understand the definition of imperialism. The Turks didn't live in Palestine, the Palestinians did.

The British said, "Hey, revolt against the Turks and we'll give you your own country!" And then they turned around and gave that land to the Jewish Squatters of Europe. I mean, kind of understandable, Most of Christian Europe would have been happy if their Jews went away. But taking someone else's land, um, that's kind of wrong. Wrong when Hitler did it to them, wrong when they did it to the Arabs.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
Obviously, you understand ducking the question. The Sanjak of Palestine was a loosely defined territory sovereign to the Turkish Emirates. There was no autonomous government of Palā€™istan and no formal boundaries of any land area controlled by Palā€™istanians.

So, weā€™re circling back to requiring you to support your claim of ā€œstolen landā€.

What land was ā€˜stolenā€ from the Pally squatters?

Why are you happy to have retreated from supporting your claims?
Digging deeper here I was floored to learn that Mr Faā€™afiu spent eight years with the New Zealand Foreign Ministry. Surely Faā€™afiuā€™s silence in the face of his current organisationā€™s antisemitism was not representative of New Zealand politics?

I was about to enter a surprisingly dark rabbit hole. The island nation next to Australia might project itself as a natural ally of democratic countries and it is a member of some of the pro-Western ā€˜clubsā€™ like the Five Eyes security alliance, but New Zealand does not, in fact, hold a great record when it comes to Israel or Jews.

  • New Zealand, I discovered, is one of the only Western countries to not designate Hamas or Hezbollah as terror organizations;

  • The New Zealand Sovereign Wealth Fund recently joined Ben & Jerryā€™s joining of the BDS movement by divesting from Israeli banks;

  • Bizarrely, New Zealand maintains an Embassy in Iran and in Turkey but has no embassy in Israel whatsoever;

  • New Zealand is perhaps the only Western nation to have actively avoided investigating its provision of safe haven for Nazi SS officers to its shores after World War II;

  • New Zealand is the only Western country to have awarded a University degree for a work of Holocaust denial;

What the hell is up with New Zealand?

It appears the country is a sovereign equivalent of Ben & Jerryā€™s - an apparently cuddly brand on the outside but a bad apple on the inside. Not, in fact ā€˜The Lord of the Ringsā€™, but much more like ā€˜The Lord of the Wrongsā€™.

New Zealand has been chasing a Free Trade Agreement with the USA as a ā€˜key goalā€™ for a while. While New Zealand continues to undermine America by undermining our closest ally Israel, we should make it crystal clear that a bad friend gets no free trade access.

This issue is likely to make its way to Congress via senators in much the same way an increasing set of vocal Americans notified their representatives that Ben & Jerryā€™s needed censure. Ben & Jerryā€™s is just an ice cream company, but New Zealand has influence over a number of Pacific Islands and their votes at the United Nations. New Zealand represents a case where patriotic Americans, both Democrat and Republican, can send a strong message that the US is a real friend of Israel.

Please write to your friendly senator or member of Congress and let them know that New Zealand isnā€™t a friend of Israel and shouldn't be rewarded without pivoting its voting at the UN, its bigoted sovereign investment policy, investigating its safe haven to Nazis, revoking its Holocaust denial theses in its Universities, and proscribing Hamas and Hezbollah.

See more details at this link.

(full article online)

So you're persecuted again.
Arabs lived in the region of Palestine. And Jews and Druze and others. No Palestinians. That is what any Turkish or British record of the population does tell, and that is what any traveler, trader, writer, journalist, etc does also tell. All of this is hard for Jew haters to acknowledge.

Don't worry. The Arabs have a whole subcontinent all to themselves. Always did, and continue to have it.
The Arabian Peninsula is safe and sound from any invaders, except for the wars of one Arab clan against the other.

Just like the Saudis clan kicking out the Hashemites in the early 1900s. Let us start a campaign for the Hashemites, descendants of Mohammad, to get back their land. Then things will start going back to normal in the world.

You are still drowning in that quicksand you have created.

Since you have no historical facts and nothing to prove about the allegations of Israel being an Apartheid State........
He declared himself caliph after he tried to sell out the Arabs.
Arabs lived in the region of Palestine. And Jews and Druze and others. No Palestinians. That is what any Turkish or British record of the population does tell, and that is what any traveler, trader, writer, journalist, etc does also tell. All of this is hard for Jew haters to acknowledge.

Actually, what the records show is that most of the people of palestine were Arabic speaking Muslims and not Hebrew speaking Jews.

Don't worry. The Arabs have a whole subcontinent all to themselves. Always did, and continue to have it.
The Arabian Peninsula is safe and sound from any invaders, except for the wars of one Arab clan against the other.

True. And when they get Palestine back, we won't get dragged into any more wars over there.

Just like the Saudis clan kicking out the Hashemites in the early 1900s. Let us start a campaign for the Hashemites, descendants of Mohammad, to get back their land. Then things will start going back to normal in the world.

NOrmal would be when the ZIonists are driven into the sea.

You are still drowning in that quicksand you have created.

Since you have no historical facts and nothing to prove about the allegations of Israel being an Apartheid State........

You mean other than nearly every international human rights organization saying it is?

Obviously, you understand ducking the question. The Sanjak of Palestine was a loosely defined territory sovereign to the Turkish Emirates. There was no autonomous government of Palā€™istan and no formal boundaries of any land area controlled by Palā€™istanians.

That's like saying none of the nations under colonization "existed" before they declared independence. That's just, absurd.
Actually, what the records show is that most of the people of palestine were Arabic speaking Muslims and not Hebrew speaking Jews.

True. And when they get Palestine back, we won't get dragged into any more wars over there.

NOrmal would be when the ZIonists are driven into the sea.

You mean other than nearly every international human rights organization saying it is?

That's like saying none of the nations under colonization "existed" before they declared independence. That's just, absurd.
Nothing to discuss, prove, or otherwise about Israel's alleged Apartheid?

You are done here.
Raā€™am Party leader MK Mansour Abbas rejected the claim that the State of Israel was guilty of the crime of apartheid within its sovereign borders.

ā€œI would not call it apartheid,ā€ he said during a virtual talk he gave at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy on Thursday.

He defended his position by pointing out the obvious: that he leads an Israeli-Arab party that is a member of the governmentā€™s coalition.

Arab Bedouin, Ismail Khaldi exposes Palestinian (Pallywood) lies of Israel being a "Apartheid State". As an Arab, he is treated as well as a Jew. He is one of the most well respected soldiers in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) and is into Israeli Politics. He explains how Arabs are well treated by Israel and live better than when they did under Arab rule. He is not the only well known Arab Bedouin in the IDF, Israeli captain and war hero, Amos Yarkoni (born Abd el-Majid Hidr) was one of the best Israeli war hero of the 1940's during the Arab-Israeli War. Even "Palestinians" are racist against Bedouins, Druze, Baha'i and Gypsies (Domari people).

The new animated short film, "Is Israel Only for Jews?" presents the reality of life within the State of Israel, home to a vast range of religious and ethnic groups. Although Jews make up a majority of Israel's citizens, approximately one out of every five Israelis is Arab, and all citizens are afforded the same rights and freedoms under the law. The Israeli government pays the salaries of imams and funds the construction of mosques in Israel, and Jerusalem is home to churches of almost every Christian denomination in the world. The film highlights the full participation of Arab citizens in Israeli government, business, and academia and notes that while Israelis seldom agree on government policies, the right to protest and due process are ensured for all. The film is also being released in English.

"As the Arab world displays greater openness to Israel, it is important that perceptions of the Jewish state reflect its remarkable pluralism and diversity," said AJC CEO David Harris. "Israel is, at once, the homeland of the Jewish people and a thriving democracy that is home to more than 1.8 million Arab citizens, all of whom enjoy equal rights and freedoms.

While "Is Israel Only for Jews?" does not center on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it acknowledges that the conflict "requires meaningful and lasting resolution," while challenging the notion common in the Arab world that Israelis are all Jewish or that Arabs in the Jewish state are oppressed. The film acknowledges inequalities and outstanding social challenges within Israel, as well as the democratic tools all citizens of Israel possess to address them.

"The barriers to peace between Israel and the Palestinians are political, not religious or ethnic," added Harris. "Muslims, Christians, Jews, Druze, Bahai, and people of other faiths live, work, and worship freely in the Jewish state, and Arab Israelis are prominent leaders in government, business, national defense, and many other fields. We hope this new film will help promote Arab-Israeli peace by upending stereotypes about Israel and fostering greater understanding of the Jewish state throughout the Arab world."

(full article online)

When Amnesty released its 280-page report accusing Israel of ā€œapartheid,ā€ it simultaneously unleashed a wave of public relations material to promote its libel. Among such efforts is a 90-minute online course on Amnestyā€™s website. Entitled ā€œDeconstructing Israelā€™s Apartheid Against Palestinians,ā€ the course claims it will teach students how to:

  • ā€œDefine the characteristics of the human rights violation and crime of apartheid in international law
  • ā€œExplain how the oppression and domination of Palestinians by Israel amounts to apartheid
  • ā€œDescribe how apartheid affects Palestinians
  • ā€œTake action to campaign against apartheidā€
Instead, Amnestyā€™s course ends up:

  • Distorting and inventing international law;
  • Applying double standards to the Jewish State, promoting half-truths and false or decontextualized allegations;
  • Using emotionally-charged language and obscene comparisons to compensate for the lack of substantive evidence of apartheid in Israel;
  • Serving as little more than a propaganda exercise.
The following is a summary of the major errors, omissions, and deceptions that characterize the course. Below, readers may find more detailed analyses of the various issues with the course by expanding the subsections.

(full article online)

When Amnesty released its 280-page report accusing Israel of ā€œapartheid,ā€ it simultaneously unleashed a wave of public relations material to promote its libel. Among such efforts is a 90-minute online course on Amnestyā€™s website. Entitled ā€œDeconstructing Israelā€™s Apartheid Against Palestinians,ā€ the course claims it will teach students how to:

Determine that water is wet and the sky is blue?

Of course, the Zionist Entity is an apartheid state. Otherwise, they should grant the same civil rights to Palestinians - all Palestinians - that it does to Israelis.

Applying double standards to the Jewish State, promoting half-truths and false or decontextualized allegations;

The very fact that the Zionist entity is a "Jewish State" makes it an Apartheid one. Jews have rights, non-Jews don't.
Under the guidance of the KGB, the idea of the Arab refugees as a distinct people took hold.

The KGB generated a storyline that nowadays is often taken as factual. These are its basic points, none of them true:

1. The PLO, from its start, expressed the will of the Arabs living the geographic region Palestine, rather than the will of Moscow to create divisions and overthrow democracy.

2. Palestine is not just the name for a geographic region, but the home for a distinct and indigenous people, the Palestinian Arabs. Its Jewish citizens are colonizers from some unidentified foreign country..

3. Israel practices apartheid in which the Arab citizens of Israel are prevented from advancing.

4. Arab poverty in the territories controlled by Arabs is due to Israel, rather than to the Arab rulers Hamas and the PLO

See here (pp. 163-164)

Since February 24, 2022, the day when the Russian attack on the Ukraine commenced, the top brass of PLO counter intelligence has been sitting in the Kremlin, egging on Moscow. By no coincidence, the League of Arab Nations, which spawned the Palestine Liberation Organization with Russian support back in in 1964, has supported the war launched by Russia.

In that context, the time has come to pay attention to the overlooked Russian role in Middle East]

On September 13 1993, when the Oslo Accords were inked on the White House lawn, RUSSIA sat with the US, as guarantors of these accords, even though they were never ratified by the PLO.

While the US has consistently aspired to play the role of an honest broker between the warring parties, Russia has acted under no such pretensions.

Instead, Russia consistently supports the PLO understanding of the Oslo Accords, that Israel must withdraw to the 1949 armistice lines, cancel annexation of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Golan, and recognize the "right of return"

Russia will now seek to ameliorate its image

What better way to assume a heroic posture than to assert itself of the guarantor of peace in the Middle East. and to support demands of the PLO,

(full article online)

2. Palestine is not just the name for a geographic region, but the home for a distinct and indigenous people, the Palestinian Arabs. Its Jewish citizens are colonizers from some unidentified foreign country..

Well, no, we know exactly what countries the European Squatters are coming from. The former USSR, Germany, and Poland, mostly.

While the US has consistently aspired to play the role of an honest broker between the warring parties, Russia has acted under no such pretensions.

You can't play an "honest broker" when you are only arming one side in a conflict and using your UN Veto to shield the Zionist Entity from any accountability.

4. Arab poverty in the territories controlled by Arabs is due to Israel, rather than to the Arab rulers Hamas and the PLO

Who controls the resources in the Occupied Territories? It isn't Hamas or Fatah, it's the Zionist Entity.

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