Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

Is he a leftist? Hard to tell when there are so many on the right who are Jew haters and anti Israel.

What actually matters is what he has been led to believe and how he lives by those beliefs 100%.
Oh, yeah. He’s of that angry, self-hating, over the rainbow, aint' comin' back, kind of leftist.
Until someday you realize that the Jewish People ARE the indigenous people of the Land of Canaan, there is no hope to not seeing you post lies created since 1948 to help destroy Israel.

Except they really aren't. You trace back any prominant Israeli leader, and you will find someone who was either born in Europe or their parents were. They didn't speak Hebrew as their first language. The only thing they had in common with the people the Romans expelled from Palestine in the Second Century is a variation on their religion, and one could argue that Islam and Christianity are variations on that religion as well. So once you eliminate the ethnic claim (they are European, not Middle Eastern) and the Religious claim (That all the Abrahamic Religions have an equally good claim based on their imaginary sky pixie), you really just have one ethnic group that invaded and bullied the indigenous people.

Each and every thing you have posted, including quoting a virulent Jew hater like Roger Waters, is not going to turn the Jews into the oppressors who "did not learn to do to others what was done to them "

Roger Waters is a great man and a humanitarian. He's probably done more for helping people than you ever will.
But what impressed me is how he got his point across in so few words. The Jews SHOULD have learned something from what the Nazis did them, but instead, they just engaged in the same kind of awful behavior.

It is up to you to want to see and learn the truth.
Anything else is being stubborn to one's need to see the Jews as evil people.

They are systematically oppressing a people because a Magic Sky Fairy told them they could. I can't imagine anything more evil than that. Religion sucks.

What is behind Roger Water's anti Israel stance?
It is the Jews !!!!! It is the Jews !!!!!
England's long hatred of Jews, since they embraced Christianity, is a clue as to why so many in the country can believe the evil of Jews and that of Israel itself.

Actually, it was British Imperialism that created the Zionist Entity. They lied to the Arabs to get them to revolt against the Ottomans, and then gave away their land to the Jews of Europe.

Not always, but some anti-Semites use "Israel" as a code word for Jews.

Waters denies being anti-Jewish, but sometimes makes me wonder. When he used an inflated pig with a Star of David and dollar signs on it flying around the concert hall, that is religiously offensive and promotes the slur that the only thing Jews care about is money.

Then you obviously don't get the point. The Pig also has the Islamic Crescent, the Christian Cross, Hammer and Sickle, Swastikas and other religious, economic, and political symbols, and the point Waters is making is that we should reject "isms" and just look out for each other. Usually the Audience responds by destroying the Pig. The floating pig has been part of Pink Floyd concerts since 1977 with the Animals Album.

The Wall is the greatest rock and roll album, ever! It's why it's still popular 43 years after it's release.
Is he a leftist? Hard to tell when there are so many on the right who are Jew haters and anti Israel.

What actually matters is what he has been led to believe and how he lives by those beliefs 100%.

Oh, yeah. He’s of that angry, self-hating, over the rainbow, aint' comin' back, kind of leftist.

Actually, no. I consider myself a pragmatist.

I look at a problem, and I find the most pragmatic solution. And the first step in pragmatism is to not worry about what an imaginary fairy in the sky wants.

My hostility towards Zionism is that it's religious crazy on steroids. We have a right to a strip of land someone else lives on because 2000 years ago, some people wrote a book saying it was their land. The same book with Talking Donkeys and Giants in it, but it's a book.

The US spends hundreds of billions of dollars invested in that part of the world because other members of that religion routinely bully our politicians (both parties) into compliance.

Actually, no. I consider myself a pragmatist.

I look at a problem, and I find the most pragmatic solution. And the first step in pragmatism is to not worry about what an imaginary fairy in the sky wants.

My hostility towards Zionism is that it's religious crazy on steroids. We have a right to a strip of land someone else lives on because 2000 years ago, some people wrote a book saying it was their land. The same book with Talking Donkeys and Giants in it, but it's a book.

The US spends hundreds of billions of dollars invested in that part of the world because other members of that religion routinely bully our politicians (both parties) into compliance.

Connie Hamzy has been dethroned.
From The Jerusalem Post:

Arina Forys, 12 years old, is a modern day refugee. She left Kyiv with her parents and brother with no clothes except for what she is currently wearing. The rest she left behind. However, Arina has one thing that has possibly saved her life: she is Jewish.

The Forys family finally reached a hotel in Warsaw over the weekend after close to a week of avoiding shelling, shooting and huge traffic jams outside the Polish border.

Yet the Forys are in a different situation than most of their neighbors in Kyiv: The Jewish people and the Israeli government have their back. The family is staying in a beautiful prepaid hotel room. They are given three meals a day, and will be immigrating to Israel on Wednesday.

When they arrive in Israel, they’ll be able to stay in a hotel for at least a month, all paid for by the Israeli government. A Jewish Agency emissary is now helping them with anything they need. He’s an amazing individual who has left the business world and is devoting himself to the Jewish people.

Israel was established almost 74 years ago as a Jewish state, and I could not be more proud of my beautiful country and people after what I have seen during the past week.

Even before we knew that Russian President Vladimir Putin would invade Ukraine and begin a terrible war, Jewish organizations around the world, and the Israeli government, invested countless hours in order to think of all the possible situations that might occur, but also of ways to evacuate and save the lives of tens of thousands of Israelis and Jews.

Less than 100 years have passed since the Holocaust wiped out six million Jews. In the 1930s, being a Jew in Europe was considered being a second-class citizen. In 2022, having Jewish blood can literally save your life.

This is the flip side of Amnesty's and HRW's "apartheid" reports.

Israel is only actively seeking to save Jews. To these "human rights" organizations, that is discrimination. It is bigotry. It is immoral.

To them, it is "apartheid."

But there is a huge difference between favoring people of your tribe/family and discriminating against groups of people. And the Jewish people are family. If you don't understand that, you don't understand anything about Israel or Jews.

Most countries will happily send money towards housing and feeding the Ukrainian refugees, but most of them aren't actively seeking to allow them to immigrate. Only Israel is working this hard to save even some of them. As a tiny country, Israel cannot even think about allowing unlimited numbers of people to move in, but for Jews, it will move heaven and Earth to save them.

This is what Israel is about. This is a major reason Israel exists. In the past, no one gave a damn about Jewish refugees. Now, Jewish refugees not only have a place they can go - they have a place that they are welcome.

And this is exactly what the moral midgets are Amnesty and HRW are against. Amnesty describes Israel's Law of Return under a section of their "apartheid" report titled “Intent to oppress and dominate the Palestinian people." They take what is beautiful about Israel and tell the world it is ugly.

Favoring your own tribe is a world apart from oppressing and dominating others.

To anti-Israel bigots, it is racism against Palestinians. In reality, it is altruism - towards Jews. Because no one else wants Jews.

(full article online)

But there is a huge difference between favoring people of your tribe/family and discriminating against groups of people. And the Jewish people are family. If you don't understand that, you don't understand anything about Israel or Jews.

You are right. If a member of my family was discovered with a bunch of dead hookers buried in the basement, I would condemn that, family or not.

The thing is, many Jews, the decent ones, ARE horrified at the Zionist Entity's behavior.

Most countries will happily send money towards housing and feeding the Ukrainian refugees, but most of them aren't actively seeking to allow them to immigrate. Only Israel is working this hard to save even some of them. As a tiny country, Israel cannot even think about allowing unlimited numbers of people to move in, but for Jews, it will move heaven and Earth to save them.

So why only save Jews? We should try to save everyone WITHIN their country.

And this is exactly what the moral midgets are Amnesty and HRW are against. Amnesty describes Israel's Law of Return under a section of their "apartheid" report titled “Intent to oppress and dominate the Palestinian people." They take what is beautiful about Israel and tell the world it is ugly.

Uh, well, let's look at that. The reason why the Zionist Entity spends so much money getting Jews out of countries that are poor is because they are losing the demographic arms race against the Arabs. Eventually Arabs will be the majority, and all the apartheid/homeland/two-state sleight of hand is going to do nothing to paper that over.
You are right. If a member of my family was discovered with a bunch of dead hookers buried in the basement, I would condemn that, family or not.

The thing is, many Jews, the decent ones, ARE horrified at the Zionist Entity's behavior.

So why only save Jews? We should try to save everyone WITHIN their country.

Uh, well, let's look at that. The reason why the Zionist Entity spends so much money getting Jews out of countries that are poor is because they are losing the demographic arms race against the Arabs. Eventually Arabs will be the majority, and all the apartheid/homeland/two-state sleight of hand is going to do nothing to paper that over.
It is so enjoyable to see how you have swallowed whole, along with the pit, the endless dark views on Israel and Zionism. Keep picking and choosing what you want to believe about Israel.

Continue to be the useless idiot for the rest of your life.

Long live your hatred for Jews .
Throughout the world, anti-Israel activists push the falsehood that Israel is an “apartheid state,” despite the fact that it guarantees the same civil rights to all of its citizens, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or gender.

Last month, “human rights” NGO Amnesty International released a 200-page report claiming that Israel is an apartheid state that employs a “cruel system of domination and hate crimes.”

Israel’s Minister for Regional Cooperation Issawi Frej, who is Muslim, slammed the apartheid libel at a Knesset briefing for journalists.

(vide video online)

It is so enjoyable to see how you have swallowed whole, along with the pit, the endless dark views on Israel and Zionism. Keep picking and choosing what you want to believe about Israel.

Continue to be the useless idiot for the rest of your life.

Long live your hatred for Jews .
The irony about that leftist is that he is always accusing white people of being racist. So IOW, he is opposed to prejudice against blacks, and then reveals his own prejudice toward Jews. It’s a hypocrisy that makes the antisemitism from leftists harder to tolerate than the antisemitism from alt-righties.
The irony about that leftist is that he is always accusing white people of being racist. So IOW, he is opposed to prejudice against blacks, and then reveals his own prejudice toward Jews. It’s a hypocrisy that makes the antisemitism from leftists harder to tolerate than the antisemitism from alt-righties.
His views are neither left nor right.
It is a simple case of being brainwashed against Jews, and Israel specifically.

You are bringing your views on the left into it, and his answers have nothing to do with being of either party.
His views are neither left nor right.
It is a simple case of being brainwashed against Jews, and Israel specifically.

You are bringing your views on the left into it, and his answers have nothing to do with being of either party.
Not true. I am pointing out that he rallies behind the fight against racism that is at the heart of Democrat thought - hence the accusation of “raaaacist!” against anyone who disagrees with liberals - while simultaneously promoting prejudice against Jews. It is a MAJOR hypocrisy coming from the left, and he specifically has been part of that in his postings.

The neo-Nazi types on the right, however, are equal opportunity haters.
Not true. I am pointing out that he rallies behind the fight against racism that is at the heart of Democrat thought - hence the accusation of “raaaacist!” against anyone who disagrees with liberals - while simultaneously promoting prejudice against Jews. It is a MAJOR hypocrisy coming from the left, and he specifically has been part of that in his postings.

The neo-Nazi types on the right, however, are equal opportunity haters.
We have not been discussing racism with him. Only what he knows or does not know about Israel and Jews.

He is pro Russia, Taliban, and Saddam Hussein amongst other ideas, so I am not going to pinpoint what his political leanings are.

He sees Jews as Europeans "stealing" the land from the "indigenous" Arabs. He is not the only one, as the Arabs have spread these lies to delegitimize all Jews and make it look as if they, the Arabs, are the original people of the land.

If Jews were indigenous of any other part of Asia, where Muslims have conquered the territory, the Muslims would be spreading the same lies to keep Jews from becoming sovereign of their own destiny again.

Most of what I just read from him in other threads I do not go to are pure ignorance of what facts are. Be it Israel, Ukraine, or anything else.

Racist or not, he is one of the most ignorant haters of Jews on any of the threads.

He can believe whatever he wants to believe. It will not change the fact of who the Indigenous people are on that land, and that Israel is one of the most diverse Democracies on the planet.
We have not been discussing racism with him. Only what he knows or does not know about Israel and Jews.

He is pro Russia, Taliban, and Saddam Hussein amongst other ideas, so I am not going to pinpoint what his political leanings are.

He sees Jews as Europeans "stealing" the land from the "indigenous" Arabs. He is not the only one, as the Arabs have spread these lies to delegitimize all Jews and make it look as if they, the Arabs, are the original people of the land.

If Jews were indigenous of any other part of Asia, where Muslims have conquered the territory, the Muslims would be spreading the same lies to keep Jews from becoming sovereign of their own destiny again.

Most of what I just read from him in other threads I do not go to are pure ignorance of what facts are. Be it Israel, Ukraine, or anything else.

Racist or not, he is one of the most ignorant haters of Jews on any of the threads.

He can believe whatever he wants to believe. It will not change the fact of who the Indigenous people are on that land, and that Israel is one of the most diverse Democracies on the planet.
Yes, I agree….he is one of the most despicable and blatant antisemites on this forum, as you have come to see. In fact, I find the Jew-hatimg venom spews so nauseating that I keep him on ignore most of the time.
It is so enjoyable to see how you have swallowed whole, along with the pit, the endless dark views on Israel and Zionism. Keep picking and choosing what you want to believe about Israel.

Continue to be the useless idiot for the rest of your life.

One only need to watch what the Zionist Entity does to have a dark view of it. They are doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them.

The irony about that leftist is that he is always accusing white people of being racist. So IOW, he is opposed to prejudice against blacks, and then reveals his own prejudice toward Jews. It’s a hypocrisy that makes the antisemitism from leftists harder to tolerate than the antisemitism from alt-righties.

Actually, no. I don't put religion and race on the same plain. Race, you don't have a choice. I am going to be a pasty white guy my whole life no matter what I do. I don't have any choice in that matter. If there was a God, I would be thanking him I was born in a country where being a white male is an advantage.

You do have a choice whether or not to believe in a Magic Sky Fairy who endorses your worst inclinations. Again, if you think I am rough on the Jews, you should see the shit I say about the Catholics and Mormons. I'm much, much harsher on them. Thinking you have God on your side when you do awful things leads to more awful things.


Gott Mit Uns - God's With Us....

His views are neither left nor right.
It is a simple case of being brainwashed against Jews, and Israel specifically.

You are bringing your views on the left into it, and his answers have nothing to do with being of either party.

My grievance with the Zionist Entity is simple
1) They engage in some truly awful behavior
2) They use "God" to justify it.
3) They expect me to subsidize it because they have so Subverted American Politics.

I don't think I can dumb it down for you any more than that.
We have not been discussing racism with him. Only what he knows or does not know about Israel and Jews.

He is pro Russia, Taliban, and Saddam Hussein amongst other ideas, so I am not going to pinpoint what his political leanings are.

Where do I say I am pro any of those things? I don't think any of things are worth the life of one American Serviceman. So you are already starting off on the wrong foot.

He sees Jews as Europeans "stealing" the land from the "indigenous" Arabs. He is not the only one, as the Arabs have spread these lies to delegitimize all Jews and make it look as if they, the Arabs, are the original people of the land.

If Jews were indigenous of any other part of Asia, where Muslims have conquered the territory, the Muslims would be spreading the same lies to keep Jews from becoming sovereign of their own destiny again.

Here's the problem with that. Who are the original occupants of the land? Because even if you follow the Bible, the Hebrews weren't the original occupants. They were invaders, who drove out the Canaanites, Moabites, Ammonites, etc. But if you even go there, the Jews of Europe are NOT the Hebrews of old. Simply, they share nothing with them but a religion.

Do I get to be King of Sweden because I claim to worship Odin? Of course not. That would be silly.

Most of what I just read from him in other threads I do not go to are pure ignorance of what facts are. Be it Israel, Ukraine, or anything else.

Racist or not, he is one of the most ignorant haters of Jews on any of the threads.

He can believe whatever he wants to believe. It will not change the fact of who the Indigenous people are on that land, and that Israel is one of the most diverse Democracies on the planet.

"Why do you hate me"? When my seven year old nephew does that, we give him a time out.

It's less appealing in a grown ass person.

Yes, I agree….he is one of the most despicable and blatant antisemites on this forum, as you have come to see. In fact, I find the Jew-hatimg venom spews so nauseating that I keep him on ignore most of the time.

Says the racist idiot who spews racism against blacks at every opportunity.
One only need to watch what the Zionist Entity does to have a dark view of it. They are doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them.

Actually, no. I don't put religion and race on the same plain. Race, you don't have a choice. I am going to be a pasty white guy my whole life no matter what I do. I don't have any choice in that matter. If there was a God, I would be thanking him I was born in a country where being a white male is an advantage.

You do have a choice whether or not to believe in a Magic Sky Fairy who endorses your worst inclinations. Again, if you think I am rough on the Jews, you should see the shit I say about the Catholics and Mormons. I'm much, much harsher on them. Thinking you have God on your side when you do awful things leads to more awful things.

View attachment 609892
Gott Mit Uns - God's With Us....

My grievance with the Zionist Entity is simple
1) They engage in some truly awful behavior
2) They use "God" to justify it.
3) They expect me to subsidize it because they have so Subverted American Politics.

I don't think I can dumb it down for you any more than that.
You are dumb. Therefore dumbing it down........

Is an oxymoron coming from you
Where do I say I am pro any of those things? I don't think any of things are worth the life of one American Serviceman. So you are already starting off on the wrong foot.

Here's the problem with that. Who are the original occupants of the land? Because even if you follow the Bible, the Hebrews weren't the original occupants. They were invaders, who drove out the Canaanites, Moabites, Ammonites, etc. But if you even go there, the Jews of Europe are NOT the Hebrews of old. Simply, they share nothing with them but a religion.

Do I get to be King of Sweden because I claim to worship Odin? Of course not. That would be silly.

"Why do you hate me"? When my seven year old nephew does that, we give him a time out.

It's less appealing in a grown ass person.

Says the racist idiot who spews racism against blacks at every opportunity.
Where do I say I am pro any of those things? I don't think any of things are worth the life of one American Serviceman. So you are already starting off on the wrong foot.

Here's the problem with that. Who are the original occupants of the land? Because even if you follow the Bible, the Hebrews weren't the original occupants. They were invaders, who drove out the Canaanites, Moabites, Ammonites, etc. But if you even go there, the Jews of Europe are NOT the Hebrews of old. Simply, they share nothing with them but a religion.

Do I get to be King of Sweden because I claim to worship Odin? Of course not. That would be silly.

"Why do you hate me"? When my seven year old nephew does that, we give him a time out.

It's less appealing in a grown ass person.

Says the racist idiot who spews racism against blacks at every opportunity.
I read your posts on other threads. That is where you said those things you were pro about. Once on the internet.......it stays on the internet.

Not one American soldier, or from any other country, has fought or died in the war between the Muslims and Israel. Not one. None will be put in Israel to fight for that country. You have unnecessary nightmares over things which will never happen.

You not being aware that the Jewish people have been migrating since the time of the first Temple to other areas of the world......is really your problem. It does not stop descendants of those people, who kept their Judaism to this day from being Indigenous of Ancient Canaan.
The same goes to any people on the planet. If a group of Germans move to the Russian region and live there for a 1000 years, they are still indigenous of Germany, and have every right to return to Germany if their descendants still feel attached to the German land and so wish to return there.

You know nothing and want to know even less when it comes to Jews and their rights. So be it.

By all mean give infantile examples as to things that would not be true anyway, to make it sound as if you actually know what you are talking about and can make comparisons about someone claiming to be the King of Sweden and who the Jewish people really are.

Your mental immaturity is on display with your amazingly infantile examples attempting to delegitimize the Jewish people.

Your lies are just as exposed as the accusations of Apartheid on Israel.

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