Extreme CA state gun bills advance in Sacramento

Sooo, once again no one is stopping you from owing a gun

In NYC they sure as hell are. And its not about "a gun" its about the gun I want to buy being unconsitutionally illegal unless you are a government agent.

Stop being dense.

So no one is stopping you from buying a gun.



They are stopping me from buying the gun I want to buy. Thats enough.

Repeating something ad nauseum does not make it right.
In NYC they sure as hell are. And its not about "a gun" its about the gun I want to buy being unconsitutionally illegal unless you are a government agent.

Stop being dense.

So no one is stopping you from buying a gun.



They are stopping me from buying the gun I want to buy. Thats enough.
Repeating something ad nauseum does not make it right.

No it not, you can still buy a gun.
Okay, this could be a good thing or this could be very bad, I'm not completely sure which. IF the lunatic left goes ahead with this and they pass all of these bans, then once again they will give a reason for some of the lefties and what they consider 'moderates' to move out of the state. If they come to Oklahoma, we SUFFER because of it. PLEASE, PLEASE do NOT come to Oklahoma. I hear Conneticut is wonderful this time of year.

However, this could also be good because I'm not sure if you can be a member of the lunatic left and still support things like the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment? So that means that The Democratic People's Republic of Kalifornia will be MORE OF A MAGNET for the left lunatic fringe and they will all move there. Even the very few that we have here will be DRAWN towards the 'karma' center of the universe.

Then, if I am allowed to dream BIG, the DPRK can leave the United States and become a member of 'the world of nations' where Koombaya is their national anthem and four times a day they get to stop and bow towards Sacramento. The governor will become the "Dear Leader". Cars must be electric and all gasoline will be banned. You'll see pictures of trains packed like they are in India with people on the roofs, but they'll be abiding by the Kyoto protocols, so it's cool. Electricity will only be available from 10:00am until 8:00PM because all the oil and coal-fired electric plants have been dismantled. Health care is completely free (when and if you get it after a 48-hour wait in the emergency room) and abortion clinics are on every corner. Urban centers will look like a clip from "Soylent Green". It will be a utopia for them.

Course, Kalifornia is broke and they have obligations around the $20billion dollar range and growing. I have a feeling that they will expect the rest of the country to finance their insanity.

I thought Kalifornia was supposed to slide off into the Pacific from a massive earthquake?
Democrats now have a supermajority in both PRCalifornia houses and an extreme leftist in the Governor's office. All have long records of legislating against the will of the people.

They shouldn't have any trouble enacting these bills.

And when resulting lawsuits get to the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Roberts (who achieved fame by rewriting the Obamacare law from the bench, changing the word "penalty" to "tax" wherever it occurred) should find it equally easy to change the word "shall" in the 2nd amendment to "might", and then ruling these laws constitutional too.


Gun-control bills advance in Sacramento - Vallejo Times Herald

Gun-control bills advance in Sacramento

By Josh Richman
MediaNews Group
Posted: 08/14/2013 01:01:17 AM PDT

SACRAMENTO -- A package of bills that would once again give California the nation's toughest gun-control laws passed a key legislative hurdle Tuesday, setting up a white-hot Capitol showdown.

The Assembly Committee on Public Safety hearing offered a preview of that battle, as dozens of gun-control advocates -- including some who have lost loved ones to violent crime -- faced off against gun-rights supporters who believe that a basic freedom is threatened.

"This entire package is not focused on trying to prohibit or limit law-abiding citizens from having guns," state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, told the committee. "It seeks to close loopholes that were never supposed to exist."

But National Rifle Association lobbyist Ed Worley scoffed at that notion. "We're not looking at a loophole, but rather a vast expansion of government control over a constitutional right," he said. By the hearing's end, the committee had voted along party lines to approve bills that would:

* add all semi-automatic rifles that accept detachable magazines to the state's list of banned assault weapons;
* ban owning any magazine that holds more than 10 rounds, including existing ones;
* ban bullet buttons that allow fast swapping of rifle magazines;
* require long-gun buyers to pass a written safety test; and
* add more crimes to the list of those that would bar someone from carrying a firearm.

The bills, already passed by the state Senate, are moving inexorably closer to floor votes and the governor's desk.

Tuesday's votes followed similar actions Monday in the Senate Appropriations Committee, which voted to approve an Assembly bill aimed at prohibiting firearms in homes where any resident is legally barred from owning one, unless they're locked up or carried by a lawful owner.

Tuesday's Assembly committee debate over Steinberg's SB374, which would ban semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines, was particularly heated.

The committee approved the bill 4-2.

Craig DeLuz, lobbyist for the California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees, spoke against SB 683, which would extend the state's safety-certificate requirement for handguns to long guns as well. Bill author Marty Block, D-San Diego, said 80 percent of the safety test would be the same for handguns and long guns, so state staffers determined it wouldn't be cost-effective to create two different tests.

The bill passed 4-0.

State Sen. Loni Hancock, D-Berkeley, advocated for SB 396, her bill to criminalize possession of all high-capacity magazines even if they predate the state's 2000 ban or were made with do-it-yourself kits. Such magazines "have no place in civil society," she said.

She said giving owners a year of advance notice before the ban takes effect "as well as giving them options to sell their magazines outside California, sell them to a licensed dealer, destroy them or hand them over to police "should be enough to sidestep any potential lawsuits challenging the ban's constitutionality."

Tom Pedersen, lobbyist for the California Rifle and Pistol Association, argued that "criminals do not follow the law, so the bill will do nothing to curb violence."

The committee approved the bill 4-2.

This is another example of liberals ignoring the laws of unintended consequences .
These libs whine and scream about how laws disproportionately affect minority people. Well, the most frequent violators of gun laws are members of minority groups.
The result is this will backfire on the democrats who think by putting pen to paper they can end the crime in inner city neighborhoods.
Have at it folks.
Cool, California is leading the way in firearm black markets, and turning otherwise law abiding citizens into criminals! This is good stuff. it's like prohibition all over again. only this time, it ain't drinking people will hide from the govt.
One of the tenets of liberalism is to control the people. Control tends to lead to dependence on government.
Control can be achieved in many ways. One of those methods is creating crime.
It's called law and order liberalism.

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