Extreme Former GOP Sen John Danforth embarrassed by Republicans. Too Extreme.



What have been the big applause lines in these debates? Well, a statement that the governor of Texas is responsible for killing 234 people on death row. Or that we favor torture. Or that we’re creating a fence on the Mexican border that electrocutes people when they try to cross it. Or when people show up at the emergency room at hospitals and they’re not insured don’t treat them. And that, I mean these are the big applause lines, people just hoop and holler when they hear all that.

Instead of distancing himself from the republican party he claims to be embarrassed by, why doesn't Danforth start by calling out the extremists republicans in our own home state like Martin? Or Akin, who thinks that, "At the heart of Liberalism is a hatred for God."

Senator Danforth Embarrassed by Own Republican Party

He forgot, "Let him die".

We are just looking at the Republican Party. What they are and what they truly believe. Even too extreme for someone like JD. I suspect "no".
the party is just going to get smaller and smaller.

They cant shake this fringe that now owns them.

it very well could be the death of the party
Danforth has always been one of these Old School Republicans who just wants the Democrats to like him.

He even washed up Janet Reno's bloody bloomers after Waco.

So, no, I don't take what he has to say seriously.
the party is just going to get smaller and smaller.

They cant shake this fringe that now owns them.

it very well could be the death of the party

No, it won't be the death of the party. They have been a great party in the past and once the loons that have taken it over are gone, it will be great again. I have no doubt. Some of America's greatest thinkers and doers have come from the Republican Party and not that long ago. But the leadership now are crazy. And the majority of the base has grown stale. They don't even believe their own bullshit. They just hate having a black president and feel the country has become too brown. They are just scared. It happens. We saw it coming.
Danforth has always been one of these Old School Republicans who just wants the Democrats to like him.

He even washed up Janet Reno's bloody bloomers after Waco.

So, no, I don't take what he has to say seriously.

Old School Republicans. You round out my previous post perfectly. Thanks.
TM both parties have lost their base... Both are full of people like you on both sides, endless hate towards the other party that oddly runs the country the same as the party they claim to hate.
Republican governors are responsible for executions of condemned convicts? What kind of executions do lefties support? More than a million full term babies were stabbed in the back of the head in partial birth abortions. Should we be embarassed by democrats who support the horrific procedure that a liberal democrat senator once called "infanticide"? We just spent a couple of million taxpayer dollars killing an American citizen with a smart bomb without a trial. Was that OK because a democrat approved it? Bill Clinton authorized the execution of about 80 citizens in Waco without a trial and the left said it was their own damned fault. The federal government executed Tim McVaigh and it was fine by lefties because he deserved it. You almost gotta laugh at the hypocrisy.
Danforth has always been one of these Old School Republicans who just wants the Democrats to like him.

He even washed up Janet Reno's bloody bloomers after Waco.

So, no, I don't take what he has to say seriously.

Old School Republicans. You round out my previous post perfectly. Thanks.

Flat Earth is old school....

These Republicans are the ones that put up token resistance before going along with whatever the Democrats wanted to do anyway...

Which is why no one actually misses them.
Danforth has always been one of these Old School Republicans who just wants the Democrats to like him.

He even washed up Janet Reno's bloody bloomers after Waco.

So, no, I don't take what he has to say seriously.

Old School Republicans. You round out my previous post perfectly. Thanks.

Flat Earth is old school....

These Republicans are the ones that put up token resistance before going along with whatever the Democrats wanted to do anyway...

Which is why no one actually misses them.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the right now see all ‘Old School’ repubs as RINOs. They need to rethink this or wind up being a true minority party.
Old School Republicans. You round out my previous post perfectly. Thanks.

Flat Earth is old school....

These Republicans are the ones that put up token resistance before going along with whatever the Democrats wanted to do anyway...

Which is why no one actually misses them.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the right now see all ‘Old School’ repubs as RINOs. They need to rethink this or wind up being a true minority party.

NOt really.

I think of the old school Republicans kind of being like the boiled frog, that if you slowly turn up the temperature, the frog doesn't realize it's being boiled.

Clearly, the Democratic mentality of putting as many people on the government dole as humanly possible has failed. The GOP is trying to reverse that trend.

Danforth's complaint is what, that people cheered at the notion of execution? MOst Americans support the death penalty. That we should secure our borders? That people should be responsible for their own health care?

When did these become radical ideas?
I remember how cocky the GOP got when it was in control. Hannity practically salivated on national television when Zell Miller did something similar.

Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: A National Party No More: The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat

So, I am always a little skeptical of stuff like this.

However, Jack Danforth has always been a decent man. If the GOP had any sense, they'd listen to him.

Instead, they'll call him a RINO and pin their hopes of winning elections on the Democrats screwing up when in power.
Flat Earth is old school....

These Republicans are the ones that put up token resistance before going along with whatever the Democrats wanted to do anyway...

Which is why no one actually misses them.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the right now see all ‘Old School’ repubs as RINOs. They need to rethink this or wind up being a true minority party.

NOt really.

I think of the old school Republicans kind of being like the boiled frog, that if you slowly turn up the temperature, the frog doesn't realize it's being boiled.

Clearly, the Democratic mentality of putting as many people on the government dole as humanly possible has failed. The GOP is trying to reverse that trend.

Danforth's complaint is what, that people cheered at the notion of execution? MOst Americans support the death penalty. That we should secure our borders? That people should be responsible for their own health care?

When did these become radical ideas?

You guys only had six solid year of a GOP congress, President, and 7/9 SCOTUS nominees to enact your policies.

Though I guess we are supposed to forget that.

You are either the most inefficient group of individuals in the world, or what you presume to be the GOP agenda is not the GOP agenda.
Danforth has always been one of these Old School Republicans who just wants the Democrats to like him.

He even washed up Janet Reno's bloody bloomers after Waco.

So, no, I don't take what he has to say seriously.

Old School Republicans. You round out my previous post perfectly. Thanks.

Flat Earth is old school....

These Republicans are the ones that put up token resistance before going along with whatever the Democrats wanted to do anyway...

Which is why no one actually misses them.

Are you talking about back when we had a surplus?
You guys only had six solid year of a GOP congress, President, and 7/9 SCOTUS nominees to enact your policies.

Though I guess we are supposed to forget that.

You are either the most inefficient group of individuals in the world, or what you presume to be the GOP agenda is not the GOP agenda.

Six years to undo 70 years of statist nonsense? Really?

And it wasn't even six solid years. It was four between the time the GOP retook the Senate in 2002 and lost Congress in 2006.

However, Jack Danforth has always been a decent man. If the GOP had any sense, they'd listen to him.

Sorry, Danforth lost all credibility with me when he became the special investigator on Waco and once again, repeated the party line it was a mass suicide and there's nothing to see here even though we've caught the FBI and Reno in lie after lie for seven years.

But politically, it was okay because Koresh was kind of a creep, so it was okay all those kids died. No one held accountable.

Instead, they'll call him a RINO and pin their hopes of winning elections on the Democrats screwing up when in power

I think the GOP does a lot of things wrong.

For one, it's too cozy with Wall Street.

Second, it needs to get right with working folks and Hispanics.

That said, a lot of Danforth's complaints are the kind of simpering of Country Club REpublicans who just want the liberal media to like them.
Are you talking about back when we had a surplus?

Stealing from the Pension fund to cover operations is not "having a surplus".

In the private sector, that gets you sent to jail.
Six years to undo 70 years of statist nonsense? Really?

And it wasn't even six solid years. It was four between the time the GOP retook the Senate in 2002 and lost Congress in 2006.

The thing is, they didn't even try. The GOP in control only demonstrated that they were capable of spending like a drunk sailor and getting us into un-necessary wars.

Sorry, Danforth lost all credibility with me when he became the special investigator on Waco and once again, repeated the party line it was a mass suicide and there's nothing to see here even though we've caught the FBI and Reno in lie after lie for seven years.

Maybe he was the shooter on the grassy knoll too. Or maybe you would have been happy for him to find a fact pattern that did not exist. Other than that, you are basically claiming that Danforth was part of a conspiracy.

That's a little silly. It's the kind of stuff that sets militias off.

But politically, it was okay because Koresh was kind of a creep, so it was okay all those kids died. No one held accountable.

No that was never the statement. It was tragic that those children were killed. It's a shame their parents decided to put them in the middle of a standoff between the government a dispute about firearms.

I think the GOP does a lot of things wrong.

For one, it's too cozy with Wall Street.

Second, it needs to get right with working folks and Hispanics.

That said, a lot of Danforth's complaints are the kind of simpering of Country Club REpublicans who just want the liberal media to like them.

I agree with the first two. Danforth is from my state. He was decent and respectable before he was in national office, he was decent and respectable in national office, and he remains decent and respectable.

If the GOP attempts to smear him, they will look silly.

Zell Miller, on the other hand, came across as screaming and unhinged towards the end of his career.
Are you talking about back when we had a surplus?

Stealing from the Pension fund to cover operations is not "having a surplus".

In the private sector, that gets you sent to jail.

Yeah, that's right. Newt was Speaker of the House when they balanced the budget. Send the bastard to jail!

Hey, Boro, The Weird Mormon Robot has fallen into THIRD place in Iowa after making a new commitment there...

Sad, really.
Six years to undo 70 years of statist nonsense? Really?

And it wasn't even six solid years. It was four between the time the GOP retook the Senate in 2002 and lost Congress in 2006.

The thing is, they didn't even try. The GOP in control only demonstrated that they were capable of spending like a drunk sailor and getting us into un-necessary wars.

Funny, I seem to remember someone crashing planes into buildings making those wars necessary. And so did the Democrats, because they voted for them overwealmingly.

And, please, I'd take Bush's deficits over Obama's any day of the week.

Sorry, Danforth lost all credibility with me when he became the special investigator on Waco and once again, repeated the party line it was a mass suicide and there's nothing to see here even though we've caught the FBI and Reno in lie after lie for seven years.

Maybe he was the shooter on the grassy knoll too. Or maybe you would have been happy for him to find a fact pattern that did not exist. Other than that, you are basically claiming that Danforth was part of a conspiracy.

That's a little silly. It's the kind of stuff that sets militias off.

What I am saying is that his opening statement on this investigation was that he was going to restore the FBI's crediblity. The reason why there was an investigation was that the FBI had been caught lying. They claimed for years that they hadn't used incendiary rounds when in fact, they had.

In short, his conclusion was made before he started his investigation. His role was to restore the FBI's good name.

But politically, it was okay because Koresh was kind of a creep, so it was okay all those kids died. No one held accountable.

No that was never the statement. It was tragic that those children were killed. It's a shame their parents decided to put them in the middle of a standoff between the government a dispute about firearms.

Yes, they belonged to a Crazy religion. But as people are fond of pointing out to me when I say I'm not voting for Mitt Romney, we have this GOD GIVEN right to Crazy religions and no one better ever, ever criticize it. They also have a God given right to guns. It's right after the God given right to a crazy religion.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh? Original and Extra Crispy.

What was the FBI's excuse for going in there with tanks and tear gas? I find it amusing that you guys who are going around whining about these OWShitters getting pepper sprayed defend to the hilt Janet Reno using tear gas on kids and infants.

I think the GOP does a lot of things wrong.

For one, it's too cozy with Wall Street.

Second, it needs to get right with working folks and Hispanics.

That said, a lot of Danforth's complaints are the kind of simpering of Country Club REpublicans who just want the liberal media to like them.

I agree with the first two. Danforth is from my state. He was decent and respectable before he was in national office, he was decent and respectable in national office, and he remains decent and respectable.

If the GOP attempts to smear him, they will look silly.

Zell Miller, on the other hand, came across as screaming and unhinged towards the end of his career.[/QUOTE]

I don't think the GOP is going to pay any more attention to him than they did to Arlen Spector or Colin Powell or any other person who took his marbles and went home when they ran out of marbles a long time ago.

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