Extreme Frigid Winter Forecast For 2014.Another "Al Gore Oops" In The Making?

Have any of you been updated on the Farmers Almanac Forecast for the 2013/2014 winter? Well, it wont exactly be your typical winter. New England right across the western plains could expect to see what it's like to live in Alaska for 5 to 6 months.
And to add insult to injury, doesn't Global Warming cause "Very Intense Hurricanes"? especially during these weeks?
Not looking good for "The Honorable/Credible Al Gore". Didn't he just make a short speech defending the accuracy/predictions of what Global Warming has already done to the planet?
Anyone here live in New York? are you under 3 feet of water? How about England? or Venice? have they become the new edition to the Atlantic Ocean?:eusa_shifty:
Looks like we will all have a field day with Al Gore and the extreme left right through May!
Let the Global Warming Jokes Begin !!! :D

Laugh it up, but you just proved yourself to be a total idiot.

1) All weather is a function of one thing -- HEAT.

2) Climate change = longer harsher winters and summers & shorter spring/fall.

Class is over.


Holy shit. What class was that?? Science for clowns??

Weather is a function of ONE THING --------- huh.... Was I an idiot..

I always thought it was dependent on ------

1) atmospheric pressure
2) distribution of high/low pressure areas
3) dew points and humidity
4) proximity to oceans and water surfaces
5) jet streams
6) significant lift and sink phenomenom such as the MJO
7) differences in temperatures as in convection requiring cooler air aloft or
thunderstorm creation requiring a cold inlet and warm inlet.
8) seasons
9) solar insolation
10) dry air streams and particulate content.
11) about a dozen more variables.

Thanks for the lecture Prof.. You are now on disability leave..
Everything goes back to heat.

Thats quackery. If that was true, the sahara and equatorial regions would have more volatili fy in equal proportion to Iowa.

Mississippi would be destroyed yearly compared to Penn.

HEAT doesnt drive weather as much as THERMAL DIFFERENCES do. Many middle schoolers know this. Why dont you?

and what ever happened to all of the F5& F6 tornadoes we were supposed to have earlier this spring? did the volcanos and dead birds dropping from the sky prevent them from forming?
the weather here in Florida is just perfect right now! 85/88 degrees every day, sunny, woohoo !! so where's the global warming?
Everything goes back to heat.
HEAT doesnt drive weather as much as THERMAL DIFFERENCES do. Many middle schoolers know this. Why dont you?

I do know it son. The question here is if, as you now state, thermal differences are the drivers off weather, why you denied it was driven by heat and said weather was dependent on:

1) atmospheric pressure
2) distribution of high/low pressure areas
3) dew points and humidity
4) proximity to oceans and water surfaces
5) jet streams
6) significant lift and sink phenomenom such as the MJO
7) differences in temperatures as in convection requiring cooler air aloft or
thunderstorm creation requiring a cold inlet and warm inlet.
8) seasons
9) solar insolation
10) dry air streams and particulate content.
11) about a dozen more variables.

Eh? Why can't you make up your mind?

Why don't we skip the stupid fucking games. We all know that ALL weather is driven by energy from the sun. We all know that when more of that energy stays here to play, the weather gets rougher. It's just that some of us don't LIKE knowing it and want to pretend our little hearts out trying to think of something else to say.

So, cut the crap. It's late.
Everything goes back to heat.
HEAT doesnt drive weather as much as THERMAL DIFFERENCES do. Many middle schoolers know this. Why dont you?

I do know it son. The question here is if, as you now state, thermal differences are the drivers off weather, why you denied it was driven by heat and said weather was dependent on:

1) atmospheric pressure
2) distribution of high/low pressure areas
3) dew points and humidity
4) proximity to oceans and water surfaces
5) jet streams
6) significant lift and sink phenomenom such as the MJOb
7) differences in temperatures as in convection requiring cooler air aloft or
thunderstorm creation requiring a cold inlet and warm inlet.
8) seasons
9) solar insolation
10) dry air streams and particulate content.
11) about a dozen more variables.

Eh? Why can't you make up your mind?

Why don't we skip the stupid fucking games. We all know that ALL weather is driven by energy from the sun. We all know that when more of that energy stays here to play, the weather gets rougher. It's just that some of us don't LIKE knowing it and want to pretend our little hearts out trying to think of something else to say.

So, cut the crap. It's late.

I didn't stutter. I didn't contradict myself. Theres a big diff between just uniform rise in heat and building weather from thermal DIFFERENCES. All the stuff I listed are equally required to develop weather systems and storms. Just heat wont. Wanna argue or just keep up the personal attack?

Note its ur reading problem anyway. Since when I made the thermal diff. comment, it is in my previous list as only ONE of MANY PREREQS
for weather generation.

BTW Lemme blow your mind and that grade school statement about allweather energy from the sun. Uh no. How about earth rotational energy and gravity? Do yourself a ffavor. Ponder that amoment b4 you attack.
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