Extreme Frigid Winter Forecast For 2014.Another "Al Gore Oops" In The Making?

Some people post here as though they believe that if they can convince enough people to join them in their beliefs, then that will somehow effect the climate.

What I do not get is the ANGER with those who have a different POV.

The World's Climate is going to do what it does regardless of what any of us believe.

Getting angry with those who think it is changing (or not changing) is rather silly.

A very good point, one that I would do well to be mindful of. It does gall me to see some here denigrating the efforts of scientists that work very long hours under hard conditions for damned little money.
Farmer's Almanac? Is that what the 3% is resorting to these days?!?! :lmao:

I think I will bookmark this conversation to remind you next summer how accurate the Farmer's Almanac was when contrasted to climate science. Have you ever looked at the historical accuracy of the Farmer's Almanac?

Historically, they are in the 80% range. Climate science, and even meteorology would kill for a historical accuracy of 80%.

It's easy to claim any accuracy you care to come up with. It's much harder to prove it, which is why, I suppose, you didn't even try. :cool:
Here's the Farmers' Almanac prediction for last winter, which was pretty much wrong across the nation.

Thus, all the conservatives will now count it as a reliable source. After all, you have to be totally wrong for years running on every issue in order to gain credibility with conservatives. Conservatives don't trust people who get things right, because that indicates they're one o' them fancypants liberals who rely on things like book-lernin' and looking at the facts. Reality has a strong liberal bias, so being attuned to reality proves someone is a dirty liberal.

i actually hope we get a lot of snow/rain this winter to fill all of the drought ridden areas. I just can't imagine Texas ever running out of water.
Can I ask why ANYONE here is seriously discussing a Farmer's Almanac prediction?

Because they are right 80% of the time.......

Meanwhile, here are recent hurricane tracking models >>>>


Climate nutters will happily buy a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if its packaged up just right!!!:2up: These fuckers will buy anything if it has a "science" label.
Farmer's Almanac? Is that what the 3% is resorting to these days?!?! :lmao:

I think I will bookmark this conversation to remind you next summer how accurate the Farmer's Almanac was when contrasted to climate science. Have you ever looked at the historical accuracy of the Farmer's Almanac?

Historically, they are in the 80% range. Climate science, and even meteorology would kill for a historical accuracy of 80%.

It's easy to claim any accuracy you care to come up with. It's much harder to prove it, which is why, I suppose, you didn't even try. :cool:

I gave you credit for being smart enough to find common knowledge. Guess I was wrong.
Because they are right 80% of the time.......

No, they claim they're right. Just as I claim to be irresistible to women.

A 'tard would believe such claims without evidence. Skook is such a 'tard.

It must grate on the ol' sanity, knowing the whole planet correctly considers you to be a 'tard. Hence the behavior of skook and his pals.

Oh, let's not leave out SSDD. He's a 'tard as well. He's just less amusing than skook. Skook is a happy 'tard, while SSDD is a bitter 'tard.
the farmers almanac prediction is usually off whenever a 7 mile wide meteor strikes russia and alters the global rotation of the earth. no big deal.
What 7 mile wide meteor? The Chelyabinsk meteor was more like 20 meters wide.
The Farmers’ Almanac says that their weather predictions are based on a secret mathematical and astronomical formula. Some of the things that they take into consideration are sunspot activity, moon phases, and tidal action along with other sources. It all sounds great but as you are probably very aware it is hard for us to forecast 5 days out. The last part of the Almanac’s prediction page is what most disagrees with. The Almanac claims that their forecast is 80 percent accurate. An October 1981 issue of Weatherwise shows the magazine is nowhere close to 80 percent correct. The study found the almanac to be less accurate than chance.

The first edition is nearly 200 years old!

That being said let’s check out this week’s forecast made one year ago today for Indianapolis. We are in region 6 and for August 24 – 31 the almanac says our weather will be cool with a couple of thunderstorms. Clearly we are not cool this week with yesterday being the hottest day of the year so far. Today will likely be warmer with highs possibly hitting the mid 90s. The last time we saw temps at or below average was on the 16th of this month. We’ve been dry since the 9th of the month.

So back to my conversation with my dad over the accuracy of the Farmers’ Almanac, you have to understand it’s hard for one met to talk or be hard on anyone else. We have all been there before with someone being borderline rude while claiming we are never right. But I had to tell my dad that you can’t go by the almanac. Maybe it will snow during the New York City Super Bowl this year. Or maybe it won’t. At this time if someone says they know what the weather will be like 6 months from now, at best it is a guess. Let’s all just keep working on getting the next week right!

Read more: Farmers? Almanac should stay away from weather | Fox 59 News ? fox59.com
The Farmers’ Almanac says that their weather predictions are based on a secret mathematical and astronomical formula. Some of the things that they take into consideration are sunspot activity, moon phases, and tidal action along with other sources. It all sounds great but as you are probably very aware it is hard for us to forecast 5 days out. The last part of the Almanac’s prediction page is what most disagrees with. The Almanac claims that their forecast is 80 percent accurate. An October 1981 issue of Weatherwise shows the magazine is nowhere close to 80 percent correct. The study found the almanac to be less accurate than chance.

The first edition is nearly 200 years old!

That being said let’s check out this week’s forecast made one year ago today for Indianapolis. We are in region 6 and for August 24 – 31 the almanac says our weather will be cool with a couple of thunderstorms. Clearly we are not cool this week with yesterday being the hottest day of the year so far. Today will likely be warmer with highs possibly hitting the mid 90s. The last time we saw temps at or below average was on the 16th of this month. We’ve been dry since the 9th of the month.

So back to my conversation with my dad over the accuracy of the Farmers’ Almanac, you have to understand it’s hard for one met to talk or be hard on anyone else. We have all been there before with someone being borderline rude while claiming we are never right. But I had to tell my dad that you can’t go by the almanac. Maybe it will snow during the New York City Super Bowl this year. Or maybe it won’t. At this time if someone says they know what the weather will be like 6 months from now, at best it is a guess. Let’s all just keep working on getting the next week right!

Read more: Farmers? Almanac should stay away from weather | Fox 59 News ? fox59.com

The 80% figure is for seasonal predictions for regions. Try comparing apples to apples
The Almanac's guesses at next seasons weather are totally worthless and I should hope everyone knows it.
the farmers almanac prediction is usually off whenever a 7 mile wide meteor strikes russia and alters the global rotation of the earth. no big deal.

Wait a minute. Are you suggesting that the Almanac predictions would have been accurate were it not for the Chelyabinsk meteor?
The 80% figure is for seasonal predictions for regions.

Like, it'll be warm this summer and it'll snow this winter. OOOoooo...

Probing Question: Is the Farmers' Almanac accurate? | Penn State University

So you think all seasons are predictably the same...year after year after year? Guess that is why you think the earth's climate was static from the earliest days till the invention of the internal combustion engine.

The level of ignorance that you people put on display is literally stunning.
So, I was right, wasn't I. What in god's name do you expect? Who in their right mind would actually bring the Farmers' Almanac into a scientific discussion?

Apparently, you.
So, I was right, wasn't I. What in god's name do you expect? Who in their right mind would actually bring the Farmers' Almanac into a scientific discussion?

Apparently, you.

So you admit that you believe the earth's climate was static till the invention of the internal combustion engine and that the seasons are all predictably the same?

Like I said, the level of ignorance is stunning.

By the way, since random noise is more accurate than climate science, it is appropriate to bring nearly anything into a discussion on climate science.
So, I was right, wasn't I. What in god's name do you expect? Who in their right mind would actually bring the Farmers' Almanac into a scientific discussion?

Apparently, you.

So you admit that you believe the earth's climate was static till the invention of the internal combustion engine and that the seasons are all predictably the same?

Like I said, the level of ignorance is stunning.

Are you hallucinating?

By the way, since random noise is more accurate than climate science, it is appropriate to bring nearly anything into a discussion on climate science.

I'm still waiting for someone to PROVE to me the commonly-made assertion that feeding random noise into Mann's equations produces a hockey stick. For some reason it hasn't happened yet.

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