Extreme Rent Increases Are Killing US Businesses

I not only proved it months ago, in another thread, but I've proven it agin right here, in the very post that you just quoted. I proved it with a video that shows miles & miles of very old (but in great shape), fully functional buildings that have been under rent control for decades.

And that's just one neighborhood. I could post many more videos of walkthroughs of dozens of NNo you haveew York neighborhoods, all with miles of apartment buildings, many over 100 years old, all in good shape, after being under rent control for decades.

And your silly socialist card isnt going o help you either. I've been in this forum for 10 years, with over 56,000 posts and am well known as one of the most far right conservatives here. I've also been a business owner since the 1980's, and my 2 current businesses are being destroyed by landlords (like you?).

No socialist program that America has ever enacted has done anywhere near as much harm to US businesses, as has landlords with their mind boggling rent increases, taking spending money away from our customers. If you're a landlord, and you have extreme rent increases, as is common now, YOU are US businesses' worst enemy, not the socialists.

You utterly failed to prove a damn thing.

You just showed buildings with no evidence

56000 posts means NOTHING douchebag. I have been here longer posted more but unliker yuou I know what the fuck i am talking about. You post CRAP 56000 times

You utterly failed to prove a damn thing.

You just showed buildings with no evidence

56000 posts means NOTHING douchebag. I have been here longer posted more but unliker yuou I know what the fuck i am talking about. You post CRAP 56000 times
You have NOT been here longer, moron, and your posting number rather than "more" is less 1/3 of mine. You cant even get that right.
Back to the 3rd grade for you.

Your posts here have been obliterated, by the simple fact of thousands of very old buildings in New York, having been under rent control for decades, and are fully functional and healthy. All your landlord propaganda drivel does nothing here more than show you off to be the idiot that you are.

"Evidence" ? HA HA. Anybody that has lived (or just visted) New York knows exactly what I'm talking about, and in trying to dismiss it as untrue, you just hung yourself in this debate.
You have NOT been here longer, moron, and your posting number rather than "more" is less 1/3 of mine. You cant even get that right.
Back to the 3rd grade for you.

Your posts here have been obliterated, by the simple fact of thousands of very old buildings in New York, having been under rent control for decades, and are fully functional and healthy. All your landlord propaganda drivel does nothing here more than show you off to be the idiot that you are.

"Evidence" ? HA HA. Anybody that has lived (or just visted) New York knows exactly what I'm talking about, and in trying to dismiss it as untrue, you just hung yourself in this debate.
quantity doers not mean jack shit BOY

My posts are correct and i have owned you

DEveryone in New york disagrees with you

you do not know shit about this issue being a welfare case

2 businesses BULLSHIT

You are a self aggrandizing LIAR and I own you here
quantity doers not mean jack shit BOY

My posts are correct and i have owned you

DEveryone in New york disagrees with you

you do not know shit about this issue being a welfare case

2 businesses BULLSHIT

You are a self aggrandizing LIAR and I own you here
From this last post, it's evident the "BOY" around here is YOU (12 ? 13 ?)
Well, since I'm old enough (78) to be your great grandfather, I'll give you some advice. never say that you "own" another poster. When you do, it is clear that that other poster owns you.

But that was clear a few posts ago, when you tried to pass the silly idea that "rent control destroys housing". Advice # 2 - Never make false claims known to be false by millions of people.

Advice # 3 - never debate something you know nothing about, and the other person is an expert on that subject.
The building I was raised in, in the Fort George neighborhood of upper Manhattan (New York City) was built in 1908.
And I lived in it from 1946 to 1967 (visited it until 1977). Never heard of any shortages of anything. Same with dozens of other buildings throughout the neighborhood. All rent controlled, no shortages, no buildings abandoned. Nothing destroyed. Everything now as it was 75 years ago.


This is a recent picture of the street (Ellwood St - 197 St) that I grew up in, in the 1940s & 50s. If this picture were taken then, it wouldn't look one iota different than it looks right here in the 2020s.

In case anybody's interested, the castle at the top of the picture is "The Cloisters" which is a castle/monestary imported from France/Spain, and built at the top of Fort Tryon Park. It is the medieval branch of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.

You also hung yourself by claiming my 2 businesses to be "BULLSHIT"

My art sales business with 55 paintings I did >>>

My music lessons business >>>
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From this last post evident the "BOY" around here is YOU (12 ? 13 ?)
Well, since I'm old enough (78) to be your great grandfather, I'll give you some advice. never say that you "own" another poster, When you do, it is clear that that other poster owns you.

But that was clear a few posts ago, when you tried to pass the silly idea that "rent control destroys housing". Advice # 2 - Never make false claims known to be false by millions of people.

Advice # 3 - never debate something you know nothing about, and the other person is an expert on thet subject.
The building I was raised in, in the Fort George neighborhood of upper Manhattan (New York City) was built in 1908.
And I lived in it from 1946 to 1967 (visited it until 1977). Never heard of any shortages of anything. Same with dozens of other buildings throughout the neighborhood. All rent controlled, no shortages, no buildings abandoned. Nothing destroyed. Everything now as it was 75 years ago.


This is a recent picture of the street (Ellwood St - 197 St) that I grew up in, in the 1940s & 50s. If this picture were taken then, it wouldn't look one iota different than it looks right here in the 2020s.

In case anybody's interested, the castle at the top of the picture is "The Cloisters" which is a castle/monestary imported from France/Spain, and built at the top of Fort Tryon Park It is the medieval branch of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.

You also hung yourself by claiming my 2 businesses to be "BULLSHIT"

My art sales business with 55 paintings I did.

My music lessons business

TYhe IDea I stated is sound and you have failed to even make a dent in it

Those are business kiddoe with no evidence they are yours

You really are a rank amateur and owned by me

TYhe IDea I stated is sound and you have failed to even make a dent in it

Those are business kiddoe with no evidence they are yours

You really are a rank amateur and owned by me
Great job of making a total FOOL out of yourself. Everyone in this forum can easily see that. Things aren't the way you would like them to be just by you saying it. When you grow up, you'll find that out, junior.

If those businesses were not mine, then why would they have my picture in their websites ? (same one as in my avatar here.)
Every time you talk you hang yourself. :rolleyes:
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Great job of making a total FOOL out of yourself. Everyone in this forum can easily see that. Things aren't the way you would like them to be just by you saying it. When you grow up, you'll find that out, junior.

I am oldder and better than you BOY

My statement about rent congtrol is valid and untouched by you

yoyu have stated nothing except bullshit self aggrandizing ckaims and THAT is what everyone knows

Go pop some zits JUNIOR it is all you are good for

Everyone including YOU know i have wiped t\he floor with you
I am oldder and better than you BOY

My statement about rent congtrol is valid and untouched by you

yoyu have stated nothing except bullshit self aggrandizing ckaims and THAT is what everyone knows

Go pop some zits JUNIOR it is all you are good for

Everyone including YOU know i have wiped t\he floor with you
HA HA. The more you talk, the more your extreme immaturity glares from this page. Ho hum. yawn**** :rolleyes:
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Instead of landlords and landlord suck-ups, pouring in here like mosquitos, how about some business owners coming in here and tell us how much business you are losing, due abnormally escalating housing rents.

Millions of people are now paying hundreds of $$$$ more per MONTH for rent. That has to be hurting your sales. Time to wake up and confront this.
Landlords don't need to raise a rent from $600/mo to $1600/mo (110) apartments, to deal with a tax increases, or anything else.

Also landlords are not the topic. All other businesses are. I see lots of businesses being forced out of business. I dont see that happening to landlords.

Bad, but not as much as the rents.

Au contraire. Landlords are the topic. Who do you think raises the rents? The tenants?
Unbelievable apartment rent increases of hundreds of $$$ per month, are tearing US businesses to shreds. In my own case, I was paying $600/month 3 years ago Te rent went waaay up and I movd out. That apartment is now $1600/mo for renovated, $1200 unrenovated.

So I moved out, and I now am in a better place, but I'm paying $1,014/month. So I now have $414 LESS to spend every month, than in 2021. $4,968 less per year. There goes the nice new violin and mandolin I was going to buy. Same thing for hundreds of other musical instrument buyers in my area. So guess what > our main musical instrument store (Sam Ash) closed up & went out of business, nationwide. They had been in business for exactly 100 years.

Guess who else is closing down stores. > Walgreens. No, they don't sell musical instruments, but what they do sell cost money too, and a significant part of their customer base now has hundreds of $$$ LESS per month, to buy things with.

Inflation has to show up somewhere in the C.O.L.
The lost value doesn't just go away.
Actually it's the municipalities who continue to raise the property taxes on the landlords in an effort to recover the value of inflated money.
Certainly, but I highly doubt the municipalities are raising taxes THAT MUCH, to cover their increased costs. $1000-1500/month ? No. 🤔 :doubt:

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