Extremely Bad News For Wasserman-Schultz / Democrats: Smashed Hard Drives 'Recoverable'

“There is something quite amiss as to why Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued to use taxpayer funds to employ former technology staff member, Imran Awan, even months after he was barred from accessing the House’s computer systems and a number of her colleagues severed ties with Awan,” said Matthew Whitaker, FACT’s executive director.

“Since Awan’s arrest last week, Wasserman Schultz has been evasive and unable to answer even basic questions about the nature of Awan’s employment with her office. This only further confirms the urgency of an investigation into her unethical and illegal actions,” Whitaker said in a statement released by the non-profit government ethics watchdog."

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What is her job these days? I know Hillary put her on her campaign after she left the DNC, but the election is over. So where does DWS work now?
she's a U.S. congresswoman for a district in Florida
How many more times are the RussianWingers going to tout those fanciful tales of Clinton Corruption.

Has Bill visited Pedophile Island this summer?
It will be very interesting to see if Debbie springs a leak and brings down the whole rotten ship of evil fools.
Somehow I don't think she will rat since it is looking like her Pakistani Criminal Gang of Hackers not only were hacking Congress and THE DNC, but they may have killed Seth Rich who was probably getting his leaks from AWAN and funneling them to Assange.

She could be named as an accessory to murder.

you are

Nope, I always said Trump could beat Hillary, or rather it was hers to loose.

It was never 'hers to lose' as the DNC would not let that happen. They rigged primaries, engaged in election fraud, and cheated in debates to help her do something she could never do on her own - beat Bernie Sanders for the DNC nomination.

She should have never been allowed to remain in the election race as she was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes that included ESPIONAGE, Illegal Non-Compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Acts, Illegal handling of classified, and Influence Peddling - crimes which she DID commit.
-- Democrats and their All-In media would NEVER have allowed a GOP candidate to remain in the race under the same circumstances.

Hillary was a POS, corrupt, sexual deviant-enabling, self-serving, national security-jeopardizing criminal who was protected from prosecution so she could be the worst Presidential candidate in US history, who ran the worst campaign in US history.

Right on que. Russian Wingers always conflate. How many times did she debate Trump in the primaries?
How many more times are the RussianWingers going to tout those fanciful tales of Clinton Corruption.
Since the FBI just recently released over 800 more criminal counts of illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act just removed from Hillary's continually crime-evidence spewing server, it might be a while before Hillary's criminal exploits stop receiving attention.
Yes, because IT guys dont know smashing a hard drive is still recoverable.
Either this is bullshit or those guys arent really IT guys..

How much of an 'IT Specialist' do you have to be to hack secret files when you are given access to those files? How much of an 'IT Specialist' do you have to be to hack e-mail accounts when you are given access to those accounts and given the usernames and passwords to those accounts?

Gee, a 6th grader with a computer can now be classified as an 'IT Specialist' and make $160,000 a year! :p
Interesting that he actually had The Password "Password" to Podesta's PC, and accounts, isn't it?

Wonder if Awan and Seth Rich were working together, especially seeing how Awan was one of the last people to see Seth Rich alive on the night of his murder.

Maybe Seth Rich wasn't killed because of the leaks he was giving to Assange but because he knew Awan was helping him get leaked information to Wikileaks.

Maybe Seth Rich was killed because Awan was raiding everything and everyone he could abusing his "SUPER USER ACCESS" and aroused suspicion, and he murdered Seth Rich to cut the trail back to him short.

Posted this pic again for context.


Now - other than because you read it on 8chan - why should anyone believe a.) that's Awan in the picture, or b.) that picture was taken the night Rich was killed?
Now - other than because you read it on 8chan - why should anyone believe a.) that's Awan in the picture, or b.) that picture was taken the night Rich was killed?
At least we have a picture, I've yet to see a picture of Trump colluding with Russia.
It will be very interesting to see if Debbie springs a leak and brings down the whole rotten ship of evil fools.
Somehow I don't think she will rat since it is looking like her Pakistani Criminal Gang of Hackers not only were hacking Congress and THE DNC, but they may have killed Seth Rich who was probably getting his leaks from AWAN and funneling them to Assange.

She could be named as an accessory to murder.

There is no way I will ever believe THE DNC was Hacked not when THIS was going on!
And all the PUZZLE pieces now fit.

Assange and Kim.com founder said SETH RICH was giving them the leaked emails.
Regardless of the fact Podesta's password was password, how did Seth Rich get all of this data?

Well, You are friends with a Pakistani Hacker and his "gang" and this guy sells information to anyone who has a buck.

Awan pries in to everything. THE DNC, Congress.....EVERYONE....because he has access to EVERYONE. He has a criminal record and has SUPER USER ACCESS.

In fact, he is so good at getting information he shouldn't have that even after he gets BANNED FROM THE HOUSE systems, and FIRED from THE DNC, Schultz takes him with her to HILLARY CLINTON's CAMPAIGN after she was fired fro Ethical Violations (Election Fraud).

Both of these two were only fired because they got caught and exposed.

Congress wants to know who is getting in to their files. They focus on Awan. Seth Rich and The Pakistani Gang are the only people who know that Awan and his Gang are stealing all of this data.
Wiki Leaks is dumping data at a furious pace, and 'The Authorities' are breathing down Awan's neck.

Does Schultz know? Maybe, and maybe that is why she kept AWAN close to her like that.
Awan closes part of the trail leading back to himself by killing Seth Rich.

Now it all makes sense.


What did Schultz know and when did she know it?
So it's all about the Grabby One?

No, once again it is about the criminal Democrats and their illegal handling of classified information ... their illegal destruction of classified, devices, laptops, servers, etc ... their espionage ... their aiding and abetting foreign enemies of this country.

How many more times are the RussianWingers going to tout those fanciful tales of Clinton Corruption.

Has Bill visited Pedophile Island this summer?
He probably got his fill of banging teenage babysitters after the 26th visit and Hillary told him to knock it the fuck off because she was gonna be Emperor and he was gonna be First Bitch!
Easy continues to sit in the corner hoping, expecting praying this is a BIG STORY.…anything to deflect from Trump's crumbling presidency.
Funny as hell.
So it's all about the Grabby One?

No, once again it is about the criminal Democrats and their illegal handling of classified information ... their illegal destruction of classified, devices, laptops, servers, etc ... their espionage ... their aiding and abetting foreign enemies of this country.

How many more times are the RussianWingers going to tout those fanciful tales of Clinton Corruption.

Has Bill visited Pedophile Island this summer?
He probably got his fill of banging teenage babysitters after the 26th visit and Hillary told him to knock it the fuck off because she was gonna be Emperor and he was gonna be First Bitch!
The rotting tree will mention Hillary 50 x a day before mentioning the sad decline of the Trump presidency.
Now - other than because you read it on 8chan - why should anyone believe a.) that's Awan in the picture, or b.) that picture was taken the night Rich was killed?
At least we have a picture, I've yet to see a picture of Trump colluding with Russia.

I have a "picture" too.


The pig wouldn't shake Angela Merkel's hand, a top ally but look at the dope all giddy shaking the hand of a Russian spy.
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It will be very interesting to see if Debbie springs a leak and brings down the whole rotten ship of evil fools.
Somehow I don't think she will rat since it is looking like her Pakistani Criminal Gang of Hackers not only were hacking Congress and THE DNC, but they may have killed Seth Rich who was probably getting his leaks from AWAN and funneling them to Assange.

She could be named as an accessory to murder.

that guy that your photo is pointing to as Awan doesn't look like him at all...




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There is no way I will ever believe THE DNC was Hacked not when THIS was going on! And all the PUZZLE pieces now fit.

Snowflakes CLAIM they are pissed that their e-mail got hacked and released...yet they refuse to cover this DWS-Pakistani spy Ring story that exposes how DWS actually GAVE the terrorist-connected Pakistanis access to the DNC e-mail accounts and gave them the usernames and passwords.

Snowflakes CLAIM to be pissed about 'foreign interference' yet Democrats have done more to interfere in the 2016 elections than the Russians ever dreamed of doing, AND DWS and the Pakistanis were raiding DNC e-mails.

Russian Hacking of DNC E-mails? AGAIN, DWS GAVE the terrorist-connected, blackmailing, extorting, kidnapping, murdering Pakistani Spies access to classified files critical to our national security (US Intel and Homeland Security files) AND access to all the DNC e-mails along with the usernames and passwords.

...and suddenly snowflakes are yawning and not interested in their e-mails being hacked, in foreign interference, and in our national security being compromised?!

Don't you guys ever tire of getting egg on your face?
Don't you boo boo?

Nope, I always said Trump could beat Hillary, or rather it was hers to loose. She should have pummeled him for his gaffs during the debates, but she proved herself to be a lightweight. Democrats were stupid to ignore their largest base of voters.
They didn't ignore their largest base of voters.
They completely pandered to them.

That is the 47% of Americans that pay no taxes. All of them Democrats.

What they did was continue to lie to the people that pay taxes to support the Slouche Couch Surfing Illegal Alien Felon Generational Welfare Class, and continued to think soaking them to pay for "Wealth Redistribution, Climate Justice and Social Justice, And Global Warming Religion" was going to continue without people starting to resist.

Proving once again that trees just aren't that smart.

About 60% of Democrats are White.

The 47%: Who They Are, Where They Live, How They Vote, and Why They Matter

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