Extremes to drastically reduce CO2


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
There is a very easy way to reduce CO2, it requires a 100% participation by those who believe in Climate Change, Global Warming, Green Energy and Renewable Energy.

First some fact.

How Much Energy Do We Actually Need? | vmisenergy

The basic energy need of a human being is about 2000 kcal per day. This is an average value which may vary according to age, sex, physical activity etc. Our basic value is meant to be valid for no or little physical activity. Thus, for people who are physically active it may be significantly higher (30 – 50 % or more). Since in the energy business it is rather uncommon to use kcal as a unit we may remark here that the above-mentioned 2000 kcal are equivalent to 2.33 kWh. From this we may calculate that the annual energy needs of a human being are about 1 MWh, taking into account a slight level of physical activity.

1 mwh per year is used by a human.

Let us assume the average person between the ages of 25-50 years old today will life to be 75 years old.

If we take the average of 25, 50, the answer is 32 years we will live.

Meaning each of us will use 32 mwh before we die.

There are 300,000,000 million people in the USA, for arguments sake.

Let us be Conservative (because that is fair), let us say 10% are those who know that Climate Change is man-made and the solution is Green/Renewable energy.

That gives us 30,000,000 people who have the superior knowledge.

30,000,000 times 32 mwh = 960,000,000 mwh of energy needed.

960,000,000 mwh is a tremendous amount of energy.

As we know we must do everything humanly possible to stop Climate Change.

I think 30,000,000 Climate Change and Green Energy believers should jump off a cliff.

Can someone calculate the GHG eliminated, how many millions of tons of CO2 not created?
If the AGWCult was serious, they'd stop posting on the Internet.

All those "Manmade Climate Warming change" Posts use "Fossil fuels" which melts the ice caps and sinks the Maldive further into the ocean

Show us you're serious -- stop posting!
You guys (and girls) are turning into a death cult. And, Elektra, no one I know is impressed with your calculator.
Elektra's "get rid of the wasteful people" logic says that denialists should be the first ones up against the wall, since they usually contribute nothing useful to the world while parasitically sponging off the efforts of others.

Of course, I reject Elektra's call to kill Elektra and other denialists, along with all such calls for violence.
Hawking said this weekend that we will colonize the moon within 50 years.

All you sick mofu's can take your fascist party and go up there and.......happy now.:2up::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1: Go.....go.....go......I'll be there for the toast at the send-off party.
There is a very easy way to reduce CO2, it requires a 100% participation by those who believe in Climate Change, Global Warming, Green Energy and Renewable Energy.

First some fact.

How Much Energy Do We Actually Need? | vmisenergy

The basic energy need of a human being is about 2000 kcal per day. This is an average value which may vary according to age, sex, physical activity etc. Our basic value is meant to be valid for no or little physical activity. Thus, for people who are physically active it may be significantly higher (30 – 50 % or more). Since in the energy business it is rather uncommon to use kcal as a unit we may remark here that the above-mentioned 2000 kcal are equivalent to 2.33 kWh. From this we may calculate that the annual energy needs of a human being are about 1 MWh, taking into account a slight level of physical activity.

1 mwh per year is used by a human.

Let us assume the average person between the ages of 25-50 years old today will life to be 75 years old.

If we take the average of 25, 50, the answer is 32 years we will live.

Meaning each of us will use 32 mwh before we die.

There are 300,000,000 million people in the USA, for arguments sake.

Let us be Conservative (because that is fair), let us say 10% are those who know that Climate Change is man-made and the solution is Green/Renewable energy.

That gives us 30,000,000 people who have the superior knowledge.

30,000,000 times 32 mwh = 960,000,000 mwh of energy needed.

960,000,000 mwh is a tremendous amount of energy.

As we know we must do everything humanly possible to stop Climate Change.

I think 30,000,000 Climate Change and Green Energy believers should jump off a cliff.

Can someone calculate the GHG eliminated, how many millions of tons of CO2 not created?

Cool analysis but gotta disagree with the 30 million number. Its far less than that.......not sure it is even 1/3 of that. Look at this forum......on this message board. Thousands of members.......and there are less than 1/2 dozen members who are off the reservation obsessed with climate change......come in heer posting up the same old snobbish bullshit year, after year, after year, after year, after year. The same 6 or so mental cases. We have about 10 members who are pseudo-AGW nuts but they come in for a cup of coffee 2 or 3 times/month. Frankly......the climate crusaders are a veritable joke.:up::slap:

And look at their threads???!!!! Virtually every single thread dies off in a matter of days.......and ironically enough, which thread dominates the forum? A thread that speaks to the fact that the SKEPTICS ARE WINNING. How fucking funny is that in an ENVIRONMENT forum??!!:D:D:D Speaking of which.........the WINNINIG thread has dozens and dozens of examples of how historically the AGW crowd is losing in 2014. It is not even debatable. Green energy.........a fucking laugh. Its going BACKWARDS all over the world, ummmmm........by the way, substantiated with rock solid FACTs in the WINNING thread.:eusa_dance::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:..........dozens of links!!!! Epic.

If ever there was a voting bloc that was a non-entity, it is the climate k00ks. Go do a google search and see how many US senators are talking about global warming in their run up to the 11/14 elections. Go check it out........topic is radioactive except in far, far left districts. Nobody else wants to talk about how awesome it would be to double your electric bills. That gets your ass unelected in America.:D:D:50:

CO2......nobody gives a rats ass s0ns!!!
You guys (and girls) are turning into a death cult. And, Elektra, no one I know is impressed with your calculator.

Here's an example of a true death cult:

There is a very easy way to reduce CO2, it requires a 100% participation by those who believe in Climate Change, Global Warming, Green Energy and Renewable Energy.

First some fact.

How Much Energy Do We Actually Need? | vmisenergy

The basic energy need of a human being is about 2000 kcal per day. This is an average value which may vary according to age, sex, physical activity etc. Our basic value is meant to be valid for no or little physical activity. Thus, for people who are physically active it may be significantly higher (30 – 50 % or more). Since in the energy business it is rather uncommon to use kcal as a unit we may remark here that the above-mentioned 2000 kcal are equivalent to 2.33 kWh. From this we may calculate that the annual energy needs of a human being are about 1 MWh, taking into account a slight level of physical activity.

1 mwh per year is used by a human.

Let us assume the average person between the ages of 25-50 years old today will life to be 75 years old.

If we take the average of 25, 50, the answer is 32 years we will live.

Meaning each of us will use 32 mwh before we die.

There are 300,000,000 million people in the USA, for arguments sake.

Let us be Conservative (because that is fair), let us say 10% are those who know that Climate Change is man-made and the solution is Green/Renewable energy.

That gives us 30,000,000 people who have the superior knowledge.

30,000,000 times 32 mwh = 960,000,000 mwh of energy needed.

960,000,000 mwh is a tremendous amount of energy.

As we know we must do everything humanly possible to stop Climate Change.

I think 30,000,000 Climate Change and Green Energy believers should jump off a cliff.

Can someone calculate the GHG eliminated, how many millions of tons of CO2 not created?

Cool analysis but gotta disagree with the 30 million number. Its far less than that.......not sure it is even 1/3 of that. Look at this forum......on this message board. Thousands of members.......and there are less than 1/2 dozen members who are off the reservation obsessed with climate change......come in heer posting up the same old snobbish bullshit year, after year, after year, after year, after year. The same 6 or so mental cases. We have about 10 members who are pseudo-AGW nuts but they come in for a cup of coffee 2 or 3 times/month. Frankly......the climate crusaders are a veritable joke.:up::slap:

And look at their threads???!!!! Virtually every single thread dies off in a matter of days.......and ironically enough, which thread dominates the forum? A thread that speaks to the fact that the SKEPTICS ARE WINNING. How fucking funny is that in an ENVIRONMENT forum??!!:D:D:D Speaking of which.........the WINNINIG thread has dozens and dozens of examples of how historically the AGW crowd is losing in 2014. It is not even debatable. Green energy.........a fucking laugh. Its going BACKWARDS all over the world, ummmmm........by the way, substantiated with rock solid FACTs in the WINNING thread.:eusa_dance::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:..........dozens of links!!!! Epic.

If ever there was a voting bloc that was a non-entity, it is the climate k00ks. Go do a google search and see how many US senators are talking about global warming in their run up to the 11/14 elections. Go check it out........topic is radioactive except in far, far left districts. Nobody else wants to talk about how awesome it would be to double your electric bills. That gets your ass unelected in America.:D:D:50:

CO2......nobody gives a rats ass s0ns!!!

I am glad I made this thread so I could read your post. Thanks. I made this thread joking, a little humor, lighten things up.

Kind of scarry to see the Green Nuts aint even got a sense of humor.
Elektra is not advocating anything that the eco-nauts on the left haven't already proposed themselves.
Except that Elektra used it sarcastically.. Dozens of other HIGH RANKING lefttard academics were deadly serious --- when THEY suggest it...
Elektra, are you demanding that we kill you or not? Make up your mind already.

Of course, if a guy takes the name "Elektra", I expect him to be confused on so many levels.

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