Extremists and the wider community - accountability.

Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

But also this sort of thing needs to be dealt with at school, when kids are young, when they learn who they are and what life is about. Problem is the very same right wing fascists call this indoctrination, because they know it goes against their very thoughts.
Agreed. My only concern is when it goes overboard, when we hear about "white shaming" and whites apologizing for the color of their skin. We ALWAYS over-shoot, it appears to be an American tradition.

My kids had an advantage, growing up in a mixed-race family, but from what I saw, kids really don't give a shit about skin color right now. What I don't want to see is us going too far.

You are right to be concerned about ""white shaming" and whites apologizing for the color of their skin."

From what I have been reading, this is how the iGen and GenX has become the biggest core group of this new ultra-right reactionary political movement. Did you notice in the film and pictures of these marches and protests, very few older people? I am attempting to inoculate my teen from this sort of craziness right now.

I found this article informative on the root of this madness. It is known as reactionary politics. This nation is only reaping what it has sown after eight years of the MSM telling the masses that Zionism is cool, Black nationalism is cool, but white identity is evil and institutional racism is so prevalent, it's the worst thing since genocide.

I don't think a lot of people understand what reactionary politics is, and it's real and very dangerous consequences.

Californian Who Helped Lead Charlottesville Protests Used Berkeley as a Test Run
Californian Who Helped Lead Charlottesville Protests Used Berkeley as a Test Run
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.
The op is a good example of your point. He's obsessed with one incident while ignoring near a dozen others that happened under OBAMA. Berkley, Baltimore, Ferguson, Dallas etc...
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

But also this sort of thing needs to be dealt with at school, when kids are young, when they learn who they are and what life is about. Problem is the very same right wing fascists call this indoctrination, because they know it goes against their very thoughts.
Agreed. My only concern is when it goes overboard, when we hear about "white shaming" and whites apologizing for the color of their skin. We ALWAYS over-shoot, it appears to be an American tradition.

My kids had an advantage, growing up in a mixed-race family, but from what I saw, kids really don't give a shit about skin color right now. What I don't want to see is us going too far.

You are right to be concerned about ""white shaming" and whites apologizing for the color of their skin."

From what I have been reading, this is how the iGen and GenX has become the biggest core group of this new ultra-right reactionary political movement. Did you notice in the film and pictures of these marches and protests, very few older people? I am attempting to inoculate my teen from this sort of craziness right now.

I found this article informative on the root of this madness. It is known as reactionary politics. This nation is only reaping what it has sown after eight years of the MSM telling the masses that Zionism is cool, Black nationalism is cool, but white identity is evil and institutional racism is so prevalent, it's the worst thing since genocide.

I don't think a lot of people understand what reactionary politics is, and it's real and very dangerous consequences.

Californian Who Helped Lead Charlottesville Protests Used Berkeley as a Test Run
Californian Who Helped Lead Charlottesville Protests Used Berkeley as a Test Run
Good luck with that.

We raised our girls in a good hard working Christian environment yet when my youngest went off to college she came out completely radicalized with anti capitalist points of view that would put me out of business.

The damage being done to our youth & our society via the education system is real & I consider it a MAJOR threat to the future stability of our nation.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

But also this sort of thing needs to be dealt with at school, when kids are young, when they learn who they are and what life is about. Problem is the very same right wing fascists call this indoctrination, because they know it goes against their very thoughts.
Agreed. My only concern is when it goes overboard, when we hear about "white shaming" and whites apologizing for the color of their skin. We ALWAYS over-shoot, it appears to be an American tradition.

My kids had an advantage, growing up in a mixed-race family, but from what I saw, kids really don't give a shit about skin color right now. What I don't want to see is us going too far.

You are right to be concerned about ""white shaming" and whites apologizing for the color of their skin."

From what I have been reading, this is how the iGen and GenX has become the biggest core group of this new ultra-right reactionary political movement. Did you notice in the film and pictures of these marches and protests, very few older people? I am attempting to inoculate my teen from this sort of craziness right now.

I found this article informative on the root of this madness. It is known as reactionary politics. This nation is only reaping what it has sown after eight years of the MSM telling the masses that Zionism is cool, Black nationalism is cool, but white identity is evil and institutional racism is so prevalent, it's the worst thing since genocide.

I don't think a lot of people understand what reactionary politics is, and it's real and very dangerous consequences.

Californian Who Helped Lead Charlottesville Protests Used Berkeley as a Test Run
Californian Who Helped Lead Charlottesville Protests Used Berkeley as a Test Run
Good luck with that.

We raised our girls in a good hard working Christian environment yet when my youngest went off to college she came out completely radicalized with anti capitalist points of view that would put me out of business.

The damage being done to our youth & our society via the education system is real & I consider it a MAJOR threat to the future stability of our nation.

When I was at University I met one of my mentor's, he fought in WWII, was captured, and he was a prisoner in a German Prison of War camp under the Nazi's.

He was known as being VERY liberal, but he absolutely HATED state socialism. He is known to have wrote one of the top twenty short stories that criticized socialism, very scathing. It makes the point, equality of opportunity is fine, but having the government try to engineer equality of out come for all is absurd. Every wanna be progressive/socialist should read it, keeping in mind, this was a very liberal minded man.

HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

In light of recent events, I had my kid read his novel, Mother Night, it seeks to explain, that it is governments that in the end, control and push how we view one another, and that who we pretend to be, is, in the end, who we will be, despite our protestations to the contrary. Finding a copy of the movie became a headache. You can pay to see it on-line, still, but don't count on it for very long. The internet is becoming more and more controlled with less and less free speech. I have been made aware that a popular racist web site, one our friend Steve McGarret likes (the dailystormer I think, it had to do with an essay concerning the topic we are discussing) to go to is no longer being allowed to be hosted. I find any infringement on free speech abhorrent, but since the web is no longer regulated by the US, as Vonnegut would say, ". . . so it goes."

It's too bad, I really wanted to read that essay that the establishment doesn't want us to read. What was so offensive, what ideas don't they want us to read? I'm not a nationalist, I'm not a racist, but I get damn suspicious of the State and global hierarchy when they start censoring shit. How can I fight against bad ideas if I don't know what they are?

I did track down a pirated copy of the movie Mother Night from Korea though, so now I will own it for all time. If you have a chance to rent it from the internet, read the book, or get a copy, enlighten yourself. There is a black Nazi in it. What a sense of humor. :lmao:

Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

But also this sort of thing needs to be dealt with at school, when kids are young, when they learn who they are and what life is about. Problem is the very same right wing fascists call this indoctrination, because they know it goes against their very thoughts.
Agreed. My only concern is when it goes overboard, when we hear about "white shaming" and whites apologizing for the color of their skin. We ALWAYS over-shoot, it appears to be an American tradition.

My kids had an advantage, growing up in a mixed-race family, but from what I saw, kids really don't give a shit about skin color right now. What I don't want to see is us going too far.

You are right to be concerned about ""white shaming" and whites apologizing for the color of their skin."

From what I have been reading, this is how the iGen and GenX has become the biggest core group of this new ultra-right reactionary political movement. Did you notice in the film and pictures of these marches and protests, very few older people? I am attempting to inoculate my teen from this sort of craziness right now.

I found this article informative on the root of this madness. It is known as reactionary politics. This nation is only reaping what it has sown after eight years of the MSM telling the masses that Zionism is cool, Black nationalism is cool, but white identity is evil and institutional racism is so prevalent, it's the worst thing since genocide.

I don't think a lot of people understand what reactionary politics is, and it's real and very dangerous consequences.

Californian Who Helped Lead Charlottesville Protests Used Berkeley as a Test Run
Californian Who Helped Lead Charlottesville Protests Used Berkeley as a Test Run
Good luck with that.

We raised our girls in a good hard working Christian environment yet when my youngest went off to college she came out completely radicalized with anti capitalist points of view that would put me out of business.

The damage being done to our youth & our society via the education system is real & I consider it a MAJOR threat to the future stability of our nation.

But I get what you are saying about the education system, that is why he is currently studying this book;

The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling Paperback – November, 2000
by John Taylor Gatto (Author)
Heil Hitler.

We shall meet again in Valhalla! May Thor's Thunder purge you from our native and conquered lands!
I doubt you have ever studied Ásatrú.

On the contrary I've not only studied the Eddas and several other pieces of Germanic Pagan, but I've delved into the relations between Hinduism and Germanic Paganism as well since they are both derived from common Indo-European sources.

This is known as Comparative Mythology or Comparative Religion.
Heil Hitler.

We shall meet again in Valhalla! May Thor's Thunder purge you from our native and conquered lands!
I doubt you have ever studied Ásatrú.

On the contrary I've not only studied the Eddas and several other pieces of Germanic Pagan, but I've delved into the relations between Hinduism and Germanic Paganism as well since they are both derived from common Indo-European sources.

This is known as Comparative Mythology or Comparative Religion.
Heil Hitler.

We shall meet again in Valhalla! May Thor's Thunder purge you from our native and conquered lands!
I doubt you have ever studied Ásatrú.

On the contrary I've not only studied the Eddas and several other pieces of Germanic Pagan, but I've delved into the relations between Hinduism and Germanic Paganism as well since they are both derived from common Indo-European sources.

This is known as Comparative Mythology or Comparative Religion.


Are you acquainted with the story of Odin's sacrifice (suicide) in order to acquire knowledge of the runes?
What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just said out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
/---/ you Democrat Socialists should.
So those Nazis in Charlottesville are left wingers, eh? Just how deep does your tard go?

Heil Hitler.

We shall meet again in Valhalla! May Thor's Thunder purge you from our native and conquered lands!
I doubt you have ever studied Ásatrú.

On the contrary I've not only studied the Eddas and several other pieces of Germanic Pagan, but I've delved into the relations between Hinduism and Germanic Paganism as well since they are both derived from common Indo-European sources.

This is known as Comparative Mythology or Comparative Religion.


Are you acquainted with the story of Odin's sacrifice (suicide) in order to acquire knowledge of the runes?

I liked the part where Odin pretended to be senile to get bumped up to first class.
Looking at the terrorist attack in a wider context.

This was one of a number of cowardly attacks by right wing nutters. In fact the body count on this one could have been a lot worse. I was shocked at the sight of heavily armed crazies who are avowed haters of non white people. They were marching through the streets in broad daylight intimidating local people. It was a shocking sight.

It was clear that the local police had not got control of the situation and tragedy ensued.

I think that the right has a duty to sort out its own. Although the perps are few they are seemingly backed up by a silent majority of folk who are nodding quietly with a grim satisfaction.

Their leaders reactions range from approval,to weasel words condemning all violence.

The right wing needs to prove that they belong in the US by rooting out these crazies and reporting them to the proper authorities.

They also need to ditch their religion of hate and embrace secular, modern, western values.

Its the only way they can ever belong.
Essemtially, you're calling for a lunch mob.

How beautifully like a dimocrat!

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Heil Hitler.

We shall meet again in Valhalla! May Thor's Thunder purge you from our native and conquered lands!
I doubt you have ever studied Ásatrú.

On the contrary I've not only studied the Eddas and several other pieces of Germanic Pagan, but I've delved into the relations between Hinduism and Germanic Paganism as well since they are both derived from common Indo-European sources.

This is known as Comparative Mythology or Comparative Religion.


Are you acquainted with the story of Odin's sacrifice (suicide) in order to acquire knowledge of the runes?
Yes. And Odin made a sacrifice, but it wasn't necessarily just "suicide." He suffered for nine days, and that made him more powerful than any of the other demigods. Then he released himself by rebirth, and gave the power of the runes to mankind. (The Poetic Edda. Hávamál, stanzas 138-163.)

If he committed suicide, how would we have that knowledge?
Looking at the terrorist attack in a wider context.

This was one of a number of cowardly attacks by right wing nutters. In fact the body count on this one could have been a lot worse. I was shocked at the sight of heavily armed crazies who are avowed haters of non white people. They were marching through the streets in broad daylight intimidating local people. It was a shocking sight.

It was clear that the local police had not got control of the situation and tragedy ensued.

I think that the right has a duty to sort out its own. Although the perps are few they are seemingly backed up by a silent majority of folk who are nodding quietly with a grim satisfaction.

Their leaders reactions range from approval,to weasel words condemning all violence.

The right wing needs to prove that they belong in the US by rooting out these crazies and reporting them to the proper authorities.

They also need to ditch their religion of hate and embrace secular, modern, western values.

Its the only way they can ever belong.
Until Democrats get rid of all the anti-white groups that give them massive numbers of votes every election, you and the faux left can kindly go fuck yourselves.
So it was only the alt right that was violent, in videos I saw it looked like violence from both sides

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The two sides are as follows.
Hate filled extremists and..................people who do not like hate filled extremists.
Its time to pick your side.
Without black and brown racists Democrats would lose California.
Heil Hitler.

We shall meet again in Valhalla! May Thor's Thunder purge you from our native and conquered lands!
I doubt you have ever studied Ásatrú.

On the contrary I've not only studied the Eddas and several other pieces of Germanic Pagan, but I've delved into the relations between Hinduism and Germanic Paganism as well since they are both derived from common Indo-European sources.

This is known as Comparative Mythology or Comparative Religion.


Are you acquainted with the story of Odin's sacrifice (suicide) in order to acquire knowledge of the runes?
The point is, neither Odin nor Thor would approve of your hate toward humanity, (perhaps Loki would approve? :FIREdevil:.)

Native Americans and Northern Europeans more closely related than previously thought

Read God is Red. . . from one of Odin's children. Get rid of your destructive thoughts.

Voice In The Wilderness: Interview with Vine Deloria Jr., author of "God is Red"
Heil Hitler.

We shall meet again in Valhalla! May Thor's Thunder purge you from our native and conquered lands!
I doubt you have ever studied Ásatrú.

On the contrary I've not only studied the Eddas and several other pieces of Germanic Pagan, but I've delved into the relations between Hinduism and Germanic Paganism as well since they are both derived from common Indo-European sources.

This is known as Comparative Mythology or Comparative Religion.


Are you acquainted with the story of Odin's sacrifice (suicide) in order to acquire knowledge of the runes?
The point is, neither Odin nor Thor would approve of your hate toward humanity, (perhaps Loki would approve? :FIREdevil:.)

Native Americans and Northern Europeans more closely related than previously thought

Read God is Red. . . from one of Odin's children. Get rid of your destructive thoughts.

Voice In The Wilderness: Interview with Vine Deloria Jr., author of "God is Red"

I love the Caucasian and Asiatic races (of which pure Native Americans are a part of), it's the jungle bunny negroids that must be purged.
So it was only the alt right that was violent, in videos I saw it looked like violence from both sides

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The two sides are as follows.
Hate filled extremists and..................people who do not like hate filled extremists.
Its time to pick your side.
Both sided were composed of hate filled extremists, dumbass.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Have you denounced the terrorist yet ?
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

But also this sort of thing needs to be dealt with at school, when kids are young, when they learn who they are and what life is about. Problem is the very same right wing fascists call this indoctrination, because they know it goes against their very thoughts.
Agreed. My only concern is when it goes overboard, when we hear about "white shaming" and whites apologizing for the color of their skin. We ALWAYS over-shoot, it appears to be an American tradition.

My kids had an advantage, growing up in a mixed-race family, but from what I saw, kids really don't give a shit about skin color right now. What I don't want to see is us going too far.

Yes, it's a problem. What it needs is the country to sit down and decide how they want the country to move forwards, to have a consensus about what is acceptable and what isn't.

But it won't happen because the federal govt is incapable of functioning properly.

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