Exxon Mobil Board Of Directors Make $110,000 A Year

It may not matter much to the Trump cultists, BUT at the very least Biden's kids DID serve in the armed forces while THREE damn generations of Trumpsters NEVER served a day.
cant speak for others ,,,but the two are not connected

Tell you what, dimwit.....Start YOUR thread encouraging more investigations on Hillary...see how far you get with your fellow cultists.....

Right now, the SPOTLIGHT is on your orange turd's screw-ups....live with it.
It may not matter much to the Trump cultists, BUT at the very least Biden's kids DID serve in the armed forces while THREE damn generations of Trumpsters NEVER served a day.

He served in the military? You mean he did drugs in the military.
Um, you guys might want to continue this in another thread. I debunked the thread title and OP, so this thread needs to die, now.
Ricky is having some sort of a weird Biden melt-down. But he doesnt ever seem to actually stop melting down. Always angry, always spiddling hatred. Shits a riot!
Ricky is having some sort of a weird Biden melt-down. But he doesnt ever seem to actually stop melting down. Always angry, always spiddling hatred. Shits a riot!

Although, nowhere near as much as you lefty loons meltdown....just about every 10 fricken minutes.
He served in the military? You mean he did drugs in the military.

Perhaps........NOW, tell me how many Trumpsters served ONE fucking day....Go on, SThinker......

How about how many of them were tossed out of the military because of drugs...knat.

Can’t be kicked out of what you lacked the courage to join

Yep, but you can be kicked out for cocaine use...go figure.
Ricky is having some sort of a weird Biden melt-down. But he doesnt ever seem to actually stop melting down. Always angry, always spiddling hatred. Shits a riot!

Although, nowhere near as much as you lefty loons meltdown....just about every 10 fricken minutes.
Hey I dunno how you knew which hand I write with.
Yep, but you can be kicked out for cocaine use...go figure.

Look you must know that you're a fucking moron.......So, do you want to talk about Trump's brother dying of alcoholism??
Certainly not....So drop it and go poop somewhere else.
What Exxon pays their board members is irrelevant.

How his pay compares to other board members for this specific company is what matters.

You sycophants will defend anything.

Go ahead and try to sell this bullshit to the American voters. Fetching coffee for Ukrainian mobsters gets you $600,000 a year. And then you want to justify his pay compared to what other mobsters get paid.

Truly libtarded.

Logic and truth just trigger you every time.

It is so much fun to watch!
Is triggering a victory?
What Exxon pays their board members is irrelevant.

How his pay compares to other board members for this specific company is what matters.

You sycophants will defend anything.

Go ahead and try to sell this bullshit to the American voters. Fetching coffee for Ukrainian mobsters gets you $600,000 a year. And then you want to justify his pay compared to what other mobsters get paid.

Truly libtarded.

Logic and truth just trigger you every time.

It is so much fun to watch!
Is triggering a victory?

Nope, just entertaining
Come on man, don’t play that crap. His daddy set him up with pay check from a foreign company and he threatened to with hold money to Ukraine if the kids boss got investigated.

NO, nitwit.......I don't give a crap about Hunter Biden.....BUT 2 damn FACTS

1. The Ukrainian company was NOT under investigation for corruption when Hunter joined the board....and

2. Joe Biden was following the dictates of not only the U.S.administration AND Congress....but ALSO the EU and IMF.

And the link to support your post is .............no where to be found.
What Exxon pays their board members is irrelevant.

How his pay compares to other board members for this specific company is what matters.
Hunter Biden is a Drug Addict Know Nothing and being used as a Human Shield and was nothing but a funnel to be used by Joe Biden to Offshore Graft and Bribery.

Clinton was for sale
Obama was for sale
Biden was for sale
Holder was for sale
Lynch was for sale
Comey was for sale
Rice was for sale

This is what The Swamp does. It's about personal enrichment, graft, and bribery. This system only exists because of a network or corruption rooted in our bureaucracies. This is why The Left hates The President, because he is cutting off The Graft and Pay to Play machine from them.
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Hunter Biden must be a fucking genius to get paid $600,000 a year for being a board director at a half assed corrupt energy company in Ukraine.

In all fairness Exxon directors get stock but it's restricted and can't be sold until they turn 72 and they must forfeit those shares if they retire before then. 2,500 shares a year which is roughly about $200,000. Still only half as much as Hunter was getting paid.

So how in the hell can Biden and his son justify getting paid this kind of money when the biggest and most advanced energy company in the world only pays its directors 20% of what Hunter Biden was paid?

Biden is a flat out liar and admitted today in Vegas he HAD talked to Hunter after he told a FOX reporter last week he had not talked to Hunter.

Go ahead and justify this bullshit, libtardos, and tell me again why a drug addled son of the Vice President who was kicked out of the military gets this cushy deal when he knows nothing about the energy business.

"There are two components to annual outside director pay: cash and restricted stock. The annual cash retainer for most outside directors is $110,000, and they receive annual grants of 2,500 shares of restricted stock. At today’s stock price ($82.70 on May 3, 2017), that grant provides approximately twothirds of annual outside director compensation. These restricted shares form the vast majority of all but one outside director’s stock holdings."

Trump has been paid millions to put his name on properties he had nothing to do with developing.

It's called branding.

The Biden name was needed for prestige.

It's as simple as that.

You're welcome.

Wrong, he was paid for access and when they started investigating the energy company Biden stepped in and threatened the President of Ukraine with not giving him $1 Billion. Which he is on video bragging about.

That's not "branding" it's extortion.
You are deluded. Biden is not on tape bragging he got the prosecutor fired in order to protect his son. That's manufactured bullshit. And you are gobbling it down like a rube.

In fact, the prosecutor was fired for NOT investigating corruption.

Guess what?

Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’

You're welcome.
Ukrainian Prosecutor Reopens Corruption Case Involving Biden

The chief prosecutor in Ukraine recently revealed that he’s reopening a corruption probe into Ukraine’s largest private gas company that could have profound implications for the presidential aspirations of former Vice President Joe Biden.

The company, Burisma Holdings, appointed Biden’s son, Hunter, to its board of directors in 2014, and reportedly paid him more than $3 million during a 14-month period to head its legal team.

Burisma was then facing a state investigation over allegations that company Chairman Nikolai Zlochevskiy had used his official position as Minister of Environment in the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych to award the company lucrative oil and gas permits.

While the probe was underway, then-Vice President Biden made more than a dozen trips to Ukraine, ostensibly to support the new government of Petro Poroshenko. But during one of those trips in 2016, the vice president threatened to withdraw U.S. aid if Poroshenko didn’t fire the prosecutor general in charge of the Burisma probe.

Biden boasted of his success in getting Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in January 2018, a year after leaving office.

“And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee,” Biden said. When Poroshenko refused to fire the prosecutor, Biden said he had authority from President Barack Obama to pull the loan guarantee.

“I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ … He got fired.”

Current Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko told The Hill’s John Solomon that he was reopening the investigation his office had closed after Biden succeeded in convincing the Ukrainian president to remove his predecessor, Viktor Shokin.

Shokin himself confirmed in written answers to questions from Solomon that before he was fired, he was planning to conduct “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the [Burisma] executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

Biden’s staff and, indeed, the Democratic National Committee leadership should have seen this coming. It’s not as if Hunter Biden’s appointment to the Burisma board was a secret, nor the fact that he got paid large sums of money for his services, at the same time that his powerful father was intervening in the company’s favor with the president of Ukraine.

This is no skeleton in Uncle Joe’s closet. It’s a raw cadaver, and it stinks to high heaven, despite the mounds of dirt piled on top of it by the national media.

Hunter Biden must be a fucking genius to get paid $600,000 a year for being a board director at a half assed corrupt energy company in Ukraine.

In all fairness Exxon directors get stock but it's restricted and can't be sold until they turn 72 and they must forfeit those shares if they retire before then. 2,500 shares a year which is roughly about $200,000. Still only half as much as Hunter was getting paid.

So how in the hell can Biden and his son justify getting paid this kind of money when the biggest and most advanced energy company in the world only pays its directors 20% of what Hunter Biden was paid?

Biden is a flat out liar and admitted today in Vegas he HAD talked to Hunter after he told a FOX reporter last week he had not talked to Hunter.

Go ahead and justify this bullshit, libtardos, and tell me again why a drug addled son of the Vice President who was kicked out of the military gets this cushy deal when he knows nothing about the energy business.

"There are two components to annual outside director pay: cash and restricted stock. The annual cash retainer for most outside directors is $110,000, and they receive annual grants of 2,500 shares of restricted stock. At today’s stock price ($82.70 on May 3, 2017), that grant provides approximately twothirds of annual outside director compensation. These restricted shares form the vast majority of all but one outside director’s stock holdings."

Trump has been paid millions to put his name on properties he had nothing to do with developing.

It's called branding.

The Biden name was needed for prestige.

It's as simple as that.

You're welcome.

Wrong, he was paid for access and when they started investigating the energy company Biden stepped in and threatened the President of Ukraine with not giving him $1 Billion. Which he is on video bragging about.

That's not "branding" it's extortion.
You are deluded. Biden is not on tape bragging he got the prosecutor fired in order to protect his son. That's manufactured bullshit. And you are gobbling it down like a rube.

In fact, the prosecutor was fired for NOT investigating corruption.

Guess what?

Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’

You're welcome.
Ukrainian Prosecutor Reopens Corruption Case Involving Biden

The chief prosecutor in Ukraine recently revealed that he’s reopening a corruption probe into Ukraine’s largest private gas company that could have profound implications for the presidential aspirations of former Vice President Joe Biden.

The company, Burisma Holdings, appointed Biden’s son, Hunter, to its board of directors in 2014, and reportedly paid him more than $3 million during a 14-month period to head its legal team.

Burisma was then facing a state investigation over allegations that company Chairman Nikolai Zlochevskiy had used his official position as Minister of Environment in the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych to award the company lucrative oil and gas permits.

While the probe was underway, then-Vice President Biden made more than a dozen trips to Ukraine, ostensibly to support the new government of Petro Poroshenko. But during one of those trips in 2016, the vice president threatened to withdraw U.S. aid if Poroshenko didn’t fire the prosecutor general in charge of the Burisma probe.

Biden boasted of his success in getting Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in January 2018, a year after leaving office.

“And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee,” Biden said. When Poroshenko refused to fire the prosecutor, Biden said he had authority from President Barack Obama to pull the loan guarantee.

“I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ … He got fired.”

Current Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko told The Hill’s John Solomon that he was reopening the investigation his office had closed after Biden succeeded in convincing the Ukrainian president to remove his predecessor, Viktor Shokin.

Shokin himself confirmed in written answers to questions from Solomon that before he was fired, he was planning to conduct “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the [Burisma] executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

Biden’s staff and, indeed, the Democratic National Committee leadership should have seen this coming. It’s not as if Hunter Biden’s appointment to the Burisma board was a secret, nor the fact that he got paid large sums of money for his services, at the same time that his powerful father was intervening in the company’s favor with the president of Ukraine.

This is no skeleton in Uncle Joe’s closet. It’s a raw cadaver, and it stinks to high heaven, despite the mounds of dirt piled on top of it by the national media.

You can't cutnpaste the text but here's the letter Trubin Durbin, Leahy, and Menendez sent to Ukrainian prosecutor Lutsenko demanding him to help dig up dirt on Trump. Claiming he wasn't cooperating with the Mueller witch hunt which now is a laughable point as the Mueller report concluded no conspiracy.

https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/...cutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf

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