F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

The tension has been temporarily defused by Trump's judge stopping the investigation.
It could have gotten to the point of boiling over!

It's entirely possible that the FBI/DOJ will deliberately promote violence by the extreme right in order to keep the kettle boiling.

A shootout between a few proud boys and the FBI?

Let's hope that peace can prevail until after the elections!
Run along duck. Your opinion means nothing outside of Canada. Better hunt up those mass murderers. They won't be as easy to buffalo as those peaceful truckers were. Where is Turdeau now?
i never thought i’d see the day where a president would threaten to use military force again US citizens
I've been completely confident that it had to come eventually.
But I think it's been defused for a while by Trump's judge prohibiting that Trump's criminal activity can't be investigated.

Holy smoking jesus America, what have you just done this time??
The tension has been temporarily defused by Trump's judge stopping the investigation.
It could have gotten to the point of boiling over!

It's entirely possible that the FBI/DOJ will deliberately promote violence by the extreme right in order to keep the kettle boiling.

A shootout between a few proud boys and the FBI?

Let's hope that peace can prevail until after the elections!

You seem overly excited.
I've been completely confident that it had to come eventually.
But I think it's been defused for a while by Trump's judge prohibiting that Trump's criminal activity can't be investigated.

Holy smoking jesus America, what have you just done this time??
Trump's judge has ordered an investigation be stopped!

Even some of his supporters have voiced some reservations on that move.
Do you think your country wants to go there?
yes a federal judge order it stopped while the special master reviews the material taken in the raid.

the only people upset are the xiden regime and the demafasict who don’t respect the rule of law

F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

4 Sep 2022 ~~ By Kurt Schicter

Father of the Year and alleged President Joe Biden is busy trying to rile up his base of weirdos, adjunct professors, gender studies grads, government timeservers, sexually unsatisfied wine women and their sexually unsatisfying life partners. That’s why Dork Brandon pulled one of my favorites out of his Big Duffel Bag O’ Hack Cliches, the old “Your puny guns are no match against the awesome power of the US military which I will use to kill you for dissenting!” narrative.
Okay, fine. Let’s go over this again for the knuckleheads who think that they prevail if they step outside the “use your words” paradigm they grew up with in their sissy private schools. You lose if you idiots provoke a real civil conflict – not the kind of low-intensity urban conflict of the Seventies where you cheered on the Weathermen and Cinque’s SLA, and not the kind where a bunch of mutants riot under the protection of leftist municipal governments in leftist municipalities, but a real one. One where the people you want to crush under your Birkenstocks fight back. With AR-15s.
The doddering moron shared his tactical insights with his audience at a rally in Pennsylvania for Heart Attack Shrek. He said, thinking he was super-clever, “For those brave right-wing Americans... if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun.
Hmmmm, but do they? Really?
Grandpa Badfinger’s premise is that all you tens of millions of semi-fascists out there with your AR-15s would have no shot stopping the woke military, which would eagerly crush you with their potent force package of F-15s and esoteric pronouns. It is a flawed premise on more grounds than one column can cover (hence my book), but we need to focus and that means we will need to overlook some important questions. These important questions include:
The enemy always gets a vote – and Biden just announced that his enemy is tens of millions of us patriotic citizens. So, in the great AR-15 vs. F-15 hypothetical – and pray it stays hypothetical despite the stupidity of our ruling caste – the smart money is on the numbers. But the truly smart course of action is to not to even go down this road, to re-embrace our Constitution and to stop trying to be butch in order to get some Twitter love from the pinkos. Maybe this ridiculous stooge masquerading as our president should stop running his fool mouth threatening to slaughter other Americans.


Assymetric waefare proves Biden wrong. Afgani's proved it for more than 20 years.
The problem with Joseph Stolen’s brilliant tactical analysis is that his Stasi need to actually enter homes to collect the deplorables for shipment to the gulags
That constitutes civil war from above on the American people, or Operation Prairie Fire as Bill Ayers termed it
The question is , who gets to be first through the door
Like George Orwell's fictional novel :1984", The Turner Diaries are hitting very close to the truth each time Joey speaks.
So, you are planning on shooting down F-15s already?
So, you are planning on shooting down F-15s already?

Nah.... won't have to. They'll run out of biofuel and won't have enough JP-4/JP-5.
Meanwhile there are enough veteran soldiers that have learned a lot about assymetical warfare to teach other Ameriican citizens how to fight this totalitarian state of Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies.
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F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

4 Sep 2022 ~~ By Kurt Schicter

Father of the Year and alleged President Joe Biden is busy trying to rile up his base of weirdos, adjunct professors, gender studies grads, government timeservers, sexually unsatisfied wine women and their sexually unsatisfying life partners. That’s why Dork Brandon pulled one of my favorites out of his Big Duffel Bag O’ Hack Cliches, the old “Your puny guns are no match against the awesome power of the US military which I will use to kill you for dissenting!” narrative.
Okay, fine. Let’s go over this again for the knuckleheads who think that they prevail if they step outside the “use your words” paradigm they grew up with in their sissy private schools. You lose if you idiots provoke a real civil conflict – not the kind of low-intensity urban conflict of the Seventies where you cheered on the Weathermen and Cinque’s SLA, and not the kind where a bunch of mutants riot under the protection of leftist municipal governments in leftist municipalities, but a real one. One where the people you want to crush under your Birkenstocks fight back. With AR-15s.
The doddering moron shared his tactical insights with his audience at a rally in Pennsylvania for Heart Attack Shrek. He said, thinking he was super-clever, “For those brave right-wing Americans... if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun.
Hmmmm, but do they? Really?
Grandpa Badfinger’s premise is that all you tens of millions of semi-fascists out there with your AR-15s would have no shot stopping the woke military, which would eagerly crush you with their potent force package of F-15s and esoteric pronouns. It is a flawed premise on more grounds than one column can cover (hence my book), but we need to focus and that means we will need to overlook some important questions. These important questions include:
The enemy always gets a vote – and Biden just announced that his enemy is tens of millions of us patriotic citizens. So, in the great AR-15 vs. F-15 hypothetical – and pray it stays hypothetical despite the stupidity of our ruling caste – the smart money is on the numbers. But the truly smart course of action is to not to even go down this road, to re-embrace our Constitution and to stop trying to be butch in order to get some Twitter love from the pinkos. Maybe this ridiculous stooge masquerading as our president should stop running his fool mouth threatening to slaughter other Americans.


Assymetric waefare proves Biden wrong. Afgani's proved it for more than 20 years.
The problem with Joseph Stolen’s brilliant tactical analysis is that his Stasi need to actually enter homes to collect the deplorables for shipment to the gulags
That constitutes civil war from above on the American people, or Operation Prairie Fire as Bill Ayers termed it
The question is , who gets to be first through the door
Like George Orwell's fictional novel :1984", The Turner Diaries are hitting very close to the truth each time Joey speaks.
Heck all we got to is go to Afghanistan and get some of theirs. Biden left the taliban enough military equipment to make them one of the strongest military in the world.
I've been completely confident that it had to come eventually.
I mean they did it to the truckers in Canada with government sponsored financial terrorism--could America be far behind, eh duck?
Trump's judge has ordered an investigation be stopped!
Not Trump's judge, duck. A judge that recognized governmental over reach and political dirty tricks. The law is clear and the Biden/democrats have stepped in deep excrement this time. It will be enjoyable watching the democrat/commie demise. It should shut up the Canadian duck peanut gallery as well. LMAO
Alone is the operative word here. The same was true in Vietnam and Afghanistan where poor people with personal weapons, ox carts and water buffaloes became guerillas who defeated the greatest military on earth in the former and two of the greatest militaries on earth in the latter. A determined guerilla force will defeat organized military EVERY time.

Bottom line . . . it depends on the objectives of any citizen resistance force. In order to capture the political and resource infrastructure of any medium to large US city or military base a highly organized combined arms unit would be required, i.e. infantry, artillery, armor and air mobile forces working together. In order to hold any seized city, strategic ground or point of infrastructure such as a bridge or highway hub, a large, well provisioned occupation force would have to be assembled. The other thing to think about is modern airpower, which any citizen resistance force would lack, at least in the beginning—although any citizen "air force" would never equal the US government's. One must also take into consideration communication, which is a necessary tool of modern fighting forces—if one plans to organize and coordinate attacks. One of the first strategic actions of US government forces in any war against we the people would be cutting all possible lines of enemy (that's us) communication.

Furthermore, when considering mass citizen resistance in America, one must decide what one's ultimate goal is to be—the goal that ends any such war or at least forces a stalemate. Beyond that, the other big matter to think about is where does the REAL power lie in American government? You'd have to know this and figure out some means of effectively disrupting or ending it—if you ever planned to win the conflict.

Clearly, at least from the standpoint of a foreign power, United States power, real power, lies in its nuclear, biological and chemical weapons stockpile. Other nations do not attack us because they're well award of our conventional and nuclear military response capabilities. But where does true power lie within the United States when searching for it from a rebel or rebellion point of view? Would our own political and military leaders nuke us if our rebel army closed in on some kind of real victory against it? How does one grab hold of the reins of power if one doesn't even know what or where they are?

Fighting a guerilla war is one thing, however, seizing ground and holding it is another matter altogether. Imagine for a moment we've formed a guerilla resistance group and set for ourselves the objective of capturing Dallas, TX for whatever reason. We're a group of say, ten thousand freedom fighters on the march to Dallas. Now imagine that the government's response is to deploy the entire 1st Cavalry division to stop us, complete with full fighter/bomber/gunship air support. Let's even say that only half the men and women of the legendary 1st Cav division decided participate and the other half went AWOL. That's still tens of thousands of mechanized infantrymen, armor crews (tanks), self-propelled artillery—the whole shebang. Let's even say we reached Dallas first and captured the city. As soon as the US Army's 1st Cav division reached the city we're trying to occupy they would proceed to wipe us off the face of the planet with 24/7 combined arms missions and round the clock bombing runs. Finally, let's say that in order to win this one small victory against the government, we absolutely had to take and hold Dallas. There's no way we're holding a city that large with guerilla fighters, against regular US army combined arms forces who have spent the last two decades mastering urban combat.

A hit and run guerilla force is one thing—and could inflict a whole hell of a lot of damage, over time. Seizing and holding major cities and other strategic infrastructure is another thing entirely.
Like those "far superior" forces did in Vietnam and Afghanistan? You have been misled.

You're not seeing the forest through the trees.

Vietnam and Afghanistan were acceptable losses. Washington, DC for example or any one of our domestic soil military bases are vital to our national security. You had better believe any domestic insurgent force that actually poses a threat to government and military control, would be pursued to the ends of the earth and eradicated, with prejudice.

That being said, I remain on the side of the underdogs, as always. I am simply attempting to intelligently play devil's advocate and contribute some sense of realism.
Bottom line . . . it depends on the objectives of any citizen resistance force. In order to capture the political and resource infrastructure of any medium to large US city or military base a highly organized combined arms unit would be required, i.e. infantry, artillery, armor and air mobile forces working together. In order to hold any seized city, strategic ground or point of infrastructure such as a bridge or highway hub, a large, well provisioned occupation force would have to be assembled. The other thing to think about is modern airpower, which any citizen resistance force would lack, at least in the beginning—although any citizen "air force" would never equal the US government's. One must also take into consideration communication, which is a necessary tool of modern fighting forces—if one plans to organize and coordinate attacks. One of the first strategic actions of US government forces in any war against we the people would be cutting all possible lines of enemy (that's us) communication.

Furthermore, when considering mass citizen resistance in America, one must decide what one's ultimate goal is to be—the goal that ends any such war or at least forces a stalemate. Beyond that, the other big matter to think about is where does the REAL power lie in American government? You'd have to know this and figure out some means of effectively disrupting or ending it—if you ever planned to win the conflict.

Clearly, at least from the standpoint of a foreign power, United States power, real power, lies in its nuclear, biological and chemical weapons stockpile. Other nations do not attack us because they're well award of our conventional and nuclear military response capabilities. But where does true power lie within the United States when searching for it from a rebel or rebellion point of view? Would our own political and military leaders nuke us if our rebel army closed in on some kind of real victory against it? How does one grab hold of the reins of power if one doesn't even know what or where they are?

Fighting a guerilla war is one thing, however, seizing ground and holding it is another matter altogether. Imagine for a moment we've formed a guerilla resistance group and set for ourselves the objective of capturing Dallas, TX for whatever reason. We're a group of say, ten thousand freedom fighters on the march to Dallas. Now imagine that the government's response is to deploy the entire 1st Cavalry division to stop us, complete with full fighter/bomber/gunship air support. Let's even say that only half the men and women of the legendary 1st Cav division decided participate and the other half went AWOL. That's still tens of thousands of mechanized infantrymen, armor crews (tanks), self-propelled artillery—the whole shebang. Let's even say we reached Dallas first and captured the city. As soon as the US Army's 1st Cav division reached the city we're trying to occupy they would proceed to wipe us off the face of the planet with 24/7 combined arms missions and round the clock bombing runs. Finally, let's say that in order to win this one small victory against the government, we absolutely had to take and hold Dallas. There's no way we're holding a city that large with guerilla fighters, against regular US army combined arms forces who have spent the last two decades mastering urban combat.

A hit and run guerilla force is one thing—and could inflict a whole hell of a lot of damage, over time. Seizing and holding major cities and other strategic infrastructure is another thing entirely.

Assymetrical warfare would not require ho;lding cities untile the end. Harrassing troops loyal to democrat Maoists would be the best method of dwindling down the opposition.
Raiding nases in hit and run, catching small groups of miliatry in ambushes would be preferred than out and out miltary assaults.
The Moaist government would have to spread themselces thin to control the cities and towns, never knowing where the next strike would come. It would be the peverbial and ultimate guerilla war.
The Vietnamese and Afghanis proved it against the U.s., and the Israelis did it against ther Arabs in 1948.
The more brutal the totalitarians become on the populus the easier to get recruits to fight them.
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Our President is correct

If redneck gun owners think they can take on the US Military with their AR15, they are sadly mistaken

An F15 would have a better chance
The government wouldn’t even bother with F-15s, no need to risk trained pilots and expensive planes.

They’d just send drones to wipe-out the treasonous rightwing terrorists.
You're not seeing the forest through the trees.

Vietnam and Afghanistan were acceptable losses. Washington, DC for example or any one of our domestic soil military bases are vital to our national security. You had better believe any domestic insurgent force that actually poses a threat to government and military control, would be pursued to the ends of the earth and eradicated, with prejudice.

That being said, I remain on the side of the underdogs, as always. I am simply attempting to intelligently play devil's advocate and contribute some sense of realism.
I see it very well. I have witnessed guerilla warfare first hand. I have seen the results of guerilla warfare in Cuba as well. You give way too much credit to organized forces. Organized forces are bound by rules, guerillas are not. Everyone knows who the organized military is, guerillas--not so much (friend by day, enemies by night)
We're a group of say, ten thousand freedom fighters on the march to Dallas.
This is not how guerillas work--you will never see a group of 10K guerillas. They work in the dark. You are probably unaware of how the resistance worked in France and Germany in WWII. Holding ground is not what wins wars--holding hearts is.
Bottom line . . . it depends on the objectives of any citizen resistance force. In order to capture the political and resource infrastructure of any medium to large US city or military base a highly organized combined arms unit would be required, i.e. infantry, artillery, armor and air mobile forces working together. In order to hold any seized city, strategic ground or point of infrastructure such as a bridge or highway hub, a large, well provisioned occupation force would have to be assembled. The other thing to think about is modern airpower, which any citizen resistance force would lack, at least in the beginning—although any citizen "air force" would never equal the US government's. One must also take into consideration communication, which is a necessary tool of modern fighting forces—if one plans to organize and coordinate attacks. One of the first strategic actions of US government forces in any war against we the people would be cutting all possible lines of enemy (that's us) communication.

Furthermore, when considering mass citizen resistance in America, one must decide what one's ultimate goal is to be—the goal that ends any such war or at least forces a stalemate. Beyond that, the other big matter to think about is where does the REAL power lie in American government? You'd have to know this and figure out some means of effectively disrupting or ending it—if you ever planned to win the conflict.

Clearly, at least from the standpoint of a foreign power, United States power, real power, lies in its nuclear, biological and chemical weapons stockpile. Other nations do not attack us because they're well award of our conventional and nuclear military response capabilities. But where does true power lie within the United States when searching for it from a rebel or rebellion point of view? Would our own political and military leaders nuke us if our rebel army closed in on some kind of real victory against it? How does one grab hold of the reins of power if one doesn't even know what or where they are?

Fighting a guerilla war is one thing, however, seizing ground and holding it is another matter altogether. Imagine for a moment we've formed a guerilla resistance group and set for ourselves the objective of capturing Dallas, TX for whatever reason. We're a group of say, ten thousand freedom fighters on the march to Dallas. Now imagine that the government's response is to deploy the entire 1st Cavalry division to stop us, complete with full fighter/bomber/gunship air support. Let's even say that only half the men and women of the legendary 1st Cav division decided participate and the other half went AWOL. That's still tens of thousands of mechanized infantrymen, armor crews (tanks), self-propelled artillery—the whole shebang. Let's even say we reached Dallas first and captured the city. As soon as the US Army's 1st Cav division reached the city we're trying to occupy they would proceed to wipe us off the face of the planet with 24/7 combined arms missions and round the clock bombing runs. Finally, let's say that in order to win this one small victory against the government, we absolutely had to take and hold Dallas. There's no way we're holding a city that large with guerilla fighters, against regular US army combined arms forces who have spent the last two decades mastering urban combat.

A hit and run guerilla force is one thing—and could inflict a whole hell of a lot of damage, over time. Seizing and holding major cities and other strategic infrastructure is another thing entirely.
It's even worse than that. The government has invested untold billions in fighting asymmetric wars and targeting specific individuals in a war zone. Pretty sure they have stuff that we have never even seen yet like battle droids and death rays.

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