F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

Actually... let 'em... easier to catch 'em with their Ma-Dueces and M79s and then corral 'em and round 'em up... git along little dawgies... :laugh:

Their recruiting posters should have logos like Orange Sociopaths-R-Us...

Get 'em all grouped together, then call in that F-15 strike... that, or a Piper Cherokee dropping seltzer bottles... should be enough to make 'em pee their pants. :cool:
So much for rational dialog by the left.
I see it very well. I have witnessed guerilla warfare first hand. I have seen the results of guerilla warfare in Cuba as well. You give way too much credit to organized forces. Organized forces are bound by rules, guerillas are not. Everyone knows who the organized military is, guerillas--not so much (friend by day, enemies by night)

This is not how guerillas work--you will never see a group of 10K guerillas. They work in the dark. You are probably unaware of how the resistance worked in France and Germany in WWII. Holding ground is not what wins wars--holding hearts is.

You are missing the overall point of my posts in this thread. In order to fight our government you can engage in guerilla warfare—hit and run operations, sabotage, assassinations, and ambushes. What you cannot do as a guerilla force is occupy large strategic locations. Now, please carefully read the following sentence. In order to defeat the US government/military you will have to occupy large strategic locations, be they cities, terrain features, whatever.

Drawing any comparisons to modern day warfare from military campaigns of the 1940's or 1960's is dangerously naïve. Not only has military technology and technology in general vastly improved, so to have urban and rural warfare tactics down to the squad level. But all of that is irrelevant.

There is no point to fighting back against the US government if you don't intend to win—eventually. You will never win as a small guerilla force for many reasons, reasons I believe you (in good faith) do not wish to acknowledge.

As for the winning of hearts and minds . . . so much infighting exists even among members of the same religions and political parties—and local communities—that no merry band of want to be guerillas is going to whip enough of a percent of Americans into some kind of frenzy as to cause them to openly rebel against the despots in Washington, DC.

Whoever intends to fight the most powerful imperial military force in human history (ours), will have to occupy strategic territories, engage in some degree of force on force engagements, and lay hands on WMD. First and foremost, however, is facing reality; as soon as our government realizes any guerilla or resistance force poses a real threat, the entire might of American military power, intelligence apparatus, and law enforcement capability will be brought to bear. Such resistance fighters will be labelled domestic terrorists, their families will be detained, their suspected locations droned, and all possible hell will be let loose on their backs.

Our government is a ten thousand headed hydra. Chop off a hundred of its heads and they grow right back, right before your eyes.

You'll have to do better than unseen guerillas slipping through the moonlight.
I see it very well. I have witnessed guerilla warfare first hand. I have seen the results of guerilla warfare in Cuba as well. You give way too much credit to organized forces. Organized forces are bound by rules, guerillas are not. Everyone knows who the organized military is, guerillas--not so much (friend by day, enemies by night)

This is not how guerillas work--you will never see a group of 10K guerillas. They work in the dark. You are probably unaware of how the resistance worked in France and Germany in WWII. Holding ground is not what wins wars--holding hearts is.
These fucking cosplayers are hilarious. 😂
In order to defeat the US government/military you will have to occupy large strategic locations, be they cities, terrain features, whatever.
As has been proven in every guerilla war ever, and I posted in an earlier post. Occupying ground does not win wars. Occupying hearts does. A tenacious and dedicated guerilla force in Afghanistan should be all the proof that is necessary. The US was not successful in 20 years and USSR was brought to their knees by the same fighters.
You are missing the overall point of my posts in this thread. In order to fight our government you can engage in guerilla warfare—hit and run operations, sabotage, assassinations, and ambushes. What you cannot do as a guerilla force is occupy large strategic locations. Now, please carefully read the following sentence. In order to defeat the US government/military you will have to occupy large strategic locations, be they cities, terrain features, whatever.

Drawing any comparisons to modern day warfare from military campaigns of the 1940's or 1960's is dangerously naïve. Not only has military technology and technology in general vastly improved, so to have urban and rural warfare tactics down to the squad level. But all of that is irrelevant.

There is no point to fighting back against the US government if you don't intend to win—eventually. You will never win as a small guerilla force for many reasons, reasons I believe you (in good faith) do not wish to acknowledge.

As for the winning of hearts and minds . . . so much infighting exists even among members of the same religions and political parties—and local communities—that no merry band of want to be guerillas is going to whip enough of a percent of Americans into some kind of frenzy as to cause them to openly rebel against the despots in Washington, DC.

Whoever intends to fight the most powerful imperial military force in human history (ours), will have to occupy strategic territories, engage in some degree of force on force engagements, and lay hands on WMD. First and foremost, however, is facing reality; as soon as our government realizes any guerilla or resistance force poses a real threat, the entire might of American military power, intelligence apparatus, and law enforcement capability will be brought to bear. Such resistance fighters will be labelled domestic terrorists, their families will be detained, their suspected locations droned, and all possible hell will be let loose on their backs.

Our government is a ten thousand headed hydra. Chop off a hundred of its heads and they grow right back, right before your eyes.

You'll have to do better than unseen guerillas slipping through the moonlight.
It is also important to remember that "freedom fighters" often damn even the most righteous causes.
As has been proven in every guerilla war ever, and I posted in an earlier post. Occupying ground does not win wars. Occupying hearts does. A tenacious and dedicated guerilla force in Afghanistan should be all the proof that is necessary. The US was not successful in 20 years and USSR was brought to their knees by the same fighters.
You clowns aren't going to do jack-$hit... most of you would pi$$ your pants at the first sign of a ancient old National Guard M113...
At present federal commandos are only gunning for individual Americans and very small groups of them. The Biden administration is deploying ATF, FBI, Homeland Security, DEA and US Marshal special operations units against individual Americans, isolating and hammering them for ridiculously innocuous violations of federal firearm regulations which shift and change every few months. As it stands, no individual American nor small group of them stand an ice cube's chance in hell of successfully resisting federal SWAT teams on their own, outside of a very, very few and specific circumstances. In other words, if the federal government comes gunning for you where you live . . . you will either be arrested or killed . . . on the spot.

Astonishingly enough, here in America we are absolutely prohibited from defending ourselves against law enforcement commandos in any way, shape or form. Our government at every level expects us to treat law enforcement officials as if they are God himself; we are expected to bow down, bend the knee before them, cow tow, beg for mercy and comply—under direct threat of death.

IF a federal law enforcement commando strike team comes for you, they will hit you with everything they've got, which includes all imaginable military grade gear and tactics. Your neighbors will not help you when they come for you. Your dog(s) cannot help you when they come for you. You will even believe God himself has abandoned you when they come for you. They will breech your door(s), break your windows and toss in several flash bangs to blind you and zap grenades to stun you. They will then do a dynamic entry in squad size elements and likely kill everyone and everything that moves, just like their SEAL team 6 heroes on TV. YOU will be the enemy and everyone outside your circle of friends and family will cheer their actions and your demise because they think you had it coming. When they come for you, they will surround your home with overwhelming numbers and snipers, put your life under what feels like a massive microscope, and treat you like the military treats terrorists in Afghanistan or Syria.

You will die or wish you had.

No number of these military style raids on American citizens seems to make a difference or draw Americans closer to open rebellion. When the smoke of the raid on your home settles, your neighbors won't be weeping for your corpse . . . they'll be thanking whatever god they pray to it wasn't their home the Feds raided. Someone will eventually purchase your home and those same neighbors will forget you and your family ever existed.

Local and federal commando strike teams are infinitely backed up by more of the same, funded to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars annually; they are efficiently organized and they possess all of the latest tactical hardware, from electronic warfare equipment to highly specialized small arms, explosives, optics and devices that can even see through the walls of your home.

The majority of the American people will never openly revolt. They love their lives and dwindling freedom more than anything else. They will infinitely fall back on the old excuse, "He or she (meaning you) had it coming", when the federal commandos come for you or anyone else they decide to raid.

Those are the current facts and the current reality of our 2022 American situation. Try to organize and they will come for you. Defy their petty tyrannies and they will come for you. Stand against them alone and they will squash you like an ant.
What he said ^^^
Thats true to a certain extent.
Our military could have won in Vietnam but it would have required total dedication which of course we didnt have.
But then you look at the soviets in Afghanistan who had no restraint and they couldnt beat them.
The Soviets were also a foreign military fighting on foreign soil, against natives with a decided home field advantage (given their conditioning to the brutal environment, and a millenia of generational knowledge about the complex and unforgiving terrain itself). In the present scenario, however, you're not dealing with a foreign invader, and there's not a similar turf advantage, as both sides of the hypothetical conflict would have arguably equal familiarity with the terrain, environment and infrastructure.
I like the 400 million guns of the US CITIZENS over the military that lost Afghanistan.

Plus, Joe should not be threatening to bomb us citizens in the US.

Oh come on now my Gator brethren, this is not an accurate description of what went down in Afghanistan. The US military did not lose a military conflict to the Taliban in Afghanistan. On the contrary, the US military (and the puppet regime) was firmly in control of Afghanistan for the past several years, and the sentiment domestically was almost unanimous that it was for our forces to come home. Not a single US troop had been killed in Afghanistan for nearly 2 years prior to the pullout. What went wrong can be summed up in all of 2 words: Joe Biden. First came his idiotic decision to spontaneously vacate Bagram air base in the middle of the night, prior to evacuating American citizens/contractors, or giving our allies so much as a heads up. And then once the shit hit the fan in the press about the Taliban going on a rampage to retake the country and all the foreigners (including Americans) making a mad dash for the nearest border/airplane, the moron made the equally idiotic decision to use the indefensible public airport as the evac point (at the urging of the State Dept, for their own convenience), and to make agreements for security assurances with random people claiming to be leaders of the new Taliban. What could go wrong?

But the point is, everyone in the world knows that the US military could have held their ground in Afg indefinitely. Case in point, the Taliban didn't even begin their takeover of Afghanistan until after the US military vacated the country. Had the pullout been done the way it was planned by the prior administration, it would have come and gone without much ado, and nobody would even be talking about it today.
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Our President is correct

If redneck gun owners think they can take on the US Military with their AR15, they are sadly mistaken

An F15 would have a better chance
...and what the fuck makes you think the military is going to be on the side of democrats in this hypothetical civil war? The military is mostly comprised of young southerners who sure as hell dont vote democrat and most of our bases are in the south in the first place. If there is a civil war, republicans will have AR-15s AND F-15's, while the left will only have their blue hair and ANTIFA.
...and what the fuck makes you think the military is going to be on the side of democrats in this hypothetical civil war? The military is mostly comprised of young southerners who sure as hell dont vote democrat and most of our bases are in the south in the first place. If there is a civil war, republicans will have AR-15s AND F-15's, while the left will only have their blue hair and ANTIFA.

Because the Military has sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies Foreign and domestic

What do you think RW Terrorists attacking our country is?
i never thought i’d see the day where a president would threaten to use military force again US citizens
Lincoln threatened - then did.

Adolf Biden would use the military without hesitation. The calculus the Reich is considering is whether the military would follow unconstitutional orders from them. The top brass are bought and paid for - looking to that gig at Boeing or Raytheon. But the rank and file are likely to balk at killing their relatives and neighbors.

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