F*ed Up Socialist Media Praises Castro as a 'George Washington', 'Hero'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

A meandering Brian Williams popped up by phone on MSNBC to ruminate and recalled how in his last visit to Cuba, in 2015: “You see the medicine system they are very proud of.”

ABC’s Avila went so far as to tout how Castro “was considered, even to this day, the George Washington of his country among those who remain in Cuba.”

Reminiscing about his high school years, via phone on MSNBC, Chris Matthews asserted that Castro was “a romantic figure when he came into power” and, Matthews wasn’t embarrassed to relay, “we rooted like mad for the guy” who “was almost like a folk hero to most of us.”

Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

A meandering Brian Williams popped up by phone on MSNBC to ruminate and recalled how in his last visit to Cuba, in 2015: “You see the medicine system they are very proud of.”

ABC’s Avila went so far as to tout how Castro “was considered, even to this day, the George Washington of his country among those who remain in Cuba.”

Reminiscing about his high school years, via phone on MSNBC, Chris Matthews asserted that Castro was “a romantic figure when he came into power” and, Matthews wasn’t embarrassed to relay, “we rooted like mad for the guy” who “was almost like a folk hero to most of us.”

Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

The article you are citing takes their comments out of context and does not impart the full intent of their remarks. Love the site that came from, btw. Real straight reporting there, I'm sure.
Also, I'm not sure what's wrong with giving the guy credit for improving health care and education in Cuba. At least he did one thing right. He's dead. Civilized people try to find something decent to say, or they don't say anything. The guys on call to report the news last night didn't have that option.
Nice stuff to say? I don't think he ever misspelled Cuba? Never met a Cuban cigar he didn't like?
Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

A meandering Brian Williams popped up by phone on MSNBC to ruminate and recalled how in his last visit to Cuba, in 2015: “You see the medicine system they are very proud of.”

ABC’s Avila went so far as to tout how Castro “was considered, even to this day, the George Washington of his country among those who remain in Cuba.”

Reminiscing about his high school years, via phone on MSNBC, Chris Matthews asserted that Castro was “a romantic figure when he came into power” and, Matthews wasn’t embarrassed to relay, “we rooted like mad for the guy” who “was almost like a folk hero to most of us.”

Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’


Thats not near as bad as praising these motherfucker mass murdering bastards DICK Nixon,FDR or Ronald Reagan and treating these bastards like they are damn heros or something.makes me ahamed to be an american the fact the american people let our government become so evil and out of control like this.:mad:

they do so because they are INDEED socialist media.
Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

A meandering Brian Williams popped up by phone on MSNBC to ruminate and recalled how in his last visit to Cuba, in 2015: “You see the medicine system they are very proud of.”

ABC’s Avila went so far as to tout how Castro “was considered, even to this day, the George Washington of his country among those who remain in Cuba.”

Reminiscing about his high school years, via phone on MSNBC, Chris Matthews asserted that Castro was “a romantic figure when he came into power” and, Matthews wasn’t embarrassed to relay, “we rooted like mad for the guy” who “was almost like a folk hero to most of us.”

Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’


Thats not near as bad as praising these motherfucker mass murdering bastards DICK Nixon,FDR or Ronald Reagan and treating these bastards like they are damn heros or something.makes me ahamed to be an american the fact the american people let our government become so evil and out of control like this.:mad:

they do so because they are INDEED socialist media.
Nixon was a great president, so was Reagan.
Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

A meandering Brian Williams popped up by phone on MSNBC to ruminate and recalled how in his last visit to Cuba, in 2015: “You see the medicine system they are very proud of.”

ABC’s Avila went so far as to tout how Castro “was considered, even to this day, the George Washington of his country among those who remain in Cuba.”

Reminiscing about his high school years, via phone on MSNBC, Chris Matthews asserted that Castro was “a romantic figure when he came into power” and, Matthews wasn’t embarrassed to relay, “we rooted like mad for the guy” who “was almost like a folk hero to most of us.”

Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

The article you are citing takes their comments out of context and does not impart the full intent of their remarks. Love the site that came from, btw. Real straight reporting there, I'm sure.
Also, I'm not sure what's wrong with giving the guy credit for improving health care and education in Cuba. At least he did one thing right. He's dead. Civilized people try to find something decent to say, or they don't say anything. The guys on call to report the news last night didn't have that option.
Here we go with the fucking context shit. Fucking left wing in this country adores fucking communism and commie leaders. They have long before Mccarthy investigated them, which he was vindicated for.

Get a fucking clue.


There isn't anything being taken out of fucking context.
Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

A meandering Brian Williams popped up by phone on MSNBC to ruminate and recalled how in his last visit to Cuba, in 2015: “You see the medicine system they are very proud of.”

ABC’s Avila went so far as to tout how Castro “was considered, even to this day, the George Washington of his country among those who remain in Cuba.”

Reminiscing about his high school years, via phone on MSNBC, Chris Matthews asserted that Castro was “a romantic figure when he came into power” and, Matthews wasn’t embarrassed to relay, “we rooted like mad for the guy” who “was almost like a folk hero to most of us.”

Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

Well, there's quite a lot of butt-licking on the news when someone dies, be it someone from the right or left spectrum of politics.

Didn't you watch the news when Nixon died?

Although I would probably agree about the health care, but not so much about the education because a lot of communist propaganda was inserted into the education system, even if I do see it as a good thing that it was free.

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