F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?


^This is a Canadian far left wing racist and person with a monstrous attitude who has a violent criminal mind. We saw this in the thread where she didn’t give a damn that white lady and her black boyfriend were brutally beaten and robbed By a mob of black BLM people.

If we had two different countries in America one for the pro BLM people the other for the anti-BLM people, the pro BLM country would be on fire in an utter chaos and the anti-BLM country will be filled with black and white American patriots. We might just have that one day in a legal manner
If you're dating a woman you don't get along with, you break up. If you work for a business who's ideas you're always against, you get a new job. If you're driving a car you can no longer stand driving, you sell it and get a car you enjoy driving.
Right. If you don’t like something, then YOU cut ties with it.

You don’t force all the women you don’t get along with to move away. You don’t force your business to move to a different state. You don’t force all the people with cars you don’t like to move to a different city. You’re not entitled to a bubble where only things you approve of get to be there.

You go find a new woman. You go find a new job. You sell your car. If you don’t like all the black people living in your neighborhood, then YOU move somewhere else. Because you’re sure as hell not going to get people to move away from you. Doesn’t work that way.
Right. If you don’t like something, then YOU cut ties with it.

You don’t force all the women you don’t get along with to move away. You don’t force your business to move to a different state. You don’t force all the people with cars you don’t like to move to a different city. You’re not entitled to a bubble where only things you approve of get to be there.

You go find a new woman. You go find a new job. You sell your car. If you don’t like all the black people living in your neighborhood, then YOU move somewhere else. Because you’re sure as hell not going to get people to move away from you. Doesn’t work that way.
No one is forcing Libs/leftis away - if State X, runs the laws that it's population majority want's - then those who are not in agreement might move, it's their choice. You don't seem to understand the difference of national policy (carried by a national majority) and a State policy that might be entirely different due to the population of State X, having an entirely different political/social setup.

It's called basic democracy - and majority decides. Therefore the population of Texas decides onto their political/social interests by their own - and not some e.g. lefty/lib majority in Washington D.C. imposes their moral standards onto Texans. Which was exactly as to what caused a war within the USA, some 160 years ago.
No one is forcing Libs/leftis away - if State X, runs the laws that it's population majority want's - then those who are not in agreement might move, it's their choice. You don't seem to understand the difference of national policy (carried by a national majority) and a State policy that might be entirely different due to the population of State X, having an entirely different political/social setup.

It's called basic democracy - and majority decides. Therefore the population of Texas decides onto their political/social interests by their own - and not some e.g. lefty/lib majority in Washington D.C. imposes their moral standards onto Texans. Which was exactly as to what caused a war within the USA, some 160 years ago.
If you're intent on abusing and mistreating people expect real Americans to stand in your way.
If you're intent on abusing and mistreating people expect real Americans to stand in your way.
Intent on abusing and mistreating people...which are those supposed to be?
Normal people by lib's and lefties? - yep that is what a segregation or an independent internal policy of a Federation State according to its populace and majority stands for.

I find it however extremely amusing, that in majority only libs/lefties are opposing such an idea or statement. Shows exactly what you folks are terrified of - finally having to work yourself, to fund all the bullshit that you are continuously imposing on others.
Intent on abusing and mistreating people...which are those supposed to be?
Normal people by lib's and lefties? - yep that is what a segregation or an independent internal policy of a Federation State according to its populace and majority stands for.

I find it however extremely amusing, that in majority only libs/lefties are opposing such an idea or statement. Shows exactly what you folks are terrified of - finally having to work yourself, to fund all the bullshit that you are continuously imposing on others.

Having to work for ourselves? Aren't you the Bingo that just tried to pass off Southern States fighting a war to maintain slavery as a good thing? Stop cosplaying you Bozo.

Having to work for ourselves? Aren't you the Bingo that just tried to pass off Southern States fighting a war to maintain slavery as a good thing? Stop cosplaying you Bozo.
Where did I mention "reinstating slavery" ? you lefty moron.

Any one who knows about US history, is also aware that the secession wasn't just about slavery, it's however the topic that Lincoln and alike picked out to get the Union to make war - since Lincoln and alike NEVER accepted the deceleration of secession by the South as such. Go and fool your own party morons with your childish diversionary "slavery" tactic.
Where did I mention "reinstating slavery" ? you lefty moron.
I didn't say you wanted to reinstate slavery you illterate Bingo. I laughed at you for telling us to "work for ourselves" when you moments ago described the civil war (which was fought by the South to preserve slavery) as lib morality. You lack all sorts of self awareness don't you?
Any one who knows about US history, is also aware that the secession wasn't just about slavery, it's however the topic that Lincoln and alike picked out to get the Union to make war - since Lincoln and alike NEVER accepted the deceleration of secession by the South as such. Go and fool your own party morons with your childish diversionary "slavery" tactic.
I'm not talking about Lincoln you moron. To Lincoln the slaves were an afterthought to restoring the Union and then after that a problem to be delt with that would ideally have seen them all shipped back to Africa. No, there is no disputing the fact that Americans North and South back then were all pretty much deeply racist. But whatever Lincolns motives were the Souths motives were clear. The only States right they cared about was the Right to own slaves. In fact they limited States rights in their own constitution to prevent any State in the Confederacy from ever abandoning slavery.
Right. If you don’t like something, then YOU cut ties with it.

You don’t force all the women you don’t get along with to move away. You don’t force your business to move to a different state. You don’t force all the people with cars you don’t like to move to a different city. You’re not entitled to a bubble where only things you approve of get to be there.

You go find a new woman. You go find a new job. You sell your car. If you don’t like all the black people living in your neighborhood, then YOU move somewhere else. Because you’re sure as hell not going to get people to move away from you. Doesn’t work that way.

Again, you are correct, that's why it's a shame we don't move in that direction.

My idea is to divide the country into two countries right down the middle from the Dakota's to Texas. Have a national vote on who gets what side. Once decided people move to their perspective countries and each create their own Constitution. In our Constitution I'd like to see no liberals allowed to vote for those that wish to remain in the new conservative country. They can continue to live here, but have no ability to ruin our country.

It would be my hope that we decide where I live is the new conservative country. If the Democrats had to move out, it would double or more my property value. In the meantime, you could be next to your precious border and let everybody in if you want. It wouldn't matter to us as long as they don't come here.

^Is one of the worst racists on this form he literally goes out of his way to find the one or two white racist and then complains about white racism … Whether he is white or black doesn’t matter he continuously ignores violence by black BLM people he doesn’t give a shit that Black people living in inner cities are robbed and looted by Black people. He doesn’t care at all The man has psycho pathic thinking, he doesn’t care about men who compete in women’s sports and physically hurt women or who take away scholarships from women. This whack job thinks that trans people are discriminated against in America.

Clayton doesn't discuss issues. He just throws his shit out there and never responds to the replies to his posts. That's why I always call him drive-by Clayton.

Ask him who he voted for last presidential election. Did he vote for the President that never said a bad thing about blacks or did he vote for this guy who said the most racist things about blacks than any other presidential candidate in our lifetime? Bet he won't answer because the left are nothing but hypocrites.
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Again, you are correct, that's why it's a shame we don't move in that direction.

My idea is to divide the country into two countries right down the middle from the Dakota's to Texas.
When you don’t get along with a woman, you break up with her and you go about your life to find someone else if you choose. You don’t dictate where she moves or who she dates.

If you don’t like the neighborhood you’re in because there are too many black people, then YOU move to a new location that you will like. You seem to expect other people to move away from you because. You don’t get to dictate what other people do.
If you don’t like the neighborhood you’re in because there are too many black people, then YOU move to a new location that you will like. You seem to expect other people to move away from you because. You don’t get to dictate what other people do.
Wouldn’t it be easier if you Hate America koooks just stopped harvesting/manufacturing factions of weird immoral filth, stopped normalizing and glorifying ‘black behavior’, stopped recruiting desperate thirdworlders, stopped vilifying law enforcement and stopped the assault on our constitutional rights?
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Not at all. UPS are looking for drivers. No education or trade training at all. With OT they make about 83K a year. Again, my field of truck driving is the same way. Companies offer free training if you sign a year contract with them and if you don't like that, truck driving schools are under 5K for the most part. Many construction jobs offer free apprenticeship and they too make pretty good money.

Want to go to college? Live with mom and dad for the first couple of years after high school. Get a full time plus job. Save every penny possible. Then you can afford to go to college when you get 21 or 22 years old.

But as a member of the party of excuses, all you can do is cry how everybody needs to do things for you because you can't figure out how to do things for yourself.
Preparation Is the Most Important Part of Production

To get the best and get them to study, all education and training must be paid, not just free. The pay must be higher than the student or apprentice can expect from any other job.

Sacrifice has no merit; it's the only way the untalented can get ahead. This economy-destructive system is no better than requiring all college athletes to be walk-ons. Instead, they are recruited and given expensive housing, expensive food, expensive entertainment, and expensive tutors: the equivalent of being paid $600 a week. They also get free tuition, which is of secondary importance. That's why it is the only thing the ruling class's media emphasize.
When you don’t get along with a woman, you break up with her and you go about your life to find someone else if you choose. You don’t dictate where she moves or who she dates.

If you don’t like the neighborhood you’re in because there are too many black people, then YOU move to a new location that you will like. You seem to expect other people to move away from you because. You don’t get to dictate what other people do.

You can if if you push for it. I don't need to have my old GF move because it's likely I'll never see her again anyway. Moving away from black people would be a solution if we got rid of desegregation and they couldn't move with me.

We simply can't get along anymore and it's been going on for years. Whether I move or they move it's time we separated and be done with it. It's hard for me to get another girlfriend if my current one still lives with me. So our only two choices is we are forced to live together in constant battle or we separate and start living much happier lives.

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