F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

1. Reinstating segregation is impossible.

a. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.

2. The years since 1960 have shown why we in 2023 should refrain from criticizing those Southerners who wanted to keep segregation.

3. So the only practical solution is the OP's: divide the nation into several nations or safe zones.

a. A safe zone for each ethnicity.

4. There would still be an integrated safe zone for people that prefer that.

5. In the coming decades, it is inevitable that the political configuration of the current United States will be modified.
yes the brain washed trump conspiracy nut job voters are going to disappear Thank God.
There are different definitions for the term "racism." The woke, leftist, DummyCrats accuse anyone who was born white of "racism" simply because they were born.
Then, there's people like you who think you're better than everyone, so you're racist depending on who falls into the category of "everyone."
Some believe that just recognizing that different races exist constitutes "racism."

In any event ... the word is WAY overused, and it has lost it's meaning in my life. I don't give a damn what anyone calls me. I'll announce loudly and clearly that I avoid black neighborhoods like the plague. You can say that's racist, but I call it basic survival.
If the Truth Could Be Told, It Is Actually Lack of Pride "That Goeth Before a Fall"

"Racism" is misused because it is automatically a pejorative term, when it should be neutral and merely descriptive. Because it is so slanted one way, that's evidence for the suspicion that whoever uses it that way is trying to cover up the fact that it is, instead, a positive trait. If Whites had any pride from recognizing their superiority to all other races, that would be a danger to a White ruling class that needs the rest of us to have no self-respect. Before They Could Stab Us in the Back, They Had to Take Away Our Backbone.

Racism is part of the survival instinct. For inferior races, it is part of the death wish.
plus in most cases with the brainwashed functional morons, it is true. You believe blacks are lazy and stupid and God knows what. Racism is believing another race is inferior. try science again Someday. But thanks for the landslide in 20

google Ghana. They do just fine back there when they're left alone by scumbag whites and Chinese and Arabs....
Black people are human beings. However, Ebonic culture is inferior to American culture.
that's fine if you want all the voters to get dumber and dumber until they all vote Republican...

It's the Republicans taking care of themselves and their needs instead of the Democrats always crying for government to pay their way. There is a sense of pride when you pay for something yourself and accomplish success and your taxpaying neighbors paying for you. Democrats love being owned by government. But then again, show me a Democrat that has any pride.
fewer people can do it and when they do it costs a hell of a lot. Great job

Not at all. UPS are looking for drivers. No education or trade training at all. With OT they make about 83K a year. Again, my field of truck driving is the same way. Companies offer free training if you sign a year contract with them and if you don't like that, truck driving schools are under 5K for the most part. Many construction jobs offer free apprenticeship and they too make pretty good money.

Want to go to college? Live with mom and dad for the first couple of years after high school. Get a full time plus job. Save every penny possible. Then you can afford to go to college when you get 21 or 22 years old.

But as a member of the party of excuses, all you can do is cry how everybody needs to do things for you because you can't figure out how to do things for yourself.
It's the Republicans taking care of themselves and their needs instead of the Democrats always crying for government to pay their way. There is a sense of pride when you pay for something yourself and accomplish success and your taxpaying neighbors paying for you. Democrats love being owned by government. But then again, show me a Democrat that has any pride.
The democrat party is their mommy and big government is their daddy. They can't even wipe their own ass.
Not at all. UPS are looking for drivers. No education or trade training at all. With OT they make about 83K a year. Again, my field of truck driving is the same way. Companies offer free training if you sign a year contract with them and if you don't like that, truck driving schools are under 5K for the most part. Many construction jobs offer free apprenticeship and they too make pretty good money.

Want to go to college? Live with mom and dad for the first couple of years after high school. Get a full time plus job. Save every penny possible. Then you can afford to go to college when you get 21 or 22 years old.

But as a member of the party of excuses, all you can do is cry how everybody needs to do things for you because you can't figure out how to do things for yourself.
**** BS Super duper... your love and admiration for Lying Scumbag Mega Rich GOP idiots is noted....
check the growth of inequality in the United States since Reagan
**** BS Super duper... your love and admiration for Lying Scumbag Mega Rich GOP idiots is noted....
check the growth of inequality in the United States since Reagan

So what does that have to do with the price of rice in China? Only to a Communist would more Americans doing better for themselves be a negative. Not one rich person ever stopped me in life from doing what I wanted or advancing myself.
Not at all. UPS are looking for drivers. No education or trade training at all. With OT they make about 83K a year. Again, my field of truck driving is the same way. Companies offer free training if you sign a year contract with them and if you don't like that, truck driving schools are under 5K for the most part. Many construction jobs offer free apprenticeship and they too make pretty good money.

Want to go to college? Live with mom and dad for the first couple of years after high school. Get a full time plus job. Save every penny possible. Then you can afford to go to college when you get 21 or 22 years old.

But as a member of the party of excuses, all you can do is cry how everybody needs to do things for you because you can't figure out how to do things for yourself.
how much overtime? 60 hours a week LOL too you believe a pile of crap. my best friend went to one of those semi schools and never got any respect for it from any company. If you people would all get vaccinated instead of believing a bunch of crap, the problem would take care of itself....
So what does that have to do with the price of rice in China? Only to a Communist would more Americans doing better for themselves be a negative. Not one rich person ever stopped me in life from doing what I wanted or advancing myself.
of course you are absolutely clueless about what the rich swine from the GOP have been doing to the country since Reagan.... and you blame the victims because you are a brainwashed functional moron
how much overtime? 60 hours a week LOL too you believe a pile of crap. my best friend went to one of those semi schools and never got any respect for it from any company. If you people would all get vaccinated instead of believing a bunch of crap, the problem would take care of itself....
Why didn't your friend write a hit song or act in a hit TV series and live off the royalties?
The democrat party is their mommy and big government is their daddy. They can't even wipe their own ass.
, actually Democrats are interested in the health of the country and can see past the end of their own noses. you really ought to try thinking about politics someday instead of your little BS common sense personal ideology you have been brainwashed with. It means nothing when you have the worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere.....
, actually Democrats are interested in the health of the country and can see past the end of their own noses. you really ought to try thinking about politics someday instead of your little BS common sense personal ideology you have been brainwashed with. It means nothing when you have the worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere.....
Your policies have created the homelessness.
of course you are absolutely clueless about what the rich swine from the GOP have been doing to the country since Reagan.... and you blame the victims because you are a brainwashed functional moron

That's because the so-called victims are in your head. If we could ever rid our country of most government dependents and victims, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books.

But unfortunately Democrats loves victims and victims love Democrats. That's why they look for ways to create more each year: Victims of big tobacco, victims of big phrama, victims of big corporations, victims of gun owners, victims of poverty, victims of the un-vaxed, victims of climate change, victims of racism, victims of big oil, victims of wealthy people, victims of the police, victims, victims, victims.

What the victims don't realize is how the Democrat party uses their stupidity only to enrich themselves and maintain power. Plus nobody ever became successful or self-reliant by sitting in the corner crying victimhood. They are all failures.
how much overtime? 60 hours a week LOL too you believe a pile of crap. my best friend went to one of those semi schools and never got any respect for it from any company. If you people would all get vaccinated instead of believing a bunch of crap, the problem would take care of itself....

The vaccines is for covid, not losers. The reason your friend didn't get any respect is because he was probably an asshole just like you with a bad attitude. You don't get a job to get respect, you get a job to make money.

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