F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

We know, because as I've said so many times, the best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault. BTW, when you commies had total control over our federal government since 2020, how many of those phony GOP sanctions did Dementia lift? :eusa_shhh:
We don't have control over Congress with 58 votes with our basically Republican morons from Arizona and West Virginia....
more racist propaganda from the right as always...
What's "racist" is dumping a bunch of 3rd-worlders into white nations, then telling the new bloodsuckers that whites are "the enemy" and inciting the new recruits to commit a myriad of crimes against their generous hosts. That's the worst kind of racism.
One more time: last time you had total control over our federal government, what sanctions did your imbecile lift?

One more time: last time you had total control over our federal government, what sanctions did your imbecile lift?
  • WebMay 16, 2022 · WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Monday announced a partial lifting of sanctions on Cuba, including expanding flights beyond Havana and restarting a …
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What about the other countries? According to the BP, people coming here are coming from over 110 different countries. That's a lot of sanctions, don't you think?
What's "racist" is dumping a bunch of 3rd-worlders into white nations, then telling the new bloodsuckers that whites are "the enemy" and inciting the new recruits to commit a myriad of crimes against their generous hosts. That's the worst kind of racism.
well of course that is basically GOP fear mongering garbage propaganda. The thing is, racism means that one believes another race is inferior. Nobody believes whites are inferior. they might believe there are a bunch of scumbag swine but that is not racism to hate them...
well of course that is basically GOP fear mongering garbage propaganda. The thing is, racism means that one believes another race is inferior. Nobody believes whites are inferior. they might believe there are a bunch of scumbag swine but that is not racism to hate them...
There are different definitions for the term "racism." The woke, leftist, DummyCrats accuse anyone who was born white of "racism" simply because they were born.
Then, there's people like you who think you're better than everyone, so you're racist depending on who falls into the category of "everyone."
Some believe that just recognizing that different races exist constitutes "racism."

In any event ... the word is WAY overused, and it has lost it's meaning in my life. I don't give a damn what anyone calls me. I'll announce loudly and clearly that I avoid black neighborhoods like the plague. You can say that's racist, but I call it basic survival.
What about the other countries? According to the BP, people coming here are coming from over 110 different countries. That's a lot of sanctions, don't you think?
at the moment 90% of those seeking asylum are from those countries. it's too bad you don't have a smart phone or computer with Google because I so enjoy spending all my time trying to trying to fight your ignorance with all these links. yet you never learn. and what the hell is your point, every time the GOP causes another corrupt bubble and bust depression, we have this chaos and rise of militarists and refugees moving all over the place, just like the 30s and just like today going to Europe. Nowadays we also have the pandemic and global warming thanks to you idiots mainly LOL A ARRGGATZTH.... put on a network nightly news and stop being such a damn brain washed functional moron....
There are different definitions for the term "racism." The woke, leftist, DummyCrats accuse anyone who was born white of "racism" simply because they were born.
Then, there's people like you who think you're better than everyone, so you're racist depending on who falls into the category of "everyone."
Some believe that just recognizing that different races exist constitutes "racism."

In any event ... the word is WAY overused, and it has lost it's meaning in my life. I don't give a damn what anyone calls me. I'll announce loudly and clearly that I avoid black neighborhoods like the plague. You can say that's racist, but I call it basic survival.
and of course that is the environmental reason that blacks have such problems. They are poor and highly discriminated against. and living in the middle of a war zone.... what I told you is the definition of racism and being confused about the definition is one of your main reasons for being a dupe,,, everything the GOP base knows is wrong, change the damn channel.
and of course that is the environmental reason that blacks have such problems. They are poor and highly discriminated against. and living in the middle of a war zone.... what I told you is the definition of racism and being confused about the definition is one of your main reasons for being a dupe,,,
They're poor because they refuse to work.
They're discriminated against because they've proven themselves to be dangerous and untrustworthy.
They're in a "war zone" of their own making.

The word "prejudice" means to "pre-judge" I pre-judge lions to be ferocious and deadly because they've proven themselves to be ferocious and deadly. I use the same logic in other areas of life -- and region -- and race.
Nowhere near enough. The only developed country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave Cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. great job, Perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich lying scumbag class....
This is not a socialist country. If that is what you want, go find one.
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?
I agree, keep Americans in America
They're poor because they refuse to work.
They're discriminated against because they've proven themselves to be dangerous and untrustworthy.
They're in a "war zone" of their own making.

The word "prejudice" means to "pre-judge" I pre-judge lions to be ferocious and deadly because they've proven themselves to be ferocious and deadly. I use the same logic in other areas of life -- and region -- and race.

There is a biracial couple in Chicago that agrees with you.
at the moment 90% of those seeking asylum are from those countries. it's too bad you don't have a smart phone or computer with Google because I so enjoy spending all my time trying to trying to fight your ignorance with all these links. yet you never learn. and what the hell is your point, every time the GOP causes another corrupt bubble and bust depression, we have this chaos and rise of militarists and refugees moving all over the place, just like the 30s and just like today going to Europe. Nowadays we also have the pandemic and global warming thanks to you idiots mainly LOL A ARRGGATZTH.... put on a network nightly news and stop being such a damn brain washed functional moron....

Uneducated moron. Guess what happens when we don't produce our own fuel: other countries do; and they don't do it nearly as clean as the US. But you uneducated morons don't have the brains to figure that out yet. As long as it's not happening in your backyard, it's not happening as far as you're concerned.

All your posts narrow it down to two countries. There's a hell of a lot more than two countries to the south of us.

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