F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

The average white person has 10 times the wealth of the average black person. zzzzzz
Bunny Hop

And the average Afram has many times the wealth of those left behind in the African jungle. They need to pay those people reparations, because Liberal doctrine decrees that if they have more, they must have stolen it from people who have less.
plus in most cases with the brainwashed functional morons, it is true. You believe blacks are lazy and stupid and God knows what. Racism is believing another race is inferior. try science again Someday. But thanks for the landslide in 20
Bunny Hop

And the average Afram has many times the wealth of those left behind in the African jungle. They need to pay those people reparations, because Liberal doctrine decrees that if they have more, they must have stolen it from people who have less.
google Ghana. They do just fine back there when they're left alone by scumbag whites and Chinese and Arabs....
Franco and LOSER are two sides of the same stupid coin.
except he is totally full of misinformation from the GOP and and I and every respected journalist and media outlet in the world and everyone in the world think they're absolutely nuts. What is your problem with the Democrat policies? it would be great if we tried them again. I want to be more like France which is exactly what Thomas Jefferson would want these days. England and Savage capitalism are over... Or should be
Wrong. Bill O predicted this last night, and he'll talk about it on his show tonight.

How is it you taught French and Spanish and so completely ignorant of English? You write like a 9th grade dropout. Typical commie.....a phony.
The Nobility With No Ability

The prep school he went to charges $60,000 a year in tuition. Americans need to wake up to the fact that Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore, Despise, Hate, and Fear All Other White People.

Henry Luce, the original owner of the sneaky lying Time magazine, also graduated from Hotchkiss.
The Nobility With No Ability

The prep school he went to charges $60,000 a year in tuition. Americans need to wake up to the fact that Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore, Despise, Hate, and Fear All Other White People.

Henry Luce, the original owner of the sneaky lying Time magazine, also graduated from Hotchkiss.
my father is a small town doctor who was crazy about education. I absolutely hated the place and set records for laziness that will never be touched LOL. the place is full of Republican Mega Rich Scumbags.... None of them were against the Vietnam War when I was there. My junior year there were eight people on the corridor and we had the son of the editor of Time magazine And a Luce asshole and the other big name there. the son of the editor was OK. My favorites were the Fords. Edsel was the fattest kid I ever saw and had a great sense of humor. I was famous for knocking his mother's giant purse off the back of the chair while waiting on the table. the whole place went totally silent except for the fords who kept talking and totally ignored it whilel I was clearing it up. Edsel flunked out. I was also the only bills fan and AFL fan. I won $50 all $1 bets no odds no points when the Bills beat the Jets for their only victory And the Jets won super Bowl 3. just to get the **** **** off my back LOL. ty tyvm
You seem to be assuming that what is happening to the country is somehow organic. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Those in power are using the media to foment discord as a way of bringing the country to its knees and even then, to give them excuses to employ the military against us. That isn't going to stop and we won't be allowed to simply split into two camps.
Paper Tigers Shuffle and Rustle, Scaring the Paranoids Into Silence
except he is totally full of misinformation from the GOP and and I and every respected journalist and media outlet in the world and everyone in the world think they're absolutely nuts. What is your problem with the Democrat policies? it would be great if we tried them again. I want to be more like France which is exactly what Thomas Jefferson would want these days. England and Savage capitalism are over... Or should be

There are plenty of Democrat policies in NY, CA and Ill. That's why there is a mass exodus of businesses and residents to red states.
And you are totally full of bullshit from the DNC.
for example, brain washed functional moron? you are totally full of it but, but I can't figure out exactly what it is... if you've given up on voting, next stop is being a Republican.
There are plenty of Democrat policies in NY, CA and Ill. That's why there is a mass exodus of businesses and residents to red states.
so you say. mainly snowbirds and brainwashed twits... they'll be back if they're lucky.... i'm not going anywhere, upstate has the same population as it did in 1950 And with global warming it's getting to be great weather even in the winter LOL. Plus I'm in a valley so the wind isn't too bad. california is basically too full of people especially spanish speaking thanks to the GOP. New York is the Empire State again. You have the crime more than New York.
so you say. mainly snowbirds and brainwashed twits... they'll be back if they're lucky.... i'm not going anywhere, upstate has the same population as it did in 1950 And with global warming it's getting to be great weather even in the winter LOL. Plus I'm in a valley so the wind isn't too bad. california is basically too full of people especially spanish speaking thanks to the GOP. New York is the Empire State again. You have the crime more than New York.

Your cheap excuses don't work here or anywhere else. High taxes, high crime, illegals pouring in, high cost of living. A lot of people don't want to be near it. It's not the GOP that wants illegals here, it's you Communists and there are at least a half-dozen examples of that anytime you want them.
Your cheap excuses don't work here or anywhere else. High taxes, high crime, illegals pouring in, high cost of living. A lot of people don't want to be near it. It's not the GOP that wants illegals here, it's you Communists and there are at least a half-dozen examples of that anytime you want them.
Actually we want to organize those who want to work in agriculture here and migrants like that. We also believe in Americanism of giving asylum to those who are worthy of. almost all of which these days are victims of GOP led sanctions against Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela. And I did not like Trump's racist blocking of the southern border as far as asylum went. the illegals still came in droves. I think the GOP Masters like the cheap easily bullied labor, They certainly have put off organizing our system forever.

every developed country is having the same problem with high costs and inflation every since Putin attacked the Ukraine and wrecked 15% of the oil and grain markets. blaming Biden is total crap also.
francoHFW tells your pussified ears scary truths like I do? Are you sure about that?
yours are scary alright, they just aren't true DUHHH. no election fraud no vaccine hoax Etcetera Etcetera, no racial differences et cetera et cetera. did you notice the global warming yet? Change the channel it's everywhere except the big oil channel....

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