F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

AGAIN, MORON, SLOWLY. WA is a democrat controlled state with democrat controlled companies--Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, Costco. Please engage what little of your brain is left before you post.
so why don't people want to take those jobs then? Try and follow the discussion rather than resorting to stupid insults as well as your dumb talking points...
The same reason people in Africa go through the sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea to get to Europe, brainwashed functional moron. and they have a hell of a lot more refugees from Syria iran Iraq Afghanistan Than we do....

but many thanks for another GOP corrupt deregulation bubble and bust World Depression. you people have caused all this crap. what the F is wrong with you LOL arrgghhhhh....
You don't believe GOP deregulation causes bubbles and busts and recessions and depressions like 1929 1989 2008?
I live in Washington state where the minimum wage in $15.74/hr. Seattle is full of homeless people and Spokane has quite a number. Help wanted signs are everywhere. What's the problem?
so what do you think is the problem for Christ sake if it isn't crummy jobs and pandemic fear, what the hell is it? Inquiring minds want to know
it's not a problem if you pay for you own shit that you want. When you want everybody else to pay it for you, that's called being a leech.

Commie Care supposedly made it so we can afford our own healthcare, what happened with that? If you can't afford your own daycare, simply don't have any children; I didn't. If you want college, when you get out of high school, live with mom and dad for a few years and work full time plus. Save all your money and go to college at the age of 21.

See how easy these problems are to solve without any government?
spoken like a true robber baron millionaire, functional moron.
How about getting off of your ass and earning a living wage like people in every other modern country. How about not having children that you can't afford to care for. As for healthcare, there is not a hospital in this country that will not treat a person in need and we have a thing called Medicaid that you should research. Nope, I don't have the healthcare that Whoopi and Oprah have--let me know when they make that available to me. Paid parental leave? Every state on the west coast has it -- maybe you need to get after your leftist legislators--they're failing you. Colleges and training--why, you yourself have admitted that 12 years of free education won't help you if you are in a war zone of your own making. Why should we waste time and money on you. If you want people to have all these things--OPEN YOUR WALLET, I don't see any largesse flowing out of your bank account but you sure want to reach into mine. I'm changing the channel now, I am tired of listening to the same old functional moron crap from you.
Sorry about facts and reality and everything LOL. people are talking about taxing the rich more only. Jesus you people are dumb Oops brainwashed functionally dumb. All that good stuff happens when the GOP and idiots like you get out of the way
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?

Total segregation...of what? Is this where you start on another one of your GOP white supremacist screeds?
How about getting off of your ass and earning a living wage like people in every other modern country. How about not having children that you can't afford to care for. As for healthcare, there is not a hospital in this country that will not treat a person in need and we have a thing called Medicaid that you should research. Nope, I don't have the healthcare that Whoopi and Oprah have--let me know when they make that available to me. Paid parental leave? Every state on the west coast has it -- maybe you need to get after your leftist legislators--they're failing you. Colleges and training--why, you yourself have admitted that 12 years of free education won't help you if you are in a war zone of your own making. Why should we waste time and money on you. If you want people to have all these things--OPEN YOUR WALLET, I don't see any largesse flowing out of your bank account but you sure want to reach into mine. I'm changing the channel now, I am tired of listening to the same old functional moron crap from you.
so you earn over $400,000 a year?
so what do you think is the problem for Christ sake if it isn't crummy jobs and pandemic fear, what the hell is it? Inquiring minds want to know
You're the guy who said a living wage is $15/hr. Minimum wage is $15.74 in Washington. You tell me what the homeless problem is. You obviously don't believe me that it's drugs, alcohol and mental illness. C'mon, smart guy.
You're the guy who said a living wage is $15/hr. Minimum wage is $15.74 in Washington. You tell me what the homeless problem is. You obviously don't believe me that it's drugs, alcohol and mental illness. C'mon, smart guy.
so the reason for all those open jobs across the country is drugs alcohol and mental illness? it's pretty damn ridiculous....
You're the guy who said a living wage is $15/hr. Minimum wage is $15.74 in Washington. You tell me what the homeless problem is. You obviously don't believe me that it's drugs, alcohol and mental illness. C'mon, smart guy.
that and poverty and lack of low income housing after 40 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP. They are a disgrace and a catastrophe And only the brain wash keeps you with them
We already told you:

The pandemic and people unwilling to take crappy jobs has given us all these people on welfare. Joe Biden didn't cause it, the GOP's ridiculous Pandemic response and putin has caused it.
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so the reason for all those open jobs across the country is drugs alcohol and mental illness? it's pretty damn ridiculous....
No, the reason for the homeless problem is drugs, alcohol and mental illness, not poverty because there's plenty of jobs. Are you having a hard time focusing? Are you on drugs, alcohol or just mentally ill?
The pandemic and people unwilling to take crappy jobs has given us all these people on welfare. Joe Biden didn't cause it, the GOP's ridiculous Pandemic response and putin has caused it.
You're full of shit. A starting wage of $15.74 isn't a crappy job. Starbucks is paying $17/hr for starting wage in Spokane, Washington. Is Starbucks a crappy job? You're stupid.
You're full of shit. A starting wage of $15.74 isn't a crappy job. Starbucks is paying $17/hr for starting wage in Spokane, Washington. Is Starbucks a crappy job? You're stupid.
With the housing prices on the West Coast I'd say it is pretty crappy. i'd love to know why so many jobs are open.
With the housing prices on the West Coast I'd say it is pretty crappy. i'd love to know why so many jobs are open.
I just told you, dum dum. Are you drunk? Spokane isn't the coast. There's plenty of apartments in Spokane. It's booming.
No, the reason for the homeless problem is drugs, alcohol and mental illness, not poverty because there's plenty of jobs. Are you having a hard time focusing? Are you on drugs, alcohol or just mentally ill?
I dare say you're right about the homeless problem,, along with the poverty and lack of low income housing. But why aren't people taking those jobs? Like to know your opinion. try thinking for a second.

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