F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

democrats are saying $15 I would accept $13. The employer. and you do it in steps.
Where does the employer get it? I'll tell you, from their customers, you and me. Higher prices for goods and services to cover the cost of increased wages. A year later, those same min. wage earners are whining that they don't have enough money to afford a burger. Vicious cycle and you just want to keep feeding it instead of demanding personal accountability and responsibility.
Where does the employer get it? I'll tell you, from their customers, you and me. Higher prices for goods and services to cover the cost of increased wages. A year later, those same min. wage earners are whining that they don't have enough money to afford a burger. Vicious cycle and you just want to keep feeding it instead of demanding personal accountability and responsibility.
yes yes very scary. change the damn channel- it doesn't happen. and have COLA...
I live in Washington state where the minimum wage in $15.74/hr. Seattle is full of homeless people and Spokane has quite a number. Help wanted signs are everywhere. What's the problem?
GOP fools keeping the pandemic going DUHHH and block a living wage. The GOP giveaway to the rich Also did away with low income housing, along with the investments it should have been making.
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How about getting off of your ass and earning a living wage like people in every other modern country. How about not having children that you can't afford to care for. As for healthcare, there is not a hospital in this country that will not treat a person in need and we have a thing called Medicaid that you should research. Nope, I don't have the healthcare that Whoopi and Oprah have--let me know when they make that available to me. Paid parental leave? Every state on the west coast has it -- maybe you need to get after your leftist legislators--they're failing you. Colleges and training--why, you yourself have admitted that 12 years of free education won't help you if you are in a war zone of your own making. Why should we waste time and money on you. If you want people to have all these things--OPEN YOUR WALLET, I don't see any largesse flowing out of your bank account but you sure want to reach into mine. I'm changing the channel now, I am tired of listening to the same old functional moron crap from you.
democrats only want to tax the rich again DUHHH,.. Dupe. Actually I'm retired, stupid, and I worry about the country and I can see past my nose unlike you ignoramuses....
Where does the employer get it? I'll tell you, from their customers, you and me. Higher prices for goods and services to cover the cost of increased wages. A year later, those same min. wage earners are whining that they don't have enough money to afford a burger. Vicious cycle and you just want to keep feeding it instead of demanding personal accountability and responsibility.
it works in every other country in the modern world, and we are by far the richest- this place should be fantastic except for**** **** GOP scum buckets and their idiot minions....
it works in every other country in the modern world, and we are by far the richest
Blah, blah, blah, and why do you think we are the richest, moron? BTW, if the US is so backward and insensitive, WTF are people breaking in to our borders, braving the Darien Gap and worse? I heard you say you were retired--SENILE and IGNORANT too.
Educate yourself moron, you are dumber than Bidumb. WA is as blue as CA.
so 40% of the population doesn't give a **** about masks and vaccines, at least four times as often as Democrats.... so why do you think people don't wanna work in these circumstances. I say crappy GOP jobs and fear of pandemic. what else could it be genius?
Blah, blah, blah, and why do you think we are the richest, moron? BTW, if the US is so backward and insensitive, WTF are people breaking in to our borders, braving the Darien Gap and worse? I heard you say you were retired--SENILE and IGNORANT too.
The same reason people in Africa go through the sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea to get to Europe, brainwashed functional moron. and they have a hell of a lot more refugees from Syria iran Iraq Afghanistan Than we do....

but many thanks for another GOP corrupt deregulation bubble and bust World Depression. you people have caused all this crap. what the F is wrong with you LOL arrgghhhhh....
Blah, blah, blah, and why do you think we are the richest, moron? BTW, if the US is so backward and insensitive, WTF are people breaking in to our borders, braving the Darien Gap and worse? I heard you say you were retired--SENILE and IGNORANT too.
we are the richest because of our natural resources DUHHH and strategic advantages... the problem is that the rich have way too much of that wealth because of tax rates the last 40 years. We have the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness anywhere ever in the modern world. great job!
so 40% of the population doesn't give a **** about masks and vaccines, at least four times as often as Democrats.... so why do you think people don't wanna work in these circumstances. I say crappy GOP jobs and fear of pandemic. what else could it be genius?
AGAIN, MORON, SLOWLY. WA is a democrat controlled state with democrat controlled companies--Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, Costco. Please engage what little of your brain is left before you post.
we are the richest because of our natural resources DUHHH and strategic advantages... the problem is that the rich have way too much of that wealth because of tax rates the last 40 years. We have the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness anywhere ever in the modern world. great job!
You're done, you're an idiot with no redeeming qualities. Run along.
There it is. I knew you could do it, duck. In the span of 11 posts you changed from making an uninformed false claim about the klan not hiding their racism and changed it to MOST Americans being racist and hiding it. You are a moron commie Canadian with an obsession to insult your neighbors. You are a very poor ambassador of good will for your nation.
Take a number and be seated. I'll get to you in no more than 30 days.

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