F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

People addicted to drugs and alcohol don't work, especially if welfare is easy to get.
of course then they don't have any money to buy drugs and alcohol so I wonder about this lol. at least for the majority of them....
The pandemic and people unwilling to take crappy jobs has given us all these people on welfare. Joe Biden didn't cause it, the GOP's ridiculous Pandemic response and putin has caused it.

Bulllshit. There are plenty of good jobs around, but you have to be able to do some physical work and pass a drug test which many won't and can't do.

I'm a retired truck driver. You can make a pretty good living driving a truck, yet we are over 50,000 drivers short now predicted to get much worse and us baby boomers retire. The construction trades are hurting for people. Even jobs so desirable 20 years ago like UPS drivers and postal workers can't find new employees. So what are they doing instead? Living off taxpayers.
Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve?
You seem to be assuming that what is happening to the country is somehow organic. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Those in power are using the media to foment discord as a way of bringing the country to its knees and even then, to give them excuses to employ the military against us. That isn't going to stop and we won't be allowed to simply split into two camps.
if the GOP base would stop believing incredibly misinformed divisive anti American garbage propaganda there wouldn't be any problem, Brain washed functional moron
IOW, surrender to your ideology and bend over, huh? Nah. Only AFTER the brawl...
opposition based on nonstop lies and hate and one man's garbage propaganda along with Internet conspiracy nuts con men. luckily only 30% now believe all your garbage, the GOP base and Trump are now the Kiss of death in elections. Enjoy winning the primaries, ignoramuses.

But, the left believe everything the right says are lies and hate, so again, how do we just get rid of all of their news organizations? Unless you have some right leaning news companies that you trust?
A racist weakling.
IOW, surrender to your ideology and bend over, huh? Nah. Only AFTER the brawl...
BS. it has nothing to do with the ideology, is about factual information. It has been proven totally that there was no election fraud or vaccine fraud or global warming fraud. you believe a pile of crap from admitted liars. change the channel someday and try reality, brain washed functional moron.
There are ways to stop illegals from working. First, stop Communist states from issuing them drivers licenses. Secondly, make it a first degree felony for the Mayor or any other government official that warns illegals of ICE workplace raids. Minimum prison time 10 years for any official that does. Of course that wouldn't apply now since Dementia stopped all ICE workplace raids anyhow. But when we get a real President again, that's what we should be doing.
"One Riot, One Ranger"

I challenge the "Conservative" governors to send in the state police to arrest those quisling mayors and take over the Globalist-occupied city governments. The Chickenhawk Clique talks the talk but never walks the walk.

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