F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

Actually we want to organize those who want to work in agriculture here and migrants like that.
Hahaha….They don’t work in “agriculture” Humberto.

We also believe in Americanism of giving asylum to those who are worthy of.
“Americanism” is We The People giving consent to foreigners.
almost all of which these days are victims of GOP led sanctions against Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela
So the GOP is forcing these brown cockroaches to have children they can’t feed or afford without breaking into a neighboring country and robbing it’s people? Animals in the wild know when to slow fertility, why don’t the brown cockroaches?
I did not like Trump's racist blocking of the southern border as far as asylum went. the illegals still came in droves.
Beaners almost never have a legitimate claim to asylum. There’s no war or religious persecution happening in the brown shitholes.
I think the GOP Masters like the cheap easily bullied labor, They certainly have put off organizing our system forever.
Hold on….so the GOP likes the slave labor yet the DNC want‘s the open border and the votes from the Dem voting spawn of the cockroaches?
every developed country is having the same problem with high costs and inflation every since Putin attacked the Ukraine and wrecked 15% of the oil and grain markets. blaming Biden is total crap also.
The USA leads the world in all ways, when it fucks up the whole world fucks up with it.

Unkotare tell this fool that brown cockroaches are going to do what brown cockroaches do.
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so who do you vote for then, genius? LOL

Well, the past three presidential elections I voted for my oldest son and in the most recent my oldest son and my youngest for VP. They got robbed of the victory.
Hahaha….They don’t work in “agriculture” Humberto.
View attachment 777861

“Americanism” is We The People giving consent to foreigners.

So the GOP is forcing these brown cockroaches to have children they can’t feed or afford without breaking into a neighboring country and robbing it’s people? Animals in the wild know when to slow fertility, why don’t the brown cockroaches?

Beaners almost never have a legitimate claim to asylum. There’s no war or religious persecution happening in the brown shitholes.

Hold on….so the GOP likes the slave labor yet the DNC want‘s the open border and the votes from the Dem voting spawn of the cockroaches?

The USA leads the world in all ways, when it fucks up the whole world fucks up with it.

Unkotare tell this fool that brown cockroaches are going to do what brown cockroaches do.
actually they do have a right to asylum according to our bylaws. Supposedly they are coming from communist countries according to the GOP and those countries are suffering horribly under can sanctions, not to mention the global warming you don't recognize has given them way too many hurricanes lately And they even had big volcanoes erupting. besides that Latin America is doing great. And they almost all have relatives already living here know what I mean? I vote we do something besides screw over Latin America every chance we get, like we're supposed to. So they want to stay there. the same thing is happening all over the world, it happens every time the GOP starts another world depression with corrupt deregulation bubbles and busts.
Well, the past three presidential elections I voted for my oldest son and in the most recent my oldest son and my youngest for VP. They got robbed of the victory.
Ask Golfing Gator dblack and the other do-nothings how that’s working out….hahaha, you all got the almost dead dude shoved right up your do-nothing asses didn’t you?
The left only has to wait for the Trump cultists to die off.

That's why the right is so desperate to implement a fascist one-party state at this time. They can't wait. For them, it's either destroy democracy now or become irrelevant, so they've chosen to destroy democracy.
actually they do have a right to asylum according to our bylaws.
Post the bylaw you speak of…you know, so we know you’re not lying and all.
Supposedly they are coming from communist countries according to the GOP and those countries are suffering horribly under can sanctions
So people fleeing communism qualify to fuck Americans and suck the taxpayer tit here?
not to mention the global warming you don't recognize has given them way too many hurricanes lately And they even had big volcanoes erupting.
So natural disasters are a reason to break into neighboring nations?
besides that Latin America is doing great.
Hahaha…by what metric? They are all disgusting dangerous shitholes….like all dark communities, cities, state and nations are.
I vote we do something besides screw over Latin America every chance we get, like we're supposed to.
We‘ve let 20-50 million break in and lay their litters of filth in our laps and fuck over our pet blacks…what more should we do?
the same thing is happening all over the world, it happens every time the GOP starts another world depression with corrupt deregulation bubbles and busts.
How dare Republicans protect the interests of Americans

Post the bylaw you speak of…you know, so we know you’re not lying and all.

So people fleeing communism qualify to fuck Americans and suck the taxpayer tit here?

So natural disasters are a reason to break into neighboring nations?

Hahaha…by what metric? They are all disgusting dangerous shitholes….like all dark communities, cities, state and nations are.

We‘ve let 20-50 million break in and lay their litters of filth in our laps and fuck over our pet blacks…what more should we do?

How dare Republicans protect the interests of Americans

They don't. all they care about is cutting taxes on the rich and screwing over the rubes. the GOP refuses any system to control illegal work. I believe they love the easily bullied cheap labor.
Actually we want to organize those who want to work in agriculture here and migrants like that. We also believe in Americanism of giving asylum to those who are worthy of. almost all of which these days are victims of GOP led sanctions against Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela. And I did not like Trump's racist blocking of the southern border as far as asylum went. the illegals still came in droves. I think the GOP Masters like the cheap easily bullied labor, They certainly have put off organizing our system forever.

every developed country is having the same problem with high costs and inflation every since Putin attacked the Ukraine and wrecked 15% of the oil and grain markets. blaming Biden is total crap also.

We know, because as I've said so many times, the best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault. BTW, when you commies had total control over our federal government since 2020, how many of those phony GOP sanctions did Dementia lift? :eusa_shhh:
Why have we let shit like YOU befoul our beautiful soil, LOSER?
I do nothing but advocate for America’s best interests….while you filthy fucking globalists / pieces of disgusting dogshit have exhausted all effort fucking up American culture and the American Way. This is evidenced in every single filthy diverse shithole the world over.

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