F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

Uneducated moron. Guess what happens when we don't produce our own fuel: other countries do; and they don't do it nearly as clean as the US. But you uneducated morons don't have the brains to figure that out yet. As long as it's not happening in your backyard, it's not happening as far as you're concerned.

All your posts narrow it down to two countries. There's a hell of a lot more than two countries to the south of us.
three countries. Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela DUHHH. try watching some news from journalists someday i karumba....

the fuel from other countries is not as clean? you mean cleanly produced? I don't believe there's much difference. Now you're saying that environmentalists aren't concerned about pollution in other countries? I think you are totally baffled by BS LOL. the guilty are always the scumbag lying polluting corrupt Republicans DUHHH.
three countries. Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela DUHHH. try watching some news from journalists someday i karumba....

the fuel from other countries is not as clean? you mean cleanly produced? I don't believe there's much difference. Now you're saying that environmentalists aren't concerned about pollution in other countries? I think you are totally baffled by BS LOL. the guilty are always the scumbag lying polluting corrupt Republicans DUHHH.
Check out these two DummyCrat "environmentalists":

Al Gore's Mansion:

John Kerry's private jet:

And honorable mention goes to "How Dare You" Greta Thunberg taking "fossil fueled" transportation:
This is not a socialist country. If that is what you want, go find one.
of course you are a brainwashed Dupe who believes that socialism is communism or even Nazism. The three biggest liars ever are them and the GOP of today. every other modern country is Socialist in the meaning that every foreign language speaking country understands, because they have all had socialist parties and Communist parties at the same time and the difference is democracy. socialists want fair capitalism with a good safety net and always always democracy. Every socialist and every socialist party ever says the same thing but you believe the Savage capitalist brainwash. England France Italy Australia New Zealand etc etc. All have health care day care cheap college and training, Great vacations and infrastructure. because they tax the rich their fair share. not here, Super Dupe
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Check out these two DummyCrat "environmentalists":

Al Gore's Mansion:

John Kerry's private jet:

And honorable mention goes to "How Dare You" Greta Thunberg taking "fossil fueled" transportation:
yes yes and they are rich really rich. And you are a hypocrite and a brainwashed functional moron. Environmental policies because they are not idiots and they know what's going on around the world And science and everything LOL. You are owned by big money big oil big health scum
They're poor because they refuse to work.
They're discriminated against because they've proven themselves to be dangerous and untrustworthy.
They're in a "war zone" of their own making.

The word "prejudice" means to "pre-judge" I pre-judge lions to be ferocious and deadly because they've proven themselves to be ferocious and deadly. I use the same logic in other areas of life -- and region -- and race.
or you could say you are a brainwashed functional moron that makes this mess possible lol...
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poverty causes crime and they are the poorest not to mention all the drugs and drug gangs. And after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere by far. Great job!

Why are you so stupid and uneducated? Not one person in this country is poor because of the rich or tax breaks. You couldn't explain that if your life counted on it. That's how you make it obvious you never taught anything in your life yet alone in a school. No teacher in the country can be this dumb.

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having money or not enough of it. Solution to poverty: get money. How does one get money: getting a job. What if the money is not enough: get the training or skills to earn more money. How does one keep their money: don't have children you can't afford, stay out of trouble with the law, and invest as much of your money as you can.

See how simple this all is? Of course not. It goes against your commie propaganda.
Why are you so stupid and uneducated? Not one person in this country is poor because of the rich or tax breaks. You couldn't explain that if your life counted on it. That's how you make it obvious you never taught anything in your life yet alone in a school. No teacher in the country can be this dumb.

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having money or not enough of it. Solution to poverty: get money. How does one get money: getting a job. What if the money is not enough: get the training or skills to earn more money. How does one keep their money: don't have children you can't afford, stay out of trouble with the law, and invest as much of your money as you can.

See how simple this all is? Of course not. It goes against your commie propaganda.
We don't tax the rich enough to be able to invest in cheap college and training. you're just a little thick That's all.... happens to the brainwashed. watch some news.
Why are you so stupid and uneducated? Not one person in this country is poor because of the rich or tax breaks. You couldn't explain that if your life counted on it. That's how you make it obvious you never taught anything in your life yet alone in a school. No teacher in the country can be this dumb.

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having money or not enough of it. Solution to poverty: get money. How does one get money: getting a job. What if the money is not enough: get the training or skills to earn more money. How does one keep their money: don't have children you can't afford, stay out of trouble with the law, and invest as much of your money as you can.

See how simple this all is? Of course not. It goes against your commie propaganda.
and to get a good job you need to go to college or get training and that is damn difficult in the GOP mess that America is now. Great job! diagram still necessary?
Why are you so stupid and uneducated? Not one person in this country is poor because of the rich or tax breaks. You couldn't explain that if your life counted on it. That's how you make it obvious you never taught anything in your life yet alone in a school. No teacher in the country can be this dumb.

What is poverty? Poverty is the state of not having money or not enough of it. Solution to poverty: get money. How does one get money: getting a job. What if the money is not enough: get the training or skills to earn more money. How does one keep their money: don't have children you can't afford, stay out of trouble with the law, and invest as much of your money as you can.

See how simple this all is? Of course not. It goes against your commie propaganda.
the simpleton answer so simple... there are no commies here and we don't have propaganda, just journalists...
of course you are a brainwashed Dupe who believes that socialism is communism or even Nazism. The three biggest liars ever are them and the GOP of today. every other modern country is Socialist in the meaning that every foreign language speaking country understands, because they have all had socialist parties and Communist parties at the same time and the difference is democracy. socialists want fair capitalism with a good safety net and always always democracy. Every socialist and every socialist party ever says the same thing but you believe the Savage capitalist brainwash. England France Italy Australia New Zealand etc etc. All have health care day care cheap college and training, Great vacations and infrastructure. because they tax the rich their fair share. not here, Super Dupe
Go to one. Think of how happy you will be.
A college education today, depending on the college and major is very much a detriment. The Supreme Court will not accept interns from Harvard, Yale or Berkeley. Those used to be the gold standard. Now top law firms are following. If a student is getting a degree in any of the humanities, learn HVAC, welding, plumbing to actually live.
A college education today, depending on the college and major is very much a detriment. The Supreme Court will not accept interns from Harvard, Yale or Berkeley. Those used to be the gold standard. Now top law firms are following. If a student is getting a degree in any of the humanities, learn HVAC, welding, plumbing to actually live.

We are short in a lot of trades. Young people want to go to college so they don't have to get their hands dirty. Instead of just spending $3,000 to $20,000 to learn a trade, they'd rather spend $180,000 for training in a career where there is no demand so they can sit on their ass behind a desk. Learning a trade like electrician, HVAC, plumbing or even my trade I retired from which is truck driving is not only much cheaper, but it puts you in the workforce many years ahead of those still going to college for their liberal arts degrees and you can even earn better money and payoff your loan in one or two years if not less.

We are short in a lot of trades. Young people want to go to college so they don't have to get their hands dirty. Instead of just spending $3,000 to $20,000 to learn a trade, they'd rather spend $180,000 for training in a career where there is no demand so they can sit on their ass behind a desk. Learning a trade like electrician, HVAC, plumbing or even my trade I retired from which is truck driving is not only much cheaper, but it puts you in the workforce many years ahead of those still going to college for their liberal arts degrees and you can even earn better money and payoff your loan in one or two years if not less.

Those who get a degree in liberal arts or the humanities really believe they command high salaries. I have interviewed enough of them. The are quite haughty about leaving a recorder to record the lecture they were supposed to listen to. They are really qualified to do nothing. That's why so many are working in Starbucks.

My partner's daughter was one. She went to Santa Barbara and got a degree in comparative religion and a minor in lesbian studies. Fortunately she could type and is working as a secretary. A firm believer in there being no difference between males and females, she determined to raise her female dog as a male.
Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve?
1. Reinstating segregation is impossible.

a. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.

2. The years since 1960 have shown why we in 2023 should refrain from criticizing those Southerners who wanted to keep segregation.

3. So the only practical solution is the OP's: divide the nation into several nations or safe zones.

a. A safe zone for each ethnicity.

4. There would still be an integrated safe zone for people that prefer that.

5. In the coming decades, it is inevitable that the political configuration of the current United States will be modified.
Anybody can do either. You just have to have a little brain power which you are void of.
fewer people can do it and when they do it costs a hell of a lot. Great job
Go to one. Think of how happy you will be.
i've lived in France Spain and England for a year or two each and France is the best but I always miss you idiots as long as I don't talk politics in person because ignoramuses tend to get violent. And GFY. democrats are better citizens, they care about other citizens and want what is best for the country and double check their facts and aren't ignoramuses....
1. Reinstating segregation is impossible.

a. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.

2. The years since 1960 have shown why we in 2023 should refrain from criticizing those Southerners who wanted to keep segregation.

3. So the only practical solution is the OP's: divide the nation into several nations or safe zones.

a. A safe zone for each ethnicity.

4. There would still be an integrated safe zone for people that prefer that.

5. In the coming decades, it is inevitable that the political configuration of the current United States will be modified.
or grow up and learn Christian principles and tolerance instead of being a brainwashed Functional racist hater dupe of the greedy rich gop liars........

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