How about segregation and not secession? Should politicians start talking about this?

I agree wholeheartedly. However I want a segregation of IDEOLOGY, not race or skin color.
Agreed....that's why I left skin color out of it.

"Think of us all living in communities, cities and states where we are all likeminded, where we all speak the same language, share the same family values, follow the same moral order, share the same work ethic and worship the same God."
Agreed....that's why I left skin color out of it.

"Think of us all living in communities, cities and states where we are all likeminded, where we all speak the same language, share the same family values, follow the same moral order, share the same work ethic and worship the same God."
You were SOOOO CLOSE!!!! Then you brought religion into the conversation and it all fell apart .
You were SOOOO CLOSE!!!! Then you brought religion into the conversation and it all fell apart .
We tried that bullshitā€¦The ā€œmelting potā€ experiment failed miserablyā€¦itā€™s time to sack-up and get hardcore. You want to worship another Godā€¦coolā€¦weā€™ll have a segregated shithole all set-up for you.
I say the further we compartmentalize the shit out of the citizenry the better off weā€˜ll all be in the long-term.
We tried that bullshitā€¦The ā€œmelting potā€ experiment failed miserablyā€¦itā€™s time to sack-up and get hardcore. You want to worship another Godā€¦coolā€¦weā€™ll have a segregated shithole all set-up for you
Sorry. Your ā€Godā€ fucked me over for 27 years, so I walked away. He still hasnā€™t struck me down with a bolt off lightning, so i have even less respect for Him. Iā€™ve got no problem with you wasting your time on that crap, but donā€™t expect me to.
Sorry. Your ā€Godā€ fucked me over for 27 years, so I walked away. He still hasnā€™t struck me down with a bolt off lightning, so i have even less respect for Him. Iā€™ve got no problem with you wasting your time on that crap, but donā€™t expect me to.
Fair enoughā€¦Iā€™m a terrible Christian myself but Iā€™m sane enough to know that a nation comprised of Christians is a far better nation than one comprised of agnostics, atheists, muzzies and or the like.
Fair enoughā€¦Iā€™m a terrible Christian myself but Iā€™m sane enough to know that a nation comprised of Christians is a far better nation than one comprised of agnostics, atheists, muzzies or the like.
Iā€™m in favor of a society where NO organized religion is allowed and no public display of religion is allowed either. Keep it to yourself in private.
Iā€™m in favor of a society where NO organized religion is allowed and no public display of religion is allowed either. Keep it to yourself in private.
Againā€¦with my idea of total compartmentalization youā€™d have that kind of a shithole to reside in.
Againā€¦with my idea of total compartmentalization youā€™d have that kind of a shithole to reside in
I think you might be surprised at how many people would prefer to live in a zero-religion zone rather than a ā€œChristianā€œ stronghold.
Most people in touch with reality know we have become a divided nation with no real identity, one too different with too many different ideologiesā€¦we have become hateful and everyone sane knows thereā€™s no coming back.
Secession wonā€™t happen without a civil war on some scaleā€¦why not just self-segregate?
Atheist homosexual purple hair socialist marxists donā€™t want to live among God loving, heterosexual greedy capitalistsā€¦.right?
Think of us all living in communities, cities and states where we are all likeminded, where we all speak the same language, share the same family values, follow the same moral order, share the same work ethic and worship the same God.

This probably sounds a bit far-fetchedā€¦but is it really?
Why arenā€™t we calling on DC to start this dialogue?
If youā€™re willing to voluntarily go to the FEMA camps, cool! :dunno:
I think you might be surprised at how many people would prefer to live in a zero-religion zone rather than a ā€œChristianā€œ stronghold.
I donā€™t doubt itā€¦and Iā€™m totally okay with that. The total segregation I and politicians should propose would create ā€˜zonesā€™ to suit all factions.
Sorry. Your ā€Godā€ fucked me over for 27 years, so I walked away. He still hasnā€™t struck me down with a bolt off lightning, so i have even less respect for Him. Iā€™ve got no problem with you wasting your time on that crap, but donā€™t expect me to.
freedom of religion includes freedom from religion, the founders anticipated people like you.

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