F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

After 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, what you did is basically not possible anymore or at least it's much more expensive. And you're white. you people don't seem to think that makes any difference It's just crazy....
How much has America spent on poor people in the last 50 years?
Minorities spend their money making children they can barely or not able to afford at all. That puts them in a life of not having enough money.
try a living wage like every other modern country. And daycare and Healthcare and paid parental leave and cheap college and training Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. I'm sure not having not having all that stuff is no problem right? Idiocy.
Nowhere near enough. The only developed country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave Cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. great job, Perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich lying scumbag class....
How much is a living wage and who is supposed to be responsible for providing it?
As history tells it, our country has ALLWAYS been run by old white men.
of BOTH political party's. That is who we Must BLAME.
Along with us gullible voters, WE vote PARTY, WE believe Propaganda.
Instead of best person for the job.
As history tells it, our country has ALLWAYS been run by old white men.
of BOTH political party's. That is who we Must BLAME.
Along with us gullible voters, WE vote PARTY, WE believe Propaganda.
Instead of best person for the job.
Chicago just had a Black female lesbian as Mayor. The citizens voted her out. You're racist, sexist and homophobic.
The Irish were poor but received no outside help. They learned to fend for themselves using their own intellect, ingenuity, grit, and hard work. Why does any other group "need help?" I don't mind helping others, but American blacks have made an art out of demanding it decade after decade after decade."
You seemed to have missed the long long wars and the potato famine.
try a living wage like every other modern country. And daycare and Healthcare and paid parental leave and cheap college and training Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. I'm sure not having not having all that stuff is no problem right? Idiocy.

it's not a problem if you pay for you own shit that you want. When you want everybody else to pay it for you, that's called being a leech.

Commie Care supposedly made it so we can afford our own healthcare, what happened with that? If you can't afford your own daycare, simply don't have any children; I didn't. If you want college, when you get out of high school, live with mom and dad for a few years and work full time plus. Save all your money and go to college at the age of 21.

See how easy these problems are to solve without any government?
How much has America spent on poor people in the last 50 years?

22 trillion dollars according to one study, but that was nearly 10 years ago. So figure it's closer to around 25 trillion now thanks to Democrats in charge.

No one else is responsible for their poor choices. The education is provided free of charge for 12 years and places like Chicago, where a majority of their students cannot read to grade level, choose to blame external factors--like race, instead of taking the bull by the horns and educating these youth so that they can reach their potential.

Went to my convenience store yesterday to play a few bucks on the lottery. Inside the store were two black women both with three kids. Apparently they had no job since they were there in the middle of the day. The CDC estimates that to raise a middle-class child today, the cost is $233,000 per child. That means that each of these women will have to come up with close to three-quarter of a million dollars to raise these children on their own, which we both know isn't happening.

When you start life with huge liabilities like children you can't afford, of course you will be poor the rest of your life. You can't save anything yet alone invest anything. You'll end up trying to survive on SS alone when you retire, and if you worked very little, there is no possible way to do that.

But according to the left, blacks have less money than whites because of racism. :eusa_shhh:
try a living wage like every other modern country. And daycare and Healthcare and paid parental leave and cheap college and training Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera.
How about getting off of your ass and earning a living wage like people in every other modern country. How about not having children that you can't afford to care for. As for healthcare, there is not a hospital in this country that will not treat a person in need and we have a thing called Medicaid that you should research. Nope, I don't have the healthcare that Whoopi and Oprah have--let me know when they make that available to me. Paid parental leave? Every state on the west coast has it -- maybe you need to get after your leftist legislators--they're failing you. Colleges and training--why, you yourself have admitted that 12 years of free education won't help you if you are in a war zone of your own making. Why should we waste time and money on you. If you want people to have all these things--OPEN YOUR WALLET, I don't see any largesse flowing out of your bank account but you sure want to reach into mine. I'm changing the channel now, I am tired of listening to the same old functional moron crap from you.

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