F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

I believe most people are racist
Speak for yourself.
because of all the stereotyping and bad press Minorities get
Is the press false? If a story is true, it is up to the press to report on it HONESTLY.
until minorities reach the same status as whites
Are you as concerned to make whites reach the same status as blacks? If that is the case, I would like my status to be that of Oprah, Whoopi, Anthony Anderson, Ben Carson, Morgan Freeman, Jamie Foxx, Will Smith, Denzel Washington -- take your pick. Of course status is based on wealth. Wealth buys many things that we enjoy. I think your racism is clouding reality.
spike in violence against blacks Browns gays Asians Muslims....
Especially Asians. They are currently the number one target of black racism. I think you generalize and refuse to see the reality is that injustice is meted out by bad actors on both sides. It will never change until responsibility is EQUALLY accepted by all concerned.
Wrong. Bill O predicted this last night, and he'll talk about it on his show tonight.

How is it you taught French and Spanish and so completely ignorant of English? You write like a 9th grade dropout. Typical commie.....a phony.
and you believe the election was stolen and one hour ago FOX paid Dominion 787 million for lying about election fraud, _ignoramus. it's a good thing there are Democrats around to tell you about the news. Jesus you're dumb.
I got the best grammar education ever at the Hotchkiss school and I **** hated it And if you don't like it you can shove it up your ****, you uneducated tool LOL.

I just hate liars is all. You people get on the internet making all kinds of outrageous claims about yourself when it's clear none of them are believable.
Prove it.
As usual you prove you know absolutely nothing. What a shacker.**** **** text the voice his speech is really doesn't like my western New York accent for God's sake....

The typical white American family has roughly 10 times as much wealth as the typical African American family and the typical Latino family. In other words, while the median white household has about $100,000-$200,000 net worth, Blacks and Latinos have $10,000-$20,000 net worth.

Racial wealth gap may be a key to ot…


I just hate liars is all. You people get on the internet making all kinds of outrageous claims about yourself when it's clear none of them are believable.
Like what, ding dong? considering you believe only the worst scumbag totally discredited pundits and BS ever foisted upon the American public, I question your veracity. lol
As usual you prove you know absolutely nothing. What a shacker.**** **** text the voice his speech is really doesn't like my western New York accent for God's sake....

The typical white American family has roughly 10 times as much wealth as the typical African American family and the typical Latino family. In other words, while the median white household has about $100,000-$200,000 net worth, Blacks and Latinos have $10,000-$20,000 net worth.

Racial wealth gap may be a key to ot…

View attachment 777591
Harvard. You might as well use the Wizard of Oz as proof of flying monkeys.
and you believe the election was stolen and one hour ago FOX paid Dominion 787 million for lying about election fraud, _ignoramus. it's a good thing there are Democrats around to tell you about the news. Jesus you're dumb.

Then record Bill O' tonight and you'll see for yourself. He's been talking about the lawsuit for two weeks now. As an employee that was basically fired from Fox he holds no love for them.

Yes I believe the election was stolen, but the difference is I have evidence of it. The FBI silenced social media from Hunter stories and morons like yourself that get their news from social media or the MSM didn't know a thing about it. But a poll taken showed that had 16% of Biden voters knew about it, they would have voted for Trump instead. If that's not election rigging, what is? The FBI is an extension of the Democrat party which is why it needs to be totally defunded and a new organization put in it's place. The real threat to our democracy is the Communist party, not Trump or the Republicans.
I just hate liars is all. You people get on the internet making all kinds of outrageous claims about yourself when it's clear none of them are believable.
I hate liars a lot more than you do, that's why I hate Murdoch and all your ridiculous pundits and conspiracy theorists and Scumbag politicians. you are simply a dupe ignoramus....
As usual you prove you know absolutely nothing. What a shacker.**** **** text the voice his speech is really doesn't like my western New York accent for God's sake....

The typical white American family has roughly 10 times as much wealth as the typical African American family and the typical Latino family. In other words, while the median white household has about $100,000-$200,000 net worth, Blacks and Latinos have $10,000-$20,000 net worth.

Racial wealth gap may be a key to ot…

View attachment 777591
And even if this was true, so what. Sounds to me like they need to get off of their dead asses and make their situation better. I don't recall anyone giving me anything when I was picking peaches in CA or working hot steel in 100+ degree weather. I worked. I got an education. I raised my family with the same principles. Run along parasite.
And even if this was true, so what. Sounds to me like they need to get off of their dead asses and make their situation better. I don't recall anyone giving me anything when I was picking peaches in CA or working hot steel in 100+ degree weather. I worked. I got an education. I raised my family with the same principles. Run along parasite.

Minorities spend their money making children they can barely or not able to afford at all. That puts them in a life of not having enough money.
Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?
This is precisely the premise of White Nationalism.
Minorities spend their money making children they can barely or not able to afford at all. That puts them in a life of not having enough money.
No one else is responsible for their poor choices. The education is provided free of charge for 12 years and places like Chicago, where a majority of their students cannot read to grade level, choose to blame external factors--like race, instead of taking the bull by the horns and educating these youth so that they can reach their potential.
Very few Americans make an attempt to hide their racism, but I think the left is still hiding it better, due to political needs of keeping the off-white support.
NO, fair minded white people just have a hard time admitting their inbreed bias.
Us older folks have a harder time, because we know it was not fair,
but much of the negatives were never brought to our attention.
WE just Excepted it as fact.
And even if this was true, so what. Sounds to me like they need to get off of their dead asses and make their situation better. I don't recall anyone giving me anything when I was picking peaches in CA or working hot steel in 100+ degree weather. I worked. I got an education. I raised my family with the same principles. Run along parasite.
After 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, what you did is basically not possible anymore or at least it's much more expensive. And you're white. you people don't seem to think that makes any difference It's just crazy....
No one else is responsible for their poor choices. The education is provided free of charge for 12 years and places like Chicago, where a majority of their students cannot read to grade level, choose to blame external factors--like race, instead of taking the bull by the horns and educating these youth so that they can reach their potential.
of course trying to concentrate on your high school when you live in a war zone of terrible poverty might be a little difficult. still if a tycoon offers a class free college, somehow they all buckle down and do it.... of course in the GOP mess we live in today, hope is an optional extra....

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