F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

Wouldn’t it be easier if you Hate America koooks just stopped harvesting/manufacturing factions of weird immoral filth, stopped normalizing and glorifying ‘black behavior’, stopped recruiting desperate thirdworlders, stopped vilifying law enforcement and stopped the assault on our constitutional rights?
Vote for someone who wants to segregate then.
Segregation is being reinstated no matter how you feel about it. It is being swiftly reinstated on college campuses by demand from blacks. The want all black safe spaces like lounges, black student union centers, all black dormitories. Then as blacks breathe a sigh of relief that they have eliminated all unsafe whites from now safe areas with only blacks they realize. "We done be SEGREGATED"
You can if if you push for it. I don't need to have my old GF move because it's likely I'll never see her again anyway.
And if she doesn’t want to move, then there’s not a damn thing you can do about it anyway. Sucks huh? You’re not entitled to a bubble with only people allowed that you personally approve of.

YOU control where you live. You have zero say in where anyone else gets to live.
If you check upon Union/Confederate history, you will know why or understand the reasons Washington D.C. introduced the 13th,14th and 15th amendment. - right?
The Shape of Things to Come From This Tarbaby Union

If you read them like a Liberal SCROTUS will, they give ex-cons the right to vote. Terry McAuliffe proposed that; I wonder if he mentioned that it is logically implied by the 15th and 13th Amendments.

The 15th defines "involuntary servitude" as not only slavery, but also imprisonment. The 13th Amendment states that no one can be denied civil rights because of a previous condition of servitude. QED.
And if she doesn’t want to move, then there’s not a damn thing you can do about it anyway. Sucks huh? You’re not entitled to a bubble with only people allowed that you personally approve of.

YOU control where you live. You have zero say in where anyone else gets to live.
Hmmm…Remember when you Lefties loved that word gentrification?
Weren’t your feelings hurt because white people were moving in to dark ghettos, cleaning them up, improving them and making them safer….thus, driving up values and running dark people out?
Why should this person’s opinion piece matter to me? I couldn’t care less.
You lefties seem to really care when dark people are run from their hoods when evil whitey moves in and makes them nicer and safer and yet you can’t give two fucks when dark people run white people from their once peaceful neighborhoods as they make them dirtier and more dangerous.
Do you find your conflicting positions to be weird?
And if she doesn’t want to move, then there’s not a damn thing you can do about it anyway. Sucks huh? You’re not entitled to a bubble with only people allowed that you personally approve of.

YOU control where you live. You have zero say in where anyone else gets to live.

If my GF refuses to move I have to file an eviction notice. If she doesn't comply then an eviction hearing is held. The judge will give her to X date to move, and if she still doesn't, you go to court to have the bailiff forcefully remove her.
You don’t get to file an eviction because someone is living in your city or state.

You can choose who lives in your home. You have no say, whatsoever, regarding who lives in your city or state.

I thought you meant my live in girlfriend. Like I said, it's likely I'll never run into her again. I have several ex's that still live here and never seen them again since we broke up. No need to insist they live in another city or state.

But that doesn't work with separating the country. Look at Chicago with all of their most restrictive gun laws. Who do they blame about their criminals getting guns? Surrounding states. Like most leftists, they accept no blame for themselves or their failed ideas. They live by the leftist creed it's always somebody else's fault.

And so the only real way to do this is what I said, and that is divide the country in two. After our side gets rid of as many leftists that are willing to move, we build a huge Trump wall to keep you people out when your country totally fails. We can still have commerce like we do with Mexico and Canada, unite military wise in the event of a threat. Still get Visas to visit old friend and family, but when you're in our town breathing our air, you conduct yourself to our rules when here.
I thought you meant my live in girlfriend. Like I said, it's likely I'll never run into her again. I have several ex's that still live here and never seen them again since we broke up.
Like I said, you can control who lives in your home. You have no say, whatsoever, in who lives in your city or state. Your ex gf can move into your neighborhood and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

You don’t get to control who lives in your city or state. All you get to control is where you choose to live.

And so the only real way to do this is what I said, and that is divide the country in two.
You don’t get to decide where other people live. You can’t tell your ex to move to a different city because you don’t like her. You don’t get to tell black people to move to a different part of the country because you don’t like them.
Again, you are correct, that's why it's a shame we don't move in that direction.

My idea is to divide the country into two countries right down the middle from the Dakota's to Texas. Have a national vote on who gets what side. Once decided people move to their perspective countries and each create their own Constitution. In our Constitution I'd like to see no liberals allowed to vote for those that wish to remain in the new conservative country. They can continue to live here, but have no ability to ruin our country.

It would be my hope that we decide where I live is the new conservative country. If the Democrats had to move out, it would double or more my property value. In the meantime, you could be next to your precious border and let everybody in if you want. It wouldn't matter to us as long as they don't come here.

Holy shit you're stupid.

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