F--- trump

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I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

The only thing that will work is voting.

The republicans and russia are working very hard to suppress the vote. Especially with young people and minorities.

The purging of voter rolls is already underway.

The russian and republican propaganda campaign on line to get people to not vote is already underway.

The nominee can be as low down and dirty as they want. That will do nothing.

What will do something is to VOTE.

Get as many people as you possibly can to vote. Help people to get registered and help them to get to the polls to vote. Get your friends to do the same thing.

Not voting got us in this mess. Voting is the ONLY way out.
the Russians are communist !! the conservative party does not have a communist or socialist wing like the dems ! what part of that are you to dumb to understand ! the dems paid the Russians for a fake dossier to hurt Trump ! you people really are very very useful idiots !
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Not getting in the Mud IM2???? They live in the mud, you have to be kidding. If he breaks the law and gets investigated??? yeah, right there were investigations... biased ones, ones where Democrats promised investigations before Trump ever sat down as president, ones where they had their minions lie and change emails to get warrants, Lying and ommiting evidence to a judge to get warrants,entrapping people, storming peoples homes with guns drawn and camera crews nearby, working hand in hand with the news media to portray Trump as more of a racist then they are themselves..... Damn! they live in the mud. They are mud creatures of another order, dont know what your talking about here
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Yep, sounds like a job for Joe Biden...dumbass.

Exactly what I was picturing reading the OP's rant.. I think I'd bet on Trump, but feel real sorry if Joe needed a walking cane and shoulder replacement after the "ass whooping".... :113:

IM2 doesn't seem to understand the democratic process.. The "ass-whooping" part is ALL MENTAL.. Not physical.. There's some wimpering involved when you get MENTALLY injured, but no blood.. And I don't see a candidate short of Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Gabbard that has the WITS and mental with-all to go cranium to cranium with the world's greatest TROLL....
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Yep, sounds like a job for Joe Biden...dumbass.

Exactly what I was picturing reading the OP's rant.. I think I'd bet on Trump, but feel real sorry if Joe needed a walking cane and shoulder replacement after the "ass whooping".... :113:

IM2 doesn't seem to understand the democratic process.. The "ass-whooping" part is ALL MENTAL.. Not physical.. There's some wimpering involved when you get MENTALLY injured, but no blood.. And I don't see a candidate short of Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Gabbard that has the WITS and mental with-all to go cranium to cranium with the world's greatest TROLL....

Agree. Trump may be a troll, but he's been on a Roll... and he's tried his best to get things done as promised. Trump has already proved he wont fade out on the big stage, not so sure about these others
IQ2 is an unhinged racist who rolls these moronic threads out there, then runs away while he gets his ass kicked.

Wash. Rinse.Repeat.

It's a sad existence.
IM2 is not a racist. You might be though. You don't have the guts to start a thread and can only troll. I would say that you do live a sad existence.
1. You are a BLATANT RACIST.

2. I have started about 4 threads today. All of which debunked dumbfucks like you.

Hah, I am not a racist. Posting in opposition to white racism is not racism. Unless you believe that whites are entitled to be racists. And that would make you a racist. You can't debunk me chump. You live in fact free world.
I never said whites are entitled to be racist.

but you are definitely a blatant racist.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Repeating your slurs and desires has done nothing to the object of your hate. Even you should realize how impotent you are.
trump is about to lose. And you trump supporters are just as weak as he is.

Sounds just like the claims made at the 20106 election, How did that turn out for you?
Turns out that Hillary got more popular vote and that several hundred thousand people eligible to vote were purged from voter rolls.
Hillary lost.

deal with it.
Based on his posts, I don't think IM2 will EVER be able to deal with the Hildebeast losing. And PROBABLY never will.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Yep, sounds like a job for Joe Biden...dumbass.

Exactly what I was picturing reading the OP's rant.. I think I'd bet on Trump, but feel real sorry if Joe needed a walking cane and shoulder replacement after the "ass whooping".... :113:

IM2 doesn't seem to understand the democratic process.. The "ass-whooping" part is ALL MENTAL.. Not physical.. There's some wimpering involved when you get MENTALLY injured, but no blood.. And I don't see a candidate short of Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Gabbard that has the WITS and mental with-all to go cranium to cranium with the world's greatest TROLL....

Agree. Trump may be a troll, but he's been on a Roll... and he's tried his best to get things done as promised. Trump has already proved he wont fade out on the big stage, not so sure about these others

Trolls on-line really are just focused on making everything about YOU... That has certain appeals and Pros when the TARGET is another bully... Especially a politician that thinks that SOUND BITES and good one-liners are all they need to win elections..

I'll give Trump some credit here. He taught Repubs how to develop a backbone and NOT back down to the media which tends to BULLY Repubs more than their own.. But all that ABUSE that Trump GOT from the media and the conspirators to REMOVE him -- just made that match-up too damn easy..

The bullies on the media side didn't have any flotsam or jetsom to cling to after so many "fake stories" and no retractions or apologies.. For IM2 -- if Trump can NEUTER the entire leftist media that has abandoned journalism that EASILY --- I doubt any of his parties' nominees are "gonna whoop him up bad"...
I chihuahua! I see Mexicans turning this into something it isn't . People immigrate legally all the time...why can't Mexicans?
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

The only thing that will work is voting.

The republicans and russia are working very hard to suppress the vote. Especially with young people and minorities.

The purging of voter rolls is already underway.

The russian and republican propaganda campaign on line to get people to not vote is already underway.

The nominee can be as low down and dirty as they want. That will do nothing.

What will do something is to VOTE.

Get as many people as you possibly can to vote. Help people to get registered and help them to get to the polls to vote. Get your friends to do the same thing.

Not voting got us in this mess. Voting is the ONLY way out.

Seems like this massive Russian influence is only on YOUR digital devices... Or maybe just in YOUR head.. Because I haven't seen it.. And if voters can't SEE IT -- or even suspect it -- I doubt it's anywhere near effective.... Link me to the Russians right now. Show me I'm wrong...

Last time in 2016, the MAJORITY of the outreach to voters was a TOTAL CAMPAIGN BUDGET of under $100,000 (ruble equivalent). And most of their sorry social media ads cost less than $20 a piece and got less than a couple dozen looks...

How do I KNOW THIS?? I've got EVERY ONE of the "Russian Ads" downloaded into a 2 Gigbyte set of files here on this machine.. And I've LOOKED for any I'd seen or any that had any MAJOR effect and found NONE...

BTW: Purging of the voter rolls is a GOOD THING.. Should happen all the fucking time... If you're dead, or have moved, or found to be not a US citizen, or are registered in more than one place --- YOU NEED TO BE PURGED....
I love Russia...the battle of Stalingrad. They are the ultimate tough guys. But they had NOTHING to do with Americans push back on liberals, that is on THEM..
I disagree and agree with aspects of the OP.
I think if the Dems get down and dirty, it'll make the US become even more divisive and make i's demise faster. Need some common sense, something that Trump is incapable of producing.

Yes, Trump is a pussy/sissy. Never had to fight a battle in his life....

Such a weak scumbag. You wonder how he got in. Then you read the Deplorables on this board and it appears they have similar traits..
Hilarious! You really ARE an idiot. Bravo!

And yet you make me look like Einstein....shrug...
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Amen! As I have said for years on several boards - Democrats must fight fire with fire!
trump is about to lose. And you trump supporters are just as weak as he is.

Sounds just like the claims made at the 20106 election, How did that turn out for you?
Turns out that Hillary got more popular vote and that several hundred thousand people eligible to vote were purged from voter rolls.

And several million unlawful voters were counted in her claims, including the dead and those that voted several times.

Truth hurts you, doesn't it?
You DJT bots are still posting these stupid lies. HRC won the popular vote. Now run along and report to Putin.


Oh lookie. Another map of the US showing a lot of red spaces where nobody lives...
  • Thanks
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We need a president who represents all of us, not just a few small groups. And that is what the Founders intended in their design of the Electoral College.

The EC sucks donkey balls and needs a revamp.

No, I just think Dr. Grump sucks donkey balls. You thought the EC was just fine when it elects a Democrat.

Nope. Second worst electoral system after the UK...

Well let's see here.. You a BIG fan of the UN?? One country, One vote ?? I'd rate that far worse, but the Maldives and Borneo wouldn't...

How about the US SENATE.. NUMERICALLY less democratic than the ECollege... You want to rip that up as well?

Wouldn't have BEEN a Constitution at ALL without it.. No small state wants to be totally irrelevant in terms of elections.. Never have -- never will.. Wouldn't be any hype or even COVERAGE of elections in about 35 states.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
The only bullies I've been seeing in the streets for the last three years, has been your Fascist Antifa and people harassing Trump supporters by shoving them, knocking hats off them, spitting on them and shooting them. The former Democratic party....currently, the bullies of the 21st century.
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