F--- trump

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Republicans cannot win without cheating.

Republican Party sends fundraising mail disguised as census as real count is about to start

I lost my virginity back in 88'. Seeing peaceful pacifists being pummeling, I went to the AIM protest of the Columbus day parade and their threats of violence. I voted for Trump, happy?
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I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

We need a president who represents all of us, not just a few small groups. And that is what the Founders intended in their design of the Electoral College.

The EC sucks donkey balls and needs a revamp.

No, I just think Dr. Grump sucks donkey balls. You thought the EC was just fine when it elects a Democrat.
I believe Dr. Grump must LOVE donkey balls, he/she/it? brought it up. It must be one of his/her/its favorite hobbies.

I hear that in Ukraine, they dip them in chocolate and are considered a delicacy!
The sad thing is that some kids grow up thinking they were being bullied just because they couldn't understand what life was all about. The same kids grew up (some in their 30's living in their parent's basement) and still think they are being bullied by life even when the economy is roaring and they live in the greatest Country in the world. Maybe there is therapy available for these people otherwise they will go on being victims instead of achievers.
trump is about to lose. And you trump supporters are just as weak as he is.

Sounds just like the claims made at the 20106 election, How did that turn out for you?
Turns out that Hillary got more popular vote and that several hundred thousand people eligible to vote were purged from voter rolls.

And several million unlawful voters were counted in her claims, including the dead and those that voted several times.

Truth hurts you, doesn't it?
You DJT bots are still posting these stupid lies. HRC won the popular vote. Now run along and report to Putin.

I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Tried to do a bio search on Jonathan Stevenson...didn't pull up much but I did find that he was a contributor to "The Economist", a Rothschild funded publication......sucks to be you.
Democrats the party of the criminals. Yeah. Sanctuary cities, impeaching a legally elected president on mere allegations. Democrats the party of criminals.
We need a president who represents all of us, not just a few small groups. And that is what the Founders intended in their design of the Electoral College.

The EC sucks donkey balls and needs a revamp.
Says the idiot who was fine with the EC until their beloved Hildebeast was defeated in 2016. Hilarious!
And you would be litigating with trump if he had lost in 2016 after winning the popular vote while learning how hundreds of thousands of voters had been purged from voter rolls and had Hillary's campaign had met with Russians over 140 times.

I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

The only thing that will work is voting.

The republicans and russia are working very hard to suppress the vote. Especially with young people and minorities.

The purging of voter rolls is already underway.

The russian and republican propaganda campaign on line to get people to not vote is already underway.

The nominee can be as low down and dirty as they want. That will do nothing.

What will do something is to VOTE.

Get as many people as you possibly can to vote. Help people to get registered and help them to get to the polls to vote. Get your friends to do the same thing.

Not voting got us in this mess. Voting is the ONLY way out.
Democrats are all about hmm, NOT enforcing misdemeanors. Thus reinforcing the Democrats are the party of the criminals.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

I'm hearing that lots of black folk are pissed that Trump has found them jobs...is that true?
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