F--- trump

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I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
The only bullies I've been seeing in the streets for the last three years, has been your Fascist Antifa and people harassing Trump supporters by shoving them, knocking hats off them, spitting on them and shooting them. The former Democratic party....currently, the bullies of the 21st century.
They're thugs. Scratching and clawing at Donald Trump because they failed to win an election.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Amen! As I have said for years on several boards - Democrats must fight fire with fire!

You mean you are going to start telling the truth ?

I don't think so.
Why so much anger IM2 ....why?:dunno:
Ask yourself why you have spent 30 years attacking Hillary Clinton and 8 attacking Obama.

no...you have too much hatred inside yourself...in my opinion....

you are you....you are not the Clinton Witch ....or Hussein Obama....

you are not them....nobody has ever attacked you...calm down

Relax man!
Wrong answer. I don't have any hate in me. Utter disgust and disdain, but not hate.
You're getting CLOBBERED on your OWN thread. Hilarious!
I don't think so. What I see are a bunch of chickenshits who think that personal attacks count as debating the topic.

Like you know how to debate ?

Are you really making that claim ?
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
Saying that "Democrats" should get muddy and BLOODY, sounds like an actual physical threat of violence. Careful about crossing a line in these conversations. If a specific threat of violence is indicated towards the president, the Secret Service can be notified and anyone threatening this or any president with physical harm is picked up. Trump only claims unfair when the media is indeed not only unfair, but making crap up.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
I also have memories of bullys. Black boys with psychotic tendencies throwing chairs out windows trying to murder Hispanic groundskeepers, and the requisite memorials for the poor black kid shot to death by cops, because ya know its inevitable ..you want the blue pill or the other one?
Saying that "Democrats" should get muddy and BLOODY, sounds like an actual physical threat of violence. Careful about crossing a line in these conversations. If a specific threat of violence is indicated towards the president, the Secret Service can be notified and anyone threatening this or any president with physical harm is picked up. Trump only claims unfair when the media is indeed not only unfair, but making crap up.

Oh STFU you pathetic pussy. This is a fucking messageboard, not Jihad central. Christ, Drama queen much?
We need a president who represents all of us, not just a few small groups. And that is what the Founders intended in their design of the Electoral College.

The EC sucks donkey balls and needs a revamp.

No, I just think Dr. Grump sucks donkey balls. You thought the EC was just fine when it elects a Democrat.

Nope. Second worst electoral system after the UK...

Well let's see here.. You a BIG fan of the UN?? One country, One vote ?? I'd rate that far worse, but the Maldives and Borneo wouldn't...

How about the US SENATE.. NUMERICALLY less democratic than the ECollege... You want to rip that up as well?

Wouldn't have BEEN a Constitution at ALL without it.. No small state wants to be totally irrelevant in terms of elections.. Never have -- never will.. Wouldn't be any hype or even COVERAGE of elections in about 35 states.

You bring up some fair points. If you want the EC to work properly, you have to fix up the two proportionality unfair aspects of it so nobody feels disenfranchised - both Dems and GoP members.
We need a president who represents all of us, not just a few small groups. And that is what the Founders intended in their design of the Electoral College.

The EC sucks donkey balls and needs a revamp.

No, I just think Dr. Grump sucks donkey balls. You thought the EC was just fine when it elects a Democrat.

Nope. Second worst electoral system after the UK...

Well let's see here.. You a BIG fan of the UN?? One country, One vote ?? I'd rate that far worse, but the Maldives and Borneo wouldn't...

How about the US SENATE.. NUMERICALLY less democratic than the ECollege... You want to rip that up as well?

Wouldn't have BEEN a Constitution at ALL without it.. No small state wants to be totally irrelevant in terms of elections.. Never have -- never will.. Wouldn't be any hype or even COVERAGE of elections in about 35 states.

You bring up some fair points. If you want the EC to work properly, you have to fix up the two proportionality unfair aspects of it so nobody feels disenfranchised - both Dems and GoP members.

That's the problem, it ISN'T unfair. The entire point of the EC is to have 50 state elections based on POPULAR VOTE; the winner of each state is then represented by delegates whose number is weight proportionally in a way so that ALL states have a fair say according to their population and get representation in the final outcome to AVOID disenfranchisement!

If you actually lived in this country and understood our history and laws you'd understand that. Without the EC, California, New York and Illinois (or more specifically, New York City, Chicago, San Fran and LA) would decide every election and the rest of the country (even the rest of those states) would have no say in the outcome!

The sad thing is that some kids grow up thinking they were being bullied just because they couldn't understand what life was all about. The same kids grew up (some in their 30's living in their parent's basement) and still think they are being bullied by life even when the economy is roaring and they live in the greatest Country in the world. Maybe there is therapy available for these people otherwise they will go on being victims instead of achievers.
(some in their 30's living in their parent's basement)

That is so seriously stale . Who the fuck lives in a basement?
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trump is about to lose. And you trump supporters are just as weak as he is.

Come on IM2 you can not believe Bernie Sanders will beat Donald Trum, do you?

I know you are trolling for insults so you can whine in PM but the fact is you open yourself for major attacks against you and poking at Trump voters so you can get what you want is pure stupid.

So I will State this and I mean what I write and that is Donald John Trump will win if Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren win the Democratic nomination and the House will go Red in November.

If you totally believe those two clowns can be Donald John Trump then sir you have some serious issues you should deal with.

Your hatred for that individual is so strong that it is twisting reality for you, but then again maybe you never lived in reality.

So let me be clear again Donald John Trump will win again and those to blame for him winning are you because you refused to nominate someone that could win...
Sounds just like the claims made at the 20106 election, How did that turn out for you?
Turns out that Hillary got more popular vote and that several hundred thousand people eligible to vote were purged from voter rolls.

And several million unlawful voters were counted in her claims, including the dead and those that voted several times.

Truth hurts you, doesn't it?
You DJT bots are still posting these stupid lies. HRC won the popular vote. Now run along and report to Putin.


Oh lookie. Another map of the US showing a lot of red spaces where nobody lives...

I think that the residents of those red areas would differ with your opinion. Wait for or look at the last census for where majorities of the legal population live. Don't have a heart attack when it turns out other then you desire it to be.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
Trump just keeps on winning.
Saying that "Democrats" should get muddy and BLOODY, sounds like an actual physical threat of violence. Careful about crossing a line in these conversations. If a specific threat of violence is indicated towards the president, the Secret Service can be notified and anyone threatening this or any president with physical harm is picked up. Trump only claims unfair when the media is indeed not only unfair, but making crap up.

Oh STFU you pathetic pussy. This is a fucking messageboard, not Jihad central. Christ, Drama queen much?
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
Saying that "Democrats" should get muddy and BLOODY, sounds like an actual physical threat of violence. Careful about crossing a line in these conversations. If a specific threat of violence is indicated towards the president, the Secret Service can be notified and anyone threatening this or any president with physical harm is picked up. Trump only claims unfair when the media is indeed not only unfair, but making crap up.

There has been no threat of violence and trump whines when the media doesn't kiss his ass. Nobody has made up anything about trump. But he's made up a lot of things you guys believe like it's the gospel.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
Saying that "Democrats" should get muddy and BLOODY, sounds like an actual physical threat of violence. Careful about crossing a line in these conversations. If a specific threat of violence is indicated towards the president, the Secret Service can be notified and anyone threatening this or any president with physical harm is picked up. Trump only claims unfair when the media is indeed not only unfair, but making crap up.

There has been no threat of violence and trump whines when the media doesn't kiss his ass. Nobody has made up anything about trump. But he's made up a lot of things you guys believe like it's the gospel.
Hillary was the one having conniptions when the media did not kiss her azz. I remember a debate where after she was caught intimidating one of the moderators for not asking the prescribed Prog derived question for her. Candy Crowley validated it some years ago. She proved what was suspected.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
The only bullies I've been seeing in the streets for the last three years, has been your Fascist Antifa and people harassing Trump supporters by shoving them, knocking hats off them, spitting on them and shooting them. The former Democratic party....currently, the bullies of the 21st century.

You've looked at a bully in the white house. And your trump supporters have beaten people in rallies, threatened lives and tried sending bombs to people. Not to mention mass shootings.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
The only bullies I've been seeing in the streets for the last three years, has been your Fascist Antifa and people harassing Trump supporters by shoving them, knocking hats off them, spitting on them and shooting them. The former Democratic party....currently, the bullies of the 21st century.

You've looked at a bully in the white house. And your trump supporters have beaten people in rallies, threatened lives and tried sending bombs to people. Not to mention mass shootings.

Antifa and others have beaten far more Trump supporters than the other way around. Those articles are posted weekly on the forum.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
The only bullies I've been seeing in the streets for the last three years, has been your Fascist Antifa and people harassing Trump supporters by shoving them, knocking hats off them, spitting on them and shooting them. The former Democratic party....currently, the bullies of the 21st century.

You've looked at a bully in the white house. And your trump supporters have beaten people in rallies, threatened lives and tried sending bombs to people. Not to mention mass shootings.

Antifa and others have beaten far more Trump supporters than the other way around. Those articles are posted weekly on the forum.

Not true. And you guys go looking for anything that makes whites or trump supporters victims.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Where the fuck was your father who was supposed to beat the bully?

Oh right... democrats took the fathers of black people.

What a loser.

In the black community our fathers don't beat up 9 year olds, they teach their 9 year old how to do it.


In the black communities democrats took your fathers. In exchange you gave them the vote, which republicans granted you in the first place.

The thing they say about the IQ of these people... it's true, isn't it?

Wrong. I happen to be black and have lived in the black community. So shut up white boy.

The statistics are the statistics. After you gave the democrat plantation masters control, the single motherhood rate has shot up to 70%.

A population that is easy to control for the slave master. They did the same thing to the white people. Welfare and free shit destroys communities. The people you vote for hate America, especially a dependent idiot like you.
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