F--- Tucker Carlson': Senator and Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth reams out Fox News host over his comments about women in the military

‘Senator Tammy Duckworth slammed Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Twitter after he said pregnant military members are a mockery of the U.S. military.

"F--k Tucker Carlson," Duckworth wrote. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

"Happy belated International Women's Day to everyone but Tucker, who even I can dance better than," the Illinois senator tweeted.’

Spot on – she’s indeed correct.

Duckworth is a moron.

Tucker responded to and destroyed her and the crybabies at the Pentagon:

I clicked on the link and read what she said, and then what he said...what did he say that upset her? I think it's a legit question, are we sending women that are pregnant to fight in wars? Is that really a smart move by the Biden Admin?
Then no, you didn't read everything he said. I suggest you do, before commenting again.

What did I miss that she is so upset about? and why do you think it's a good idea to send pregnant women into combat?
I clicked on the link and read what she said, and then what he said...what did he say that upset her? I think it's a legit question, are we sending women that are pregnant to fight in wars? Is that really a smart move by the Biden Admin?
Then no, you didn't read everything he said. I suggest you do, before commenting again.

What did I miss that she is so upset about? and why do you think it's a good idea to send pregnant women into combat?

If the party is for it, so is he. Whatever the party is for, he is for.
Women in combat, women piloting fighter aircraft, is insanity. When a woman is properly deployed, a pregnancy is only a temporary issue, and not a problem.

Tammy Duckworth is a dick, just like John McCain was. Just because she got herself shot down doesn't make her an expert on anything.

Carlson is right.

Explain your comment. There is no reason why a female person can't pilot fighter aircraft. It just takes training, intelligence, and a certain type of personality.

Explain why you insult people who are wounded while fighting a war for this country. People don't "get themselves shot down." There are ground-fired missiles and no pilot can be expected to know where they are.

It's funny that you right-wingers always emphasize a person's military service as some qualification for running for office, even if the candidate never saw combat. Now you are saying that a person's service in combat doesn't make them an "expert on anything," and call Duckworth and McCain "dicks." Which is it?
The right really hates women. Shit like this is why they will always lose.
Because they don't think it's a great idea to send pregnant women into fighter jets?

Why do you think it's a great idea to send pregnant women off to bomb Syria? I mean have we run out of people that aren't pregnant?

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either

She's got the right idea. Fuck him. Just another alt-right klaxxon spewing misinformation to the willing lemmings with their mouths wide open.
He's trolling and gaslighting all at the same time. Well, at least he can multitask.
Biden and duckworth couldnt be more wrong in thinking that what America needs is more (or any) pregnant combat soldiers
Just kind of missed the entire point, didn't ya? Like...never even came close...
I hit it on the nose

duckworth told carlson to shut up based on his lack of military service

a shortcoming that applies to most of the lib media and democrat party
How is Carlson qualified to say anything, anyway?

Look who's talking.

This moron is not outstanding in any field. I've got more education than he does, and probably a nicer personality, but I don't make the big bucks for making statements on subjects that I know nothing about.

Be honest. You don't care about America. Your only care is the party.

Where do you get this sort of stupidity from. Party-rot is a republican thing nowadays. Of course I care about America; probably more than you do. This is why I helped vote trump out of office. I love democracy and I don't like fascism and authoritarianism at all. I would never support a voter-suppression bill. I wouldn't push a religion on anyone. This is your stuff.
How is Carlson qualified to say anything, anyway?

Look who's talking.

This moron is not outstanding in any field. I've got more education than he does, and probably a nicer personality, but I don't make the big bucks for making statements on subjects that I know nothing about.

Be honest. You don't care about America. Your only care is the party.

Where do you get this sort of stupidity from. Party-rot is a republican thing nowadays. Of course I care about America; probably more than you do. This is why I helped vote trump out of office. I love democracy and I don't like fascism and authoritarianism at all. I would never support a voter-suppression bill. I wouldn't push a religion on anyone. This is your stuff.

Your love, loyalty, and devotion is to the party. You don't give a damn about poor and middle-class Americans, other than yourself, of course. Biden and his policies are a DISASTER for poor and middle-class Americans.

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either
RWers will give Tucker a pass for anything he saws, no matter how sexist racist or otherwise offensive, and Faux will keep him because they have to.

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