F--- Tucker Carlson': Senator and Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth reams out Fox News host over his comments about women in the military

Carlson is another rich white boy who is too good for military service..
What did Tucker say about women in the military???
He was mocking idiocy like maternity flight suits.....Wasn't about the women themselves.
So, if they join the military do they forfeit their rights to start a family, while serving and maybe dying for their country?
If they are heavily pregnant they should not be flying in a cockpit at 500 miles an hours or whatever.
Heavily pregnant women are advised not to even enter a sauna or roller coaster ffs.
When they are finished the maternity leave, they can go back in the cockpit.
The Biden regime just want to be politically correct.
That comes before winning a war, beating Islamic terror or enhancing the vaccine rollout.
P.C politics and fuck all else.
Common sense is lost on these knuckle draggers.
Carlson is another rich white boy who is too good for military service..
What did Tucker say about women in the military???
He was mocking idiocy like maternity flight suits.....Wasn't about the women themselves.
So, if they join the military do they forfeit their rights to start a family, while serving and maybe dying for their country?
If they are heavily pregnant they should not be flying in a cockpit at 500 miles an hours or whatever.
Heavily pregnant women are advised not to even enter a sauna or roller coaster ffs.
When they are finished the maternity leave, they can go back in the cockpit.
The Biden regime just want to be politically correct.
That comes before winning a war, beating Islamic terror or enhancing the vaccine rollout.
P.C politics and fuck all else.
Common sense is lost on these knuckle draggers.
Yeah on you inbreds too..

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either
Without lowering the standards for women in the military, there would be no women in the military. No faggots either. But thank a prog for the bullshit.
How long did you serve? And when?

I see....you never served.

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either

She's got the right idea. Fuck him. Just another alt-right klaxxon spewing misinformation to the willing lemmings with their mouths wide open.
He's trolling and gaslighting all at the same time. Well, at least he can multitask.
Orange cultists aren't missing opportunities to denigrate the military.

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either

She's got the right idea. Fuck him. Just another alt-right klaxxon spewing misinformation to the willing lemmings with their mouths wide open.
He's trolling and gaslighting all at the same time. Well, at least he can multitask.
Orange cultists aren't missing opportunities to denigrate the military.
Nobody is denigrating the military, Butch.

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either

She's got the right idea. Fuck him. Just another alt-right klaxxon spewing misinformation to the willing lemmings with their mouths wide open.
He's trolling and gaslighting all at the same time. Well, at least he can multitask.

Hmm, another lefty who wants to fuck Tucker Carlson...

Stop projecting, Hoss. :)..or hoping....
Tucker's just another windbag troll. He just happens to have a show on Fox.
Women and queers and girl men will be the end of the military.

You're just stupid. The victory over the British in the American Revolution can be attributed to one person, Baron Von Steuben, about as "queer" as it gets. Statements like yours reflect a total ignorance of American history.

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either

They didn't insult female soldiers. Tucker Carlson did. He is skating on thin ice. Why do Republicans constantly attack women?

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either

She's got the right idea. Fuck him. Just another alt-right klaxxon spewing misinformation to the willing lemmings with their mouths wide open.
He's trolling and gaslighting all at the same time. Well, at least he can multitask.

Hmm, another lefty who wants to fuck Tucker Carlson...

Stop projecting, Hoss. :)..or hoping....
Tucker's just another windbag troll. He just happens to have a show on Fox.

You said you want to fuck Tucker Carlson. All I did was point out you have company from several of your fellow leftists here.
I, (unlike others) watched that episode of Tucker.
He said nothing demeaning of women whatsoever.
He was highlighting Biden's ridiculous annoucemnt that the military was told to FOCUS on maternity suits for pregnant fighter pilots and relax regulations on make up and hairstyles..
Yeah, don't focus on China, Iran or the Islamists, focus on that.
That's what Tucker was mocking, and rightly so.
I doubt this dumb bint even watched the show.
If it was so "unimportant" then why did Tucker choose to run with the story??? Just to be a dick?

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either
I saw this guy’s little rant on YouTube. He said nothing that addressed the issues Carlson brought up, all he did was say he served in the military thus he knows what’s best and that just makes Tucker wrong.

Well I served in the military too and Tucker was right.

F--- Tucker Carlson," Duckworth, who is an Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tweeted. "While he was practicing his two-step, America's female warriors were hunting down Al Qaeda and proving the strength of America's women."

I think duckworth is on thin ice here

there are plenty of lib snowflakes in the news media who never served in the military either
I saw this guy’s little rant on YouTube. He said nothing that addressed the issues Carlson brought up, all he did was say he served in the military thus he knows what’s best and that just makes Tucker wrong.

Well I served in the military too and Tucker was right.
Yup, almost 1 million views on Tuckers segment and just 900 dislikes.
Carlson insulted the loyal members of our military who have the courage to serve when he doesn't and who defend his sorry ass. He also insulted members of my family, for which I would be tempted to beat the living shit out of him. He needs to learn respect.

He needs to get a grip. It may come as a surprise to him, but when a couple starts a pregnancy, it's the female who carries the "football."
He was making fun of foolish policy not the female personnel, you bloody chowderhead.

But the policy is was making fun of is not foolish. Carlson is just being a disrespectful idiot.

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