FAA Stop Fox Drone From Recording Thousands of Immigrants Under a Bridge?

guy wants to control everything.

If there's one thing Democrats can't tolerate, it's truth.

What is the legal basis for this ban?
Would you adopt a family from Hatie there please? Show us how you approve of this

Let them live in your home and train them in our culture for a year. You would do that to prove to the board this is ok
Are you advertising for Haitian relief? I am not big on sudden unplanned contributions, just because some advocate or paid agent throws an appeal, out of the blue. If they are there, they can stay under the bridge and wait to deal with the Border patrol and the Department of immigration and naturalization.
I would just as soon not be solicited on the board, if you don't mind.
Texas DPS chopper let Fox film from above today. Hee-hee!
Haitian illegals are currently jumping our border like a stream of ants. They expect another 10,000 shortly on top of the 11,000 already here!!
They've always been on the ground, but like I said, it has a different impact when you see if from the sky. Show me footage of 10,000 people from a camera on the ground, and you don't know if there are 500 people there or 100,000. Show the view from the sky, and you get a good idea of what kind of problems we are dealing with.
CNN is going in the background as I type. The had helicopter footage. Does that count? Or is your complaint, that allowing a helicopter with licensed pilot, insurance and all the rest, crosses an economic threshold that cuts out the poor independent news jobber.
Do you have any problem with the apparent attempt by the government to prevent aerial footage of Quid Pro's Disaster being shown? That's really the best way to show the magnitude of his mistake, after all.
They didn't prevent the helicopter footage on CNN, just on. Do you own stock in drone ware?
We have no Southern border. This officially qualifies as an invasion.

Thanks, Pedo Joe
CNN is going in the background as I type. The had helicopter footage. Does that count? Or is your complaint, that allowing a helicopter with licensed pilot, insurance and all the rest, crosses an economic threshold that cuts out the poor independent news jobber.

There is no independent news anything. These are reporters from Fox news, the largest news outlet on cable television, who have well trained people operating those drones with government licensing to do so.

Your CNN story only proves how the commies are using their power in using government agencies to target what they consider their political enemies, and I appreciate that.
Texas DPS chopper let Fox film from above today. Hee-hee!
Haitian illegals are currently jumping our border like a stream of ants. They expect another 10,000 shortly on top of the 11,000 already here!!

And they won't stop until we get smart enough voters to see what's going on in our country to vote them out.
Well be sure to let us know when it does. From what I have read, border patrol requested the FAA do it. Nothing prevents Fox News from getting FAA approval during those two weeks or filming under that bridge from the ground.

Why would the FAA give approval for them to fly the drone when it was Fox they wanted to stop? And the story of the BP making that request is suspicious and unconfirmed by the BP. If the BP had a problem with it, they could have contacted Fox directly and they would have happily honored the request.
This problem can be easily solved by evenly dividing the horde of illegal aliens and between Biden, Pelosi and Schumer and building housing for them next to their homes.

Just read a local news article today how Dementia is shipping hundreds of Afghan refugees to our city.
Those staying under that bridge are not in US custody. They are not entitled to lawyers, or aid. They aren't getting medical care. They get no protection from the predators among them. They don't even get a mylar blanket. They think if they stay there the government will help them. When they give up. That's when the fireworks start.
What happened to the constitutional freedom of the Press?

It's why they had one of their federal agencies do it instead of Congress. It's issued for two weeks because they figure that's how long it will take to get those vagrants out from under that bridge.

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