FAA Stop Fox Drone From Recording Thousands of Immigrants Under a Bridge?

So what happens now. The reporters have to get out of their air-conditioned cars on the bridge to photograph/film the people on the Mexican side down below, being kept back by a small fence and some troops or border patrol guys. How horrible. They could be filming from a Starbucks sipping lattes, controlling their drones on laptops.
Do you have any problem with the apparent attempt by the government to prevent aerial footage of Quid Pro's Disaster being shown? That's really the best way to show the magnitude of his mistake, after all.
What are the democrats hiding?

They'd like to minimize the exposure of this epic fail:

guy wants to control everything.

He's desperately trying to cover up the MASSIVE human rights disaster he created at the border.

When fascists like Biden start banning even friendly media, you know it's bad.
He's desperately trying to cover up the MASSIVE human rights disaster he created at the border.

When fascists like Biden start banning even friendly media, you know it's bad.
They knew what was going to happen. They have more voters now. Even if it slows down. Just like the Afghanistan people coming here. We are finished. Whether quickly or a slow destruction.
Straight out of the Third Reich playbook.

Adolf Biden shuts down ALL media access to the humanitarian crisis he created at the border.

At least 10,000 illegals are now packed into a concentration camp without bathroom or shower facilities, no clean drinking water, no beds, and no access to humanitarian lawyers or aid workers.

After Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin and his crew showed Biden's border crisis reaching catastrophic levels this week, with 10,000 illegal immigrants waiting under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, the Federal Aviation Administration shut down their ability to continue capturing footage of the disaster with a drone.

"The timing on this, the location a little bit curious. I just want to point out Fox News has been at the border for the better part of seven months now. We've been using the drone the entire time. It's never been an issue. All of the sudden the last 24 hours we start showing these images at this bridge and a TFR [Temporary Flight Restriction] goes up. We can no longer fly," Melugin told anchor Tucker Carlson Thursday night. "Unfortunately for those agents on the ground, they're completely overwhelmed."

Straight up censorship coming directly from the government. Lefties will STILL defend censorship, even when it is coming straight from the government.
He's trying to hide the 10,000 Haitians that have jumped our border with tons more to come as the Haitians got the word out that Bi-Dung IS NOT going to deport them to Haiti by flying them back.
Look at this lying sack of shit.

Go to the 45 second mark of the video.


So the numbers DROPPED in the summer? Is that what happened JOE?

The number of “border encounters” in August 2021 was 208,887, which is up 106% since February, and up 317% compared to one year ago, Roberts posted, citing U.S. Customs and Border Protection stats.

“I was just on the border & I’ve never seen it remotely this bad,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, noted in a retweet of Roberts’ post.

“Last month was a 317% increase in illegal aliens apprehended from August 2020. Over 1,200,000 illegal aliens apprehended since Biden and Harris took office. Biden & Harris caused this,” he added.

“Additionally, the 208,887 number for August represents a 317% increase over last August 2020 which saw 50,014 encounters — and a 233% increase over August 2019, where there were 62,707 amid that year’s border crisis,” Fox News reported on its website.


and you brain dead left wing communist cucks slurped it up.
He sure doesn't want we Americans to see the mess he's made of our border. A border Trump had handled quite well.

He's let another million illegals into our country and has had them bussed and flown all over. Mans a raving lunatic.

Anyone who voted for him is regretting that vote if they have a working brain cell.
Melugin writes “We’ve learned that the FAA just implemented a two week TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX, meaning we can no longer fly our FOX drone over it to show images of the thousands of migrants. FAA says “special security reason”.”

He adds that Fox News “has been covering the border nonstop for almost 7 months now, we use the drone constantly, and it has never been an issue. We have reached out to the FAA to ask for clarification on why this TFR was implemented. We haven’t heard back yet. Will update if/when we do.”

Yeah, there’s nothing suspicious about this at all. Maybe I’m just too skeptical and there really is some legitimate security issue that they will elaborate on…or not. But given the media attention that Melugin’s photos and reporting are getting, it sounds extremely convenient for the Biden administration to restrict the air space over the bridge, especially for drones.

Reporting something and actually seeing it have different impacts on the public. Read about it and you say "yeah, yeah, yeah" but when you actually see it on television, you say Holy Shit!

At this point we are used to Democrats using federal agencies to do it's political bidding, and this is just one more in the mix. It's a constitutional violation of freedom of the press using the excuse it's a security issue. Security issue? How is showing a bunch of third-worlders under a bridge A security issue; to whom?

The real security issue is to Americans, and that's what they really don't want you to see. Communists!

Our Country is done, finished, toast Ray!!
Xiden once again is restricting the press from covering his humanitarian crisis on the border
Well unless you get caught without the proper papers....I know a guy who likes to track down casual hire drone folks and snitch on them as he doesn't want the competition for his side business.
So?....Fox could always claim that they got the aerial video from a private source, then invoke the 1st Amendment.

The edict is pretty much unenforceable.
So?....Fox could always claim that they got the aerial video from a private source, then invoke the 1st Amendment.

The edict is pretty much unenforceable.

It isn't an edict and the FAA creating a minimum altitude requirement over crowds is no different than their LSALT requirements for other aircraft that have been in place for eons that have the generic "undue hazard" catch all even beyond that statutory minimums.

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