FAA Stop Fox Drone From Recording Thousands of Immigrants Under a Bridge?

Hang on sloopy
The whole mess is a disaster for we American tax payers. Bidung is flaming idiot.
In 8 months he has proven that these leftist idiots are fools. About a 3rd who voted for him regret it....in 8 mos.........BAWWWHAHA

He is sinking faster than a Mikey Moore turd

Now Durham is starting his rampage and it starts with a top Shillary the witch operative
In 8 months he has proven that these leftist idiots are fools. About a 3rd who voted for him regret it....in 8 mos.........BAWWWHAHA

He is sinking faster than a Mikey Moore turd

Now Durham is starting his rampage and it starts with a top Shillary the witch operative

He must be making a good buck because Durham will be still working on the case when Trump makes a run for it in 2024. No matter how much the country hates Biden now, Americans have short memories. It's what's taking place in 2022 and 2024 that count.
guy wants to control everything.

Straight out of the Third Reich playbook.

Adolf Biden shuts down ALL media access to the humanitarian crisis he created at the border.

At least 10,000 illegals are now packed into a concentration camp without bathroom or shower facilities, no clean drinking water, no beds, and no access to humanitarian lawyers or aid workers.

After Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin and his crew showed Biden's border crisis reaching catastrophic levels this week, with 10,000 illegal immigrants waiting under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, the Federal Aviation Administration shut down their ability to continue capturing footage of the disaster with a drone.

"The timing on this, the location a little bit curious. I just want to point out Fox News has been at the border for the better part of seven months now. We've been using the drone the entire time. It's never been an issue. All of the sudden the last 24 hours we start showing these images at this bridge and a TFR [Temporary Flight Restriction] goes up. We can no longer fly," Melugin told anchor Tucker Carlson Thursday night. "Unfortunately for those agents on the ground, they're completely overwhelmed."


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