FAA Stop Fox Drone From Recording Thousands of Immigrants Under a Bridge?

Those staying under that bridge are not in US custody. They are not entitled to lawyers, or aid. They aren't getting medical care. They get no protection from the predators among them. They don't even get a mylar blanket. They think if they stay there the government will help them. When they give up. That's when the fireworks start.

They're waiting to be processed. Except Border Patrol is totally overwhelmed.
Those staying under that bridge are not in US custody. They are not entitled to lawyers, or aid. They aren't getting medical care. They get no protection from the predators among them. They don't even get a mylar blanket. They think if they stay there the government will help them. When they give up. That's when the fireworks start.

The reason they're under that bridge is because the BP has nowhere to put them. Biden has stuffed so many illegals in this country all facilities are packed beyond maximum.
Melugin writes “We’ve learned that the FAA just implemented a two week TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX, meaning we can no longer fly our FOX drone over it to show images of the thousands of migrants. FAA says “special security reason”.”

He adds that Fox News “has been covering the border nonstop for almost 7 months now, we use the drone constantly, and it has never been an issue. We have reached out to the FAA to ask for clarification on why this TFR was implemented. We haven’t heard back yet. Will update if/when we do.”

Yeah, there’s nothing suspicious about this at all. Maybe I’m just too skeptical and there really is some legitimate security issue that they will elaborate on…or not. But given the media attention that Melugin’s photos and reporting are getting, it sounds extremely convenient for the Biden administration to restrict the air space over the bridge, especially for drones.

Reporting something and actually seeing it have different impacts on the public. Read about it and you say "yeah, yeah, yeah" but when you actually see it on television, you say Holy Shit!

At this point we are used to Democrats using federal agencies to do it's political bidding, and this is just one more in the mix. It's a constitutional violation of freedom of the press using the excuse it's a security issue. Security issue? How is showing a bunch of third-worlders under a bridge A security issue; to whom?

The real security issue is to Americans, and that's what they really don't want you to see. Communists!
this is NAZI shit!!! stopping free press!!!!!!!!
Those staying under that bridge are not in US custody. They are not entitled to lawyers, or aid. They aren't getting medical care. They get no protection from the predators among them. They don't even get a mylar blanket. They think if they stay there the government will help them. When they give up. That's when the fireworks start.
Nope. In Biden's America as soon as they hit this side of the river they are automatically placed above Americans
There is no independent news anything. These are reporters from Fox news, the largest news outlet on cable television, who have well trained people operating those drones with government licensing to do so.

Your CNN story only proves how the commies are using their power in using government agencies to target what they consider their political enemies, and I appreciate that.
That's a lot of people under that bridge. Not surprising they prefer piloted, marked aircraft with known license credentials. Not like it is new. We have all seen helicopter footage of news worthy events from floods, to riots, to shootouts. Maybe we get different TV news than you. Sounds like you are making a big deal out of nothing.
Meanwhile....: Biden seizes life saving monoclonal antibody treatment against Covid-19 from Florida and Texas.
Straight out of the Third Reich playbook.

Adolf Biden shuts down ALL media access to the humanitarian crisis he created at the border.

At least 10,000 illegals are now packed into a concentration camp without bathroom or shower facilities, no clean drinking water, no beds, and no access to humanitarian lawyers or aid workers.

After Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin and his crew showed Biden's border crisis reaching catastrophic levels this week, with 10,000 illegal immigrants waiting under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, the Federal Aviation Administration shut down their ability to continue capturing footage of the disaster with a drone.

"The timing on this, the location a little bit curious. I just want to point out Fox News has been at the border for the better part of seven months now. We've been using the drone the entire time. It's never been an issue. All of the sudden the last 24 hours we start showing these images at this bridge and a TFR [Temporary Flight Restriction] goes up. We can no longer fly," Melugin told anchor Tucker Carlson Thursday night. "Unfortunately for those agents on the ground, they're completely overwhelmed."

So none of these drone pilots ever here of a telephoto lens on a drone?
So let me get this straight, Biden does not want drones monitoring the conduct of illegal immigration but only wants them to monitory law abiding US citizens?

Understood, not surprised, but understood.
Not only that he wants people to carry Nazi Papers to prove they are vaccinated.

Watching it now.

Texas giving Pedo Joe the middle finger again. :auiqs.jpg:

Things just got worse at the border.


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